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Well-known member
What is the opinion of Hamas strategically locating their bases below hospitals and other refugee centers?

What seems that will happen is Israel will kill as many Gazans to get to Hamas as needed. If Hamas had any dignity they would crawl out of the ground to spare more bloodshed.

Neither side gives a crap about the civilians.
My opinion is that Israel are liars and have been caught lying about everything.. Beheaded babies, staged hospital photos of blood soaked coloring books, telling gazans to evacuate south then bombed the evac route, lied about bombing hospitals, Pallywood, lied about murdering Shireen abu Akleh and other journalists. Israel has killed more children in a WEEK than Russia & Ukraine has in a year COMBINED

Every person they kill probably creates 10 new Hamas members and the fascist Israeli govt knows this just as the US knew the blowback implications of our own foreign policy. They made any outcome other than ethnic cleansing impossible because they want a Jewish ethnostate.
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Active member
The very first thing you need to know about the International Game of Foreign Policy is remove all humanity and feeling. It is strictly about power.

and profit, always a bit of profit -



from the future

Maintaining Western domination now trumps Palestinian lives​

by Thierry meyssan

We helplessly watch the massacre of the population of Gaza. Already 8000 dead! Western powers have abandoned civilians to their fate. They are only concerned with maintaining their domination over the world. What is now at stake in Gaza is no longer the Palestinian question, but the international order. After the defeat of NATO in Ukraine, that of Israel in Gaza would mark the end of a world.

Never in three-quarters of a century have we been so ready for general confrontation.

The slaughter​

The Israeli Air Force continues to bomb Gaza City in retaliation for the attack by the United Palestinian Resistance (except Fatah) on October 7. Bombs fell throughout the city, killing residents by the thousands. According to a survey1 carried out in June 2022 by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, only 34% of Palestinians would vote for Hamas compared to 31% for Fatah if legislative elections took place. Two-thirds of the victims of Israeli bombings are therefore hostile to Hamas. At the same time, 71% support the armed struggle against the Israeli occupation. From this point of view, 56% prefer Ismail Haniyeh (Hamas) to Mahmoud Abbas (Fatah).

Israel cannot therefore claim to eradicate Hamas in this way, but only to eliminate the population of Gaza who resist it.

The expulsion of the Gazouis​

Three-quarters of the Israeli army is still stationed in front of the Separation Wall, waiting for the order to cross it to finish off the survivors of the bombings. Officially, the United States hopes to avoid a massacre by encouraging Israel to show moderation. In reality, Washington knows that this operation was not initially directed against Hamas, but aimed to resolve the Palestinian question by expelling its entire population. Also the State Department, anxious to avoid a genocide, offered Egypt to cancel its entire foreign debt ($135 billion) if it accommodated and naturalized the 2,2 million Gazans.

For the moment Marshal Al-Sissi refuses. Cairo is sticking to the Arab League resolution which, after the Six-Day War, asserted that displacing Palestinians and naturalizing them was nothing more than a falsely compassionate move to liquidate the Palestinian cause.

During his hearing by the Knesset, General Yitzhak Brik outlined
a catastrophic assessment of the capabilities of the Israeli army.

The weakness of the Israeli army​

Since the start of this war, or rather this episode of a long war, the Israelis have realized the current weakness of their armies. Since 2015, the specialized press has been discussing the decadence of the IDF, but it was only in 2018 that the political class became aware of it. At the time, the Knesset (Parliament) interviewed General Yitzhak Brik. He explained to the stunned deputies that soldiers had lost the idea of defending the country, that officers did not hesitate to lie to cover themselves in the event of a problem and that generals had political and not military careers. Five years later, not only has nothing changed, but everything has gotten worse.

The Israeli press is returning these days to the declarations of General Yitzhak Brik according to which the Israelis would be forced to defend themselves, without being able to hope for the help of their armies, during a future war.
This is precisely what happened on October 7.

The Prime Minister went to consult the general on October 22, but no press release or declaration allows us to know what the two men said to each other. At most we know that General Brik demanded the dismissal of the director of Military Intelligence (Aman) and the head of Southern Command.

And that's not all. For the first time, the adversaries of colonization have effective weapons. The study of Hamas videos is clear. The organization has FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile launchers (US-made) and NLAW (Swedish-made) and AT4 rocket launchers (Swedish or US-made). As for the Lebanese Hezbollah, it has an impressive stock of medium-range missiles which, with the training of its men, makes it a powerful military power much superior to that of the Arab States.

Hamas' weapons are American or Swedish. They were purchased in Ukraine from corrupt officers. Those of Hezbollah come from Iran, via Iraq and Syria. No one knows how many Hamas has.

