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from the future


L ’ ‘Abrams’ and the track match​

September 25, 2023 ( 10H50 ) – What to do with it, when you collect it in current readings: the Ukrainian military intelligence chief ( GRU, like his Russian friend ), General Kyrylo Boudanov, speaking of ‘Abrams’ promised to Ukraine by the arsenals of the US Army, warns the readers of the interviewer newspaper that it will be necessary to be very careful, to protect it from mines, shells and other destructive wickedness fired by the Russians because it is a fragile chariot, – not, moreover, fragile and precious, a 70-ton monster that burns like a match as soon as you look for noises. So we don't expose him to the aggressions of war.

Needless to say RT.com ( « Ukrainian spy chief warns about American-made tank » ) and ‘SputnikNews’ ( « Ukrainian intelligence chief warns of US Abrams tanks soon delivered to Kiev » ) rushed over it. It was not invented: it was happening in a hotel room in Washington D.C., while Zelenski was visiting Biden and Congress. The interviewer newspaper was the war-trading site, – a big advantage in the United States, abundant literature and eager readership where nothing more is tasted than warlike prospects and armored overlaps. It is ‘War Zone, that is his name and it is certainly a well-named publication, and the date of the article is September 22, 2023.

I give here an extract from the interview, two questions and answers, and these few words on the Americanist M1A1 whose extreme precision we discover :

The War Zone’: « Given this, these 31 Abrams tanks intended for Ukraine... »
Kyrylo Boudanov : « We can't wait to see them. We haven't seen them yet. »
The War Zone’: « Will these tanks make a difference given all these factors and the difficulty of maneuvering in the mud ? »
Kyrylo Boudanov : « They must be used in a very targeted manner, within the framework of very specific and well-designed operations, because if they are used on the front line, within the framework of a combined arms fight, they will not stay long on the battlefield. They should be used in these breakthrough operations, but very well prepared. »
My impression, you see, is quite enriched by the close-up photos of Boudanov's smooth face, cravated and costumed contrary to the habit of wearing combat gear ( he probably judged that Washington is well worth a suit and tie ). A distinction is made between barely concealed marks of self-satisfaction of the slightly underling type which has risen in rank as a rocket ‘ starts.Vostok’ or a rocket ‘Saturn’ ( no jealous ); we hear him mock by various sneers and great contempt for the Russians who are chopping down the Ukrainian brigades, as a guy terribly responsible for his own interests in these stormy times, and master of him as well as his narrative... So I came to the end of my approximate examination of the character by the impression that he is entirely inhabited by a Yankee super-sign in front of which we bow.

He was ordered, perhaps by Mister Z himself, to do nothing, nothing at all that scares the Pentagon, or the White House, or Congress, or the exquisite sensitivity of the American system to the immense quality, above all suspicion, of its warlike scrap and its tracked pans. For this and for l ’ ‘Abrams’ whose image must come out of the fortified and illuminated battle, it is therefore necessary :

1 ). Say that l ’ ‘Abrams’ is the best tank in the world and its dependencies ;

2 ). To say that he will not go to the front line above all because we do not waste the best we have, so that we will avoid the hassle of the fight with the bad guys ;

3 ). Say, in a satisfied tone and winking to salute the skill of the maneuver, that it is for this reason that this jewel should not be damaged as one made of these shit of ‘Leopard’ and others ‘Challenger’; that is why we will keep the fantastic ‘Abrams’ in decisive reserve for the breakthrough that will never take place ;

4 ). And conclude for the balance of all accounts, with a satisfied wink, that afterwards we will return it to the Pentagon so that it sells it to the buyers who are lining up.

All of this is in the very full head of General Boudanov, who knows the rules of the actor-president's game. He tells with a cheerful sneer how some drones we know well managed to hit Moscow in the heart because the Russians, loose subhumans terrified by Ukrainian strikes as they were by the 14thth SS division ‘Galicia’ which is the occasion of a standing ovation in the Democratic Parliament of Canada, transported all their air defense on the Sourovikine line.

PhG-Bis note : « Do you see this similar line of life and conduct, between the Canada of the cute Trudeau, the Zelenski warrior filmed in his martial salute uniform in Parliament welcoming the ‘ Galicia ’ division, the Ukrainian GRU and its contingents of street thugs and the ’ ‘ Abrams ’ from the Pentagon neo-Nazi ? I can see it, a thrilling red thread from our Wagnerian sham...We are not at the end of our surprises. »
... All this, as it is true that it is currently greatly honored to develop major questions about the American-Westernist capabilities of the king of the battlefield, our tanks of attack and assault about which great doubts graze us, like so many specters from major cemeteries under the Moon : “ Mirror, tell me mirror, am I not the most glorious and the most dazzling conqueror as, before me, were the Guderian and the Rommel? ” He will be recognized by the lovely Trudeau and the salute made to the SS division ‘Galicia’ the globalist courage to have put into perspective these great flights that the Russians had hidden from us.

