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from the future

Putin Outlines Six Civilizational Principles For the Post-NWO World​

During his Valdai speech, Putin outlined six principles Russia wants to adhere to and offers other nations to join it. Via Sputnik:

First, we want to live in an open, interconnected world, in which no one will ever try to erect artificial barriers to people’s communication, their creative realization, and prosperity. There must be a barrier-free environment,” Putin said.

The second principle is the diversity of the world, which should not only be preserved, but should also be the foundation of universal development.

The third principle, according to the Russian head of state, is maximum representativeness: “No one has the right or can rule the world for others or on behalf of others. The world of the future is a world of collective decisions,” the president emphasized.

Fourth is universal security and lasting peace that takes into account the interests of great states and small countries equally. To achieve this, it is important to free international relations from the bloc mentality and the dark legacy of the colonial era and Cold War, according to Putin.

The fifth principle is justice for all: “The era of exploitation of anyone – I have already said this twice – is a thing of the past. Countries and peoples are clearly aware of their interests and capabilities and are ready to rely on themselves, and this multiplies their strength. Everyone must be provided with access to the benefits of modern development,” Putin emphasized.

The sixth principle is equality: no one should be forced to obey those who are richer or more powerful at the cost of their own development and national interests, according to the Russian president.

“The ‘civilizational model’ referred to in Putin’s speech seems anchored on ‘principles’ – such as non-colonial relations; non-patronizing attitudes; respectful of diversity rooted in the diverse traditions – that will require a huge work to generate new shared international norms,” according to Paolo Raffone, a strategic analyst and director of the CIPI Foundation in Brussels.

“The Western ‘rules-based liberal international order’ is unilateral, and it could be imposed in a specific time in history leveraging on the power and prominence of a small group of colonial powers that after the liberal model crisis and civil war (1914-1945) has been inherited by a distant but super-powerful country (US).

“In a nutshell, I can say that the ‘civilizational model’ approach probably aims at structuring a shared world ‘software,’ while the ‘liberal rules-based order’ has been aiming at building an imposed ‘hardware’ defended by ‘rules’ serving the financial and military hegemony.”



from the future

Speech by President Putin at the 20th meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club​


Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the 20th anniversary meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club.


The theme of this year's meeting is

“Equitable multipolarity: how to ensure security and development for all”

The moderator of the discussion is the scientific director of the Valdai International Discussion Club Fyodor Lukyanov.

F. Lukyanov : Good evening, dear colleagues, dear friends!

I am pleased to welcome you to the 20th annual meeting of the Valdaï International Discussion Club.

Today, as before, we have the great honor that the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, is participating in our meeting – I am happy to introduce him to you.

Vladimir Vladimirovich, we are holding our 20th meeting. Valdaï is 19 years old, and this is the 20th meeting, it happens. When we look at the Valdai archives, we have the feeling that this is the chronicle of a turning point. It was a really interesting time. We are very honored that during these 20 meetings, in my opinion, you have not missed a single time and met your colleagues from Valdai. There are those in the room who have met you before, and for the first time, and there are those who are meeting you for the first time.

I will be very happy to invite you to express your current opinion.

Vladimir Putin : THANKS.

Dear participants of the plenary session! Colleagues ! Ladies and gentlemen !

I am pleased to welcome you to Sochi on the occasion of the anniversary, as our presenter just said, of the twentieth annual meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club.

Our, or, one might say, your forum, which traditionally brought together politicians and scientists, experts and public figures from many countries of the world, once again confirms the high status of a sought-after intellectual platform. The Valdai Discussions are always a reflection of the most important processes of world politics of the XNUMXst century in all their completeness and complexity. I am sure that will be the case today – it was probably already the case in previous days when you were talking among yourselves, and it will continue to be the case, because we are actually faced with the task of building a new world . And at these decisive stages, the role and responsibility of intellectuals like you, dear colleagues, are extremely important.

Over the years of work of the Club, both in the world and in our country, as I just said, serious, even huge, even colossal changes have occurred. By historical standards, a period of twenty years is not that long, not that considerable. But when it comes to the epoch of the collapse of the entire world order, time seems to compress.

