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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It's the Deep State vs We The People in Ukraine.

Ukraine is calling/begging for anti-aircraft support, no fly zones, and would really like NATO/Israel to help out

NATO said pretty much “nah, sorry we can’t. Rules and sh**”

The US military is being sent to Europe to help with NATO Allies in the name of support for Ukraine but not going into Ukraine. Just on the border

Russia has them surrounded from the East. NATO and American military on the west

Russia has blocked off the port to the Black Sea

Anyone see what I see?


In theory let’s Think about this:

>Q said the military was the only way.
>Q is less than 10 and 3 non military
>Some of those would HAVE to be Bin Salman, Xi, and Putin if youre going to take on the DS
>Some of the biggest parts of the Deep State are cornered in Kiev.
>Black Sea cut off by Russian subs with fancy new super sonic missiles.
>Russia also has the east by legitimate and legal invasion (land rights)
>NATO and US military surround the east under the guise of support for Ukraine.
>This really is existential for them - yet they’re not sending any realistic help except CIA mercenaries 🤡’s
>No anti aircraft support, no no-fly zone, no Migs like they thought.
>Ukraine is Crying for Israel to come mediate/help.
>Israel is being attacked by Iran bombing the US consulate in Iraq where Israel secret ops are allegedly being held (Mossad)
>Russia is threatening to tell the whole world about the genocidal corruption and have all the evidence.
>Trump is saying China is going after Taiwan next but it wouldn’t shock me if while the whole world is watching Ukraine, China is setting up behind the scenes with no media coverage.
>They’re screaming for public support through manipulation of the media as their only realistic hope Bc they appear to be running out of supplies and ammunition.
>Anons are poking holes through every story they put out. The narrative is coming completely undone.

And if they’ll just wait until they’ve spent all their ammunition, been fully exposed , it can all just happen at once like taking candy from a baby.

The whole thing set up without anyone having a clue what’s going on.

Yeah just like when JFK rose from the dead and made Trump president again...oh wait that never actually came to pass like Q promised.


See the world through a puff of smoke
Well he must not have been a very good CEO if he's now a corn farmer. CEO's typically makes some of the largest salaries on the planet while farmers are constantly going bankrupt just trying to make enough to support their families and keep the farm going. Also it's damn hard work managing a farm so I'm not going to buy it if you try to say that's how he decided to enjoy his retirement. Ignoring all that though one person saying something is not sufficient evidence to declare that thing as truth especially if the things that person does is not connected to the thing he is saying.

Well he is Dutch and the Netherlands is one of the largest agricultural countries in the world.Farming is in the blood.There are more Dutch farmers in Ukraine.You can pretty expand your farm over there.Wheat and corn are btw also commodities on the stockmarket.Ukraine has good soil too.You can make a very good income, unless the weather isn't working for ya.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

Russian fighter jets violated Swedish airspace

Headquarters - March 2, 2022 at: 19.40
On Wednesday, four Russian fighter jets violated Swedish airspace. The Air Force carried out an operation with Jas 39 Gripen from the incident preparedness and documented the incident, in the form of photography.

Two Russian SU 27s and two Russian SU 24s violated Swedish airspace east of Gotland.
Photo: The Swedish Armed Forces

- This shows that our preparedness is good. We were on site to secure territorial integrity and Sweden's borders. We have full control of the situation, says Air Force Chief Carl-Johan Edström.
Two Russian SU 27s and two Russian SU 24s violated Swedish airspace. The violation was short-lived and took place across the sea east of Gotland.
- In light of the current situation, we take the incident very seriously. It is an unprofessional and irresponsible action on the part of Russia, says the air force chief.

Had they succeeded it would be renamed to Gotchaland :D


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
None of those things need a vaccine to cure them. Regular symptoms from a virus.

They do have every need for vaccines to keep them from being able to pass it on to someone who it might kill and to protect the ones it does kill even if it's the least affected group but I guess in your mind what's the harm in a few babies dying if it keeps people from being required to get vaccines to prevent the majority from dying. By the way, the largest group currently dying from Covid-19 are the unvaccinated who are 97 times more likely to die then people who have been vaccinated.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Vaccine's don't cure for starters. Some babies have died from covid. Not sure what any of this has to do with the thread topic though.

