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See the world through a puff of smoke
all of them plus all fighter aircraft, ships, tanks, amphibious landing craft, you name it. it is the most common heavy machine gun round.

it is just one of the inventions of john moses browning, one of the most prolific arms designers to walk the face of the planet.

Did the Canadians have any Browning machine guns in their possession?

Photo from 1945


from the future

Zelensky's Inquisition: In Ukraine, women suffer violence and sadistic reprisals​


by Foundation to Fight Injustice

The Foundation to Fight Injustice has received unprecedented evidence of brutal abuse of women by Ukrainian law enforcement, military personnel and fighters of nationalist battalions. According to data received by the Foundation, gang rapes, genital torture, genital mutilation and electric shocks carried out by the AFU, SBU and Azov fighters are carried out on the direct orders of President Zelensky and with the authorization from the heads of the Ukrainian security services.

The collapse of the Soviet Union led to an increase in crimes against the honor and dignity of women in Ukraine. Even before Volodymyr Zelensky came to power, Ukraine was already leading in the number of women raped by state security forces, mainly the police. According to statistics, in the majority of cases, the perpetrators were not held administratively or criminally responsible. According to a 2013 United Nations report, more than 20 million people in Ukraine have been casualties of violence – physical, sexual or mental – and most of them are women. According to Ukrainian human rights organizations, around 40% of Ukrainian women have been victims of sexual violence at least once in their lives, and 25% of them were under 18 years old. Previously, UN experts have repeatedly noted that loopholes in Ukrainian legislation allow police officers or agents of Ukrainian special services accused of sexual acts against women to completely evade responsibility. However, after Zelensky took office as President of Ukraine in May 2019, Ukrainian law enforcement, military and paramilitary formations ceased to be internationally condemned for committing crimes, even the most brutal, against women.

Since the end of February 2022, the torture, rape, beatings and disappearances of Ukrainian women have become a “routine". The Foundation to Combat Injustice presents an in-depth investigation that provided direct evidence of atrocities and cold-blooded crimes committed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the SBU and the nationalist Azov Battalion. The Foundation to Combat Injustice's sources are a senior Ukrainian security official who defected to Russia (source #1) and a former member of the Azov Battalion (source #2), as well as Ukrainian citizens who directly survived the torture. According to evidence collected by the Foundation, lynchings, gang rapes and brutal beatings of women are just the tip of the criminal iceberg created by Ukrainian President Zelensky and high-ranking Ukrainian security forces.

And with the blessing of the United States just like for the genocide in Gaza.

Zelensky's Decree No. 185K

The Foundation to Combat Injustice managed to contact one of the former high-ranking members of the SBU who defected to the Russian Federation. The source told the Foundation that the sophisticated torture and abuse of women who expressed sympathy for Russia and the Russian military was approved by the leadership of the Ukrainian security bloc and was carried out with personal knowledge and full consent of President Zelensky. According to the Foundation's source, this decision is classified "secret" and is called Decree No. 185K signed by the Ukrainian president.

«Former SBU head Bakanov, SNBO secretary Danilov and GUR head Budanov decided in a coordinated manner at one of their meetings in March 2022 that the implementation of so-called “Educational punishments” for declared supporters of “Russian peace” and a special military operation was a necessary measure to instill fear in the female population of Ukraine. After reading the decision, Zelensky signed everything. It was a secret decree No. 185K» the source told Foundation employees.

The official document approved by Ukrainian President Zelensky, in particular, recognizes the right of Ukrainian military personnel and representatives of special services to harm the health of women suspected of having ties to Russia. A source among former senior officials of Ukraine's security service told the Foundation to Combat Injustice that the goal of Decree No. 185K is not only to intimidate Zelensky's enemies and supporters of Russia, but also to undermine the demographic situation of the republics of Donbass. Thanks to its sources in Ukraine, the Foundation has learned that the decree contains direct incentives to inflict injuries on women opposed to the Zelensky regime that are not compatible with the birth of children in the future. According to Foundation experts, the decree has direct parallels with the illegal acts of forced sterilization of women carried out by the Third Reich during the Great Patriotic War.

Comment: And similarities with what women in Gaza suffer.

Source No. 1 told the Foundation that hundreds of former and current members of Ukrainian nationalist battalions were recruited to implement Decree No. 185K. The territories of Ukraine and the new constituent entities of the Russian Federation were divided into zones: the SBU and the “Azov” battalions banned in Russia operated in the east of the country (Donbass, Kharkiv, Odessa, Nykolaev, Dnieper), while AFU counterintelligence units tortured women in Kiev and western Ukraine.

