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Well-known member
Hahaha... Boogaloo Bois sounds like a gay strip club. In fact a lot of the 'alt-right' circle jerk clubs sound pretty gay when you think about it; Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois, ok, well maybe just those two, but still lolz.



Well-known member
The jab doesn’t keep from getting covid. That’s why the life jacket is a perfect analogy.

life jackets don't always protect you from drowning either. they are like seat belts ( i would add motorcycle helmets, but there are problems with them) in that they keep you safer than you are without them...like vaccines do.


Active member
When the Ukraine resistance are driven underground from Russian bombardment...Russia will blow the dam at the Kyiv reservoir flooding the entirety of Kyiv and creating massive plumbs of radioactive particles in the silt left from Cherynoble to become airborne and contaminating
most of Ukraine and possibly some of Poland
depending on wind conditions
This will end the conflict by de facto as the land will be uninhabitable by a NATO nation or Russia
creating the buffer Putin seeks


Well-known member

bring in the big boys
you got my spetznatz shovel? Gud dawm ya

you know, that could be a thing. put a go-pro or live-feed security camera on a bar connecting the barrels together and turn them loose. have somebody at the monitor ready to squeeze the trigger if some unfortunate SOB walked into the line of fire. you could drop them from parachutes behind enemy lines with an auto-detach on the chute harness... "GOATS! holy shit, run for it!"😄 have their keepers feed them wearing a uniform, and have them run from the goats before feeding them...


Well-known member
At it's highest point, there were 2500 members of the Azov Battalion. Now there are at most 900, and there are fewer every day. Because you know, people die in war and stuff.

But Putin is totally there fighting Nazis.

so he´s fighting himself?


Well-known member
It sucks when just one person is mad at you. Imagine the stress of having every sane person on the planet wish you were dead. I almost feel bad for the evil pile of worthless skin. Almost.


Well-known member
One last smoke....:biglaugh:

What do you think is happening in the video? New Fake Video from Ukrainian "Propogandists"? https://www.bitchute.com/video/N9rttKEA6h4O/

Pro-Russia propagandists are circulating this footage as debunked pro-Ukraine propaganda.

The same footage was posted in April last year by anti-mandate/anti-vax propagandists as faked COVID-19 propaganda:


But it is actually from the TikTok page of the production designer Vasya Ivanov. So the video has nothing to do with the COVID-19 pandemic, or Ukraine. It’s from a music video production.

Here is where you’ll find the original TikTok post:

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Active member
Pro-Russia propagandists are circulating this footage as debunked pro-Ukraine propaganda.

The same footage was posted in April last year by anti-mandate/anti-vax propagandists as faked COVID-19 propaganda:


But it is actually from the TikTok page of the production designer Vasya Ivanov. So the video has nothing to do with the COVID-19 pandemic, or Ukraine. It’s from a music video production.

Here is where you’ll find the original TikTok post:



Lol...since when does propaganda need to be validated to work?
Trump's Russia collusion was fake and
Hunters laptop was reported as Russian propaganda and many silly asses believed both.
there is no shortage of dumbfucks in this
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Well-known member
I hope I am too. BTW I've had family members that had Parkinson's you end up looking like Michael J Fox long before you lose control of your mind, in fact most people with Parkinson's never lose control of their minds just control of their body movements. I really don't have much to support he would ever actually use nukes in fact in a summit last year after a meeting with Biden they both agreed there is no winning using nukes and therefore they should never be used. But look at what he's accomplished so far by just hinting he might use nukes, he's kept NATO from allowing Ukraine to join right now, he's Kept NATO and the US from establishing any forces in Ukraine, he's kept NATO and Ukraine from enforcing a no fly zone over Ukraine and he's even kept NATO and the US from simply giving Jets to Ukraine. If however he's willing to use them my guess is at some point he'll blame the US and NATO countries for supplying drones and anti aircraft/ missile systems like the S-300 the US is going to give Ukraine.

I guess time will tell. Frankly I'm not sure I really want to know at this point!


Well-known member

Lol...since when does propaganda need to be validated to work?
Trump's Russia collusion was fake and
Hunters laptop was reported as Russian propaganda and your silly ass believed both.
there is no shortage of dumbfucks in this
Country :tiphat:

Of course propaganda doesn't need to be validated to work; it needs to be publically debunked to reduce its' reach.

Did I believe both? You'll have to show me my posts. I remember this one:

And this one:

Perhaps you're confusing me with someone else?

— I see you’ve edited your post from ‘your’ to ‘many’. Thank you for that.
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Well-known member
They talk as if death is the only factor.

They're trained to debate like that. Conveniently omitting the long-term effects, the impact on the healthcare industry, etc. Then when you point that out, they bleat "Fake News" and "Plandemic" like the pathetic sheep that they are.