And I think you will agree that more events have happened in these twenty years than at other times in many, many decades, and these changes are qualitative and require fundamental changes in the very principles of relations international.

At the beginning of the XNUMXst century, it was hoped that states and peoples would have learned the lessons of the costly and destructive military-ideological confrontation of the last century, that they would have become aware of its destructive nature, that they would have felt the fragility and the interdependence of our planet and that they would be convinced that the global problems of humanity required common action and the search for collective solutions. While selfishness, vanity and disregard for real challenges will inevitably lead us to a dead end, as will the attempt of the strongest to impose their own ideas and interests on others. It should have become obvious to everyone – it should have, but it turned out that it wasn't, not at all.

When we first met at the Club meeting almost twenty years ago, our country was entering a new stage of its development. Russia has overcome the most difficult period of recovery after the collapse of the USSR. With all our energy and good will, we got involved in the process of building a new world order, which seemed more equitable to us. Since our country can make a huge contribution, because we have something to offer our friends, our partners and the whole world.

Unfortunately, some misunderstood our readiness for constructive interaction – they understood it as submission, as an agreement that a new order will be built by those who declared themselves victors in the Cold War, in fact, as recognition from the fact that Russia was ready to stand in the wake of others, ready to be guided not by its own national interests, but by those of others.

All these years, we have repeatedly warned: this approach not only leads to a dead end, it also faces a growing threat of military conflict. But no one deigned to listen to us or hear us, no one wanted to. The arrogance of our so-called Western partners, you know, simply went beyond the limits, it is impossible to put it any other way.

The United States and its satellites have firmly set a course for hegemony – military, political, economic, cultural, even moral and axiological. From the beginning, it was clear to us that attempts to establish a monopoly were doomed to failure. The world is too complex and diverse to be subordinated to a single pattern, even if behind it lies the power, the enormous power of the West, accumulated over centuries of colonial policy. After all, your colleagues – many of whom are not present here, but do not deny that the prosperity of the West has been achieved largely through the plundering of colonies over the centuries. It is a fact. In fact, this level of development was achieved through the plundering of the entire planet. The history of the West is essentially a chronicle of endless expansion. Western influence in the world is a huge military-financial pyramid that constantly needs new fuels to sustain itself: natural, technological and human resources belonging to others. The West therefore simply cannot stop and has no intention of doing so. Our arguments, exhortations, appeals to reason and suggestions were simply ignored.

I have already spoken about it publicly – as well as to our allies, our partners. After all, there was a time when yours truly simply suggested: maybe we should join NATO? But no, such a country is not welcome within NATO. No. The question was: well, what else? We thought we were already yours, forgive me this word, as we say at home, “bourgeouins” [Буржуинский, или буржуйский: playful and pejorative name of someone who belongs or believes himself to belong to the bourgeois class, to serve it – NdT]. What else do you want? There is no longer any ideological clash. What is the problem ? Apparently, the problem lies in geopolitical interests and an arrogant attitude towards others. That's the problem, hubris.

Constantly increasing military-political pressure requires a response. I have repeatedly said that we did not start the so-called “war in Ukraine”. On the contrary, we are trying to put an end to it. We were not the ones who organized the coup in kyiv in 2014 – a bloody and unconstitutional coup. Wherever this happens, we always hear immediately in all the world's media, subordinated, of course, in the first place, to the Anglo-Saxon world: it is impossible, it is unacceptable, it is undemocratic. But here it is possible. They even named the sum, the amount that was spent on this coup. Everything is possible.

At the time, we supported the residents of Crimea and Sevastopol. We did not stage a coup d'état and we did not intimidate the residents of Crimea and Sevastopol with Nazi-style ethnic cleansing. It was not us who tried to force Donbass into obedience through strikes and bombings. It was not us who threatened to crack down on those who wanted to speak their mother tongue. Look, everyone here is informed and educated. Well, we can, excuse my bad tone, "powder brains» of millions of people who perceive reality through the media. But you know what happened: for nine years they bombed, shot and used tanks. The war, a natural war against Donbass, had begun. And no one counted the dead children in Donbass. No one in other countries, especially in the West, cried for the dead.

