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moose eater

Well-known member
Then why would you bother to type a response to me?
I sense projection / accusation in a mirror from you.
If I might interject, Genghis, I think you might have misinterpreted PetePrice's comment.

It was my understanding in reading his reply, that he was referencing the various players in Gaza, etc. as not giving a rat's ass what anyone else wants. And I would assert further, that Israel has used extortionist language in the past where even support from the US gov. is concerned.

That was me trying to be a fair-minded referee.

And yes, more people need to be informed, and perhaps active, where the plight of Palestine is concerned.

Some time I may share more stories, having yet another more immediate neighbor, now retired, who previously worked a very highly skilled technical job for a major corp., which also happens to be a major player with DoD contracts, though my more immediate neighbor flies the political affiliation of 'Progressive,' and his job years ago sometimes involved uncanny timing for major events and his whereabouts, to the extent I sometimes wondered if he didn't have a secondary employer that was maybe less spoken of.

He was in Turkey the day and night before GW's Shock & Awe began, and was in Panama immediately after, or even overlapping in time with US Special Forces and CIA tidying up Noriega's files in his office, presumably to avoid embarrassing info., perhaps having to do with the fabled drugs for guns during Reagan's Iran-Contra period.

At one point my more immediate neighbor was in Israel. He reported that there was a film crew there doing a documentary re. Palestine, which had the crew traveling daily into the West Bank/Gaza.

The nature of the documentary was not the sort that was sympathetic or flattering to Israel's version of Apartheid, and my neighbor stated that one particular ranking CO at the crossing the crew used had taken a special dislike to the Director, for somewhat obvious reasons; drawing international attention to the crimes against humanity carried out there on a daily basis.

My neighbor reported that one day that specific, peeved CO shot the Director in the head.

I wasn't there, but the neighbor in reference is no flake, and I've never known him to fabricate.

Now look at the barriers faced by Rachel Corrie's family in their pursuit of justice for the IDF bulldozing their daughter. And if you do even limited research into that 'trail of tears', be ready to be stunned, and to give your eyes plenty of 'rolling exercise.'

There's also more to the story of the 85-year-old Palestinian woman referenced by Rob Mulford in his Guest Opinion piece I posted numerous pages ago, my more distant neighbor, involving the risks a Palestinian takes, should they enter an automobile and drive even seemingly toward a check point at the Israeli fences. Even if they're just an aging octogenarian in need of hospital treatment.

There's no doubt in my mind that Israel is a Zionist Fascist government, and for a long time now... Protected at the UN by the United States' veto authority on the UN Security Council.

But it's FAR from the first time the US has supported scumbag governments for various benefits... The Shaw of Iran, Pinochet, Samosa, Baby Doc, and many more... 'Dealing with the Devil.'

Carry on...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
And Athabascan Interior Alaska Natives once lived on the lands others now own.

I know of no deeds signed or certified by anyone referenced as 'God'. Though I can see how that might be a nifty and powerful mouse to carry in one's pocket.

It really depends on who told you to read which book, from what I can tell.

moose eater

Well-known member
It really depends on who told you to read which book, from what I can tell.
I think that's why there's typically such a well-defined line between the binding authority of legal documents and religious documents. Not only is the one typically better defined, but more parties tend to subscribe to the binding nature of legal decisions than a limited sect saying, "My omnipotent gaseous Being said you'd better do X, Y and/or Z"

My Irish ancestors had their farms seized, crops and homes burned, wives and daughters raped, and sons and husbands murdered by the King way back when, and I still regard those infractions and occurrences committed by the Crown as serious.

But try as one might, the Crown isn't apt to boot some British descendants from their homes and offer me and mine 40 acres and a mule..... Let alone someone else's 40 acres and mule.

Time frame and provable entities with standing matter a bunch, and I've yet to see too many courts offer standing to the deities of one or another mystical Beings.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I think that's why there's typically such a well-defined line between the binding authority of legal documents and religious documents. Not only is the one typically better defined, but more parties tend to subscribe to the binding nature of legal decisions than a limited sect saying, "My omnipotent gaseous Being said you'd better do X, Y and/or Z"

My Irish ancestors had their farms seized, crops and homes burned, wives and daughters raped, and sons and husbands murdered by the King way back when, and I still regard those infractions and occurrences committed by the Crown as serious.

