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Well-known member
Lolol. It doesn’t stop transmission. “Let’s jab these babies every 4 months so they might have a lesser chance at spreading a flu to the rest my fat family.”

It slows transmission, exactly as they said it would. It's the same with masks. The problem with you dense ass people is you put words into others' mouths. No one said that the vax would stop transmission just like they never said that masks would. That's the bullshit talking points morons pick up from other morons trying to get you locked into their pathetic little moron cult.


Well-known member
Teach them to swim before throwing them in the deep end. You know. Fences . Learn about rip currents and try to stay out of them. Eventually you wash up to shore. I guess that would be some folks approach.

He's running the old "If your solution can't fix everything then it's crap" argument. They're literally taught to treat everything as a zero-sum, binary situation. All the while, telling us that we're the blind sheep and they're the "enlightened" ones.


Well-known member
Vaccinate them so they don’t drown. That wouldn’t work. That’s a pretty silly analogy. They have other safeguards. Fences around pools and stuff. That must be the big industrial fence post guys.

It couldn't be "Big Fence". I heard Killary capped them right after that Seth Rich guy.


Well-known member
Talking now delusional like Pelosi.He is almost done and the nazi leftovers are for the Kadyrov regiment.The innocent are killed by the Azov hooligans, but that will be history soon.Dont watch Tucker much actually.
The vaccine is nonsense, it didn't stop the spread, it didn't stop to end up in the hospital and now children are forced to take it.Pfizer shot is the new tobacco cigarette, only it will kill much much faster.A cigarette is normally 40 years, but for the shot it only takes 2-3 months before death comes in action at its worst or 2-3 years.



Well-known member
"To Berlin"

klixsrxi95o81.jpg - Click image for larger version  Name:	klixsrxi95o81.jpg Views:	3 Size:	163.1 KB ID:	18102423



Well-known member
Im getting sick of all the mental illness. Never in a million years did I think I there would be a time the Russians (or anyone) could bomb and kill thousands of people and I would be able to find anyone defending them. Sick fucks need to put themselves into the shoes of the victims and prey they never have to protect or lose their own families. Or just do us a favor and drive head on into a tree.

Decades of relentless RW propaganda + Internet/Social Media sets up a perfect storm for this kind of shit.

Bottom line is, these people will be left behind. They're too fundamentally ignorant to run things, so we needn't worry about that.


Well-known member
life jackets don't always protect you from drowning either. they are like seat belts ( i would add motorcycle helmets, but there are problems with them) in that they keep you safer than you are without them...like vaccines do.

I like people who don't get nuance. They're so easy to scam😁


Well-known member
Pro-Russia propagandists are circulating this footage as debunked pro-Ukraine propaganda.

The same footage was posted in April last year by anti-mandate/anti-vax propagandists as faked COVID-19 propaganda:


But it is actually from the TikTok page of the production designer Vasya Ivanov. So the video has nothing to do with the COVID-19 pandemic, or Ukraine. It’s from a music video production.

Here is where you’ll find the original TikTok post:


And the whole point is to confuse people so much to the point that they just give up trying to understand any given situation, let alone the facts. Sad thing is, it's extremely effective.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Lolol. It doesn’t stop transmission. “Let’s jab these babies every 4 months so they might have a lesser chance at spreading a flu to the rest my fat family.”

It absolutely stops transmission but you don't want to believe that because it doesn't fit your narrative. It stops transmission by preventing you from getting it. Now granted with the latest variants it has changed enough that some people who have been vaccinated can still get it. Hell the latest variant can even re-infect people who developed natural immunity because they caught it before and survived and made their own antibodies in the process. That's because so many idiots like yourself avoided getting vaccinated, because nobody was ever really forcing you like you try to make it sound, and that provided a vector of infection that gave the virus the time and unprotected hosts to mutate into ever more dangerous and contagious forms of the original virus.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Better yet, let’s jab em with an experimental gene therapy that 30% of the time keeps them from drowning, but it’s only effective for 4 months so they need 3 shots per year for….ever.

