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Brother Nature

Well-known member
been following DT's "evolution" on the topic
he was first saying how smart Hamas was right after their operation
recent comments were that this war has to play out, which seems equivalent to green lighting the removal of Hamas from Ghaza
sounds dead center aligned with the Biden doctrine, America is reunited
Noting unites Americans like racism and genocide...


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor

I doubt it would play out like a John Wayne movie hippy...
Rank & NationPower IndexTotal Military Personnel (est)
#1 United States0.07121,832,000
#2 Russia0.07141,330,900
#3 China0.07223,135,000
#4 India0.10255,132,000

Check out India - 5 million strong military bodies. Even they could crush Russia like a stale peanut.



Well-known member
It takes a while to learn how to fly a paraglider so I assume that there was, at the least, training inherent.

It's a likely a rare situation to be paragliding with your weapon and ammunition and then see your buddies that just happened to be paragliding with their weapons and ammunition in the same direction towards the same location with no planning involved.

Avoiding civilians doesn't usually include taking them hostage or executing them now and later.
israel themselves have said they don't believe it was a planned strike. that is where i got the info from.

I agree.

It is nearly logistically impossible for hamas or palestinians in general to "genocide" israelis.

And yet, here we are. Hamas has explicitly called for genocide, days after killing over 1k Israelis in a surprise attack.
watched that clip twice more and still did not see a call for genocide. he did seemingly call for more terrorism yes, and and end to the israeli occupation and illegal state.

Palestine has no infrastructure, standing army, money, half the population of gaza are children, they have nothing. And they continue to meet Israel's overwhelming military with pitched resistance.
15k dead in a couple weeks isn't much resistance. by what metric is this even going by because i have no idea what you could be talking about. the fact that resistance still exists? there's always going to be resistance. hasn't the US been experiencing it's own form of that since we armed the mujahideen in the 70's? blowback is a son of a bitch.

Which begs the question: to what extent does Hamas manifest the will of the Palestinian people themselves, who have nothing?
Last election was in 2006 and they seemed to have won without corrupting the vote. 50% of the population of Gaza was/is 18 and under so they have no say of course.

Do we not reach some sort of level where we say enough deaths? Is there a number? Because we're currently rivaling the 1947 Nakba's numbers of deaths and abductions.

Instead of manifesting the will of the Palestinian people, to what extent does Hamas act to further interests of whatever external supporters they might have?
So, Iran is behind it all? To what end? Who ends up gaining? Occams razor tells me israel gains because they outright state their goals of eradication of anyone who isn't jewish.

I think it far more likely that Hamas acts as the catspaw of other regional powers without any regard whatever for the lives of the Palestinian people for whom they purport to fight.

This is merely my opinion.
And yet it was Israel and it's allies who kept Hamas in power because their existence basically ensures no two state solution will ever happen. It also can seemingly justify to large number of folks their ultimate goal of an ethno-state.

I know they have other backing as well but I think who really benefits from the existence of hamas is netanyahu's far right government and has for a long time. it's the perfect cover for an ethnostate.

Moreover, what is the origin of this call to genocide made by Hamas leaders? Does it come from the Palestinian people themselves? I think that unlikely.
got any other videos of evidence of these calls for jewish genocide? because i don't agree there was one in your video.

however, everyone from the settlers to the highest appointees in the israeli government as well as random us government employees have no problem saying they want to genocide the arabs.

im pretty cooked as i answer this lmfao if i missed something my bad.


Well-known member
been following DT's "evolution" on the topic
he was first saying how smart Hamas was right after their operation
recent comments were that this war has to play out, which seems equivalent to green lighting the removal of Hamas from Ghaza
sounds dead center aligned with the Biden doctrine, America is reunited
if theres anyone to do it its trump. especially when he realizes supporting israel is tanking biden. fake populists will say whatever.


from the future


from the future

Bleed the beast​

by William Schryver

These are the indisputable facts at this stage of the war between the West and Russia which continues in Ukraine:

The empire and its European vassals spent virtually all of their surplus and a substantial fraction of their operational instruments of war in a futile attempt to weaken Russia using three distinct versions of Ukrainian proxy armies.