The war started by the Kiev regime with the active and direct support of the West is now in its tenth year, and the special military operation aims to put an end to it. And it reminds us that unilateral actions, no matter who takes them, will inevitably result in retaliation. Action, as we know, gives rise to reaction. This is what any responsible, sovereign, independent and self-respecting State does.

Everyone is aware that in an international system where arbitrariness reigns, where everything is decided by the one who imagines himself to be exceptional, sinless and the only one to be right, anyone can be attacked simply because such and such country does not please the hegemon who has lost his sense of proportion and, I would add, his sense of reality.

Unfortunately, it is clear that our Western counterparts have lost all sense of reality and have crossed all possible borders. Wrongly.

The Ukrainian crisis is not a territorial conflict, I would like to emphasize that. Russia is the largest country in the world and has the largest territory. We have no interest in conquering additional territories. We still have to explore and develop Siberia, Eastern Siberia and the Far East. This is not a territorial conflict or even the establishment of a regional geopolitical balance. The question is much broader and more fundamental: we are talking about the principles on which the new world order will be based.

Lasting peace will only be established when everyone begins to feel safe, to understand that their opinion is respected and that there is balance in the world, when no one will be able to force or force others to live and to behave as the hegemon wishes, even if this contradicts the sovereignty, true interests, traditions and foundations of peoples and States. In such a scheme, the very concept of any form of sovereignty is simply denied and thrown, excuse me, in the trash.

It is obvious that adherence to bloc approaches, the desire to lead the world into a situation of constant confrontation between “us and them” is a vicious legacy of the 20th century. It is a product of Western political culture, at least in its most aggressive manifestations. I repeat, the West – a certain part of the West, the Western elites – always needs an enemy. It needs an enemy against which the struggle can explain the need for strong actions and expansion. But it is also necessary to maintain internal control within a certain system of this same hegemony, within the blocs – within NATO or other military-political blocs. There is an enemy – everyone must rally around the boss.

The way of life in other states is none of our business. But we see how, in many of them, the ruling elites force societies to accept norms and rules that the citizens themselves – at least a large number of citizens, and in some countries it can be said with a absolute certainty, the majority of citizens – do not want to accept. But the elites force them to do so, constantly inventing reasons for this, finding external culprits for growing internal problems, inventing and exaggerating non-existent threats.

However, Russia is a favorite subject for these politicians. Of course, we are already used to it, historically used to it. But they are trying to create the image of an enemy among all those who are not ready to blindly follow these Western elites. From anyone: from the People's Republic of China, in some situations, at some point, they tried the same thing with India - now they are flirting, of course, we understand this perfectly, we feel and see the situation in Asia, everything is clear. Indian leaders, I want to say, are independent and very country oriented. I think these attempts make no sense, but they continue nonetheless. They are trying to shape an enemy from the Arab world, also selectively, they are trying to act cautiously, but nevertheless, in general, this is what it all comes down to – and they are even trying to shape some kind of hostile environment for Muslims. And so on. In fact, anyone who behaves independently and follows their own interests is instantly transformed by these Western elites into an obstacle to be eliminated.

Artificial geopolitical structures are imposed on the world and closed block formats are created. We see this in Europe, where they have been encouraging NATO expansion for decades, as well as in Asia-Pacific and South Asia, where they are trying to break down the open and inclusive architecture of cooperation. The bloc approach, let's call a spade a spade, is a restriction of the rights and freedoms of states to their own development, an attempt to lock them into a certain cage of obligations. To a certain extent – and this is obvious – it involves the suppression of part of sovereignty, then – and very often – the imposition of decisions in areas other than that of security, and especially in the economic field, as is currently happening in relations between the United States and Europe. There is no need to explain it, but if necessary, in the discussion following my opening speech we will talk about it in more detail.

To achieve this, they attempt to replace international law with “order” – what kind of “order”? – based on certain “rules”. What the “rules” are, what these “rules” are and who invented them is completely unclear. It's just kind of absurd, inept. But they are trying to introduce this into the consciousness of millions of people. “You have to live by the rules.” But according to what rules??

And in general, if I may, our Western colleagues, especially American ones, not only arbitrarily set such “rules”, but also lecture: who should follow them and how, who should behave in general and how. All this is done and said, as a rule, in an openly rude manner. It’s always the same manifestation of this colonial thinking. We hear it all the time, it rings all the time: you must, you are obliged, we seriously warn you...