Your numbers are way off but that's not surprising given that you get them from unqualified sources. Try 90% of the time keeps them from drowning is effective for 6 months and the jury is still out whether additional shots are needed after the 3rd one. There wouldn't be a need for more and we might have even been able to avoid the 3rd one if so many didn't refuse the first one or two.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
no clip in his weapon while profiling for pictures in his "i wanna be a cop!" eyeshades... how embarrassing.😎
You forgot or didn't see what this kid is now being tagged as - G.I. Joke

I've also heard reports that several Americans who decided to go over there are complaining that they're not being treated like the Tier 1 gods they think they are and are being treated like foreign conscripts! [insert shocked face]


...como el Son...
Sánchez gives a swerve to Spain's position with the Sahara and opens a new gap with United We Can :
Moncloa takes it for granted that the agreement with Rabat "guarantees territorial integrity, closes the problem of Ceuta and Melilla and shields collaboration on immigration" while its partners accuse it of distancing itself from International Law and the right, of breaking a consensus of 47 years :

— Sánchez supports Morocco's proposal for the autonomy of the Sahara

Esther Palomera
Irene Castro

March 18, 2022 11:10 p.m.
Updated on 03/19/2022 05:30 a.m.

In the midst of a war, with runaway prices, the street in turmoil and without prior notice to either his partners or the opposition, Pedro Sánchez gave this Friday a 180-degree turn to the historical position of Spain with the Sahara. From today, the Government takes the side of Morocco and accepts its autonomy proposal in exchange for resolving a diplomatic conflict with the Alawite kingdom that took the previous Foreign Minister ahead. It is “the most serious, realistic and credible basis for the resolution of the dispute”, affirmed the President of the Government in a letter sent to Mohamed VI that was made public by the Moroccan governmentand later confirmed La Moncloa without mentioning the former Spanish colony. The decision is very similar to that of the recognition of the Moroccan sovereignty of the Sahara that the US made under the mandate of Donald Trump and that Joe Biden has not corrected.

The new coordinates of foreign policy with respect to the former Spanish colony represent a profound change in the historical position of our country, which until now defended "a political, just, lasting and mutually agreed solution within the framework of the United Nations", but also regarding the collection in the last electoral program of the PSOE, which in the Foreign Affairs chapter written precisely by the current Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albares, literally said:

“We will promote the solution of the conflict in Western Sahara through compliance with the United Nations resolutions, which guarantee the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people. For this, we will work to reach a solution to the conflict that is fair, definitive, mutually acceptable and respectful of the principle of self-determination of the Saharawi people, as well as to promote the supervision of human rights in the region, favoring dialogue between Morocco and the Polisario Front, with the participation of Mauritania and Algeria, key partners of Spain, which the UN envoy for Western Sahara is promoting”.

Later, at the 40th Congress of the PSOE, held last October, months after the crisis with Morocco broke out over the reception of the leader of the Polisario Front, the socialists limited themselves to alluding to the negotiation and the UN resolutions without alluding to expressly to the right of self-determination of the Saharawi people and without any mention of the Polisario Front as an interlocutor.

"It is obvious that we have had a serious problem with Morocco after that electoral program was drawn up," they assure the Presidency of the Government before defending that the agreement, in line with the position recognized by Germany two months ago, "guarantees territorial integrity, solves a diplomatic problem, closes the problem of Ceuta and Melilla and shields mutual collaboration on immigration”. Little is said about all of this in those terms in the statement from the Moroccan Foreign Ministry and the Spanish Government, beyond the determination of both to collaborate in migratory flows.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares EFE/ Marta Pérez
At a press conference in Barcelona, ​​the Foreign Minister welcomed the fact that the two countries are beginning a "new stage" in their relationship based on "mutual respect" and "territorial integrity", while denying that the change in position generate division within the government coalition beyond the "nuances" that it has considered normal in a coalition government. Something, the latter, that is not clear from the declarations of United We Can, for whom the "only solution" for Western Sahara is to implement international law, through a referendum and with respect for the free self-determination of the Saharawi people. This was written on her Twitter account by the MEP and head of the international area of ​​the purples, Idoia Villanueva, immediately after hearing the news. Sources from Podemos have also explained that they cannot share this proposal, given that the autonomy plan that Rabat defends supposes "abandoning the position of neutrality and the consensus of the United Nations resolutions".

