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from the future


from the future

Are Americans compulsive liars? The answer is yes !"​


by Paul Craig Roberts

All American citizens who agree to be brainwashed by politicians and the media should carefully watch this video, which is only seven minutes long, to avoid falling prey to false propaganda.

In this video, members of the Biden administration, the “experts,” the CIA director, the media, the Rand Corporation and politicians of every party, Democrats and Republicans, speak with one voice: “It’s Putin who himself sabotaged his own Nord-Stream gas pipeline.

The media take up the discourse of the political class and the politicians themselves add to their comments by spreading even more lies. They do not recognize that they are brazenly lying when the evidence is plain to see and hear. This American ruling class is totally devoid of integrity, it is totally stupid and it denies reality while being convinced that the people have lost all lucidity to recognize that everything is based on lies. Goebbels declared that the bigger a lie, the more it is accepted as a reality that must be believed...

Paul craig roberts


from the future

Arthur J. Finkelstein and his Golem Benjamin Netanyahu born Miliekowsky​


Snuggled in the diapers of Anglo-American intelligence: Arthur J. Finkelstein and his Golem Benjamin Netanyahu born Miliekowsky

by Mendelssohn Moses

«I wanted to change the world and I did. I made it worse». (I wanted it, and I did it: change the world. For worse) (Arthur J. Finkelstein, 2011)


In the fire of words, it would be easy to forget that the Jabotinsky State decides on nothing.

Because its so-called leaders are golems, ventriloquist dummies.

Saying, doing, gesticulating, screaming, calling oneself “believers”, “secularized”, “atheist”, “nationalist”, it’s all one. To look into their eyes is to lose yourself in the empty sockets of a skull.

The ventriloquist hovers above. Or, in the words of the late Arthur Finkelstein: «I am the playwright and the director».

Everything is going in the same direction, and in one direction only.

With the massive onslaught of England and the USA having broken against the Russian rock in Ukraine, it has become urgent for them to triple the size of their military platform in the Middle East.

Attack the rise of pan-Arabism, BRICS and the Silk Road from a new angle. If possible, destroy in a sea of flames what others have built. In a word, to make a holocaust (“completely burned) of the hopes of the whole world.

Just as Ukraine will not survive beyond this NATO war against Russia, the Jabotinsky State will be discarded once its usefulness to the Anglo-Americans as a front base for their strategic interests is exhausted.

(Proof of the delicate attentions of the Anglo-Americans for the Jabotinsky State: the secret Pfizer-Netanyahu contracts, resulting in 2020 in the injection of a substance with unknown effects to 92% of the population. Given the excess mortality already observed, once the Palestinians – who also refused these injections – have been exterminated by the IDF – it will be the turn of you know who.)

Ventriloquist dummy, with family

It is less easy than one would imagine to know who Nathan Mileikowsky and Benzion Netanyahu, born Mileikowsky in Poland, grandfather and father of the current Prime Minister of the State Jabotinsky, really were. Or why and how this Benzion found himself in the USA in 1956 while McCarthyism was in full swing.

From the outset, it appears that the Mileikowsky family can only be creatures of the intelligence services. Very well off, emigrating to Palestine in 1920 while in the British iron glove, the family knew nothing of the NSDAP in Germany or Austria, nor suffered from any deprivation.

The grandfather, Rabbi Nathan Mileikowsky (born in 1879), a fanatic revisionist Zionist, espousing the same hysterical and insincere theses that we have since heard from his grandson, was probably first under the control of the Okhrana ( the tsarist intelligence services), then British intelligence, very active in the Russian Empire in the 1924th century, because he received an excellent education, and held important functions although engaged in subversive activities. From XNUMX we find Rabbi Mileikowsky promoted to public figure in England, then sent to the USA where he delivered, without being disturbed by the authorities, hundreds of conferences advocating revisionist Zionism.

The Rabbi's son, Benzion Mileikowsky (born in 1910), non-believer father of the current Prime Minister, also a non-believer, worked with Vladimir Jabotinsky himself, as secretary. A professor of medieval history, from 1940 we found Benzion as if by a miracle in the USA, where he did right-wing agitprop until 1948, as CEO of the New Zionist Organization of America. Returning to the Jabotinsky State in 1949, the year his son Benjamin was born there, he apparently encountered strong hostility there, presumably due to his extreme views regarding certain other peoples native to the region.

Rebelote therefore in the USA in 1956, while McCarthyism was in full swing; he was immediately involved in prestigious universities, notably Denver and Cornell.