These three armies – each time equipped with greater weaponry from NATO – were systematically annihilated. And the remnants are now reduced to mostly “unable to fight” units.

A significant proportion of Ukraine's male population was sacrificed in this senseless enterprise. The kyiv government has resorted to draconian levels of forced conscription in a desperate attempt to fill gaps in its lines.

Those who sided with Ukraine in this war continue to assert that, despite the fact that their team's ranks were undeniably devastated, the Ukrainians nevertheless inflicted a severe strategic defeat on Russia.

Exorbitant and completely fictitious figures regarding Russian losses are confidently cited. And from the command bunker of this defeated force, we hear the now familiar refrain:

«If only we had 100 F-16s, 1000 more ATACMS missiles, 500 more cruise missiles, 500 more Abrams tanks, 500 more M-777s and HIMARS, and 5 million artillery shells...we could send the Russians back to Moscow 'here Christmas. Or at least by spring. And certainly not later than next summer».

«But we need it now!»

And if they need it now, it is because this third army that NATO managed to set up in Ukraine has been dismantled even more completely than the first two.

Meanwhile, contrary to the illusions of those who dreamed of inflicting a mortal wound, Russia is stronger today than it was just two years ago, in almost every way.

People can close their eyes, cover their ears and shout “na na na na na” all they want, they cannot change this now easily perceptible reality.

They may retort that “Russia did not take land, it did not conquer Ukraine. Russia is weak.

They just don't understand the objectives of the war.

The goal of war is to destroy the army (or, in this case, The army) of the enemy. All other strategic objectives flow from this fundamental principle.

And, as I have argued in more or less identical terms since the Russians, in July 2022, methodically destroyed the first version of the mother of all armies by proxy in Ukraine, Russian strategy, tactics and operational results in this war will be studied with admiration by military historians for generations to come.

Regarding the present moment, I argue that the Russian armed forces, fighting on their own soil, over and under their adjacent seas, and in the air above their spheres of control, constitute the most powerful military force and the most experienced on the planet.

It is also increasingly clear that significant numbers of military personnel in Europe, London and Washington know this to be true - at least to the extent that it has convinced them to push for disengagement from the war against Russia and the abandonment of Ukraine to its inevitable fate.

Yes, under the influence of their irrepressible vanity and pride, they think they can persuade the Russians to submit to a “ceasefire” followed by a partition of Ukraine between NATO and Russia.

But that won't work in Moscow. Not now. Never.

The Russians will dictate the terms of the conclusion of the war in Ukraine, and the inept masters of the rapidly declining empire will just have to try to pass it off as a "strategic victory" in the eyes of their still gullible population. .

As for the rest of the world, most of them understand perfectly well what has happened. Actually pass. They see clearly the growing cracks in the clay feet of the empire.

«But wait ! Look over here now! We have a whole new war going on; a new band of “bad guys” that must be defeated».

And so the volatile attention of Western citizens will dutifully fixate on the “bad” Islamic fanatics controlled by Iran in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq… and yes, even Iran, if necessary .

«Look ! We send our mighty navy and our indomitable marines! Oh, and those brand new F-35s! (They are invisible, you know.) Observe how we spread 'liberty and democracy' among the pagans. And don't worry about the images showing what thousands of tons of explosives have done to Gaza's densely populated urban areas. After all, they deserved it for decapitating babies. They all deserve what we chose to do to them. Do not forget it. We are the only ones who are the indispensable nation».

Regardless, another crucial point in the Imperial domain is being rapidly depleted, that is, weapons stocks have proven surprisingly limited throughout the realm.

But don't worry, Wall Street economists remind us:

«Making money on massive trades in financial derivatives is much easier and more immediately profitable than making and selling physical goods. We will keep our soft, manicured hands clean, and we will hire the unclean masses of the barbarian world to make the things we need – and then we will pay for them with freshly printed IOUs. It's the perfect scam, and it's been working for decades. It will still work for decades».

Meanwhile, China continues to build ships, dump U.S. Treasury debt, and buy gold.

