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Well-known member

Damn. She might as well wear the shirt.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Yes, hitting soft targets intentionally is bad news.

Israel has been knowingly hitting soft targets for decades, including using armor and machineguns on 8-year-old kids who threw stones at the Israeli armor.... as though the soldiers in the tanks or the tanks themselves were vulnerable to an 8-year-old tossing a rock.

The day after Doctors Without Borders gave their GPS coordinates of their hospital in Kabul to US Armed Forces, specifically so they wouldn't be fired upon, their hospital was 'accidentally' struck with US missiles. I'm sure it was mere coincidence and had nothing to do with the fact that DWB treats anyone who comes through their doors, as long as they leave any weapons at the entrance. <sarcasm>.

There is a historical aggressor in this decades-long skirmish, and it comes from the folks we, the United States, fund and arm so heavily, who we then turn a blind eye for their heinous and illegal transgressions.

If your neighbor came to your property, harmed your family members, and stole property/commandeered your home on a regular basis, shooting you and yours down routinely when you objected, including killing civilians in your family on the regular, how long would you wait to lock and load?

Me? About 10 seconds. No.. not even that long. Especially if I already knew that the proverbial or metaphorical cops wouldn't do anything about it and would even interfere in my making a formal complaint.

There can be no diplomatic solution as long as the US blocks International Law sanctions against Israel at the UN.

Good ole Marvin


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Yeah, I thought that was a very contradictory post. I don't get the 'these people' reference either, 'those people' are no different than 'us people'. It's like taking a clone of mine to your tent then calling it something different, it's only different in your mind, in the end it's still weed...
Well, not all people are religious nuts who believe in the fantasy of a caring supreme god and/or are patriot zealots and follow the associated dogma/propaganda. It is unfortunate that such limited weak thinkers comprise the main activities of humanity and its effects upon the world. Such people are the world leaders and thus we have wars to the delight of the weapons manufacturers who go to church on Sundays.


Well-known member
There are always exceptions. But there is a reason these people have been fighting for generations.

Leaders don’t cause wars. The support of citizens is required. Every American that didn’t march on Washington to stop bush from killing millions has blood on their hands.
I did march back then but don't feel too vindicated given the result. The Vietnam War wasn't very popular, a whole bunch of people dissented and vocalized their objection to it. It didn't stop the powers that be from conscripting peoples' sons and sending them into the jungle though.


Well-known member
What's their alternative though? Just as bad if not worse. Biden can't save face though, you can't cater to both sides here. He is trying to launch some campaign to counter Islamophobia and no one is showing up because for Arabs that effort is not comparable with backing Israel in this conflict.





Well-known member
What is the opinion of Hamas strategically locating their bases below hospitals and other refugee centers?

What seems that will happen is Israel will kill as many Gazans to get to Hamas as needed. If Hamas had any dignity they would crawl out of the ground to spare more bloodshed.

Neither side gives a crap about the civilians.


Well-known member


I think you misunderstood me. I'm saying Biden is trying to walk that line of catering to both sides and it is impossible for him to do so. I'm not saying that anyone should be overlooked.

Perhaps I didn't word it well. I meant, Biden can't please both parties at once as neither party is satisfied with half measures and not the full support. We all know where the US officially stands, and I do not agree with it.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Neither side gives a crap about the civilians.
And that's the fucking problem when one of the two sides committing atrocities is supposedly an ally.

When your buddy is kicking the crap out of a drunk in the street, you're supposed to be the voice of reason and stop your friend from killing the drunk. Not let him keep going while shrugging your shoulders and saying, "What are you gonna do?"


Well-known member
And that's the fucking problem when one of the two sides committing atrocities is supposedly an ally.

When your buddy is kicking the crap out of a drunk in the street, you're supposed to be the voice of reason and stop your friend from killing the drunk. Not let him keep going while shrugging your shoulders and saying, "What are you gonna do?"
Unfortunately that buddy probably has a lot of dirt on the US and neither the US or the buddy have much integrity in all reality. The US will probably try to come up with some story of why the drunk deserved to be beaten to death and sell that to the world.


Active member
The people are afraid to rise up. Majority rule by a small minority is called cooperation.
Again bollocks, if we are taking North Korea as an example they are repressed there's no cooperation going on whatsoever. How do you propose they rise up against this "cooperation" with no weapons? Perhaps they should just ask for some...

moose eater

Well-known member
There are always exceptions. But there is a reason these people have been fighting for generations.

Leaders don’t cause wars. The support of citizens is required. Every American that didn’t march on Washington to stop bush from killing millions has blood on their hands.
I'm curious as to how my acquaintances and I are so prone to encountering these 'exceptions', and others like yourself are so prone to encountering the negative side consisting of blood-thirsty monsters?

The night before the illegal invasion of Iraq, which was based upon fabricated 'evidence' and which should have seen GW and crew imprisoned for life w/o parole as mass murderers and traitors to their own Country, there was an estimated 1.5 to 2 million people in the streets of London, and 2/3 to 3/4 of that number being trampled by NYPD horse cops in NYC. A tremendous showing of opposition to the Clown in Chief's personal and illegal agenda.

Yes, many of us marched, and some of us went to Manhattan a number of years later to protest the other head of that snake, Wall St. The money pit that drives all wars and many other dastardly things, whether it be the War On (Some) Drugs, or the other military wars

But neither the NYC and other related US peace actions, or the same in the UK and around the world, brought an end to the nonsense brought about by GW.

(*I could tell some accurate tales, btw, of GW's antics as a gopher for Alaska International Aeronautics, and their links to the CIA during and after the building of the pipeline in Alaska. To a lesser degree, Air America 2.0).

GW was just a young ignorant coke head with lofty connections in his family at the time and his Daddy had shuffled him out of the way by getting him a job up here in Fairbanks, likely to diminish his aptitude for causing embarrassing moments, for a company whose jackets once read, "We'll Fly Anything, Anywhere, For a Price." and "Don't Jerk It, Herc it" <I bought coke from one of their C-130 co-pilots and worked for the Forest Circus in SE Alaska with the son of another pilot of theirs who ended up spending some time in a maximum-security prison in the UK re. a bust involving a boatload of hashish>

We haven't had a truly representative government since money became the most powerful variable in US pseudo-elections...

On that note, I'm off to the clinic. Seems we've reached a T-intersection in healthcare in my case.... Maybe.
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