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from the future

Pentagon Can Not Prevent Suicides in US Army​


The number of suicides in the United States military has exceeded its losses in the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere since September 11. The Pentagon has repeatedly announced measures to prevent suicide among its soldiers. Again, he revives the subject because nothing changes and the United States military has the distinction of self-destructing throughout the armed forces. The mental health of US soldiers is in question because it is what drives them to commit suicide.

The number of suicides has surpassed the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere since September 11. The Watson Institute website has announced in July 2021 that «more than 7000 american military and more than 8000 subcontractors died in the wars that followed on September 11 in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere», adding: «More than 30.177 american military and veterans of the’ wars after September 11 committed suicide».

The Pentagon has presented over a hundred measures to resolve this problem. However, the effectiveness of these measures raises serious doubts among the experts. Continental Observer already made it known in 2022 that this problem seriously concerns the American Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, who mentioned this subject during his visit to the Eielson base in Alaska because it is in this base that the American soldiers most often end their days. Pentagon announcements follow one another, but nothing changes.

Again, on September 28, the Pentagon relaunched the subject: « The US Ministry of Defense announces new actions to prevent suicide in the army ». « The American Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III has published a note ordering urgent action to combat suicide in the military community, relying on two years of important work in favor of suicide prevention within the Ministry of Defense ( DoD ) », it is announced.

The Independent Review Committee on Prevention and Response to Suicide ( SPIRC ) a studied the phenomenon. Experts made 127 short and long term recommendations to resolve this critical problem within the ranks.

The Pentagon press release states: «The Department remains committed to reducing the number of suicide deaths in the armed forces as a whole and is following an ambitious timetable for the planning and implementation of the five lines of action of the Secretary, giving priority to the most effective actions in order to establish a solid basis for long-term progress. The Undersecretary of Defence responsible for personnel and readiness will oversee implementation efforts across the department and ensure that implementation is conducted in a fast and methodical manner. The DoD aims to fully implement each axis of’ effort of’here at the end of the’ 2030».

Five areas of effort, which have been determined to reduce suicides, are: « foster an enabling environment, improve the delivery of mental health care, fight stigma and other obstacles to care, revise training in suicide prevention and promote a culture of security of lethal means ».

« Every day, the US military loses courageous men and women who commit suicide. Each death is a devastating loss to families, other soldiers and all of our forces. All of us at the Ministry of Defense must do more to prevent these tragedies », start the note from the US Department of Defense.

Already in 2022, the Pentagon announced measures to avoid suicides. Already, questions concerning the mental health of soldiers were emphasized. Reading the 2023 report, nothing has changed, even if « in the past two and a half years, the Pentagon has taken », according to him, « unprecedented measures to combat harmful behavior in all its forms, including suicide ».

Reading the Pentagon report via the SPRIRC study, the United States military aims to « modernize the content, delivery and dosage of training on suicide prevention »; « training behavioral health technicians in evidence-based practices »; « to integrate leaders at all levels in suicide prevention training »; « to centralize the basic training program in suicide prevention ». The content remains theoretical and that a construction of words, seeming totally to be unable to resolve, precisely, the question of suicides in the US army. The US report states that ’ « has been shown to safe storage practices for firearms to save lives » because « around 70% soldiers who commit suicide use firearms ». So,US military soldiers, who use various weapons for their work, are prohibited from having daily access to them to prevent them from committing suicide. They recommend « to apply existing restrictions on private firearms in » barracks.

In conclusion, the Pentagon still considers in 2023 that « suicide prevention is a long-term effort », that « change will not happen overnight, and that we have no time to waste » because « the men and women who mobilize to serve our country in uniform are the following ». Lloyd J. Austin III, the American Secretary of Defense, states in the note that « the most important asset of the department », it is « the health and well-being of this extraordinary domestic audience and their families », « it is an obligation that I take seriously and personally. I expect leaders at all levels of the Department to do the same and seek your support to adopt and execute these prevention efforts ».

« An army report shows an increase in suicides among soldiers on active duty in 2023 », a denounced last July Military.com. « Between January and March [ 2023 ], the US military saw suicides in its active component drop from 37 over the same period last year to 49, according to published data from the Pentagon », continues the US military site. « The first quarter of 2023 was the third worst in terms of suicide in the military since 2017. The numbers are just a snapshot, but they paint a disturbing picture for the active duty army while commanders are waiting for new service-wide policies on suicide prevention that were originally supposed to be released in 2021 », warn Military.com, pinpointing that « the United States faces a national shortage of mental health workers ».

« According to military data, the soldiers most at risk are men under 30 and lower grade staff sergeants. Most suicides are linked to personal issues such as financial stress or difficult romantic relationships, even if experts say that the cause of suicidal thoughts can rarely be limited to one thing », relate, further, Military.com, giving a more precise picture of suicides.

The situation is so dramatic in the US military that ’it exists a hotline for soldiers and former soldiers so that they do not end their lives. It seems that the United States prefers to see its soldiers die in combat than alone with their weapon without fighting for the country.