Because Russia claimed they found documents showing that the US had Bio-Labs in Ukraine, you know, because the protecting pro Russian Separatist ruse wasn't working. When asked if they found evidence of the things these labs were making they said, "....Ummm, they destroyed that obviously" As if someone would go to the trouble of destroying all the physical evidence but forget to destroy the documentation. Don't worry though, Russia is working now on blaming the aid NATO is giving Ukraine. Biolabs was so last week.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well he is Dutch and the Netherlands is one of the largest agricultural countries in the world.Farming is in the blood.There are more Dutch farmers in Ukraine.You can pretty expand your farm over there.Wheat and corn are btw also commodities on the stockmarket.Ukraine has good soil too.You can make a very good income, unless the weather isn't working for ya.

Yeah when it's raining Russian bombs and missiles, it's hell on crops, and nuclear power plants, hospitals, apartment buildings, theaters, cars with food deliveries to people, cars of people fleeing the country during an alleged ceasefire, etc. I hear Russian bombs and missiles are even worse then spider mites.


Well-known member
It’s NATOs fault that papa putin is a piece of shit.

yeah, if they had just surrendered & given Russia all of Europe, Putin would not have such a case of the red ass theses days. must have been the time he spent driving a taxi that pushed him over the edge...


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
The reality is this, there are nazi's aka facists in Ukraine and some of them, like those in the Azov Battalion did make it into the Ukrainian Army not long after the riots Entropical keeps pointing to as proof of Ukraine needing to be denazified by Putin. What Entropical doesn't tell you is that these nazi's were folded into the regular Army as a way of trying to pacify them so that they feel they play a roll in the direction the country is going in. He is also not telling you that the nazis in the Ukrainian military make up about .25% of the entire military and the number of nazis nation wide is about 2%. He also fails to mention that they do have a political party that participates in elections but the nazi/facist movement is so weak in the country that in the last election they failed to gain a single seat in what is the Ukrainian equivilent of Congress or Parliment.

At it's highest point, there were 2500 members of the Azov Battalion. Now there are at most 900, and there are fewer every day. Because you know, people die in war and stuff.

But Putin is totally there fighting Nazis.


Well-known member
At it's highest point, there were 2500 members of the Azov Battalion. Now there are at most 900, and there are fewer every day. Because you know, people die in war and stuff.

But Putin is totally there fighting Nazis.

how many normal people is he killing/willing to kill in his glorious attempt at "ridding Ukraine of its 900 remaining nazis" ? and how many Russian conscripts have "died in war and stuff" ? are the women & children that are dying also nazis? the folks in hospitals or apartment buildings? or is it everyone that fight to protect their homeland? are you telling me that Russian tanks and air power cannot put down 2500 "nazis" without help from China? news today says putin wants Syrian troops to come help fight the "nazis" causing him so much trouble...


Well-known member
None of those things need a vaccine to cure them. Regular symptoms from a virus.

small children and infants can and do die from several of the "symptoms" you so casually dismiss. how thoughtful! i hope you never have kids...if you do, have 5 or 6 so a couple of them survive. you'll need a lot of help when you get old, if you make it that far with your attitude...


Active member
small children and infants can and do die from several of the "symptoms" you so casually dismiss. how thoughtful! i hope you never have kids...if you do, have 5 or 6 so a couple of them survive. you'll need a lot of help when you get old, if you make it that far with your attitude...

They talk as if death is the only factor.


See the world through a puff of smoke
Yeah when it's raining Russian bombs and missiles, it's hell on crops, and nuclear power plants, hospitals, apartment buildings, theaters, cars with food deliveries to people, cars of people fleeing the country during an alleged ceasefire, etc. I hear Russian bombs and missiles are even worse then spider mites.

Azov is much more worse than spidermites, but I see you only see the regular news and get there your opinion from.People from Germany driving 621 miles to the border of Poland with Ukraine with €800 of food items to find out that no help is needed and that they were lied by the media.Meanwhile in their own country government officials are shouting in their parliament that the unvaccinated are the real problem.Seems like history is repeating again.


Active member
Azov is much more worse than spidermites, but I see you only see the regular news and get there your opinion from.People from Germany driving 621 miles to the border of Poland with Ukraine with €800 of food items to find out that no help is needed and that they were lied by the media.Meanwhile in their own country government officials are shouting in their parliament that the unvaccinated are the real problem.Seems like history is repeating again.

You do repeat your crap a lot.

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