The colossus that is the empire is bleeding white from a thousand cuts, and before long it will stumble and fall into the mire, where the beasts of the field and the birds of the air will feast on the carcass until the bones are exposed.


source: Imetatronink


Well-known member
got any other videos of evidence of these calls for jewish genocide? because i don't agree there was one in your video.

Not a video, but the document upon which Hamas was founded. It says the Prophet commands every Muslim to kill every Jew, everywhere in the world.

Here's a recent (2019) video of Hamas leader Fathi Hammad echoing the genocidal message of the Hamas charter, "There are seven million Palestinians abroad... You have Jews everywhere. We must attack every Jew on the planet – slaughter and kill… And you, the people of the West Bank, until when will you be silent? We want the knives to come out. Five shekels [for a knife] – isn't the neck of a Jew worth five shekels to us?"



Well-known member
Because both sides believe the world would be a better place without the other.
Israelis and Palestinians are closer genetically to each other than to anyone else. it's a thousands of years long family fight over land both think God wanted them to have. no way it was not gonna be ugly. :confused:


Well-known member
Israelis and Palestinians are closer genetically to each other than to anyone else. it's a thousands of years long family fight over land both think God wanted them to have. no way it was not gonna be ugly. :confused:
this is complicated, it's one hell of a mix
but the european jews have plenty of european genes
used to have a Lebanese office mate who asked how did a russian jew(as an example) have more claim to this land than people with a hundred generations of habitation
I do not have an answer


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Years and years ago, back when I actually thought one could make a living installing car audio systems, I worked for an Iraqi. Whose sister was married to an Israeli who was co owner of where I worked. And their sales guy was Palestinian. With 3 white boys installing shit. :ROFLMAO: Oh and the tint guy was a Jordanian stoner. He's who taught us 'Muricans to mix pipe tobacco with weed.


from the future

A short history of anti-Zionist Judaism​



Judaism and Zionism, same fight ? This is what Israeli leaders and their supporters would have us believe to justify their colonial crimes and criminalize their criticism. A dangerous instrumentalization that could feed anti-Semitic sentiments among the less educated and the small merchants of hatred. But the reality is very different. Jose Antonio Egido makes us travel in’space and in time to remind us that’hier and today still, many Jews are opposed to Zionism. (I’A)

Rejection of Zionism by the Jewish masses​

Zionism did not represent, in its early days, all the Jewish communities spread throughout the world. On the contrary, he was greeted by the strongest condemnation and rejection of various and influential Jewish sectors.

Jewish opposition to Zionism is wide and varied. It includes many religious communities; modernist and enlightened movements like the «Haskalah»[1] and the universal Jewish alliance[2]; the ashkenazi and Sephardic jewish labor movement, with socialist and communist tendencies, represented in particular by the Jewish labor federation; the jewish communities of several countries such as Egypt, Morocco, etc, tunisia or Yugoslavia and important local communities such as the Sephardi of Salonika, Sarajevo and Smyrna who withdrew their support for Zionism in 1911.

In Katowice was created in 1912 the Agudat Israel party (Union of’Israel) to coordinate religious opposition to Zionism. Orthodox Judaism denounced Zionism as a false satanic religion. Chief Rabbi of Warsaw from 1874 to 1912, Eliyahu Hayim Maizel led the fight against Zionism in Poland. The Universal Conference of Sephardic Jews, established in 1925 in Vienna, affirmed its identity in the face of aggressive Zionist nationalism, which claimed to unify different communities of culture and tradition. In the 40s, the Egyptian communist Marcel Israel created an anti-Zionist League in Egypt.

The anti-Zionist jewish labour movement​

In May and June 1909, the sefarad proletariat of the Greek city of Salonica created, in alliance with Bulgarian and macedonian proletarians, the Socialist Federation of Salonica which was recognized by the Second International. It was mainly composed of JEWISH’workers from tobacco factories, the port as well as artisans and employees.