But who are you, generally? What right do you have to warn anyone? It's simply incredible. Perhaps for those who say this, perhaps it is time for yourselves to get rid of arrogance, to stop behaving in relation to the world community that perfectly understands its tasks, its interests, and to rid yourself of this mentality from the era of colonial rule for good? I would like to say: rub your eyes, those days are long gone and will never return. Never.

I will say more: over the centuries, such behavior has led to the reproduction of the same thing: great wars, for the justification of which various ideological, even pseudo-moral, justifications have been invented. It is particularly dangerous today. Humanity has means at its disposal that, as we know, can easily destroy the entire planet, and the manipulation of consciousness on an incredible scale leads to a loss of sense of reality. Of course, we have to get out of this vicious circle, we have to look for a way out. If I understand correctly, dear friends and colleagues, you are meeting on the Valdaï site precisely for this purpose.

In the Russian Foreign Policy Concept adopted this year, our country is characterized as a singular state-civilization. This formulation accurately and succinctly reflects how we understand not only our own development, but also the fundamental principles of the world order, the victory of which we hope for.

In our view, civilization is a multifaceted phenomenon. Of course, this is interpreted in different ways. There was, among other things, an overtly colonial interpretation: there exists a certain “civilized world” which serves as a model for others, everyone must follow these norms, these models, and those who do not agree will be pushed towards “civilization” with the staff of an “enlightened” master. Those times, as I just said, are over and our understanding of civilization is completely different.

First, there are many civilizations, and no one is better or worse than another. They have equal rights as interpreters of the aspirations of their cultures and traditions, of their peoples. For each of us it is different. For me, for example, these are the aspirations of our people, my people, of which I was lucky to be a part.

Prominent thinkers around the world, adherents of the civilizational approach, have reflected and continue to reflect on the concept of "civilization". This is a multi-component phenomenon. Without diving into philosophical depths – this is probably neither the place nor the time for such reasoning – let's try to describe it in relation to today, I will try to do it in detail.

The main qualities of a state-civilization are diversity and self-sufficiency. Here are the two main components, in my opinion. The modern world is foreign to any unification; each state and society wants to independently develop its own development path. It is based on culture and traditions, reinforced by geography, historical experience, both ancient and modern, and the values of the people. It is a complex synthesis during which a unique civilizational community emerges. Its heterogeneity and diversity are the key to sustainability and development.

Over the ages, Russia has formed as a country composed of different cultures, religions and nationalities. Russian civilization cannot be reduced to a common denominator, but it cannot be divided either, because it exists only in its integrity, in its spiritual and cultural wealth. Maintaining the strong unity of such a state is not an easy task.

For centuries, we have faced the most difficult trials. We have always overcome them, sometimes at a very high cost, but we have always learned lessons for the future, strengthening our national unity and the integrity of the Russian state.

Today, this experience is truly invaluable. The world is becoming more and more diverse. Simple management methods, putting everyone in the same basket, as they say, to which some states are accustomed, cannot cope with all the complexity of the processes.

What is very important to add here? A truly effective and sustainable state system cannot be imposed from the outside. It develops naturally from the civilizational roots of countries and peoples, and Russia, in this regard, is an example of how this happens in life, in practice.

Civilizational support is a necessary condition for success in the modern world, in a chaotic, unfortunately dangerous world that has lost its guidelines. More and more states are coming to exactly this conclusion, aware of their own interests and needs, their opportunities and limitations, their identity and their degree of interconnection with the outside world.

I am convinced that humanity is not evolving towards a fragmentation into competing segments, nor towards a new confrontation of blocs, whatever the motivations, nor towards the soulless universalism of a new globalization – but, at the On the contrary, the world is on the path to a synergy of state-civilizations, of large spaces, of communities becoming aware of being precisely such.

At the same time, civilization is not a universal structure, one for all – that doesn’t happen. Each of them is different from the others, each is culturally autonomous, drawing its ideological principles and values from its own history and traditions. Self-respect obviously comes from respect for others, but respect from others is also assumed. So that a civilization does not impose anything on anyone, but it does not let anyone impose anything on itself either. If everyone adheres exactly to this rule, this will ensure harmonious coexistence and creative interaction of all actors in international relations.

