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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Jericho Mile

If I were you I'd be more concerned on what is going to happen if Republicans win control of the house as it looks like they might. Should that happen and should McCarthy realize his wet dream of becoming speaker of the house he's already stated that he plans to hold the debt limit hostage in an effort to get Biden to make painful cuts to Medicare and Social Security. Should the debt limit not get raised and as a result the US government defaults on it's interest payments, you can expect so much more losses to your 401K that it will make what you've seen so far look trivial in comparison. If somehow he gets Biden to agree to the cuts to Social Security and Medicare you can probably kiss the benefits you've been paying for all your working life to not be there when you're finally able to collect. Which will really hurt if your 401K has gotten so diminished by all the ways the elites have been gaming the economy. But hey that's what happens when you let politicians turn your right to vote into nothing more then us verses them

….another day pursuing happiness…in the arena that makes America great!

Goddamn it! Delusions of grandeur or just down home backyard mountain living?

* Sister 03 = Flo expression

No vote blue No vote red…the horror the horror
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Well-known member
What if in general Republicans win but most of the ones Trump endorsed lose?
i know that it's hard to believe (esp these days) but not all Republicans are hair on fire raging assholes (guess who? LOL!) or scheming amoral swine.(lookin'at YOU, Mitch). a lot of them, but not all. things could always be worse...to an intelligent person, The Chumps endorsement should be a huge red flag. looking at some results thus far today, there are more smart folks voting than i had previously thought. thanks, people...:thank you:


Well-known member
I believe Mr. Mustard is referring to the FACT that the increase in personal taxes (not corporate taxes, mind you) was written into the current tax regimen by your Orange Hero and his Party/Administration.

I'm fairly certain that this was posted here several times over the last 4-5 years, noting the difference between tRump's corporate tax rates and those left in the crumbs for the folks who actually pay the bills in this country; the working-class stiffs.

You see, the tRump PERSONAL income tax schedule was written just to (coincidentally) allow for increases in taxes about the time a new administration might step into the game. Purely accidental, I'm sure.. (NOT).

They relied on the political amnesia and partisan blinders you've just exemplified.

They relied on your party not remembering that it was Orange Man's people/automatons who wrote the corporate tax rates as more or less ongoing/perpetual, while your tax rates remained in 'flux'.. Upward flux, to be exact.

And you played it in your mind exactly as they had hoped you would.

Thanks for playing.

But then, your group has been chortling and laughing outright at facts that bother you for some time now, apparently thinking that if a fact is foreign to you, it must be incorrect. As opposed to the -fact- that you were unaware of it, and ran with your incorrect conclusions out of ignorance. Whether it be the current status of your tax schedule and whose administration wrote it, or your entertaining, yet insulting and rude efforts to group homosexuals with pedophiles, and drag shows.

The Beavis & Butthead-type laughter doesn't cover for the imbecilic ignorance that you so proudly parade here at times.

It's OK. There's still time. Maybe when you quit working for your parents' business.
If you look at the actual tax rate for the next few years I'm paying less taxes not more.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i know that it's hard to believe (esp these days) but not all Republicans are hair on fire raging assholes (guess who? LOL!) or scheming amoral swine.(lookin'at YOU, Mitch). a lot of them, but not all. things could always be worse...to an intelligent person, The Chumps endorsement should be a huge red flag. looking at some results thus far today, there are more smart folks voting than i had previously thought. thanks, people...:thank you:
Yeah I know there are still respectable Republicans around the last Governor of my state was one but he retired. Trump had endorsed a loyal Qanon, whack job, election denier, so my state went blue this time. Which is kind of why I asked the question. Also Doc Oz got blown out, Walkers struggling and that one is going into a run off. Arizona is looking good for the Dems and just a bunch of other Trump endorsees lost or look like they're fixing to lose. It looks like Trump's endorsement was the huge red flag you say it should be. The consensus from the talking heads today was that this election was a clear statement from the voters that they're done with all the election denial nonsense. Can't say I blame them though after two years of it nearly non stop in the news thanks to Trump.


Active member

  1. lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent.
    "a temporary job"


Well-known member
Do you have any factual evidence to back up this claim? I already posted documents that show that I will pay less in 2023 compared to 2022.
2025 is the year. Many of the tax benefits set up to help individuals and families will expire in 2025.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If you look at the actual tax rate for the next few years I'm paying less taxes not more.

Dude its there if you read the damn thing.. Yes you are paying a lower rate now its to permanent.

The tax provisions affecting individuals in the law largely expire at the end of 2025, including provisions that have provided tax cuts to low- and middle-income households.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Dude its there if you read the damn thing.. Yes you are paying a lower rate now its to permanent.

The tax provisions affecting individuals in the law largely expire at the end of 2025, including provisions that have provided tax cuts to low- and middle-income households.
What do you want to bet that when/if Trump runs in 2024 he uses as a campaign pitch that they need to elect him so he can make the expiring tac cuts permanent? And that people will vote for him because of it and ignore that doing so will add trillions of dollars worth of new debt and if needed the debt ceiling will be raised without hesitation to make it happen?

Of course we all know he did it that way expecting to be reelected in 2020 so that when things expired in 2025 he would be out of office and it would be blamed on someone else.

Jericho Mile

What do you want to bet that when/if Trump runs in 2024 he uses as a campaign pitch that they need to elect him so he can make the expiring tac cuts permanent? And that people will vote for him because of it and ignore that doing so will add trillions of dollars worth of new debt and if needed the debt ceiling will be raised without hesitation to make it happen?

Of course we all know he did it that way expecting to be reelected in 2020 so that when things expired in 2025 he would be out of office and it would be blamed on someone else.
So you dudes have seen the light? When/if? Lol

Close the thread or admit you’re just fucking off and whining like party line old bitches. Children.

There will be no criminal indictments for Trump. Possibly a re-election though.

You represent the weakness in the American population. Not one solution offered. Just keep voting and accept what you get. Coke or Pepsi!!!!!

Well done! You’ve never done a thing for your country beyond paying taxes…eating the processed…getting sick…and marching on with the systematic procession. You will continue on into the grave. Applause!!!! YOU are the problem!

Your young selves would be humiliated. You deserve your misery. No sympathy.

Hurry up and get out of the way…get it over with


^ Trump even dumbed it down further for you
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Active member
The market and labor are generally 2 opposing forces. While it’s fun to watch numbers, they make little difference in our actual lives.


Active member
Zen is the Japanese pronunciation of a Chinese word, ch'an, which comes from a Sanskrit root meaning "thought," "absorption," or "meditation." And meditation is at the heart of Zen, along with an emphasis on self-control and insight.

Jericho Mile

Zen is the Japanese pronunciation of a Chinese word, ch'an, which comes from a Sanskrit root meaning "thought," "absorption," or "meditation." And meditation is at the heart of Zen, along with an emphasis on self-control and insight.
….until you can suffer silently in your pain…Zen is bullshit…like Karma is bullshit

Your excuses are infinite though. Hardwired in.
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Jericho Mile




mas·och·ism ˈma-sə-ˌki-zəm ˈma-zə-
also ˈmā-

: the derivation of sexual gratification from being subjected to physical pain or humiliation by oneself or another person compare SADISM, SADOMASOCHISM
: pleasure in being abused or dominated : a taste for suffering
Pussyfication = your excuses for going to seed and blaming the world for it. Dripping infected puss

You’re welcome btw
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