It was in its time the’unique labor movement organized in Muslim lands. His newspapers published in Spanish jew or djudesmo, the language of Sephardic jews, were titled Jurnal del Lavorador, Solidaridad Ovradera or yet Avanted. One of its founders and leaders was Abraham A. Benaroya. The Federation rejected reactionary Jewish nationalism, Zionism. In 1918, she joined the Hellenic workers' party…

Jewish Marxists against Zionism​

Jewish intellectual Abraham Serfaty denies the existence of a Jewish nation or an Israeli people. He considers the Israeli population to be a « artificial human aggregate, structured on the basis of ethnic castes and dominated by a politico-military clique in turn part of the Euro-american caste called ashkenazi. This structure is based on the apparatus of Zionist imperialism, dominated in turn by American imperialism »[3]

Serfaty claims the notion of the Arab jewish community, an integral part of the Arab nation, at the same time, it condemns Zionism as a racist and colonialist enterprise in the strongest possible terms.

Serfaty says that only the big bourgeoisie has made possible the victory of Zionism : « Zionism n’a could impose itself only thanks to its appropriation by the great bourgeois of Western Europe, as part of the plans of conquest of British imperialism, then, subsequently, american »[4].

Progressive Jews have the same opinion. Isaac Deutscher states that« Israel has appeared in the Middle East in the infamous role of agent of powerful Western interests, not of its own fragile capitalism, and as a protector of neo-colonialism…as an agent of late and too mature imperialist capitalism today; its role is simply lamentable »[5].

Israel Shahak accuses the State of Israel of being the « administrator of an imperial power ».[6]

Protesters from the Orthodox Jews Against Zionism movement awaits a 'March For Palestine', part of a pro-Palestinian national demonstration, in London on October 14, 2023, organized by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, in London on October 14, 2023, Friends of Al-Aqsa, Stop the War Coalition, Muslim Association of Britain, Palestinian Forum in Britain and CND. - British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called on Israel Friday to take every possible precaution to protect civilians in its response to last weekend's deadly attack by Hamas. (Photo by Adrian DENNIS /AFP) AFP

Why do so many Jews denounce Israel's war against Gaza?

14 NOVEMBER 2023
Secretary-General of the Communist Party of Israel (PCI) Meir Vilner, clearly states that Israel plays the role of «agent of the United States both in the Middle East and in other regions (…) where it burns under the feet of reactionary dictatorships and where the liberating struggle of the peoples is amplified (..) In other regions of the world, Israel fulfills the dirty and embarrassing functions that the North American administration does not want to take on directly: it provides weapons to fascist dictatorships, it offers them military instructors, it offers them, it organizes and supports subversive activity against progressive regimes»[7].

Serfaty analyzes the religious tradition of Arab Judaism, based on the expectations of the Messiah. And he concludes that Zionism is an absolute negation. This return of the Messiah cannot serve as a justification for any colonial conquest, since it is the hope of the advent of the « reign of God », that is to say, the reign of justice, all over the earth and for all humans. He accuses them « Zionist leaders to transform the religion of our fathers by making it an ideology of racial hatred and war ». It also dismantles the manipulation by Zionism of the biblical concept of « elected people ». He claims that the great Jewish thinkers of Andalusian mysticism and their Arab continuators have converted this concept into a duty for Jews to behave anywhere and anytime in people « fair ».

Refusal of’part of the Jewish masses to migrate to Israel​

Thousands of Jews refuse to migrate to Israel: 100,000 Jews from Turkey, 20,000 Egyptian Jews, 3,500 other tunisians, several hundred Yemenis and Algerians, and thousands of Iranians, Syrians and Moroccans have stayed in their homes for millennia. From 1948 to 1952, the Yugoslav Jewish community divided into two almost equal parts: 7,500 refused migration and as many others accepted it.

In 1933, 60% of the 503,000 Jews who lived in Germany supported the Central Union of German citizens, with a non-Zionist and assimilationist tendency, while just 9,000 others supported Zionism. In just that same year, 33,000 Jewish-German migrants have made their way to Palestine.

Of the 5 and a half million Jews in the United States alone, 10,000 emigrated to Israel between 1948 and 1965.