According to the Foundation’s No. 1 source:

«Decree 185K essentially introduced harsh punitive measures against women who disagreed with the actions of the Zelensky regime in Ukraine. Depending on the region, the implementation of these measures fell either on the shoulders of national battalions, such as Azov, or on the SBU officers and counterintelligence units of the AFU, disguised as "civilian activists" in civil. The first operated in eastern Ukraine – in Donbass, near Kharkiv, in Odessa, Nykolaev and Dnieper. The others operated in kyiv and western Ukraine».

Medieval torture practices in Ukraine

In kyiv, Lviv and other regions of Ukraine, representatives of the SBU
and the AFU publicly attach men and women to
street poles because of their opinions or statements
pro-Russians, accusing them of looting.

According to the testimonies of the victims, the Ukrainian army, the National Guard, various units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Service of Ukraine use a whole arsenal of torture, which, in their cold blood and cruelty, resembles to the most sophisticated punishments invented by the medieval Inquisition. According to a study by Maxim Grigoriev, president of the International Tribunal for the Crimes of Ukrainian Neo-Nazis and Their Accomplices, without any proof of guilt, thousands of Ukrainian women are subjected to various corporal punishments: they are beaten with their feet, hands and blunt objects, tortured with water and electricity in order to extract confessions from their victims to crimes they did not commit. The scale and systematic use of torture by Ukrainian military and security forces suggests that this practice is a deliberate policy of these structures, authorized by their leaders.

As defined by the European Court of Human Rights, the Convention on Human Rights not allowed totally torture, regardless of any other conditions. Furthermore, international law presupposes that “the State is responsible for the actions of all its agents, such as the police, intelligence services and other law enforcement agencies, as well as any other public authority exercising control over a person, whether acting «by order or at own discretion».

According to the source of the Foundation for Combating Injustice, former senior officials of the SBU, corroborated by the testimonies of those handed over by the Ukrainian side during the exchange of prisoners, Ukrainian security officers and military personnel are inspired archaic methods of torture and put them into practice against women.

In kyiv in March 2022, a woman and a man who criticized Ukrainian President Zelensky's activities on the street were tied to a lamppost and flogged in public.

In March 2023, disturbing photos and videos began circulating on the internet showing Ukrainian civilians, including women, tied up, stripped naked and tied to lampposts. Humiliating public punishments were inflicted not only on "looters" and "saboteurs", as Western media reported at the time, but also on anyone arousing suspicion of the Ukrainian military or considered sympathetic to Russia. After being brutally beaten and sprayed with greenery on their faces, the victims remained tied up for several days, deprived of access to food and water. “Pillars of shame” and public floggings are only a small part of what Ukrainian women caught in the crosshairs of Ukraine's security services have to endure.

Kateryna Rotmistrova, victim of abuse by Ukrainian security forces

Human rights activists from the Foundation for Combating Injustice managed to contact Kateryna Rotmistrova, who was tortured in Lviv due to her pro-Russian sentiments and whose torture photo went viral in the media of whole world. This woman claims to have been the victim of “punitive patrols” made up of former and current officers of the Ukrainian army and special services. According to her, the security forces resorted to repression against anyone speaking Russian in their presence and, in order to create an outcry and justify their actions to residents, women and men were accused of looting .

Catherine declared that the “column of shamewas not the only torture of the Middle Ages used against women. According to the victim, she knows of at least two cases of water torture against women: a cloth is placed over a person's face and water is slowly poured over it to make the person feel like they are she chokes. Similar torture practices are known to have been used in Ukraine's secret prisons in Kramatorsk and Krasnoarmeysk. After such torture, a person confessed to crimes he did not commit. Furthermore, Ukrainian security services always filmed the moment of confession in order to later use the recording as evidence in court.

Prevalence and methods of intimidation of women in Ukraine

Mass torture of women who openly opposed Zelensky's regime spread to kyiv, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and other cities of western and central Ukraine. Many categories of Ukrainian citizens have been victims of Ukrainian state-sanctioned violence: students, housewives, and university professors. The women were kidnapped directly from their workplace, deprived of means of communication and blackmailed by their relatives, who were also kidnapped and brutally tortured.

According to a source from the Foundation to Combat Injustice among Azov Battalion members who defected to the Russian side, Azov fighters or SBU and AFU officers could be drawn into torturing and abusing women for the following reasons :

  • public expression of sympathy for Russian leaders, the Russian army or Russian policies;
  • public expression of intention to help the Russian army;
  • suspicion of espionage for the benefit of Russia;
  • in Western Ukraine and kyiv – public conversation in Russian;
  • expression of a positive attitude towards Russian culture;
  • public criticism of the actions of the Ukrainian armed forces, national battalions or Zelensky;
  • denunciations from neighbors, acquaintances, passengers of means of transport concerning private conversations on all the above-mentioned subjects.