Because finally, what about such news, – but obviously, it's ‘SputnikNews’ Russian, eh good, – which question our conquering brio and our technological and warlike values, – although citing academic work from from home :

« As the authors of the publication note, the Russian army has succeeded in transforming Western armored vehicles into smoking debris, thanks to its anti-tank units of the Kornet model.
» Journalists say the United States has long hesitated to send M1A1 Abrams to Ukraine because it feared massive casualties of these vehicles on the battlefield, which could have lost face of the American military-industrial complex, thus tarnishing its much-vaunted image.
» The Ukrainian armed forces have already lost a number of German Leopard 2A6 tanks and British Challenger 2 tanks, even if experts believe they are better able to resist combat than their American counterparts. »
Or this, but still that same dubious filth of evil source :

« Ukraine loses "many" of Western armored vehicles Stryker and Marder in Zaporozhye – Media »
I therefore foresee a great wind of madness and terror among the Complex manufacturers and the well-paid retired generals of the TV sets, when we have to explain that with 1,500 $ billion per year ( unofficial and realistic accounting ) glutonation swallowed by the Pentagon, we come to such perspectives, between invincible tanks that burn like matches and counter-offensive plans lost in the mud of early autumn and Ukrainian.

The real war in Ukraine has therefore just started in Washington, between experts or with the cooperation of experts. If we do in the sophisticated analogy, we will say that this battle, infinitely more important than that of Ukraine, is a kind of replica of Spielberg's film ‘Private Ryan must be saved’. So we would say, as a symbol of the Battle of Washington: “ We must save the battle tank ‘Abrams’ ”. The task is Herculean but the fate of civilization depends on it.

Fortunately and in the meantime, we have the F-35 left. I remember a tweet-X from the past few days, which said pretty much what I could have written after all, about this F-35B of the Marines who had played the air girl before planting yourself like any well-born and reputable zinc :

« Damn it, but it's true ! Who said the F-35 doesn't fly ? He continued to fly long, all alone like a tall, unmanned pilot on board since the good man had ejected, and so stealthy that no one has been able to locate him ! »
I tell you, all this hardware is too precious to be sent to battle where everyone is a little dirty among the sub-men of the trenches. I want it to stay, flipped, cleaned, brand new, exposed to the jealous looks of the above sub-men like so many wonders produced by our ‘fucking’ glorious civilization, which need not get dirty with war to show that they alone reign on the battlefield... Price defying all competition, ‘fuck’ !



Well-known member
have you been drinking again, Roms? or did you forget to take your anti-psychosis drugs again?

i know that you are suffering from anxiety over the war going badly for Russia. but take a deep breath, you'll be ok once you get past this episode.


from the future
Your case isn't mine, stop alcohol man It makes you even more of an idiot than you already are.

I'm healthy and strong even with my leg pain syndrome without allopathics, with two fingers i can kill Goliath



from the future
In real life you all parasits couldn't even approach me because you are so governed by fear, even a sniper's bullet in my back will be deflected by providence. Go dig your graves!


from the future

Putin orders first ever nationwide nuclear drill, prepares nuclear bomb test at Arctic Circle​

Russia will hold its first nationwide drill simulating widespread nuclear strikes on the country, daily Magyar Hírlap writes.

The one-day nuclear attack exercise is based on the assumption that NATO will launch a nuclear strike on Russia, destroying 70 percent of Russian housing and life-support facilities. In the scenario, martial law is imposed in the country and a full-scale mobilization is ordered.

The test will also model the secondary threat posed by damage to nuclear power plants and other key facilities.

State and regional authorities will have to organize emergency rescue teams to provide food, medical supplies and protection against radiation.

According to the preparatory document, there is a need to prepare for an escalation of war, including a global conflict involving nuclear powers.

The permanent relocation of the population from the life-threatened zone will be similar to Chernobyl, involving an internal population transfer on an unprecedented scale.

Putin, meanwhile, is moving to one of his nuclear bunkers around the country to escape the simulated nuclear Armageddon. In the event of a real nuclear war, he has a fleet of “Doomsday” Il-80 Maxdome aircraft that can act as an air control center.

The exercise is being held four days before Putin’s 71st birthday.

Not only is the national disaster exercise seen as a training exercise for nuclear war, but preparations are also underway for a nuclear explosion test in the Arctic Circle.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Soygu visited Novaya Zemlya in August, signaling that tests could soon resume after a break of several decades.

Last edited:


Well-known member

Putin orders first ever nationwide nuclear drill, prepares nuclear bomb test at Arctic Circle​

Russia will hold its first nationwide drill simulating widespread nuclear strikes on the country, daily Magyar Hírlap writes.

The one-day nuclear attack exercise is based on the assumption that NATO will launch a nuclear strike on Russia, destroying 70 percent of Russian housing and life-support facilities. In the scenario, martial law is imposed in the country and a full-scale mobilization is ordered.

The test will also model the secondary threat posed by damage to nuclear power plants and other key facilities.