But try as one might, the Crown isn't apt to boot some British descendants from their homes and offer me and mine 40 acres and a mule..... Let alone someone else's 40 acres and mule.

Time frame and provable entities with standing matter a bunch, and I've yet to see too many courts offer standing to the deities of one or another mystical Beings.

I don't think that religion trumps law by any means.

I just see how folks try to justify atrocities.

moose eater

Well-known member
I don't think that religion trumps law by any means.

I just see how folks try to justify atrocities.
Sometimes violence is more than understandable.

International law and the UN both say the settlements are illegal. The US continues to shield Israel from their legal consequences at the UN while Israel commits further genocidal atrocities with the righteous indignation of any spoiled pre-adolescent.

Where do you think that energy is going to vent itself?

I'd again point to my earlier analogy, and ask, if your neighbor repeatedly encroached on your legally defined boundaries, harming your family in numerous ways with each incursion's violations, and presenting openly that you and yours are sub-human, thus deserving of no justice, how would you express the built-up sense of injustice?

If a menacing bear continues to tread into my homestead and cause havoc or endanger my family's well-being, I'm very apt to take its life.


Well-known member
4k dead palestinian children isn't enough for him

View attachment 18915242
Its almost as if people cant accept that USA is a melting pot and also a free country with freedom of speech in place.

Typical to paint everyone that remotely disagrees with this conflict as an extremist. I don't know much of the exact views of these folks but I imagine their discourse on the conflict are on a scale.

Glad that state department memo was leaked, it shows not everyone on the inside tows the line of the administration.

It's moments like these that let us know that Democrat vs Republican doesn't really matter, in times of war its who is a bought and sold warmonger and who is not.
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Well-known member
Its almost as if people cant accept that USA is a melting pot and also a free country with freedom of speech in place.

Typical to paint everyone that remotely disagrees with this conflict as an extremist. I don't know much of the exact views of these folks but I imagine their discourse on the conflict are on a scale.

Glad that state department memo was leaked, it shows not everyone on the inside tows the line of the administration.

It's moments like these that let us know that Democrat vs Republican doesn't really matter, in times of war its who is a bought and sold warmonger and who is not.
War always passes with a bipartisan vote, as does anything taking away our rights. It really is the purple uniparty when it comes to tyranny and death.


Well-known member
Its almost as if people cant accept that USA is a melting pot and also a free country with freedom of speech in place.

Typical to paint everyone that remotely disagrees with this conflict as an extremist. I don't know much of the exact views of these folks but I imagine their discourse on the conflict are on a scale.

Glad that state department memo was leaked, it shows not everyone on the inside tows the line of the administration.

It's moments like these that let us know that Democrat vs Republican doesn't really matter, in times of war its who is a bought and sold warmonger and who is not.
They are paid by Israel to say that shit. Aipac is the largest lobbying group in the country. You practically have to pledge fealty to Israel in order to become a US politician.


Well-known member
They are paid by Israel to say that shit. Aipac is the largest lobbying group in the country. You practically have to pledge fealty to Israel in order to become a US politician.
I never understood the way a lot of Americans, or Christians in general feel about Jews.

I’m indifferent myself, people are people to me.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
doesn't matter if they're jews or not. the country is doing evil reprehensible shit that violates international law. there's no defending this situation nor does it make you anti-semitic for pointing this out.
Arn't the Palastinians populated by far more true 'Semites' than the Israeli's? - who seem to mostly come from Khazarian origins - and so are of eastern European Caucasian decent - making it look like the Israeli's are the antisemites - since they are at war with - and are in the process of exterminating many more thousands of semetic Palastinians - aided and abetted by our own governments -

- You could just look at it all as just another religious war - I suppose? - or the latest installment of the ages old bloody battle between Muslim and Jew (I'm sure many Christians will die too ) - all a useless waste of life and resources - to most all people - but made to look respectable and 'the right thing to do' by the legacy media - who profit from stiring up nations enough to justify genocidal aims and ambitions -

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I'd again point to my earlier analogy, and ask, if your neighbor repeatedly encroached on your legally defined boundaries, harming your family in numerous ways with each incursion's violations, and presenting openly that you and yours are sub-human, thus deserving of no justice, how would you express the built-up sense of injustice?

If a menacing bear continues to tread into my homestead and cause havoc or endanger my family's well-being, I'm very apt to take its life.