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah received Hamas number two,
Saleh el-Arouri, and the leader of Islamic Jihad, Ziad el-Nakhala.

For the moment, the conflict is confined to the Gaza Strip. The Palestinians in the West Bank and Israel did not rise up. Neither do refugees from Jordan and Lebanon. Hezbollah is stopped by Resolution 1701 that its ministers signed at the end of the 2006 Israeli-Lebanese war2. He cannot cross the Litani River and enter Israeli territory without breaking his word, which, unlike Westerners, matters to him. This commitment will no longer hold if Israel attacks Lebanon. So for the moment, Hezbollah is standing ready, and is destroying Israeli surveillance cameras and radars along the border one by one. In this way, he will be able to take the Israeli army by surprise if he decides to enter the war.

The West chose to sacrifice the Gazans​

How can we not be stunned that the United States, France and the United Kingdom all three vetoed a proposal for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire? How can we not interpret this as a desire to prolong this conflict, which began 76 years ago? From this point of view, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's analysis works. Before his parliamentary group, he declared: “Those who cause the problem, of course, don't want a solution", referring to the way in which the French Empire and the British Empire created the Palestinian question without a solution. “The more the crisis gets worse, the more it becomes entrenched, the better it is for their interests (…) They want the Israeli-Palestinian issue to get worse… They want peace and stability to never come to this region …They want the shadow of war to never leave the Eastern Mediterranean…They want the people who have lived there for thousands of years to not benefit from the resources of these lands…They want their system of exploitation based on the blood, persecution and tears continue… This is what we oppose. We reject this system of exploitation for which all people in the region, Muslims, Christians and Jews, pay the price.».

On October 23, the French Prime Minister defended a position
balanced on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, she tried to
hide the French veto of the humanitarian ceasefire proposal
immediate. In doing so, she showed that she no longer had control.
The rest of the events are beyond his government's control.

It is so shameful that the French Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, speaking from the podium of the National Assembly, accused Russian propaganda of having wrongly attributed France to having vetoed a proposal [ Russian] for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire… citing the Brazilian proposal, which it [on the other hand] voted for. There were in fact two different proposals: the Russian one limiting itself to the strict neutrality imposed by humanitarian action, presented during a closed session on October 17, and the Brazilian one condemning Hamas for its barbaric acts. , presented during a public session on October 25.

France had not used the veto since 1976 (to continue its colonization of Mayotte), but this time it used it as recognized by its permanent representative to the Security Council, Nicolas de Rivière. The Brazilian resolution was inapplicable because it condemned one of the parties. France knew it when it voted for it.

The End of the West​

There is, however, another explanation. The United States initially called on Israel for moderation. Then, they transported two naval groups there and established an airlift with 97 transport planes to transport quantities of munitions there (to Israel, but also to Jordan and Cyprus). Finally, they bombed pro-Iranian militias in Iraq and Syria. Washington has been considering the possible consequences of an Israeli defeat in Gaza after NATO's defeat in Ukraine. The West would no longer be feared. All rules imposed outside of international law would suddenly be called into question. All the peoples that the West has kept in childhood for centuries, even shamelessly exploited, would revolt. It would be a complete change of times.

The resentment accumulated over decades suggests uncontrollable savagery in this revolt like that which Hamas has already demonstrated. So the great Western powers have decided to turn a blind eye to the ongoing massacre. They are aware of allowing and facilitating genocide, but are even more afraid of having to be held accountable for their past and current crimes.

What is at stake in Gaza is therefore no longer the Palestinian question, but Western supremacy, the reign of its rules, and the undue benefits that Westerners derive from it.

The tension has never been so high since the Second World War. Russia is aware of this and is preparing for a possible nuclear war. Since the start of the war in Gaza, it has conducted two large-scale military exercises. With intercontinental ballistic missile fire. It is no longer a game. It has simulated the death of a third of its own population and the transformation of part of its territory into a prohibited zone due to atomic fallout.

Thierry meyssan

source: Voltaire Network


from the future

Russian Aerospace Forces have become deadlier than ever, panicking kyiv and NATO​


by Draco Bosnic

Since the start of the special military operation, Russian air superiority over Ukraine has been indisputable. Kiev regime forces lost most of their aircraft on the ground when long-range Russian cruise missiles rained down, leveling airbases and destroying deployed fighter jets. This forced the neo-Nazi junta to not only restore retired Soviet-era aircraft, but also acquire those previously owned by former Warsaw Pact member states. As all of these countries are now part of NATO, their combat aircraft have been deemed particularly important, as they have been re-adapted to use NATO weapons, both air-to-air and air-to-ground, including anti-radiation missiles such as the AGM-88 HARM and air-launched cruise missiles such as the Franco-British “Storm Shadow/SCALP EG”.

