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See the world through a puff of smoke
Just pointing out your nonsense. Babies are dying. Spider mite babies in your humble opinion, but babies none the same.

Funny you mention spider mite, while I was talking about farming outside.Never had troubles with spider mites growing outside, but you now upset about dying babies you see on TV.Where are your tears about the 10.200 children dead in Yemen since 2015, thnx to the Saudis and their allies or the 14.000 dead in the Donbass since 2014?:wtf:


Active member
Funny you mention spider mite, while I was talking about farming outside.Never had troubles with spider mites growing outside, but you now upset about dying babies you see on TV.Where are your tears about the 10.200 children dead in Yemen since 2015, thnx to the Saudis and their allies or the 14.000 dead in the Donbass since 2014?:wtf:
So you want to kill more.


Active member
I thought you might avoid the subject.

What subject lol. Donbass separatists are not Nazis. It is only something that you say because you support the actual Nazis that the Donbass separatists fight against to protect their people from a NATO sponsored genocide. You would have to be a traitor to your own not wanting separation from a state that is actively pursuing ethnic cleansing of your people. After eight years of this, good luck finding a single person in Donbass who wish to remain part of Ukraine.


Well-known member
They talk as if death is the only factor.

it's the only way they want to keep score. being sick for months possibly, or suffering heart damage etc is "nothing but symptoms of a virus, no vaccine needed". you're not DEAD, WTF are you whining about? 🙄


Well-known member
After eight years of this, good luck finding a single person in Donbass who wish to remain part of Ukraine.

they probably experienced a rather abrupt shortening of the life expectancy after Russia started arming the "volunteer separatists" in the area. either that, or they left the area.


Well-known member
So you want to kill more.

no. he wants us to ignore what Russia is doing and pay more attention to what is happening in Yemen. that too, is a disaster. but that is NOT a reason to ignore what Russia is doing. "NO NO NO! forget this! look over THERE! you need to worry about THAT..."🙄


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
how many normal people is he killing/willing to kill in his glorious attempt at "ridding Ukraine of its 900 remaining nazis" ? and how many Russian conscripts have "died in war and stuff" ? are the women & children that are dying also nazis? the folks in hospitals or apartment buildings? or is it everyone that fight to protect their homeland? are you telling me that Russian tanks and air power cannot put down 2500 "nazis" without help from China? news today says putin wants Syrian troops to come help fight the "nazis" causing him so much trouble...

Sorry. Forgot to add the /sarcasm to my post.

I thought I laid it on thick enough, but I guessed wrong.


Active member

- This shows that our preparedness is good. We were on site to secure territorial integrity and Sweden's borders. We have full control of the situation, says Air Force Chief Carl-Johan Edström.
Two Russian SU 27s and two Russian SU 24s violated Swedish airspace. The violation was short-lived and took place across the sea east of Gotland.
- In light of the current situation, we take the incident very seriously. It is an unprofessional and irresponsible action on the part of Russia, says the air force chief.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]

It is very simple: Sweden should not have provided weapons, training and fighters to Nazi battalions in Ukraine. Talking about an ”unprofessional and irresponsible action on the part of Russia”, go look yourself in the mirror Carl-Johan. As for Sweden’s borders lol,

Sweden Goes From Being One of the Safest Countries in Europe to the Second Most Dangerous


A reminder that the swedish ambition for war with Russia ended the Swedish empire:

Sweden Was a Military Giant—Until It Invaded Russia



Well-known member
Sorry. Forgot to add the /sarcasm to my post.

I thought I laid it on thick enough, but I guessed wrong.

i caught it, but not until AFTER i had hit "post". dammit...i've bitched about the lack of a "sarcasticon" ever since i've been on here. apologies...


Active member
no. he wants us to ignore what Russia is doing and pay more attention to what is happening in Yemen. that too, is a disaster. but that is NOT a reason to ignore what Russia is doing. "NO NO NO! forget this! look over THERE! you need to worry about THAT..."🙄

Cult talking points. Pick up some bullshit talking points from some daisy chain forum, then repeat them like spam expecting normal folks to eat it up. Absorb the wisdom they were gifted from Rogan or brand, the daily mail, or whoever else fills their fantasies and brings light to their illusions of grandeur.


Active member
They do have every need for vaccines to keep them from being able to pass it on to someone who it might kill and to protect the ones it does kill even if it's the least affected group but I guess in your mind what's the harm in a few babies dying if it keeps people from being required to get vaccines to prevent the majority from dying. By the way, the largest group currently dying from Covid-19 are the unvaccinated who are 97 times more likely to die then people who have been vaccinated.

Lolol. It doesn’t stop transmission. “Let’s jab these babies every 4 months so they might have a lesser chance at spreading a flu to the rest my fat family.”


Active member
small children and infants can and do die from several of the "symptoms" you so casually dismiss. how thoughtful! i hope you never have kids...if you do, have 5 or 6 so a couple of them survive. you'll need a lot of help when you get old, if you make it that far with your attitude...

Lololol. 7 million kids with fatigue and fever. 350 dead. They are 3 times as likely to drown. Should just make them wear a life jacket at all times.


Active member
Teach them to swim before throwing them in the deep end. You know. Fences . Learn about rip currents and try to stay out of them. Eventually you wash up to shore. I guess that would be some folks approach.


Active member
At it's highest point, there were 2500 members of the Azov Battalion. Now there are at most 900, and there are fewer every day. Because you know, people die in war and stuff.

But Putin is totally there fighting Nazis.

Yes and that is just one fighting unit, there are many others like it - Aidar, Tornado etc.


Active member
Teach them to swim before throwing them in the deep end. You know. Fences . Learn about rip currents and try to stay out of them. Eventually you wash up to shore. I guess that would be some folks approach.

Better yet, let’s jab em with an experimental gene therapy that 30% of the time keeps them from drowning, but it’s only effective for 4 months so they need 3 shots per year for….ever.


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