The most common reasons for torture and ill-treatment
inflicted on Ukrainian women by SSU and AFU officers

Currently, the Foundation has obtained unofficial summary information, confirmed by two sources, about the type of torture and mistreatment suffered by Ukrainian women victims of the Zelensky regime. Ukrainian women have most often been victims of gang rape. This happened mainly in eastern Ukraine. It is known that from March to December 2022, fighters of the Azov National Battalion raped about 3500 women in Mariupol, near Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, Kherson and the Dnipropetrovsk region. Among them, 1900 were raped in Donbass, around 800 in the Kherson region and more than 500 in the Kharkiv region. About 300 such cases are also known in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

Distribution of crimes committed by the AFU, SSU and national battalions
Ukrainians against women in Ukraine and in the new entities
constituent parts of the Russian Federation (March-December 2022)
(Based on Foundation to Batle Injustice sources)

In western Ukraine, flogging and electrocution became the main forms of punishment for women considered by the Zelensky regime as enemies of the state. Sources have confirmed at least 1500 cases of cruel corporal punishment, including 700 in the vicinity of Kiev, 600 in the Lviv region and the rest in Vinnitsa, Lutsk, Ivano-Frankivsk and other cities.


Dynamics of violent actions carried out by security forces and the army
Ukrainian violence against women (September 2014 – October 2023)

Source #1 of former SBU members told the Foundation the following:

«In Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk and Vinnitsa, women were simply locked in basements, stripped naked and beaten with whips, as in the Middle Ages. JI know that in a number of cases these actions were observed by NATO military personnel. Strictly speaking, I cannot call it anything other than a national inquisition named Zelensky».

Source #1 also informed the Foundation of approximately 110 cases of “punitive rape» committed by SBU officers against female dissidents in regions of central and western Ukraine.

According to the testimonies of the women surrendered by the Ukrainian side during the prisoner exchange, Ukrainian women suffered the most brutal and cold reprisals and torture due to the aforementioned Zelensky Decree No. 185K. Almost all of the women captured by representatives of Ukrainian security forces returned with broken ribs, arms and legs, and knocked out teeth. According to Anastasia B., a 45-year-old resident of the village of Vladimirovka, Volnovakha district, in March 2022, her neighbor was kidnapped by fighters of the Ukrainian nationalist Azov battalion, banned in Russia, because she was accused of having criticized Zelensky. The woman, a 37-year-old mother of three, was starved, beaten and ransomed for weeks. Finally, after twenty days of perverse abuse, the kidnappers injected the captive with mounting foam into her vagina before throwing her in a field without any clothing.

«I have lived in Vladimirovka for more than 20 years, I have seen enough since 2014. What they did to my neighbor, a mother of three children, is difficult to imagine even for the most sophisticated maniac. They raped her for about three weeks, demanded a large sum of money from her relatives, and when they had enough of her, they injected foam into her every orifice and told her "he is high time to close your dirty incubator”, then threw her naked on the highway. She miraculously survived,” said Anastasiya B. about the abuse inflicted by Azov on her neighbor».

The most brutal torture was inflicted on women who, for whatever reason, were suspected of spying or working for Russia. A source among former high-ranking members of the SBU told the Foundation that these women were either brutally murdered or tortured with particular cruelty. According to the Foundation's source, around fifty women from eastern Ukraine were tortured by members of the nationalist Azov battalion, banned in Russia. According to him, the women were tortured with electricity by connecting wires to their genitals and mammary glands.

Source No. 2 informed the Foundation to Combat Injustice:

«I know that at least 50 Ukrainian women from eastern Ukraine were tortured in the most sadistic way by the Azovs. Some had electric wires connected to their genitals and mammary glands and were tortured to death with electric shocks. Two women who confessed to working for Russia were dismembered and drowned in the Dnieper».

According to evidence collected by Mr. Grigoryev, Maryna T., 46, from Donetsk, was kidnapped by the SBU after learning that she was of Russian nationality. The woman was kidnapped in front of her minor children and her nephew, then taken to the basement, the entrance to which was through a sewer pipe, beaten and electrocuted. Two wires were connected to the woman's index finger and thumb, placed on a wet cloth and flipped onto a toggle switch with electricity. Under the effect of the current, the veins under Marina's knees began to burst. Once the helpless woman fell to the ground, the masked men raped her, then began threatening her.to bring his daughter and start having fun with her as a woman". The SBU torture victim recalls that she turned gray in one day and has been having nightmares for several months.