In order to successfully use these weapons, Ukrainian pilots are forced to fly extremely low to avoid detection by Russia's unrivaled long-range air defenses and fighter jets with unrivaled air superiority. While the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) employs monster aircraft such as the ultra-fast, high-flying MiG-31 interceptors, the cutting-edge Su-35S and the new Su-57 multi-role fighter jets, generation, the chances for the Kiev regime's air assets to survive at altitudes above 1000 meters are practically zero. Besides their obvious advantages in technology, pilot training and logistics, Russian fighters also use air-to-air missiles that are literally decades ahead of those used not only by the neo-Nazi junta, but also by its NATO overlords. However, this advantage has increased further in recent days.

According to Russian sources, S-400 “Triumph” SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems are now being used in coordination with Beriev A-50/A-50U AEW&C (airborne early warning and control) aircraft to shoot down combat aircraft of the Kiev regime. Apparently, the fusion of the two systems' advanced sensors works so perfectly that it actually contributed to the downing of 24 enemy aircraft in just five days1. And although conclusive data on these claims has not yet been published, there is little or no reason to doubt these reports, because the neo-Nazi junta and its NATO puppeteers are in panic mode. Indeed, according to Colonel Yurii Ihnat, one of the spokespersons for the Kiev regime forces, they will need around 150 F-16s or similar Western aircraft to “counter” the VKS.

This is a significant jump from previous requests. The leader of the neo-Nazi junta, Volodymyr Zelensky, also made similar calls more recently, indicating that its forces' major problems even predate the latest Russian reports. Various military sources and observers have also published videos of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu speaking with servicemen who accomplished the aforementioned feats, which further reinforces the veracity of this information. Some analysts even add that the greater interaction and fusion of sensors of various platforms now also includes Russian fighter jets such as the Su-35S and Su-57. These are also armed with deadly new air-to-air missiles that the Kiev regime forces have great difficulty detecting, leading to many losses among Ukrainian pilots.

Namely, S-400-A-50 teams are organized in a way that allows direct transmission of battlefield information between platforms, so that enemy fighters and/or other aircraft cannot even not detect incoming missiles. Normally, the Radar Warning Receivers (RWRs) of hostile aircraft simply detect that they are being followed and/or targeted by the S-400's sophisticated surveillance and tracking radars that emit powerful frequencies. This prevents the use of the S-400's longer range missiles, such as the 40N6E (maximum range 400 km) or the hypersonic 48N6 (depending on variant, maximum range up to 250 km), because the aircraft Enemy combat is more likely to evade incoming SAM at such extreme ranges. Furthermore, this also exposes the S-400 to NATO spy planes.

Namely, NATO ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) platforms continue to fly over Russian and Belarusian airspace and collect information on the capabilities of their air defenses and other assets. It would simply be impossible for the S-400's tracking radar to operate in what is called "war reserve" mode (hiding characteristics such as pulse width that the enemy uses to analyze its radar signature ) without revealing its radar collection frequencies, especially while trying to engage targets at the longest possible ranges. And while this deprives NATO of the ability to analyze Russian air defenses and possibly design advanced countermeasures that could compromise Moscow's security in the long term, it is precisely because of this that the Eurasian giant was unable to use the full potential of its air defenses.

Thus, the Russian military had to find unconventional and innovative workarounds, leading to the S-400-A-50 pairing, the latter using its advanced radars and sensors to spot 40N6E missiles being fired as part of the so-called “post-launch lock-in”. The A-50/A-50U provides guidance and targeting data which is then received mid-course and stored in the 40N6E's navigation system. The Russian side refuses to disclose the exact information for purely practical reasons, as this could subsequently be used to determine the location of its air defense batteries. Additionally, not revealing too much information about this pair allows Kiev regime aircraft to continue to be targeted at the longest distances possible, even when flying extremely low to avoid detection by Russian fighter jets. .

However, even this is now becoming a major problem, as interceptors and air superiority jets such as the MiG-31BM, Su-30SM, Su-35S and/or Su-57 could very likely be used in a similar manner. Additionally, these aircraft can use missiles such as the R-37M and variants of the R-77 which have maximum ranges of up to 400 km and 200 km respectively. The first is particularly dangerous because it transforms its launch platform into a "flying S-400", while the second is smaller, meaning a fighter can carry more and thus take down half a squadron of enemy planes in a flash in a single sortie and at distances well beyond the range of the neo-Nazi junta's air defenses. These developments only reinforce the conclusions of some Western military think tanks which recognize the performance of the VKS.

source: InfoBRICS


from the future

We are ruled by sociopaths and morons​


by Caitlin Johnston

The response to the Gaza crisis from Western leaders, the media and celebrities makes it abundantly clear that we are truly being led by the worst people among us. The less wise. The least intelligent. The least compassionate. The least insightful. We are ruled by sociopaths and idiots.

