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Punto rojo selection and repro


Well-known member
I'm trying to Crack some of these right now, sadly I don't think that I'm going to have any luck.


Well-known member
Cannabiogen bea


ICMag Donor
Following with great interest as I believe you sent me a package of these seeds 🙏 ( not the x of my strain you run I thought you sent me)


Well-known member
would have loved to have seen the final results of these beauties, these plants, even if they were not 100 percent pure are amazingly NLD in structure. Truly stunners all around. I hope you are able to sell or trade a great deal of those golden genetics into the canna community. We all need to stick together and share the best to keep this culture alive and thriving!


Well-known member
Boutique Breeder
No luck with these. 😥
I'm bumbed , they were my favorite back in high school. My other packs were lost in a move across the country
In case you haven't seen it, you still have time...



Well-known member
In case you haven't seen it, you still have time...

Do you ship to the US ?


Well-known member
Colombian sativas at 13 weeks

I still have all seven Colombians in the tent at 13 weeks, and they still need at least another month to finish. Four are PR13 F2s I made from last year's seed and three are puntodorado BX from seeds I made a couple years ago. The puntodorado BX is a keeper punto rojo I found several years ago crossed to pollen from a male Colombian gold plant grown in 2019 from seed collected and frozen in 2019; F1s from that pairing were then pollinated with leftover pollen from the 1978 Colombian gold in 2020. So puntodorado BX is 75% 1978 Colombian gold and 25% are more recent punto rojo stock collected in Colombia in ~2015. The puntodorado BX are incredibly slow to flower compared to the PR13 F2s, and they're much faster than the five haze plants that share the tent.

Let's start with the PR13 F2s...

PR13 F2 - feral pheno
This plant isn't going to yield much but I think it could be really good herb. It would be about 9 feet tall in a 3.5-gallon pot if I hadn't trained it. Unique aromas compared to the others.
092024 PR13 F2 feral.jpg

092024 PR13 F2 feral cola.jpg

092024 PR13 F2 feral cola2.jpg

PR13 F2 - pheno a
This one is also a monster that had to be trained sideways. It has wider leaves than the feral pheno and a lower calyx/leaf ratio. The calyxes on this one are tiny; terrible for commercial production but I don't care about that - I seek quality of effect. It'll be interesting to see how she smokes.
092024 PR13 F2 a.jpg

092024 PR13 F2 a cola.jpg

PR13 F2 - pheno b
This one is also 8+ feet tall but it didn't need training. It grew above the top of the lights which is why the main cola is so sparse up top. This one is also pretty leafy.
092024 PR13 F2 b.jpg

092024 PR13 F2 b cola.jpg

PR13 F2 - pheno c
This is the shortest and more manageable pheno of the PR13 F2s, and it'll probably be the first to finish around 17-18 weeks.
092024 PR13 F2 c.jpg

092024 PR13 F2 c cola.jpg


  • 092024 PR13 F2 b cola.jpg
    092024 PR13 F2 b cola.jpg
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Well-known member
Here are the puntodorado BX plants in the main tent. It's readily apparent that these plants are probably a month slower than the punto rojo F2s; I'm thinking 20 weeks minimum to finish. It's not been easy to keep them happy - they seems to get wet feet and claws up their leaves easily. I didn't bother with cola photos because the buds are still so tiny and because these plants turned into huge monsters that grew above the lights. It also looks like I didn't get a pic of the third one in the tent. I'd call this a viney plant structure, and that's usually a good thing with landrace sativas.

Puntodorado #1 BX plants
092024 PD1 BX a.jpg

092024 PD1 BX b.jpg


Well-known member
The Punto Rojo #19 male

Of the 39 punto rojo plants I sprouted and selected last year, #19 was my favorite male. Green pheno, feral structure and leaf morphology, visible resin production; the kind of wild sativa archetype that I select for. He had the goods. Unfortunately I lost the clone. Worse, I must've collected pollen under humid conditions because it was kind of clumpy when I went to pollinate selected punto rojo females. I made 1:1 pairings with all punto rojo males and females in the tent last year, and the branches on every female hit with PR19 pollen had very few seeds. I hoped some of those seeds were from PR19 pollen, but I know that they could have come from stray pollen from three other punto rojo males or possibly from a Nanda Davi male.

PR19 091623.jpg

When I grew out four F2s this year I used all of the few seeds from the PR #13 female branch that had seen PR19 pollen. So I'm uncertain who the sire is for the four PR13 F2s I'm flowering. I think the feral pheno is the result of a pairing of the two most primitive, archetype sativas from last year's hunt: PR13 x PR19. I also think the one with the super tiny calyxes, might be a punto rojo x Nanda Davi, based on what I saw in the ND females.

Yesterday I found two more vials of PR19 pollen in the freezer, and decided to give it a go with this round, even though I'm at 14 weeks. To my surprise, the pollen was nice and powdery and dry, so I must've collected PR19 pollen more than once last year. I made a beeline for the tent, put on some Barry White, and hit all the Colombian girls with some 1-year-old PR19 pollen. I also pollinated the cola of the crazy looking (NhPh) x PR that I have going. That plant would normally only need another week or two but now all these girls have to wait until at least 18 weeks for those seeds to mature. Hopefully this batch of pollen took. I still have another vial frozen if progeny testing works out.


Well-known member
16.5 Weeks

The first of the Colombian sativa girls was harvested last night at 16.5 weeks. This was a strange plant: extremely small calyxes, very low resin density, and not much aroma. Could well be bunk weed based on that, but I'll give at a dry, a core, and a smoke test, as it's possible such a weird plant could give a very special effect. Her buds are leafier than her sisters, and she did develop that primal, fenotrigo bud structure that I love. She turned into a monster and I'm glad to have her and four haze plants out of the tent now which allowed me to make more room for the seven remaining plants. As I stated above, the exact pollen donor of each of the PR13 F2s is unknown, but I suspect this girl is the result of a bit of stray Nanda Davi pollen based on leaf and bud morphology and aromas.

I didn't take any photos of the remaining PR13 F2s or of the puntodorado plants because it's such a hassle to get them properly arranged in the tent, even with all the extra room. Despite getting pretty dry a few times they all look good and I'm looking at 18-20 weeks for the PR13 F2s and 20+ weeks for the puntodorado plants.

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