According to French journalist Laurent Brayard, AFU soldiers and SBU officers drugged the abducted women and girls. In an interview with the Foundation for the Fight against Repression, Brayard described the abuse inflicted on Natalia, a 55-year-old resident of Donetsk, kidnapped by fighters from the nationalist battalion. According to him, the woman spent approximately 19 days in captivity, seven of which were without food and 11 with her hands tied. Natalia was drugged and beaten with sticks and bare hands: almost all of her upper teeth were knocked out. Only when the victim was in agony was she taken to the SBU headquarters near Kramatorsk, where she was accused of separatist activities. The woman later managed to escape.

In some cases, Ukrainian politicians and media, for propaganda purposes, try to attribute the murders and abuse of peaceful women committed by members of the nationalist Azov Battalion, which is banned in Russia, to the crimes of Russian soldiers. In March 2022, Lesya Vasylenko, deputy of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada, and Oleksiy Arestovich, senior advisor to President Zelensky, publié on social media the photograph of a desecrated woman's corpse, accusing Russian soldiers of being responsible for these atrocities. Later, independent journalists and fact-checkers discovered that the published image was taken from a video by American journalist Patrick Lancaster, who covers the course of the special military operation in Donbass. The war correspondent filmed the body of a woman tortured and killed by fighters of the Ukrainian Azov battalion in the basement of a school in Mariupol, which served as their base.

A woman victim of torture by fighters
of the Ukrainian nationalist unit “Azov”

The Foundation for Combating Injustice has data confirmed by several sources that some of the women designated by the Ukrainian armed forces and the SBU as sympathizers of Russia were transferred to conditions of sexual slavery. According to the information received, some of them are still the so-called concubines of Azov fighters and elite AFU units, while others were forcibly transported to Romania, Bulgaria and Czech Republic and made available to criminal groups engaged in the sexual exploitation of women. There are at least 1000 Ukrainian women.

The data obtained by the Foundation to Fight Injustice is confirmed by Dutch journalist Sonja Van den Ende. She said Ukraine has more victims of human trafficking than any other country in Eastern Europe since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The journalist claims that in 1998, the Ukrainian Interior Ministry estimated that 400 Ukrainian women had been trafficked in recent years. Other sources, such as non-governmental human rights organizations, say the figure is even higher. Currently, women kidnapped by the AFU and SBU and taken as sex workers to European countries are forced to become prostitutes in the cities of Frankfurt, Amsterdam and Paris, where many Ukrainian women, including young girls, are exploited .

Today, official statistics on the number of rapes and especially serious murders in Ukraine are strictly confidential. Therefore, no government source will indicate the number of women who died in excess between the end of February 2022 and the fall of 2023. The majority of these deaths are classified as “military casualties”. It is also fair to say that many women survivors of sexual and other violence did not seek help from investigating authorities, fearing that their situation would be worse and they would not don't get justice.

Human rights defenders from the Foundation to Combat Injustice call on international investigative bodies and international human rights organizations to immediately open an investigation into all facts and evidence of crimes against women committed by Ukrainian law enforcement and security forces. Acts of public and non-public violence and abuse perpetrated by Ukrainian law enforcement and personally approved by President Zelensky jeopardize the fundamental principles of human dignity and undermine the foundations of a modern humanist society. Without the immediate intervention of international humanitarian organizations, without a transparent and exhaustive investigation and without accountability for all those involved in these events, the situation of women's rights in Ukraine risks degenerating and reaching an unacceptable level. by all standards of the modern civilized world.

source: Foundation to Fight Injustice via SOTT


from the future

In Jerusalem, Israeli settlers expropriate Armenian Christians​


by Francesca de Villasmundo

In Jerusalem, Israeli settlers expropriate the properties of Armenian Christians: the Armenian quarter has its origins in the IVth century. The Israelis would like to build a luxury hotel in this Armenian neighborhood.

Armed settlers invade Jerusalem's Armenian quarter, inhabited by Armenians since the XNUMXth century​

Strong tensions between Christians and Israeli settlers in Jerusalem. The war in Gaza, the Hamas attack allows all retaliations.

«The alarm signal is the situation that occurred in the Armenian Quarter, within the Old City, where every square centimeter of the territory has always been subject to very strict and effectively immutable constraints»Writes The messenger. And to recount the rising tension:

«It all started quietly on November 4, when Armenian residents peacefully demonstrated against the illegal construction of unspecified structures (probably intended as a luxury hotel) in their neighborhood. The matter worsened when armed settlers arrived and demanded police intervention. Orthodox, Catholics, Copts and Protestants also took to the field to defend Armenians with a common note of solidarity, hoping to form a wall and prevent the destruction or upheaval of an age-old place. . Meanwhile, Israeli settlers equipped with bulldozers and excavators have positioned themselves inside the centuries-old Garden of Cows, a fairly large area of the Armenian Quarter, protected by UNESCO».

The Armenian quarter, which by extension represents a sixth of the old city, has been inhabited by Armenians since the XNUMXth century when Christian pilgrimages to Jerusalem began. For them, preserving this heritage is not only a matter of local importance but is of global importance.