While dozens of Jewish intellectuals are demonized as “communist sympathizers” by Senator Joseph McCarthy, here is Benzion Mileikowsky who quietly continues his social climb in the USA.

In 1976, his eldest son Jonathan, a member of a so-called “elite” commando, was killed in Entebbe. Benzion Mileikowsky returns to the Jabotinsky State again with his other children. It was at this time that Benjamin Mileikowsky, now Netanyahu, also a former member (1967-1972) of an “elite” commando but for whom other names would rather come to mind, founded an institute ephemeral and supposedly “anti-terror” in the name of his deceased brother.

Then Benjamin Mileikowsky-Netanyahu returns to his true Promised Land: the USA, where he is not about to become poorer.

A graduate of MIT, he was hired by McKinsey's counterpart, the Boston Consulting Group.1 then parachuted without training in diplomacy and without anyone understanding through what means, permanent representative of the Jabotinsky State to the UN (1984-1988₎ after having been the enigmatic Head of Mission at the Embassy of the said state in Washington (1982-1984).

In 1988, he was awarded: Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Jabotinsky State.

Delighted with this champion of privatization, the magic of market laws and austerity, the OECD dedicates a page of praise to him2, just like the World Economic Forum of which it is a pillar.3,4,5,6

However, it was during his period at the UN that Miliekowsky-Netanyaou met Ronald Lauder, owner of the Estee Lauder cosmetics empire and US Ambassador to Austria (1986-1987); in 2011, this same Lauder proposed the integration of the Jabotinsky state into NATO.

According to an article published in June 1996 entitled “My boyfriend Bibi", Ronald Lauder introduced him to "the American secret adviser» (sic) Arthur Finkelstein: «Lauder made the suggestion. What did Netanyahu accept? There remained Arthur who set everything in motion". Already in 1999, according to Globe, Lauder was “among the main financial supporters» by Benjamin Milikowsky-Netanyahu, while Lauder's RSL group, «reigns over communications, television and telecommunications» and not only in the Jabotinsky State.7

A skilled businesswoman, Miliekowsky-Netanyahu's wife Sara was a financial consultant for Estee Lauder. Or something lucrative like that.

Enter the “playwright and director”

Arthur J. Finkelstein

If Finkelstein is known as the white wolf in the Jabotinsky State for having "made" Sharon, Netanyahu and the latter's alliance with Avigdor Liberman8 (a feature-length documentary has just been released9,10 heavily promoted in the English Jewish community but not available on the Continent) few Europeans have heard of it.

Only one interview with him has been made public so far, a conference11 given in 2012 at the Cevro Institut, a private Czech political science school “modeled” they say “on Oxford” and advocating economic neo-liberalism and the “objectivism” of Ayn Rand.

At the Cevro Institut, Finkelstein declared in particular:

«In the political world, it is not the truth that is true, but your perception. If I tell you a truth, you will believe everything I tell you afterwards. A competent politician will tell you one or two true things before telling you untruths, knowing that you will believe whatever he says next, true or not.».

Born in Brooklyn in 1945, died of cancer in 2017, not without having created a branch of his consulting firm in Tel Aviv, Finkelstein became Kingmaker in the USA, then, sailing on the wings of the Bald Eagle, “advised » some successful politicians in the states of the former Soviet bloc and the former Yugoslavia. And above all, in the Jabotinsky State, this American state de facto.

Refugees or sons of refugees, often communist sympathizers, Jewish intellectuals in the USA fled the NKVD, the NSDAP or the Banderists to find themselves facing the McCarthyist Terror. “Keep your nose clean”; “Don’t Go There”; “Stay out of It” becomes the rule of life; succeed in business, law or medicine without going to prison; to be accepted into the imperialist political club governed by the Ivy League, but always sheltered, in the shadows.

Arthur Finkelstein is one of them. In politics, he experienced resounding success by systematizing and categorizing for electoral purposes the “consent factory” of Edward Bernays, the latter having created the term in 1922. Public Relations Advisor for the use of politics.

If Finkelstein is indeed a “spin doctor”, he is a low-grade version of the Sophist whose thinking is laid bare in Plato's eponymous dialogue.

According to New York Times, Finkelstein as a young man was among the close friends of the radical ideologue of neo-liberalism Ayn Rand née Rosenbaum, then of Barry Goldwater.

His irregular personal life having undoubtedly opened him to the various forms of pressure of which the intelligence services are so fond, who must have sniffed out very early both his talents as a manipulator and the flanks he lent them, Finkelstein was introduced very young and through who knows what intermediaries to the main whitewashed tombs of US public life. Thus, the NYT attributes to him the victories of Richard Nixon (1972) at least in part, Ronald Reagan (1980), James L. Buckley, Alfonse M. D'Amato, Orrin Hatch of Utah, Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond, George Pataki... Finkelstein becomes advisor George W. Bush and a host of neo-liberal radicals.