There are two stories for you to choose from:

1. The Palestinians in Gaza are wild orc-like villains who simply want to murder Jews and therefore must be caged and killed.

2. Palestinians in Gaza think like human beings responding to the intolerable abuse inflicted on them.

Which is more credible?


We are told that Israel must wage a relentless bombing campaign that kills thousands of civilians in order to eliminate Hamas, because Hamas must be destroyed to achieve lasting peace. Every part of this is patently false.

First, the assumption that Hamas must be eliminated to achieve peace is fallacious; Peace can be achieved by eliminating Israeli abuses and righting the wrongs that gave rise to Hamas. There is no rational reason to believe that Hamas would continue to exist in its current form or continue to wage violent resistance if the theft and injustice committed since 1948 were reversed, if refugees were allowed to return, if the abuses of apartheid ended and Palestinians were no longer held in a giant concentration camp where they are deprived of the most basic human needs.

Second, the assumption that people can be bombarded into accepting an abusive status quo is obviously absurd. Even if Israel kills every member of Hamas, there will be hundreds of thousands of survivors of this attack who see Israel's depravity and refuse to accept it. Do you think all those orphaned boys and men who saw their loved ones torn apart by military explosives are going to be content with the status quo from now on? Of course not.

And Israel knows it, which is why its preferred solution is to expel all survivors of this attack from Gaza to the refugee camps on the Sinai Peninsula. He knows that nothing he does will actually work and he refuses to make the repairs that will work. So his only other option is to eliminate the people of Gaza, one way or another. Ethnic cleansing and mass deportations are not “peace” at all, far from it, but they could allow Israel, supported by an equally criminal West, to maintain its abusive status quo intact.

These are Israel's only real options for lasting stability: either right all the wrongs that led to this, or go in the opposite direction and inflict far more death and destruction to answer the Palestinian question once and for all. . It's pretty clear, looking at all this, that Israel opted for the latter.

The narrative leaders always face the following problem: When they announced that Palestinians had escaped from their concentration camp and killed a group of Israelis, an embarrassing number of people started asking: "Wait, what were they doing in a concentration camp?»

I find nothing less morally or philosophically interesting than pontificating about how traumatized prisoners of a horrific concentration camp should have behaved once freed from their confines. As far as I am concerned, everything that happened on October 7 was the result of generations of Israeli abuses, the British decisions that made it all possible, and the American support that allowed it to continue.

Israeli policy created Hamas. I don't mean this in the usual sense of 'Netanyahu supported Hamas to sabotage peace and undermine its more moderate rivals,” I mean it in the usual sense of “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” If you close off all possible peaceful avenues of resistance, you will naturally see the rise of factions favoring violent resistance.

One of my most formative experiences in understanding this conflict occurred in 2018 when I witnessed Israeli soldiers shooting protesters with sniper rifles and live ammunition. B'Tselem has explicitly denounced this practice as illegal. There is nothing that could make such a thing acceptable, and it was a very clear illustration of how Israel has cut the Palestinians off from all normal avenues for a peaceful resolution.

I said when all this started that I thought the Hamas attack would ultimately be negative for the Palestinians, but that I could not, in good conscience, "condemn Hamas" because no one could show us a positive direction that the Palestinians should take. The fact that all peaceful avenues of resistance have been cut off is not the fault of the Palestinians, nor that of Hamas. It is the fault of the Israeli governments.

Hamas is exactly what you get when you create an intolerably abusive apartheid state that keeps millions of people in a concentration camp whose residents are cut off from basic human needs. I would make a peaceful revolution impossible. Hamas is not the disease, it is a symptom of the disease. The disease is an apartheid colonialist project that cannot exist without endless violence, war and abuse.


I refuse to be humiliated and demonized for supporting peace by people who support the murder of thousands of children.

source: Caitlin Johnstone

moose eater

Well-known member
Harsh, but not technically lacking in some degree of truth. Though highway funds come from a different pot, and balancing budgets or avoiding use of red ink in federal expenditures/budgets is not something the feds are renowned for.

But yes, we, the People, are funding genocide and, more specifically, the serial murdering of Palestinian children.
If some are uncomfortable with that 'truth', there are numerous ways of positively expressing that discomfort that would aim at better circumstances in outcomes. Not that the MIC cares too awful much about popular opinion.

Raytheon is literally boasting of their profits yesterday and today.
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