The Jews want to expropriate the Armenians to build a luxury hotel in this district of Christian importance deemed “vital”.

At the root of this crisis is a controversial agreement signed years ago by the Armenian Patriarch, through a drug-trafficking priest who was expelled for this very reason. The contract (it was a 99-year lease) was challenged and invalidated by the Israeli court this summer, but the Australian businessman of Jewish origin (who had signed the contract) as well as a group of Israeli settlers (with whom he was in business) still showed up with bulldozers and other machines demanding the expulsion of the Armenians from the Cow Garden.

The declared plan is to build a luxury hotel in this area, which would not only endanger several Armenian homes, but would ultimately eliminate a space of Christian importance deemed “vital” by the patriarchate.

Israeli bulldozers in the Armenian quarter of Jerusalem

From last year to this year, all Christians have been subjected to continuous and violent provocations, episodes of aggression, desecration of churches and damage to other sacred places​

The presence of armed settlers in the Armenian Quarter has intensified tensions between Jews and Christians. “From last year to this year before the war broke out in Gaza, writes the mainstream media Il Messaggero that we cannot accuse all Christians (Catholics, Orthodox, Copts, Armenians, Protestants) of incorrect thinking. were subjected to continuous and violent provocations, episodes of aggression, desecration of churches and damage to other sacred places. Statues of Madonnas broken with sticks, spitting and insults towards passing priests, various obstacles and constant harassment". Provocations carried out by Orthodox and Zionist Jews who want the return of the entire holy city of Jerusalem to the hands of the Hebrew State, and therefore the departure of other religious communities.

By a common note, the Christian Patriarchates ask the authorities to clarify and restore harmony since this dispute endangers the physical and spiritual presence of the Armenian Patriarchate and the Armenian Community of Jerusalem. However, Jerusalem police asked local Armenians to leave the area.

Press release from the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, November 18, 2023

We can note that this continuous and latent persecution of Christians to make them leave, permitted by Netanyahu's government, contradicts certain French identitarians who naively believe, and through ignorance of religious history, that Israel defends the supposed "Judeo- Christian”, a concept we must also remind them born within the Protestant world.

And in conclusion, the obligation to respect religious minorities, to be ecumenical and “inclusive” only seems to apply to ancient Christian nations…

source: Media-Press-Info


from the future

Israelis forced to withdraw from multiple fronts in Gaza​


by Al Manar
The Israeli occupying forces withdrew on Sunday evening, November 19, 2023, from several fronts in Gaza City as well as from the north of the Palestinian enclave, after fighting with Palestinian resistance factions.

Local sources said Israeli military vehicles withdrew 3 kilometers westward from the Al-Khadra areas and the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, south of Gaza City.
They also claimed that the Israeli occupation army retreated from the “Al-Saraya” and “Dabit” intersections in the center of Gaza City. Israeli military vehicles withdrew from the Tal Al-Hawa neighborhood towards Al-Rashid Street, in the far west of Gaza City.
The Israeli occupying forces also retreated from the “Abu Sharkh” intersection in the town of Jabalia in the north of the Gaza Strip towards the northwest to the “Saftawi” intersection in the north of the Gaza Strip, a- we specified from the same sources.
The withdrawal of the Israeli occupation army follows violent clashes between its forces and members of the Palestinian resistance in the Al-Nasr neighborhood, near the Al-Shifa medical complex, close to the Saraya region and in the Al-Sabra neighborhood, south of Gaza City.

Destruction of 29 vehicles​

The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, announced on Sunday evening the destruction of 29 vehicles in several areas of the Gaza Strip, and the death of a “large number” of Israeli soldiers locked inside 'a building southeast of Gaza City.
On the Israeli side, he announced that 5 of his soldiers were killed in the north of the Gaza Strip, bringing the total number of soldiers killed to 383 since October 7.

Video of Al-Qassam firing against Israeli tanks​

The Al-Qassam Brigades released video footage of the operations against the occupying forces entering Gaza City.
The Qatari channel Al-Jazeera released these images showing members of the Qassam Brigades attacking Israeli tanks and vehicles with anti-tank missiles at very close range.
One of the fighters approaches “at zero distance” an Israeli tank placing a projectile on it before detonating it.
The images also show several Israeli soldiers' military clothing, collars and military equipment after they were attacked by Al-Qassam fighters.

source: Al Manar via Long live the revolution


from the future

Genocidal tribe of’an Israeli general : « violent epidemics in Gaza would facilitate victory »​


Photo credit: screenshot of’INSS Israel
Arsene Justo
20 November

By Jpp

L’former general and leader of the Council israeli National Security official Giora Eiland published Sunday 19 november a forum in which he calls for further massacring of the civilians in Gaza to facilitate the victory of’Israel.
While all the pro-Israel press in France is trying to’ explain that civilian victims in Gaza are only collateral victims caught between the Israeli’arme and the « terrorists » du Hamas, some Israeli leaders have much less difficulty in assume to target civilians and to undertake a real policy ethnic cleansing in Gaza. Giora Eiland, former general and leader israel's National Security Council issued the following Sunday a column in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot, in which he has multiplied calls to target civilians and to totally destroy Palestinian society.
Full translation of Giora Eiland's genocidal column in Yediot Ahronot.