Neither Sánchez nor Albares previously informed their government partners of the agreement reached with Morocco, but it was the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, who contacted the head of Spanish diplomacy to demand an explanation of the historical turn, which also It has surprised other political forces in the bloc that made Sánchez's investiture possible. The also Minister of Labor distanced herself from the decision and opted for a solution that goes through dialogue and respect for the will of the Saharawi people. A position that the general secretary of United We Can, Ione Belarra, also subscribed to, demanding that Spain not deviate from International Law.

The Government did not clarify either if it had informed Algeria, a country on which Spain depends for energy, but with whom Albares assures that there is a serious relationship of "reliable partner", beyond the entente with Morocco. "This strategic partnership is called to last over time," the minister limited himself to saying . And the trust in that good relationship is clinging to the Government to deny that there may be reprisals in a tricky issue at this time such as the supply of gas. Precisely, the PP, which requested the urgent appearance of Sánchez to explain the turn that he described as "intolerable" , wondered about the consequences in the relations of a strategic partner like Algeria.

In a statement, the popular regretted having known "such a fundamental change for the pillars of Spanish foreign policy" by the media, while recalling that on the issue of the Sahara, Spain "has a responsibility and an explicit mandate from the United Nations". United” that the Sánchez government has ignored.

“We consider it intolerable – the note adds – that the change of a political position of the State and of traditional consensus, with 47 years of antiquity, is made without informing the main opposition party, which highlights the way in which the that Pedro Sánchez understands the great agreements of the country”. A complaint that the Foreign Minister tried to play down, after recalling that "Spain recognized, under the PP governments in 2012 and 2015, the serious and credible efforts of Morocco in the framework of the United Nations to find a mutually acceptable solution ”.

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero had gone beyond Mariano Rajoy years before when he saw favorably the autonomy plan that Morocco. He did so during a summit in Morocco, in which he also described Rabat's efforts as "serious and credible", using the same terms used by the United Nations Security Council, but added that the proposal of the Alawite kingdom was a "contribution positive". That text has already earned him the relentless criticism of the conservatives, as Sánchez is now from different parties, left and right.

And it is that this 2022 agreement has stirred up a large part of the parliamentary arc. From IU, the person in charge of the International area, Jon Sebastian Rodríguez Forrest, rejected the Government's position on Western Sahara and affirmed that everything that is not deploying a self-determination referendum is "perpetuating a criminal occupation that systematically violates human rights" . In similar terms, Iñigo Errejón, from Más País , expressed himself, who came to place Spain as "prey to the blackmail of the Moroccan monarchy".

Something that from La Moncloa they relativize with the argument that "in Spain there are those who continue to stick to their principles, but it is the Saharawis who have been in the same situation for 40 years." The same interlocutors maintain that what has been agreed "is to defend the interests of Spain" in a new strategic association with Morocco, the foundations of which will begin to be laid with the visit of Minister Albares to Rabat at the end of this month and another later visit by the Prime Minister.

At the moment, only the president of the Government of Ceuta, Juan Vivas (PP), against his party's line, has positively assessed the new stage of relations with Morocco which, in his opinion, "will guarantee stability, sovereignty, territorial integrity and prosperity of our two countries.” Something to which La Moncloa gives special relevance in the midst of so much criticism.
