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Well-known member
Well I'm caught up more after reading the last 15 or so pages of this thread. I'm worried for my children's' future even more now. I have no answers to any of this madness. I sort of hate the Patriarchy and fundamentalist religions because it feels like the ego driven nationalism and extremism, built from such masculine ideals, has driven humanity into this current shit show of suffering.

Its very dangerous to feel righteous in hatred, even in revenge and mourning. The Israeli youth in the Youtube clip from the Kibbutz spoke the most truth to me.
The suffering of more innocents doesn't ease her pain, it amplifies the trauma.

I feel the need to call out both Hamas and the far right Israelis. They are consumed with hate for one another and care little about their own people, who get hurt in the crossfire, and both squash any opposition to their ideologies. Both seem guilty of manipulation to control the narrative. Both have powerful backers. Sure Gaza is a bug to Israel and can be squashed, but the world is watching. I do feel powerless to stop any of this destruction.

I'm sure many Palestinians support Hamas and their ideology and many also disagree. Same can be said of Israelis, many back the government but many oppose it. We need to hear all voices, not suppress the narrative, and real wisdom and leadership and love needs to prevail here, otherwise I am truly scared humanity is doomed. Where is the beacon of hope that can unite the globe against the impending global chaos that feels so imminent. I can't personally relate to this kind of war torn suffering but I know it is horrible, and while the world destabilizes our days in the sun of liberty and freedom are sadly numbered.

Do we feel comfortable in the US, like the dwellers of the Kibbutz may have felt before the sneak attack? Or should we feel uneasy knowing the world harbors resentment towards us for our foreign policy and interest peddling across the globe (funded by our debt and tax dollars none the less)

Not to mention the destabilization within our own society, the division among our own people and ideologies.

Its time for common sense to speak up. Its time for those who want Peace in the world to get loud. Its time to worry about our children and less about being right, less about picking sides, these issues are complex. I hope for a movement of decency, humanity, and logic that we can rally around, that we can bring unity. I know there is more we have in common that what divides us. Let us realize what makes humanity and human life great, instead of throwing it away with hatred and division. We are flawed as humans but also capable of tremendous good, I want to fight a war of love, and I will need to start with me in my small thoughts and actions, which is all I can control.


my god is bigger and badder than your god, by god, and can whip your gods ass any day of the week!

religion ruins everything!

i call Netanyahu "nuttyyahoo" as he is a Jewish fascist. i don't agree with Israel's policy towards the Palestinians.

Hamas was not popular with the general Palestinian population before and now that they have brought all this death and destruction to Gaza they will be even less popular.

both the Israeli far right and Hamas are responsible for all this bloodshed.

no matter the history of the conflict, the Hamas attack was an atrocity. and has given the Israeli right the excuse to commit more atrocities.

both are wrong and this violence needs to stop!


Well-known member
my god is bigger and badder than your god, by god, and can whip your gods ass any day of the week!

religion ruins everything!

i call Netanyahu "nuttyyahoo" as he is a Jewish fascist. i don't agree with Israel's policy towards the Palestinians.

Hamas was not popular with the general Palestinian population before and now that they have brought all this death and destruction to Gaza they will be even less popular.

both the Israeli far right and Hamas are responsible for all this bloodshed.

no matter the history of the conflict, the Hamas attack was an atrocity. and has given the Israeli right the excuse to commit more atrocities.

both are wrong and this violence needs to stop!
I don't have any problem with anyone being religious. My issue is with institutionalized religion and their religious agendas. Most of the actions done in the name of said religions/God are hypocritical to the actual teachings, and then those committing those actions find a way to rationalize and justify what they did.

I'm not saying women don't have flaws as all humans do, but these leaders of governments, corporations, terrorist organizations, and religions are mostly men, and they are making a mess of the world for children and future generations. Its time for the dick waving to end.


Well-known member


Well-known member
There are blind spots all around in this too.

Some of those in support of Palestine should not be giving Hamas a pass for the atrocious attack or saying it was a predictable reaction to the systemic harm done to the Palestinian people. I certainly can sympathize with the frustration of that group of oppressed young people but change needs to come diplomatically, although slow, and there is worldwide support for the rights of Palestinians. Siding with Hamas for them undermines the efforts of the Palestinian authority though who knows how much intimidation and threat Hamas employs on the Gazan populace?

The other ridiculous blind spot is that it is fine to be critical of the Zionist Israeli occupation, history, and tactics. That does not immediately make you hate Jews or an anti-Semite as they like to paint anyone that criticizes their actions as a state.

People can hold more than one position at the same time. This stuff isn't black and white. Israel likes to act like they have played nice with the Palestinians and have offered them fair deals which Palestine just reject because they want to nothing less than to eradicate Israel and all Jews from existence. Why should Palestine accept an unfair deal? The last thing Israel wants is a two state solution. I am sure there is true racism in both camps, but at the end of the day I think the common people just want to exist, to have a place to be, to live. The difference is Israeli's have that luxury, though a bit uncomfortable considering all their neighbors harbor resentment towards them. Gaza the way it was had no ability to thrive, Israel left the area but did they ever really leave them alone, acknowledge their rights. Or did they taunt them and instigate conflicts that led up to bigger and bigger attacks and the rise of Hamas?