I expect all relevant parties to start issuing arrest warrants and writing up prosecution files.@UNOSAPG @WairimuANderitu @IntlCrimCourt @KarimKhanQC @CIJ_ICJ @ICJPalestine @theCCR @Gilles_Devers https://t.co/HeQCRM7TdE pic.twitter.com/BPg0J4vGof
— Tali (@TalulaSha) November 19, 2023

So, according to him « [the Palestinian women who] are all the mothers, sisters or wives of the Hamas murderers » must be targeted. Indeed, according to him the latter « are part of the’ infrastructure on which Hamas relies » and « s’s do the’ experience a human disaster, we can assume that some Hamas fighters and only the youngest commanders will begin to understand that war is futile and that’it is better avoid irreversible harm to their families ».

But for the military the objective of the IDF operation must also be that the « system collapses » rather than « [ kill ] the most Hamas fighters ». In other words, the Israeli army must focus on targeting all Palestinians, rather than targeting Hamas directly. It’s finally a strategy that already uses IDF since October 8, since it has focused from the start on the systematic destruction of schools and hospitals ( 22 of the 35 hospitals in the territory have already been razed to the ground card ). It is also responsible, for this purpose, for the assassination of 60 journalists present in the Gaza Strip according to Mediapart, as well as the forced displacement of three quarters of the Gazan population.

L’ancienne high official explains moreover that this displacement forced, whose result is that nearly 2 million Gazans are amassed in totally inhumane conditions in southern Gaza, serves that same purpose. It indeed declares « the community international warns of human disaster in Gaza and Gaza against a severe risk of’epidemic. We must not change our plans because of that, as difficult as it may be. After all, from violent epidemics in the southern Gaza Strip would make the victory closer and would reduce the number of casualties among the’arme israeli. »

This interview is only the raw formulation of the project that the Israeli’arme is actively working in Gaza. Giora Eiland in reality’explain the Israeli strategy and in particular to its most racist fringes and extreme right’ for those who they refused until then to see what project it serves: a project colonial and genocidal. It’is that to quote this general, the « cruelty » n’is pour him qu’un « medium ». A reminder of the ongoing massacre in Gaza.


Well-known member
Did the Canadians have any Browning machine guns in their possession?

View attachment 18921828
Photo from 1945
yes, you have found a little piece of history on that beach. there is probably a great background story attached to it if you can figure it out.

i was in a little town about 30 miles south of Nashville, TN about 15 years ago and, while walking in a little park, i saw an object protruding from the dirt and kicked at it to totally expose it. it was a Civil War .58 caliber mini-ball from a muzzle-loading black powder rifle. i gave it to the local Civil War museum and they said it was from the Battle of Stones River. 35,000 men from both sides died there over a 3-day period.



Feeding the ducks with a bun.
We find rockets, artillery shells, mortar rounds, 20mm rounds, assorted rifle rounds up to .50 cal , fuses etc washing out on the beaches here regularly.
A few years ago a guy pulled up on a job site with two rusty artillery shells rolling around in the back of his truck that he had found while beach fishing the night before. . We all freaked and told him he was a fucking idiot and made him throw them in a nearby swamp .

Brother Nature

Well-known member
yes, you have found a little piece of history on that beach. there is probably a great background story attached to it if you can figure it out.

i was in a little town about 30 miles south of Nashville, TN about 15 years ago and, while walking in a little park, i saw an object protruding from the dirt and kicked at it to totally expose it. it was a Civil War .58 caliber mini-ball from a muzzle-loading black powder rifle. i gave it to the local Civil War museum and they said it was from the Battle of Stones River. 35,000 men from both sides died there over a 3-day period.

And to think there were no weed forums around back then for people to discuss it at length…


Well-known member
ICMag Donor


from the future

How Netanyahu falsifies the news​

by Thierry Meyssan


Photo taken from an Israeli bomber.

We in the West think we’re well informed about what’s happening in Gaza. We are not. The images we see are selected. The comments we hear do not allow us to understand them. They deliberately mislead us. Any dissenting opinion is censored.