State and regional authorities will have to organize emergency rescue teams to provide food, medical supplies and protection against radiation.

According to the preparatory document, there is a need to prepare for an escalation of war, including a global conflict involving nuclear powers.

The permanent relocation of the population from the life-threatened zone will be similar to Chernobyl, involving an internal population transfer on an unprecedented scale.

Putin, meanwhile, is moving to one of his nuclear bunkers around the country to escape the simulated nuclear Armageddon. In the event of a real nuclear war, he has a fleet of “Doomsday” Il-80 Maxdome aircraft that can act as an air control center.

The exercise is being held four days before Putin’s 71st birthday.

Not only is the national disaster exercise seen as a training exercise for nuclear war, but preparations are also underway for a nuclear explosion test in the Arctic Circle.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Soygu visited Novaya Zemlya in August, signaling that tests could soon resume after a break of several decades.



from the future

Scott Ritter: Russia to annex 5 more regions as part of special operation​

by Reporter

The ongoing Russian special operation on Ukrainian territory will end with the liberation of cities such as Odessa, Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv and Sumy from the Ukrainian armed forces, and the rest of Ukraine will be divided between Russia and Ukraine. West according to the principles of the Morgenthau plan. This is what Scott Ritter, a former US intelligence officer, former UN weapons expert and now television commentator, said in a dialogue on the Ask The Inspector YouTube channel, which evaluates the ongoing conflict.

The expert believes that the confrontation in Ukraine will end only when Russia takes control of five more Russian-speaking regions and annexes them. He also believes that as a result of the SWO, the head of the kyiv regime, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, will be removed from power and the FAU will collapse and be destroyed.

Recall that the “Morgenthau Plan” is a program aimed at preventing Germany from starting the Third World War in the future, proposed in September 1944 during the second Quebec conference, attended by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the American President Franklin Roosevelt. The parties signed a document according to which Germany was to become a predominantly agricultural country, but the details were leaked to the press, after which the plan was heavily criticized, which was used by the propaganda machine of the Third Reich , who claimed that the United States and Great Britain were going to turn their state into a huge potato field.

Specifically, Germany's post-war transformation program (after the end of World War II) was proposed by Henry Morgenthau, head of the US Treasury Department, and planned to dismember the country, place d important industrial regions under international control, to eliminate heavy and manufacturing industry (deindustrialization), to demilitarize the country and make it a purely agrarian territory.

In 1947, former US President Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) was more specific in his remarks and conclusions after visiting deindustrialized Germany.

«It is illusory to think that the new annexed Germany could become an agrarian state. It is unachievable until we have destroyed or eliminated 25 million people from its territory" Hoover said at the time.

However, in 1947 the West's Cold War against the USSR began, and the United States adopted a largely reversed industrial "Marshall Plan" in relation to the new FRG, which suppressed deindustrialization and began to create an outpost on this territory against the Soviets.

source: Topcor


Well-known member

Scott Ritter: Russia to annex 5 more regions as part of special operation​

by Reporter

The ongoing Russian special operation on Ukrainian territory will end with the liberation of cities such as Odessa, Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv and Sumy from the Ukrainian armed forces, and the rest of Ukraine will be divided between Russia and Ukraine. West according to the principles of the Morgenthau plan. This is what Scott Ritter, a former US intelligence officer, former UN weapons expert and now television commentator, said in a dialogue on the Ask The Inspector YouTube channel, which evaluates the ongoing conflict.

The expert believes that the confrontation in Ukraine will end only when Russia takes control of five more Russian-speaking regions and annexes them. He also believes that as a result of the SWO, the head of the kyiv regime, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, will be removed from power and the FAU will collapse and be destroyed.

Recall that the “Morgenthau Plan” is a program aimed at preventing Germany from starting the Third World War in the future, proposed in September 1944 during the second Quebec conference, attended by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the American President Franklin Roosevelt. The parties signed a document according to which Germany was to become a predominantly agricultural country, but the details were leaked to the press, after which the plan was heavily criticized, which was used by the propaganda machine of the Third Reich , who claimed that the United States and Great Britain were going to turn their state into a huge potato field.

Specifically, Germany's post-war transformation program (after the end of World War II) was proposed by Henry Morgenthau, head of the US Treasury Department, and planned to dismember the country, place d important industrial regions under international control, to eliminate heavy and manufacturing industry (deindustrialization), to demilitarize the country and make it a purely agrarian territory.

In 1947, former US President Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) was more specific in his remarks and conclusions after visiting deindustrialized Germany.

«It is illusory to think that the new annexed Germany could become an agrarian state. It is unachievable until we have destroyed or eliminated 25 million people from its territory" Hoover said at the time.

However, in 1947 the West's Cold War against the USSR began, and the United States adopted a largely reversed industrial "Marshall Plan" in relation to the new FRG, which suppressed deindustrialization and began to create an outpost on this territory against the Soviets.

source: Topcor
All aboard! I saved a seat for you, @Roms .

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