Of course, defending one's civilizational choice is an enormous responsibility. It is about responding to external attacks, establishing close and constructive relations with other civilized communities and, most importantly, maintaining internal stability and harmony. After all, we all see that the current international environment, as I have already said, is unfortunately both unstable and quite aggressive.

And one more very important thing. Of course, it is unacceptable to betray one's own civilization. It's also a path to general chaos, it's unnatural and it's disgusting, I would say. For our part, we have always tried and are trying to propose solutions that take into account everyone's interests. But our Western interlocutors seem to have completely forgotten that there are concepts such as reasonable restraint, compromise and the willingness to give in on something to achieve an outcome acceptable to all. No, they are literally obsessed with only one thing: pushing, pushing, and at all costs, here and now their interests. If that's their choice, we'll see where it leads.

The paradox is that from one day to the next the situation can change: that's the problem. For example, when there are internal political changes following elections. Today a country insists on a certain thing, it pushes its actions at all costs – and tomorrow internal political changes occur, and with the same pressure and the same shamelessness, a completely different thing, sometimes the exact opposite of the initial is imposed.

The most striking example is the Iranian nuclear program. One [U.S.] administration passed a decision, but then another one comes and everything is reversed and everything is going in the opposite direction. How to work in such conditions? Where are the markers? What to rely on? Where are the guarantees? Are these precisely the “rules” we are told about? It's just nonsense.

Why does all this happen and why does it not bother anyone? Because strategic thinking has been replaced by the pursuit of short-term selfish interests, not even of countries and peoples, but of successive groups of influence. Hence the incredible irresponsibility of the behavior of political elites, who often forget about fear and shame and consider themselves absolutely sinless.

The civilizational approach opposes such trends because it is based on the fundamental long-term interests of states and peoples. Interests which are not dictated by the momentary ideological situation, but by all historical experience, the legacy of the past, on which the idea of a harmonious future rests.

If everyone is inspired by precisely this, there will be, in my opinion, much fewer conflicts in the world and the methods for resolving them will become much more rational, because every civilization, as I have already said, respects others and does not try to change anyone according to his own vision.

Dear friends, I read with interest the report prepared by the Valdaï Club for this meeting. As a result, today everyone is trying to understand and imagine the image of the future. This is completely natural and understandable, especially for an intellectual environment. In times of dramatic changes, when the whole familiar way of life is collapsing, it is very important to understand where we are going and what we want to achieve. And of course, the future is being created today, not only before our eyes, but also with our hands.

Of course, when it comes to such huge and incredibly complex processes, it is difficult, if not almost impossible, to predict the outcome. No matter what we all do, life will certainly make its own adjustments. But we must at least be aware of what we are looking for, what we want to achieve. And such an understanding exists in Russia.

Firstly. We want to live in an open and interconnected world in which no one will ever try to erect artificial barriers to communication, creativity and the prosperity of individuals. There should be an environment without barriers – that is what we must strive for.

Second. We want the diversity of the world not only to be preserved, but to be the foundation of universal development. It should be forbidden to impose on a country or a people the way they should live, the idea they should have of themselves. Only true cultural and civilizational diversity will guarantee the well-being of peoples and the balance of interests.

Third. We strive for maximum representativeness. No one has the right and cannot govern the world in place of others or in the name of others. The world of tomorrow is a world of collective decisions made at the levels where they are most effective and by those participants truly capable of making a significant contribution to solving a specific problem. Not one person decides for everyone, and not everyone even decides on everything, but those who are directly affected by this or that issue agree on what and how to do.

Quarto. We are committed to universal security and lasting peace, based on respect for the interests of everyone, from large states to small countries. The main thing is to free international relations from the bloc approach, the legacy of the colonial era and the Cold War. We have been talking for decades about the indivisibility of security, about the fact that it is impossible to ensure the security of some at the expense of that of others. Indeed, harmony in this area is achievable. You just have to put aside pride, arrogance and stop considering others as second-rate partners, outcasts or savages.