In the Jabotinsky State, where he intervened from the end of the 90s, apart from his great admirers and "friends" Miliekowsky-Netanyahou and Avigdor Liberman, Nir Barkat the billionaire ex-mayor of Jerusalem, Ariel Sharon (2001), Silvan Shalom (2003), Shaul Mofaz (2008) are among his clients, while it was Finkelstein who organized the Likud / Yisrael Beytenu union in 2013.

Activist Jeff Halper declared in January 200612 :

«Public relations (of the Jabotinsky state editor's note) are sophisticated. We hire the most sophisticated US consultants. Especially a guy called Finkelstein who no one in the USA has heard of, but he's the one who does the dirty tricks for the Republicans (he is the dirty tricks guy for the Republicans.)… Finkelstein runs the Likud campaigns. And Paul Wolfowitz, the former US Secretary of Defense, architect of the Gulf War, president of the World Bank, neocon among all, it was he who led Netanyahu's campaign in 1996. We find a shoe that fits him, is not it ! So we hire US consultants like Finkelstein, in order to overcome the obvious contradiction: (the Jabotinsky State – editor's note) is a strong, proud, powerful Jewish state, a regional force such that it can confront everyone, but at the same time time, to sell the idea that (the Jabotinsky State – editor’s note) is the victimized little Jew. And Finkelstein succeeded».

Furthermore, Finkelstein worked in the USA to ensure the defeat of the great dissidents who were Senator Frank Church13 and George McGovern14. Among the founders of the National Conservative Political Action Committee, from the 70s Finkelstein knew how to diversify the sources of financing for neo-conservative candidates, giving them access to financial flows that could be described as unorthodox.

We have seen it – in the public domain we find only one conference by Finkelstein, the one where he teasingly pretends to lift the veil on his methodology: that of 2012 in the Czech Republic for an audience blissfully admiring the Hegemon.

If it is effective, the forms of manipulation of opinion that he practices are anything but original, which is why it is useless to dwell on them here. For example, in the Jabotinsky State Finkelstein carried out polls, and asked whether the respondents considered themselves primarily “Jews” or citizens of the Jabotinsky State. Following which, he developed his anti-Shimon Peres slogans, and the slogan “Bibi is useful to the Jews”.15

As for Finkelstein's role in Benjamin Miliekowsky-Netanyahu's political career, despite dozens of hours of research, Papa Mendelssohn found only one detailed press article, that of Adam Nagourney published in the New York Times 24 years ago16. Reading this fifteen-page article is essential..

For Nagourney, “Finkelstein and Netanyahu re-wrote the rules of politics in this country". As early as 1996 (he cites Miliekowsky-Netanyahu and Barak) “Finkelstein transformed political campaigns (in Jabotinsky State)… I must act as Chairman of the Board of Directors» said Finkelstein. And Milikowsky-Netanyahu declared to his team: “I want you to obey him, because when he speaks, he speaks for me».

Nagourney continues “In 1996 Finkelstein insisted on inserting into his contract with Likud a clause prohibiting publicizing his role in their campaign (…) however this became known; Finkelstein became a major public figure, and his name became a verb to describe American election campaign tactics. Miliekowsky-Netanyahu was full of praise in conversation with Nagourney, and presented him with around ten ministers from his cabinet».

A word in conclusion: Mendelssohn having no affinity for the Jabotinski state, this is the first time that he looks at the characters who operate there. Specialists will be able to fill in the gaps noted.

Mendelssohn Moses
  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/08/mitt-romney-and-benjamin-netanyahu-are-old-friends
  2. https://www.oecd.org/documents-archive/2010.pdf
  3. https://www.weforum.org/people/benjamin-netanyahu
  4. https://www.weforum.org/the-davos-agenda-2021/special-address-by-g20-head-of-state-government
  5. https://www.weforum.org/2020/10/duque-kagame-netanyahu-digital-tech-post-pandemic
  6. https://www.jpost.com/netanyahu-to-davos-israel-is-worlds-laboratory-for-immunity
  7. https://www.timesofisrael.com/abbas-says-mogul-lauder-floated-backchannel-to-netanyahu
  8. https://www.haaretz.com/2012-12-10/arthur-finkelstein-unseen-power-broker
  9. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/cannes-2023-israel-copro-foundation-film-sales-outfit-documentaries
  10. https://powerbase.info/index.php/Arthur_J._Finkelstein
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_Committee
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_McGovern
  13. https://www.jpost.com/netanyahu-strategist-arthur-finkelstein-dies-at-72
  14. https://www.nytimes.com/1999/04/25/magazine/sound-bites-over-jerusalem.html


from the future

Putin: Russia has 'sacred duty' to protect Gaza​


by Russia Today

Moscow has a moral obligation to provide humanitarian aid to the civilian population of Gaza, Russian President Vladimir Putin argued on Wednesday. The day before, he told other BRICS leaders that he had been moved by videos showing Palestinian children being operated on without anesthesia.