Jews fleeing anti-Semitic persecution from reactionary regimes in Eastern Europe were not seeking to emigrate to Palestine, but rather to the United States, Canada or

Australia. In 1890 one and a half million Jews arrived in the United States. Between 1967 and 1980, the HIAS ( Aid Society for Jewish Immigrants ) helped 125,000 Jews settle in the United States, not counting the Jews who arrived in Latin America, in Canada, South Africa and Iran. From Israel, 100,000 went to the United States.

In 1964, when the French population left Algeria not to accept the independence of the Algerian nation and for fear of reprisals for its involvement in the oppression of the Algerian people, the vast majority of the Jewish community followed her on her journey back to France, unable to show solidarity with the Muslim people, with the exception of a minority that had joined the FLN. However, the majority of Algerian Jews refused to leave for Israel. Of the 155,000 Jews who lived in Algeria in 1960,

135,000 settled in France, 15,000 in Israel and 4,000 remained in Algeria.

The majority of the 56,000 Jews who lived in Palestine in 1918, out of a total population of 700,000, were of Arab culture and opposed to Zionism. She was not persecuted by anyone and felt no need to live in a Jewish state.

Jews denounce Zionism's manipulation of the Holocaust​

Professor Norman G. Finkelstein is a Jewish descendant of victims of the Nazi holocaust, expresses its indignation at the shameless exploitation by the Zionist bourgeoisie of the millions of Jews murdered by the Nazis. He claims that since 1967, this bourgeoisie has created a « industry » of the Holocaust that has brought him political advantages, ideological influence and a lot of money.

He is not the only one to think that way. He quotes an important Israeli writer, Boas Evron, who claims that « Holocaust awareness is an official propagandist indoctrination, a massive production of slogans and false worldviews whose real goal is absolutely not an understanding of the past, but the manipulation of the present »[ 8 ]. Isaac Deutscher, whose family was also murdered in Auschwitz, already denounced in 1967 that the « Israeli leaders justify themselves by making the most of Auschwitz and Treblinka, but their actions parody the true meaning of the Jewish tragedy ».

Arab Jew Abraham Serfaty also denounces that « the Zionist leaders did not hesitate to use the Nazi holocaust to lead in their adventure the whole Judaism of Europe and America ». A group of moderate French Jewish intellectuals claim that no one has a monopoly on Nazi judeocide[9].

Arab Jews deny that Jews lived under oppression in the Arab world and had to emigrate to Israel​

Serfaty categorically denies that the « Israeli people » constitutes a society, because it is a «human conglomerate threatened with dislocation». A French writer wrote that « the first victims of the creation of Israel would be the Palestinians, expelled from their homeland; the second the eastern Jews condemned in the more or less long term to a new exodus».[ 10 ]

Faced with the rude Zionist lies that claim the « jews were frequently marginalized in Syria and Egypt»[11], and that « jews were oppressed minorities»[12], thus, seeking to justify the impossibility for them to live in Muslim land, the reality of tolerance and good Muslim and arab relations stands out, who treated them in an incomparably better way than the European christian, tsarist, nationalist and nazi antisemitism.

Serfaty stresses that the cultural memory of Arab Judaism is based on the deep friendship between Jews and Muslims of the people, their fraternal symbiosis and mutual respect. He claims that « everyone probably thinks that his religion is the closest to the truth, but that everyone considers the other religion as a different way to worship the same god, each respects as sacred the books, temples, saints, objects of worship and the great religious festivals of the other »[13].

Portrait of Michele Sibony of the UJFP

Michele Sibony : « The construction of’a counterfire on the back of Jews »

The Jews were in the 19th century, in Damascus, respectable bourgeois whose Arabic was the mother tongue. They were the Sultan's personal doctors in Istanbul, bankers or the poor in Cairo and Haifa. Even today 2,500 Jews who speak Arabic and consider themselves Syrians live in Damascus with the Syrians, Muslim Palestinians and Kurds. They were also found in one of the most beautiful districts of Beirut with Arabs of Muslim, Druze or Christian religion, with Turks, Armenians, Assyrians or even Italians. In Aleppo and Hebron, large Sephardic communities flourished. In Aleppo still live nearly 1,200 Jews today.