Quinto. We stand for justice for all. The era of exploitation of anyone, I have already said twice, has fallen into the realm of the past. Countries and people are clearly aware of their interests and capabilities and are willing to rely on themselves, which increases their strength. Everyone should have access to the benefits of modern development, and attempts to limit it to a given country or people should be considered an act of aggression, and OCD.

Sexting. We stand for equality in law, for the difference in potential between different countries. This is an absolutely objective factor. But no less objective is the fact that no one is any longer ready to obey, to make their interests and needs depend on anyone, and especially on the richest and most powerful.

This is not just the natural state of the international community, but the quintessence of the entire historical experience of humanity.

These are the principles to which we ourselves wish to adhere and to which we invite all our friends and colleagues to adhere.

Dear colleagues !

Russia was, is and will be one of the foundations of the world system, ready for constructive interaction with all those who strive for peace and prosperity, ready to strongly oppose those who profess the principles of dictatorship and violence. We are convinced that pragmatism and common sense will triumph and that a multipolar world will be established.

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to the organizers of the forum, for preparation, as always, careful and high-quality, and to all participants of the anniversary meeting, I would like to express gratitude for your attention.

Thank you very much.


Translated by Valerik


from the future


How the Russian army is reinventing itself in the war against Ukraine​

by Thomas Romanacce

Moscow quickly learned from its mistakes and changed its tactics to wage a relentless war of attrition against Ukrainian troops. Russian industry has also strengthened itself to cope with Western support.

Moscow would be the mistress of the war of attrition

This is the bitter observation of American generals who spoke with journalists from Wall Street Journal. These senior officers estimated that Vladimir Putin's army "constantly adapted to changes on the Ukrainian battlefield», casting doubt on kyiv's plans to reconquer the regions annexed by the Russian government. Russia has also modified and strengthened its military-industrial complex to wear down Ukrainian troops but also Western military support.

To preserve its air force as well as its air superiority, Moscow modernized its Soviet bombs to make them “winged weapons”. Specifically, Russian fighter jets fly far enough from the front line to massively drop glide bombs to hit Ukrainian troops. These bombs have extra range and fly low and far enough to evade some air defenses using a radar system.

Colonel Yuriy Ihnat, spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force, told the Telegraph that these bombs represented a “very serious threat". The increased range offered by these hovering warheads allows Russian fighters to avoid risky sorties near the front lines to fire munitions. Ukrainian officials estimate that Moscow's forces are dropping at least 20 glide bombs a day on the battlefield.

Russia also moved command posts and many munitions depots away from the front lines after Ukraine hit them with launchers HIMARS supplied by the West, which fire guided rockets with a range of nearly 80 kilometers. This was also the case when Volodymyr Zelensky's army began using long-range satellite-guided bombs. The Russians have moved their command posts further away. These strikes forced Moscow's troops to conserve their artillery, extend their already strained supply lines and become more precise in their targeting.

A defense made up of formidable traps

The Russian General Staff now better protects its soldiers by building deep, highly fortified trenches. Infantrymen hide their tanks and armored personnel carriers in tree lines and under camouflage nets, and carry out sorties to fire on Ukrainian positions before quickly withdrawing.If we compare their new tactics with what they were doing at the start of the invasion, the difference is colossal", confided to Wall Street Journal Oleksandr Solonko, a soldier in a Ukrainian aerial reconnaissance battalion near Robotyne, close to Russia's main defense lines in the south. “They flooded the countryside with mines and set up all kinds of traps. They did it well».

In the south, the Russians have stepped up the use of drones and guided bombs to contain the Ukrainian offensive. Explosive drones Lancet and racing drones equipped with explosives swoop into Ukrainian armored vehicles, medevac vans and infantry, disabling vehicles and killing or maiming troops. Yuriy Bereza, commander of the Dnipro-1 regiment fighting around Kreminna in the east of the country, told the American daily that he had seen a marked increase in the use of drones by the Russians, who are trying to catch up their delay on the Ukrainians. Previously, he had spotted a Russian Orlan drone occasionally hovering over one of his regiment's positions to send coordinates to Russian artillery units. Today, entire swarms are active overhead.