Like all wars, the one pitting the State of Israel against the Palestinian population is the subject of a media battle. The Palestinian Resistance doesn’t need to tell the story of the injustice it is fighting against: you only need to look to see. Rather, it aims to magnify one or other of its components. Israel, on the other hand, has to convince people of its good faith, which after three quarters of a century of violating international law is no mean feat.


Since the attack of the Palestinian Resistance on October 7, 2023, Israel has been deploying all its resources to make us believe that the attack was carried out by Hamas jihadists ; and that it knew nothing about its preparation.
The role of Hamas
However, this attack was carried out by all Palestinian factions, with the exception of Fatah [1]. Until recently, Hamas defined itself as the "Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood", as stated on all its documents. As such, it fought against the secularists of Yasser Arafat’s Fatah and George Habash’s PFLP, then against those of President Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian Arab Republic. In his eyes, they were all "enemies of God". Hamas was financed by Israel and, in Syria, its fighters were supervised by Mossad and NATO officers. However, after the Brotherhood’s failure in Egypt and their defeat in Syria, Hamas split between a section loyal to the Muslim Brotherhood, led by Khaled Mechaal and still pursuing the establishment of a worldwide Caliphate, and another that refocused on the liberation of Palestine. The latter, led by Iran, renewed its ties with Syria until its leader, Khalil Hayya, was received in Damascus by President Bashar al-Assad. It also renewed its ties with the Lebanese Hezbollah, taking part in meetings in Beirut with the latter and other components of the Palestinian Resistance.

The Syrian president, Bashar el-Assad, receives Khalil Hayya in Damascus on October 19, 2022.
All the components of the Palestinian Resistance had agreed to carry out a "coup de poing" operation to kidnap Israeli civilians and soldiers and exchange them for Palestinian civilians and fighters detained in Israel. The date of October 7 was chosen by Hamas alone, and the other Palestinian factions were informed only a few hours beforehand. Incidentally, Hamas fighters were in the majority compared with the Marxists of the PFLP and the members of the Axis of Resistance (united around Iran), the Islamic Jidad.

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah received Hamas number two Saleh el-Arouri and Islamic Jihad leader Ziad el-Nakhala.
The open secret of the October 7 operation

The operation had been planned at a coordination meeting in Beirut in May. It was reported in the Lebanese press. However, while the principle, targets and modus operandi had been set, no one knew when it would take place.
The Egyptian intelligence services were the first to sound the alarm. They support the Palestinian Resistance, but fight Hamas without being able to distinguish between its two tendencies. They were not worried about the possible success of the Palestinian Resistance, but of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Intelligence Minister Kamal Abbas personally warned his Israeli counterparts [2].
Colonel Yigal Carmon, director of the Middle East Media Research Institute (Memri), personally warned his friend, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, that something was up. But, according to Carmon, Netanyahu did not listen [3].
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has produced two reports on the preparation of this attack. According to the New York Times, the second, dated October 5, was sent to the Israeli authorities. According to Corriere della Sera, the director of the Shin Bet (counter-intelligence) then called a meeting of the central directors of all security services at 8am on the 7th.
However, Israeli officials had had time to move the exceptional rave party to just outside the Gaza border, and to give leave to the forces charged with protecting it [4].
Today, many of the hostages’ families are convinced that Benjamin Netanyahu let this happen in order to justify his operation against the people of Gaza.


Since October 7, Israel has been trying hard to make us believe that :
the Palestinian Resistance as a whole is nothing but a pack of jihadists ;
people who support the Palestinian people are anti-Semites;
The IDF video montage
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have produced a video montage using footage filmed by the assailants, surveillance camera footage and their own footage. The aim of the montage is to convince people that the Palestinian Resistance is a bunch of anti-Semitic barbarians. We see unbearable scenes of a family whose father is murdered in front of his children. We see a jihadist trying to cut off a corpse’s head with a shovel. But no rape, no dismemberment. We also see charred bodies, which the viewer thinks have been burned by resistance fighters. In reality, they were the targets of air-to-ground missiles fired by the Israeli army who had come to arrest the attackers. The "Hannibal directive" stipulates that soldiers must kill "terrorists" without concern for collateral Israeli casualties.
This montage was viewed by members of the Knesset, then of the US Congress, before being shown in the parliaments of the various Nato member states. Only the Belgian Parliament refused to see this piece of propaganda, without external expertise. The film was also shown to selected journalists in various capitals.
The Israeli authorities have released only the 10 minutes below to the general public. They have assured us that they do not wish to broadcast the entire montage to the general public, out of respect for the victims. But why would a restricted audience be more respectful? In reality, it’s a question of preventing specialists from exposing her deception by asking, victim by victim, who killed her.