Earlier this month, the World Health Organization (WHO) accused Israel of regularly targeting medical facilities. The international watchdog also said child deaths were a daily occurrence in the besieged Palestinian enclave.

Speaking to the Russian cabinet via video link, President Putin said: “This is a noble, humanitarian and very important mission. We must help people who are suffering because of current events».

The Russian leader then described the provision of aid to Palestinian civilians in Gaza as "our sacred duty».

The day before, during an extraordinary online BRICS summit, the president noted that “the death of thousands of people, the massive displacement of the civilian population and the humanitarian catastrophe that broke out» arouse the “deepest concern».

«When we look at how children are operated on without anesthesia, this of course arouses very special feelings.Putin added.

Although securing humanitarian truces is an essential short-term task, Moscow wants to see lasting peace in the region, he stressed. This can only be achieved on the basis of previous UN resolutions calling for the creation of two states – Israel and Palestine, the president said.

According to Putin, other BRICS member states share Russia's position in many respects, as shown by the way they voted in the UN General Assembly.

source: Russia Today


from the future

The United States helps Israel commit and cover up war crimes​

by Moon of Alabama

Some titles are just plain strange:

«The United States sent Israel data on the locations of humanitarian aid groups in an attempt to prevent them from being hit» – Politico

Anyone who has witnessed the regular massacres committed by the Israeli occupying forces over the years will immediately understand that the title actually means this:

«US provides Israel with targeting data to bomb Palestine aid groups» - Real Politico Headline Meaning

And in fact :

«For weeks, the Biden administration has been providing Israel with the locations of humanitarian groups in Gaza in order to prevent strikes on their facilities. But Israel continues to bomb these sites.

For at least a month, the Israeli government has been receiving information on the GPS coordinates of a number of medical facilities and the movements of humanitarian groups in Gaza, according to three people familiar with the communications. They were granted anonymity because they feared that speaking publicly would make it more difficult for aid groups to operate in Gaza.

Israel has launched operations against Hamas inside or near aid sites, including hospitals, which led to the destruction of buildings and the blockage of fuel and other essential supplies».

This is not a war against Hamas, but a war against the Palestinian people. The American government knows that it is complicit in the war crimes perpetrated day after day by the Israeli army. His survival instinct is to do his best to hide all evidence that such crimes have been committed.

«Biden administration officials see hostage situation as proof their strategy is working"- Political

«There was no sense that the pause would turn into a longer ceasefire, a senior administration official said. And the administration worried about an unintended consequence of the pause, namely that it would allow journalists greater access to Gaza and shed more light on the region's devastation and turn public opinion against Israel».

«Don't let anyone know we're doing this!»

A word on the hostage taking:

In the hours before temporary truces or more lasting ceasefires are established, Israel always increases the level of its bombings and massacres.

Today will likely be the worst day the people of Gaza have ever experienced.

source: Moon of Alabama

moose eater

Well-known member
Article from the Intercept by Jeremy Scahill. You might recall Jeremy Scahill as the source who outed Obama's use of CIA drone-fired missiles in Pakistan's tribal outlands. He's a credible source, imo.

Apologists for Israel's 75 years of propaganda and war crimes in Gaza and the West Bank can kiss my ass.



Well-known member
I already know zionists are racist. Didn't need that reminder.

Israeli propagandists really think it's still the 1990's out here lmfaooo. Pathetic considering how much money is sunk into PR to maintain their apartheid. South Africa experienced the same thing which ended up helping bankrupt the apartheid government.



Well-known member
The big question is.........which countries will be charged in the The Hague
The US has something called the American Service Members Protection Act where it authorizes the use of force to free any American citizen(s) held by the ICC.

"The Act gives the President power to use "all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release of any U.S. or allied personnel being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the International Criminal Court".[2]" - Wiki

Israel also hates the ICC because they call out Israeli war crimes in the illegal occupied territories.
Neither are members of the ICC.

In other words;