Moscow dominates electronic warfare and weapons production

Still on the subject of drones, Ukrainian troops on the front lines around Bakhmut say they are losing dozens of autonomous devices every day because Russian jamming equipment manages to bring them down into enemy territory. According to a report from the British think tank Royal United Services Institute (Rusi), Moscow troops shoot down about 10 Ukrainian drones per month. For the think tank, electronic warfare “is an essential component of Russian tactics and contributes to the staggering losses suffered by kyiv's fleet of autonomous aircraft". The estimated figures – which amount to more than 300 drones per day – were attributed to three anonymous Ukrainian officers interviewed by Rusi in April and May.

Finally, the Russian military-industrial complex has strengthened despite the economic sanctions imposed on Moscow. Pentagon officials but also European and Ukrainian military experts had estimated that Russia had increased its missile production well beyond its pre-war level. Additionally, Washington estimates that Russia is on track to manufacture two million artillery shells per year, double what was initially predicted by Western intelligence services. Thanks to this push, Russia now produces more ammunition than the United States and Europe combined. Kusti Salm, a senior official at the Estonian Defense Ministry, estimates that current ammunition production by Russian manufacturers is seven times higher than that of the West. This rise in industrial power will make Ukraine particularly vulnerable to an intensification of Russian attacks on its soil in the months to come.

source: The People's Cause


from the future

Ukraine: Towards a low-noise Berezina ?​


by The ugly Duckling

What unfolded in Congress in Washington on Tuesday evening was a veritable tsunami, which could well mark a sharp turn in the war between NATO and Russia in Ukraine. I say NATO, because in this story, the Ukrainians clearly count as plums, they are just a reservoir of cannon fodder used by the West to try to destroy Russia. Without success so far, and that’s saying something.

Tuesday evening, therefore, the speaker of the congress, the weak, the poorly elected Kevin McCarthy was dismissed at the initiative of a revolt led by another Republican, Matt Gaetz. The reason for this impeachment, which I remind you also required Democratic votes, in order to gather a majority, is simple: McCarthy tried to pass an agreement to avoid the shutdown1 in which he included yet another financial aid to Ukraine. Basically, he is strongly suspected of having made a secret agreement with the Biden camp to perpetuate the deadly policy of “no matter what».

Not really to the taste of the Republicans, who now see Ukraine as a barrel of Danaides, a perpetual ruin in vain, which today threatens the entire American economy which was already in its little shoes. We must also not lose sight of the fact that the United States has entered a phase of the electoral campaign in which the main issue is the return of Donald Trump to the presidency, which could take a very different turn for American foreign policy. .

Note also that in November 2024, these are the 435 members of the United States House of Representatives (lower house of congress) who will put their mandate in the hands of the voters. These rotten politicians, generally rotten to the core, understand that the war in Ukraine no longer really sells dreams, and that the Americans, who are getting poorer every day (with the exception of the ultra-rich, of course) no longer accept that the country bleeds itself to support a losing war while the country falls into poverty.

War can only continue through the magic of printing money, but this expedient, now worn out, comes with long-term consequences that many struggle to realize. Rome fell for this reason, the Weimar Republic too, and the rest is known. By diluting wealth through the production of counterfeit money, nothing really has value anymore. Only fear is likely to keep the lackeys' troops subservient, and this only lasts for a while.

Beyond the financial Berezina, there is defeat on the ground, and it is dry. The (supposedly) powerful military alliance that is NATO has found itself defeated by Russia alone, which is fighting with one arm tied behind its back. Even though Russia has done nothing to militarily crush Ukraine, which could have been resolved in a week.

And despite all the billions injected, the countless weapons supplied by the West to Ukraine, the failure is bitter. Worse, the king is now naked, and both the United States and its allies have nothing left to give Ukraine. All details, as we used to say in the good old days of the GDR when grocers closed their stores at 15 p.m. because there was nothing left in store.

It must be understood that this has already begun to have practical consequences in the field of international geopolitics. Now no one fears the United States or its lackeys, as evidenced by the contempt now displayed by most countries towards them. This gives rise to significant quasi-tectonic movements in Africa for example. Pan-Africanism is popular, and neocolonialists are being kicked out everywhere. Poor, ridiculous French people who sacrificed their excellent Gaullian foreign policy for a handful of beans, who now see themselves at the head of the inglorious race for third worldization alongside their excellent as a group Teutonic enemies. Grandeur and decadence of two regional powers who believed themselves to be Prometheus and who will end up like him, by having their livers eaten every day that God makes.