For Serfaty, one of the deep characteristics of Arab Judaism is respect for others. According to him, this is a fundamental characteristic of the whole Arab culture.

Progressive Jews regret the’ existence of the’State of’Israel​

One of the most prominent representatives of progressive and universalist Judaism, Albert Einstein, already foresaw in 1938 the impasse in which Zionism would lead the Jewish people :

« I prefer by far a reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of peaceful coexistence to the creation of a Jewish state, my knowledge of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders, an army and a certain degree of temporal power, as modest as he is. I fear the inner evil that could happen to Judaism especially with a view to the development in our ranks of a narrow nationalism ».
Nathan Weinstock considers that Israel generates by itself the causes of its own disappearance[ 14 ]. Jewish Middle East Committee Allows Israel « racist ideology»[ 15 ]. The distinguished Egyptian poet and thinker of Jewish origin, Edmond Jabès, firmly rejected Zionism.

French historian Maurice Rajsfus thinks that Israel is « a blocked society, unable to imagine living in peace with the Palestinians »[ 16 ].

Michel Warshawsky, son of the chief rabbi of Strasbourg, emigrated to Israel in 1967, anti-Zionist, co-founder of the Jerusalem Alternative Information Center in 1984 – which earned him eight months in prison – claims that Israeli leaders « lead us to suicide... in their relationship to the Jewish people, they are cynical and manipulative. Israel, far from being a tool to help the Jewish people is using it ». He writes that « the atomization of society and its division into two antagonistic social blocks show the failure of the attempt to create a new national entity whose political expression would have been the Jewish state »[17].

Tim Wise, Jew and Director of the Association for Anti-Racist White Education ( Association for White Anti-Raciste Education -AWARE ) from Nashville ( Tennessee ) says that Zionism is anti-Jewish[ 18 ]. The Moroccan Jewish intellectual Serfaty considers that the Zionist entity culturally and socially oppresses the Arab Jews of Israel, imposes on them a religious conception contrary to theirs, transforms them into beasts of burden and cannon fodder in the service of the expansionist objectives of American-Zionist adventurers in the Middle East.

Moroccan Jewish historian Haim Zafrani acknowledges that Moroccan Jews suffer great uprooting in Israel and that their culture is humiliated. He refers to their «melancholic lamentations» and to « lbitter or nostalgic cries»[19].

Moroccan Jew Mordejai Vanunu declares on his release after 18 years of imprisonment for having denounced the existence of the Zionist nuclear arsenal : « We do not need a Jewish state ».

The French Jewish Union for Peace claims that Israel's repressive and colonial policy in the occupied territories is catastrophic for Jews around the world. Avnery, cited above, believes that Israel's brutal policy « causes the resurrection of anti-Semitism worldwide ».Professor of Sociology at Baruch Kimmerling Hebrew University accuses « Ariel Sharon for having started a process which, in addition to the intensification of bloodshed on both sides, can cause regional war and partial or almost total ethnic cleansing of Arabs in « Israel Land »[ 20 ].

Lucid Jews have vaticiné that the Zionist state of Israel has no future​

Lucid Jews warn of the imminent danger hanging over Israel.

Nahum Goldmann, president of the Jewish World Congress, wrote in 1975 that an Israel that threatens world peace with its arrogant intransigence against the most basic Palestinian rights has no prospect of a future[21].

The secretary general of the Argentine Zionist Organization, Roberto Faur, has given up his mandate to express his disagreement with the Israeli presence in the territories occupied in 2002. The most recalcitrant Argentine Zionists accuse him of being a « political terrorist ».

Original source: Investig’Action
Translated from’Spanish by Nicole Garcia


[ 1 ] Haskalah – « Jewish illustration » – Intellectual movement in the 18th and 19th centuries in Eastern and Central Europe which proposed to modernize and unify Jewish education, in particular by the use of Hebrew, to the detriment of local rabbinical traditions ( D.d.t. )

[ 2 ] Universal Israelite Alliance. Association created in France in 1860 by Adolphe Crémieux who gave birth in 1946, after his rallying to Zionism, to the Consultative Council of Jewish Organizations in France.