Demonstrations against anti-Semitism
To rally Western public opinion to its cause and put the massacre it is perpetrating in Gaza into perspective, Israel is encouraging demonstrations of support throughout the West. Since it would be impossible to call for support for an army practicing genocide live on TV screens, Mossad suggests demonstrations against the anti-Semitism displayed by Hamas.
Except that Hamas is steeped in the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is Sunni supremacist. For a long time, it fought primarily against Shiite and Druze Muslims. It was certainly anti-Semitic, but as it was against all other Muslim denominations and all other religions, no more, no less.
Mossad has therefore sometimes used another argument: Arab immigrants support Hamas and are therefore anti-Semitic. European states should take steps to protect their Jewish populations.
The Washington demonstration therefore denounced above all the alleged barbarity of Hamas, while the Paris event focused on the fight against anti-Semitism. But neither was a full house. The Washington event was boycotted by many Jewish associations. Only 200,000 people attended, most of them Christian Zionists. People came more to hear televangelist John Hagee than to see the President of the State of Israel, Isaac Herzog. The one in Paris was opened by the Prime Minister and all her predecessors, the presidents of the three assemblies and all their predecessors, and the president of the Constitutional Council and his predecessors. But only a few tens of thousands of people stood behind them. Two notable absentees were Foreign Affairs Minister Roland Dumas (also a former President of the Constitutional Council) and Dominique de Villepin (also a former Prime Minister). They have distinguished themselves as resistors to imperialism, and thus to the US and Israeli governments.
For decades, Israel has accused anti-Semites of hiding behind a façade of anti-Zionism. Gradually, it is confusing the two concepts. However, European anti-Semitism is a form of xenophobia that began under the Roman Empire, continued under the Catholic Church and was prolonged under Nazism. It consists of accusing all Jews collectively of insurrection, of having killed Christ or of degenerating the Aryan race. Anti-Zionism, on the other hand, is the political view that Jewish nationalism should not be placed at the service of a colonial project. Today, most American Jews are anti-Zionists, while the majority of European Jews are Zionists.
French Senator Stéphane Le Rudulier (Republican) has just tabled a bill to increase the penalties for insulting or inciting hatred or violence against the State of Israel. Apart from the fact that it is hard to see why these offences would be more serious in this case than in others, it should be remembered that in 1975, the world was shaken by a debate on the nature of Zionism. The Organization of African Unity asserted that "the racist regime in occupied Palestine and the racist regime in Zimbabwe and South Africa have a common imperialist origin, that they form a whole and have the same racist structure, and that they are organically linked in their policy designed to oppress the dignity and integrity of the human being". Similarly, the Organization of Non-Aligned Countries described Zionism as "a threat to world peace and security, and called on all countries to oppose this racist and imperialist ideology". Finally, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution calling Zionism "a form of racism and racial discrimination" [5].
Only the UN resolution was repealed, in 1991, in order to help Israel implement the resolutions of the Madrid Conference on Palestine. The other two texts are still in force, and in view of Israel’s failure to implement the Madrid decisions, as well as all the international texts on Palestine, the question of reinstating resolution 3379 has been raised several times.


It was against this backdrop that the IDF staged the discovery of Hamas’s military HQ, beneath Gaza’s largest hospital. A public relations officer told us that weapons had been found on site and, from a rope tied to a chair leg, that an underground shelter had housed hostages.

While the public debates whether this evidence is convincing or not, they forget the history of this hospital. It was built in 1983 by Israel [6]. The IDF has all the plans. The Mossad installed Hamas in the basement when it was fighting against Fatah. Later, the hospital became a meeting place for Hamas officials and foreign journalists. But all this does not make it an arsenal or a military HQ.
In the current episode of the Israeli-Palestinian war, the IDF accused Hamas of digging tunnels under the hospital. They initially decided to destroy it with penetrating bombs to reach its depths. But in view of the objurgations of the World Health Organization, the IDF admitted that their objective did not legitimize razing a hospital to the ground. So they brought back their evacuation order and surrounded it. 2,300 people - patients, nursing staff and refugees - surrendered to the Israeli army, which ruthlessly searched them.
It was only two days after carrying out the assault that the IDF claimed to have discovered the Hamas military headquarters beneath Al-Shifa Hospital. In reality, the images they released clearly show that a well, near the hospital, led to galleries, but absolutely not that these led to a room that could serve as headquarters.

The shootings, the power cuts and the search of the hospital having caused many deaths, the IDF brought a dozen incubators which cannot function, precisely because of the power cuts, as reported by Reuters and the BBC. However, the Mossad is serving a useful purpose, as the BBC has apologized to its viewers for not reporting the incubator donations and the presence of Hebrew-Arabic translators.

Thierry Meyssa



from the future
Most will not have time to wash when they return home US from their illegal settlement in Isra hell

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