Now this whole thing is shaping up to WW3. The UN and any other unilateral governing body has failed. They needed to keep things in check and botched it. Dividing Palestine into Gaza and the West Bank was never a good idea. Hindsight is 20/20. No one had the cahones to call out Israel and look where that ended us. The US liked having a strategic ally in the area as we continue to muck about in the Mid East, well what was the long term plan for this island. Now the US is forced to be pulled into this conflict and it will destroy our global standing to be supporting wars on multiple fronts. What will that mean for us as citizens? Where do we go from here? We can't claim innocence as we knew what was going down. Some of us are not ignorant either, just we have no power to change the actions of the government. If we tear it down we sure as hell have got to have something better to put in its place. In retrospect the US should have forced the two state solution but how much power does Israel wield in US politics and private interests, my hunch is a whole lot?


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
my god is bigger and badder than your god, by god, and can whip your gods ass any day of the week!

religion ruins everything!

i call Netanyahu "nuttyyahoo" as he is a Jewish fascist. i don't agree with Israel's policy towards the Palestinians.

Hamas was not popular with the general Palestinian population before and now that they have brought all this death and destruction to Gaza they will be even less popular.

both the Israeli far right and Hamas are responsible for all this bloodshed.

no matter the history of the conflict, the Hamas attack was an atrocity. and has given the Israeli right the excuse to commit more atrocities.

both are wrong and this violence needs to stop!
Here's the thing - they all worship the same God.


Well-known member
i know, but they act like they don't! the scholars of all 3 religions agree that they are worshipping the same god.

this is why i don't subscribe to any organized religion.
Even the Christians can't agree with any other Christians. I find the early Christian time period very interesting and you can see how man really has the need to interject their ideas and interpretations in things that are probably meant to not be taken literally. You had the Greek influence, the Pagans and Gnostics, then the state gets involved and emperors try to elevate themselves into saints. A person like Origen Adamantius who dedicated his life to faith and theology is both praised and condemned as a heretic, often by the same person.

That's why I can't take the Church seriously. So much of the original writing and interpretation has been lost or manipulated over the years. Everyone has their take. I was raised Catholic so I feel like I will always have a kind of loose Christian identity, but I don't claim to know anything in reality and just think we should treat others with respect, you know, the golden rule or whatever.


from the future
Tearing ! Al Jazeera correspondent Wael Dahdouh bids farewell to his wife, son and daughter murdered by a targeted Israeli strike. 24 Hours earlier, the US had asked the Qatari channel to reduce its coverage of the conflict. It is now done...

Last edited:


from the future
Yair Lapid accuses Netanyahu of lying by saying that’il was not warned the day before the’ attack on October 7

Benjamin Netanyahu is in a mess as the Israeli opposition’ is accusing him of letting the attacks of October 7. One imagines that the completely Zionized Parisian commentators will accuse him of conspiracy delirious ! It will be extremely difficult for them to hold this position of’ especially since the Egyptians affirmed exactly the same thing a few days after October 7. In other words’, he would have let do in order to save his political career and why not set up his suicidal millenarian biblical, make’une stone two shots.

“On the eve of Yom Kippur, on September 20, I’ issued an unusual warning against a violent outbreak of violence on several stages (i attach it here). The intelligence documents on which I have relied have also been submitted to Netanyahu. Those who brought the intelligence are the same members of the security system that Netanyahu now accuses of not having warned.”



from the future

Ukrainian Drone Crashes Into Nuclear Waste Repository in Russian Border Region​

Since the start of its counteroffensive in early June, Ukraine has been consistently launching drones into Russian territory. In August, following an unsuccessful drone attack on Moscow, the United Nations expressed its concerns regarding the safety of civilian infrastructure, emphasizing the importance of avoiding any such attacks.
A Ukrainian drone crashed into a nuclear waste storage facility at Russia's Kursk nuclear power plant, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Saturday.

"On the afternoon of October 26, the Ukrainian armed forces attacked the Kursk nuclear power plant with three drones," said Maria Zakharova.
According to her, the explosive device damaged the walls of the warehouse. Two other bombs fell on administrative buildings at the nuclear power plant.
Operation of the Kola NPP in the Murmansk region - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 11.10.2023
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
Western Special Services Preparing Ukrainian Saboteurs to Attack Russian NPPs: Russian Foreign Intel
11 October, 16:17
Some components of the drones used in this attack had been delivered by Western countries, according to preliminary information.

"What happened shows that the criminal regime in Kiev has no limits and can even commit acts of nuclear terrorism. There's no chance they couldn't understand that a nuclear catastrophe affecting all countries could have been the consequence of this drone attack. The Kiev regime has placed itself on the same level as the most heinous terrorist organizations," Zakharova stated.
At the same time, it is particularly alarming that "this crime could not have been committed without authorization, or even on the direct orders of Western officials," she lamented.

"We ask all governments to strongly condemn Kiev's barbaric acts," added the spokeswoman for Russian diplomacy.
Kiev troops regularly attempt to carry out attacks against border territories, as well as the western part of Russia, using drones and missiles.
The Russian Defense Ministry reported that three Ukrainian drones attempted to attack the Kursk nuclear power plant on October 26. Russian air defense intercepted them. Following the incident, the operation of the plant was not affected.
Russia has been conducting a special military operation in Ukraine since February 2022. Putin has stated that the operation is aimed at "protecting people who have been subjected to genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years."


from the future

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (31 October 2023)​


In total, 518 airplanes and 254 helicopters, 8,464 unmanned aerial vehicles, 441 air defence missile systems, 13,044 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,172 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 6,929 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 14,797 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.