[ 3 ] Abraham Serfaty – « Prison writings on Palestine » – Arcantere, Paris, 1992.

[ 4 ] Prison writings…, op. cit., p. 32.

[5] Isaac Deutscher, interview conducted in 1967 and published in the book of Tariq Ali writer and British activist of Pakistani origin « El choque de los fundamentalismos », Alianza, Madrid, 2000.

[6] Israel Shahak – « Jewish history, Jewish religion : the weight of three millennia » -1994

[7] « The main obstacle to Peace in the Middle East » – International Review, 11, 1986 Prague

[8] Norman G. Finkelstein « L´industrie de l´Holocauste » -French edition – La Fabrique, 2001.

[9] Appeal published in the daily newspaper Le Monde on October 19, 2000 and signed by historians Pierre Vidal-Naquet and Maurice Raifis, professors Catherine Samary, Michel Lowy and Daniel Bensaid, doctor Patrick Zylberstein, lawyer Gisele Halimi, among others.

[10] Gilles Perrault, a man of his own. Barrault, Paris.

[11] Gustavo Daniel Perednik, La judeofobia, Flor del Viento ediciones, Barcelona, 2001, pp. 114.

[12] Arnos Perlmutter – « Israel » Ed. Espasa Calpe, Madrid, 1987

[13] Prison writings, op. cit., p. 54.

[14] Zionism against Israel, Maspero, 1967.

[15] See http://www.middleast.org/archive/jcome1.hm

[16] « Is there a left Israeli ?», Rouge et Vert, no72, 12 avril 1991, Paris

[17] The first quote is taken from an interview in the newspaper Rouge et Vert, 1991, and the second from his free « Israel-Palestine : la alternativa de la convivencia binacional », Ed. La Catarata, Madrid, 2002

[18] His email : [email protected]

[19] Haim Zafrani, « Los judios de Espana. Historia de una diaspora (1492-1992) », edition directed by Henry Mechouan, Ed.Trotta, Madrid, 1993, pp. 505.

[20] In the Israeli weekly Kol Ha´Ir of February 1, 2002.

[21] Nahum Goldman – «Where is Israel going?» Ed-Calmann-Levy, Paris 1975


from the future

Second and third Israeli cargo ships seized by Yemen in the Red Sea​

by Hal Turner

Yemen's Houthis seized the Israeli ship “ZIM Haifa”, seen in the photo below. This is the second Israeli ship seized by the Houthis (Ansarullah).

Besides the ZIM Haifa, the Houthis seized the “Zim Luanda”, another container ship, also in the Red Sea, sailing from Israel to China.

This is the third ship (probably linked to Israel) seized or attacked in 3 days.

Yemeni forces are carrying out a publicly promised interception of Israeli-owned, leased, crewed and cargo ships in retaliation for what Israel is doing in the Gaza Strip.

It is now clear that the Houthis are trying to establish a form of naval blockade against Israel.

Even though Yemen does not have the military resources to impose a real blockade, what is happening may have the same effect. Sooner or later, insurance companies will step in and refuse to insure ships to/from Israel. When this happens, ships will self-impose "no ships" to or from Israel because they cannot risk a ship being uninsured.

In such a situation, supply chain disruptions in Israel will materialize very quickly. If this were to last for an entire month, the effects on Israel would be literally catastrophic.

We are witnessing the “Axis of Resistance” taking control of the maritime chokepoints of the Middle East.

source: Hal Turner Radio Show


Well-known member

Second and third Israeli cargo ships seized by Yemen in the Red Sea​

by Hal Turner

Hal Turner is an infamous American neo-Nazi.

Turner's viewpoints typically encompass Holocaust denial, conspiracy theories, white supremacy, and have included calls for assassination of government officials. In August 2010, he was convicted for making threats against three federal judges with the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, for which he spent two years in prison.



from the future

Antifa and neonaz in the same time lol your US zionist brainwash is accomplished

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