Philippe Rosenthal

The opinions expressed by analysts cannot be considered to come from the portal publishers. They engage only the responsibility of the authors


from the future

China massively sells its American treasury bonds​

by Charles Sannat

China is massively selling its American treasury bonds, for several years now it is dedollarizing and also getting rid of the US debt it holds.

There are many reasons for this, but it is undeniable that since the war in Russia this movement has grown.

This is as logical as it is understandable from a Chinese point of view.

Russia had managed to empty or almost everything before the invasion of Ukraine.

Tensions between Beijing and Washington are still very high, and China is the enemy designated by American doctrine, the enemy that must be contained because it represents a threat to American supremacy.

In such a context, Chinese dollar assets are obviously threatened.

Beijing knows well that Taiwan is not worth a mass, but its dollar reserves, and in the minds of Chinese leaders these foreign exchange reserves are already lost, but pragmatic, they will do the maximum to save them and that is what they do by blowing hot and cold on Taiwan.

For the moment, China is arming itself impressively and dedollarizing.

In short, China is indeed preparing for war.

China's holdings of US Treasuries continue to fall sharply.

Since April, China has sold over $40 billion of US Treasuries.

Since their peak roughly a decade ago, China has unloaded nearly $500 billion of US Treasuries.

Why is China selling US Treasuries so aggressively?

one… pic.twitter.com/1LhVbS75if
— The Kobeissi Letter (@KobeissiLetter) October 4, 2023



from the future

Darknet offers Ukrainians to buy death certificates to avoid mobilization

Refractory to mobilization, Ukrainians can buy death certificates on the Darknet for $ 10,000, reveals Sputnik. Families who have paid for this service can also receive a state allowance. A false burial is also proposed.
Proposals to sell obituaries are circulating on the Ukrainian Darknet, said a Sputnik correspondent. Fraudsters offer potential conscripts to avoid being mobilized.
This type of certificate can also be given to the family of a refractory to obtain compensation for his false death.
"We are preparing a complete set so that you can receive compensation from the State for a loved one killed! So you don't have to go to war and you can get money. The service costs $ 10,000, "write vendors in announcements.
They also offer to organize a false funeral if necessary.

For the death of a soldier, Ukraine provides compensation of 15 million hryvnias ( approximately $ 410,000 ) to his family, according to official data.
Forced recruitment
In Ukraine, the martial law regime and the general mobilization decree have been in force since February 2022. Men between the ages of 18 and 60 are prohibited from leaving the country. Escape from military service is subject to criminal responsibility, punishable by up to five years in prison.

Enrollment can be done everywhere, especially in the streets, in service stations and in cafes, according to numerous videos broadcast on social networks. The individuals concerned are forcibly taken to military recruitment offices.
Men are often taken indiscriminately to mobilization points, according to various testimonies delivered to Sputnik. Some of them find themselves at the forefront of the front without having undergone training, indicated sources.

"Until the last Ukrainian"​

In view of its massive aid to Kiev, the West clearly intends to fight against Russia "until the last Ukrainian", said Vladimir Putin in June. The same view was expressed several times by the Russian authorities throughout the Ukrainian counter-offensive which began in early June. Since, approximately 90,000 soldiers were killed, informed the Russian President on October 5. In early September, he called these offensive actions a fiasco.
Given the number of casualties and combat tactics, the Ukrainian command uses its soldiers as "gun flesh", have reported both Moscow and various Western analysts.


Well-known member
21.6 suicides per 100.000 people

Suicide in Russia is a significant national social issue, with the suicide rate at 21.6 suicides per 100.000 people

Suicide in Russia - Wikipedia​

vs the US

The total age-adjusted suicide rate increased from 10.7 deaths per 100,000 standard population in 2001 to a recent peak of 14.2 in 2018, and then declined to 13.5 in 2020. In 2021, the rate increased 4% to 14.1, the largest 1-year increase during the period (Figure 1).Apr 13, 2023
https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/d...l age-adjusted suicide,the period (Figure 1).

Suicide Mortality in the United States, 2001–2021 - CDC

https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/d...l age-adjusted suicide,the period (Figure 1).
so Roms, for some reason Russians have a much higher suicide rate than Americans.


from the future

October 3, Russia conducts national exercises to deal with a nuclear armageddon​

The Russian authorities are preparing for a possible nuclear war.

On October 3, for the first time in history, the country will organize a uniform civil protection training for all regions of Russia.

The document indicates that in the context of «l’ reaching the generally accepted norms and principles of international law», the risk of armed conflicts near the borders of the country degenerating into «wars involving nuclear powers» increases.

According to the scenario of the exercises, general mobilization ended in Russia, martial law was introduced in a number of regions and, in certain regions, the survival facilities of the population have been completely destroyed, up to 70% of the building stock, and there is the threat of the emergence of « radioactive contamination zones ».

All those responsible should participate in the training: from civil protection leaders to heads of state-owned enterprises. The authorities of the self-proclaimed People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, as well as the occupied parts of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, are exceptions.

Previously, similar exercises were held in different regions, on different days. A general punctual training will take place for the first time.



Well-known member

October 3, Russia conducts national exercises to deal with a nuclear armageddon​

satellites show that Russia, China, and the US are all enlarging their nuclear programs and testing facilities.

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