If the trend continues and Congress clings to the idea of no longer giving a penny to Ukraine, we can bet that the war will be over in two weeks. And we will blame the defeat on the corruption of the Ukrainian elites, we have already started to do so:

«Former EU boss says Ukraine is too corrupt to join the EU

The former president of the European Commission has warned against unrealistic promises made to kyiv as accession negotiations are underway.

Former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said that deep-rooted and widespread corruption will not allow Ukraine to join the European Union anytime soon. Additionally, earlier this week, Politico reported that the US government was pressuring kyiv to fight corruption more effectively.
(Source RT)

It's no coincidence that the old mummified pochtron is brought out of the closet, it's clearly remote controlled. Both a probe and a preventive blow in view of the looming diplomatic-military disaster.

Besides, the press on the boot American does not say anything else:

«US increases pressure on Ukraine to fight corruption more» (CNN)

The coming weeks will undoubtedly be decisive, and we will see if the backwater of Washington clings ever more to the idea of an illusory victory, or if, pragmatically, the United States will abandon Ukraine and its allies like old Kleenex, to close themselves like an oyster, in a desperate attempt to delay the ultimate collapse that is coming.

Sic transit gloria mundi.


Well-known member

Putin Outlines Six Civilizational Principles For the Post-NWO World​

During his Valdai speech, Putin outlined six principles Russia wants to adhere to and offers other nations to join it. Via Sputnik:

First, we want to live in an open, interconnected world, in which no one will ever try to erect artificial barriers to people’s communication, their creative realization, and prosperity. There must be a barrier-free environment,” Putin said.

The second principle is the diversity of the world, which should not only be preserved, but should also be the foundation of universal development.

The third principle, according to the Russian head of state, is maximum representativeness: “No one has the right or can rule the world for others or on behalf of others. The world of the future is a world of collective decisions,” the president emphasized.

Fourth is universal security and lasting peace that takes into account the interests of great states and small countries equally. To achieve this, it is important to free international relations from the bloc mentality and the dark legacy of the colonial era and Cold War, according to Putin.

The fifth principle is justice for all: “The era of exploitation of anyone – I have already said this twice – is a thing of the past. Countries and peoples are clearly aware of their interests and capabilities and are ready to rely on themselves, and this multiplies their strength. Everyone must be provided with access to the benefits of modern development,” Putin emphasized.

The sixth principle is equality: no one should be forced to obey those who are richer or more powerful at the cost of their own development and national interests, according to the Russian president.

“The ‘civilizational model’ referred to in Putin’s speech seems anchored on ‘principles’ – such as non-colonial relations; non-patronizing attitudes; respectful of diversity rooted in the diverse traditions – that will require a huge work to generate new shared international norms,” according to Paolo Raffone, a strategic analyst and director of the CIPI Foundation in Brussels.

“The Western ‘rules-based liberal international order’ is unilateral, and it could be imposed in a specific time in history leveraging on the power and prominence of a small group of colonial powers that after the liberal model crisis and civil war (1914-1945) has been inherited by a distant but super-powerful country (US).

“In a nutshell, I can say that the ‘civilizational model’ approach probably aims at structuring a shared world ‘software,’ while the ‘liberal rules-based order’ has been aiming at building an imposed ‘hardware’ defended by ‘rules’ serving the financial and military hegemony.”

Russia under Putler violates every one of these statements.


Well-known member
Yep that $6billion sloppy joe gave Iran is doing some amazing things
well, Rob, it was their money to start with and it got American hostages freed. and now we are giving a shipload of Iranian weapons to Ukraine.

i sure would like one of those AKs and about 10,000 rds for defense against ultra-right fascist domestic terrorists.

i like wood furniture on my guns.


Well-known member
Well its very easy to see what happened here. Trump made a secret dealing with Iran, in conjunction with Goya Foods and the American Nazi Party, to launch an attack on Israel in a fiendish attempt to manipulate and steal the 2024 election o_O