I'd think that as long as you can equate a human to a bear then you will likely have a problem understanding my viewpoint.

I have a belief that humans are human and we can find common ground.

I also think that today's general issue human is becoming less attuned to understanding, but rather simply violent by nature (like a bear).

It's as if walking away is too damaging to pride....

I don't care if I have to move to live....

As a matter of fact, the more I interact with folks, the more I think I should move so that I may live.

moose eater

Well-known member
I'd think that as long as you can equate a human to a bear then you will likely have a problem understanding my viewpoint.

I have a belief that humans are human and we can find common ground.

I also think that today's general issue human is becoming less attuned to understanding, but rather simply violent by nature (like a bear)

It's as if walking away is too damaging to pride....

I don't care if I have to move to live....

As a matter of fact, the more I interact with folks, the more I think I should move so that I may live.
All 'God's creatures' react, often violently, to encroachment... And in Gaza a person needs permission to travel.

There's not much room for pride as a necessity in that, and indignation at being treated like an animal is not nearly as abhorrent as it seems to some.

Had your children been purposefully targeted by armor for throwing rocks, or kept from medical treatment that was a matter of life or death, or your grandmother injured while being physically tossed from her own home by 'people' who willfully violate international law by virtue of opportunistic and dogma-based protection from a twisted Super Power, I'd wager pretty heavily that you would exhibit some tendencies toward justified violence.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
If I might interject, Genghis, I think you might have misinterpreted PetePrice's comment.

It was my understanding in reading his reply, that he was referencing the various players in Gaza, etc. as not giving a rat's ass what anyone else wants. And I would assert further, that Israel has used extortionist language in the past where even support from the US gov. is concerned.

That was me trying to be a fair-minded referee.

And yes, more people need to be informed, and perhaps active, where the plight of Palestine is concerned.

Some time I may share more stories, having yet another more immediate neighbor, now retired, who previously worked a very highly skilled technical job for a major corp., which also happens to be a major player with DoD contracts, though my more immediate neighbor flies the political affiliation of 'Progressive,' and his job years ago sometimes involved uncanny timing for major events and his whereabouts, to the extent I sometimes wondered if he didn't have a secondary employer that was maybe less spoken of.

He was in Turkey the day and night before GW's Shock & Awe began, and was in Panama immediately after, or even overlapping in time with US Special Forces and CIA tidying up Noriega's files in his office, presumably to avoid embarrassing info., perhaps having to do with the fabled drugs for guns during Reagan's Iran-Contra period.

At one point my more immediate neighbor was in Israel. He reported that there was a film crew there doing a documentary re. Palestine, which had the crew traveling daily into the West Bank/Gaza.

The nature of the documentary was not the sort that was sympathetic or flattering to Israel's version of Apartheid, and my neighbor stated that one particular ranking CO at the crossing the crew used had taken a special dislike to the Director, for somewhat obvious reasons; drawing international attention to the crimes against humanity carried out there on a daily basis.

My neighbor reported that one day that specific, peeved CO shot the Director in the head.

I wasn't there, but the neighbor in reference is no flake, and I've never known him to fabricate.

Now look at the barriers faced by Rachel Corrie's family in their pursuit of justice for the IDF bulldozing their daughter. And if you do even limited research into that 'trail of tears', be ready to be stunned, and to give your eyes plenty of 'rolling exercise.'

There's also more to the story of the 85-year-old Palestinian woman referenced by Rob Mulford in his Guest Opinion piece I posted numerous pages ago, my more distant neighbor, involving the risks a Palestinian takes, should they enter an automobile and drive even seemingly toward a check point at the Israeli fences. Even if they're just an aging octogenarian in need of hospital treatment.

There's no doubt in my mind that Israel is a Zionist Fascist government, and for a long time now... Protected at the UN by the United States' veto authority on the UN Security Council.

But it's FAR from the first time the US has supported scumbag governments for various benefits... The Shaw of Iran, Pinochet, Samosa, Baby Doc, and many more... 'Dealing with the Devil.'

Carry on...
First rule of Foreign Policy is remove humanity. It is strictly about power.

That's why "those guys" allies are only willing to give them just enough weapons and ammo to be a pain in the ass to Israel, not actually defeat Israel. Their sole goal is to keep Israel from attaining more power in the region.