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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Judging by the setting, I missed my calling. I once saw a monastery in Switzerland where every open window held a monk clutching a large mug of beer or mead. Can you hook me up? I can be Jesus-like on cue.
you'll want to go to belgium instead....the monks make some awesome beers and mead,and the vlamser frittes are really good and waffles!
that said,you can get all that stuff in amsterdam plus hookers and hash...and the dutch are way more polite:)

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Why do you believe that you are the one who should explain that to me?

Possible recession?! Probable recession!!

The fucking 401k you are so focused on costs more and more for the next few years.

You should probably research your hero's plan you worship. I'm pretty sure that you have not to date.


Well-known member
Why do you believe that you are the one who should explain that to me?

Possible recession?! Probable recession!!

The fucking 401k you are so focused on costs more and more for the next few years.

You should probably research your hero's plan you worship. I'm pretty sure that you have not to date.
A 401k is pre tax and Fidelity doesn't charge me anything. Here is the taxes I paid in 2016 before Republicans won. The standard deductible at this time was only $6,000.

Now here is what I'm paying for 2022 and 2023. I make roughly 50k a year. Also my standard deductible was only $6,000 in 2016, Republicans increased my standard deductible to $12,000 and it's continuing to increase every year. That's a pretty significant tax deduction on 50k on top of the tax cuts I received.



If you have any evidence that these numbers are wrong I'm all ears.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Inflation is still high, my 401k is down big this year, many people can't afford housing due to cost and rising rates, crime is getting worse, possible recession coming up, and all democrats seem to be concerned about is what little Jimmy said on Twitter.

Yep I'm definitely voting 100% Republican tomorrow, and will do the same in 2024.
Like you would have voted different if any of what you listed above was not true. :drum:

Yes inflation is still high...around the world, what I never see any republicans acknowledging though is of the developed nations inflation in the US is way lower. Sorry to hear your 401K is down big but you know what, that could just as easily be the result of poor management by whomever is handling it. True many people can't afford housing and rates are up but raising rates is one of the few measures that can be done by government to curb inflation you can bitch about inflation and rising rates, it's either one or the other. The bigger issue with housing is limited supply, that's why the cost hasn't dropped as the rates have risen. The number one reason why the supply isn't there is because when the economy was struggling during the lock down hordes of the elite snatched up as much of the decent available housing to turn into Airbnb's and no they're bitching about how bookings are down during a time when inflation and gas prices are high, like anybody but them can afford to be traveling and booking Airbnb's. :drum: Crime is getting worse but it's getting worse in Red states and areas as well as Blue States and areas and so far the only ones that have been causing the police to be defunded are republicans refusing to sign bill that would help fund the police because they deliberately want crime to stay bad so they can blame it on the democrats. Now don't take me the wrong way the problems in our country right now are the fault of all politicians not just democrats or republican's but anyone who thinks voting republican is going to fix everything is in for a rude awakening one day. So far I've not heard a single republican propose anything to solve any of the issues we currently face. So far all I've heard are proposals to get revenge on the democrats if they gain control and to make changes that will make everyone's vote meaningless.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
A 401k is pre tax and Fidelity doesn't charge me anything. Here is the taxes I paid in 2016 before Republicans won. The standard deductible at this time was only $6,000.
View attachment 18779452
Now here is what I'm paying for 2022 and 2023. I make roughly 50k a year. Also my standard deductible was only $6,000 in 2016, Republicans increased my standard deductible to $12,000 and it's continuing to increase every year. That's a pretty significant tax deduction on 50k on top of the tax cuts I received.

View attachment 18779449
View attachment 18779451
If you have any evidence that these numbers are wrong I'm all ears.

The tax rate chart is accurate.

I'm talking about the tax cut plan.

Jericho Mile

When you’re 50 and a half, you know everything.
If you are wise: the older you get the more you should realize you do not know shit. It’s why nobody wants to listen to old people who have lost touch with the basics of reality. Their visions are dim and faded….blinded by decades of emotional turmoil…guilt and self loathing affecting perceptions and judgement

I do gather…you yourself couldn’t hang with me. Too much LBS in you. You’d get wrecked and quit…or require rescue…be a burden

Stay cozy until you flatline. You’re good at excuses. It’s a trait I breed and meditate away from.

Discipline, Sir! Aye! Aye!
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Well-known member
You were going to be paying more in the next three years anyway.

I don't think you are concerned enough to blame the right guy.
yup. tax rates for the working poor are going up while the cuts for the well-off are permanent until the Democrats retake enough seats in both houses to gut those cuts for the rich.

St. Phatty

Active member
What do the Trump supporters in the group think of Trump's very recent joke ...

"Well, I think if they win, I should get all the credit. If they lose, I should not be blamed at all."

Just his Night Club impresario/ Beauty Contest Manager personality showing itself ?

i.e. a little Trump joke, not to be taken seriously ?

OR - a clear exhibit of his Total Lack of Character - which is how most Dem's perceive him (without addressing the lack of character exhibited by Biden.)


moose eater

Well-known member
So what about the tax cut plan should I be concerned about?
I believe Mr. Mustard is referring to the FACT that the increase in personal taxes (not corporate taxes, mind you) was written into the current tax regimen by your Orange Hero and his Party/Administration.

I'm fairly certain that this was posted here several times over the last 4-5 years, noting the difference between tRump's corporate tax rates and those left in the crumbs for the folks who actually pay the bills in this country; the working-class stiffs.

You see, the tRump PERSONAL income tax schedule was written just to (coincidentally) allow for increases in taxes about the time a new administration might step into the game. Purely accidental, I'm sure.. (NOT).

They relied on the political amnesia and partisan blinders you've just exemplified.

They relied on your party not remembering that it was Orange Man's people/automatons who wrote the corporate tax rates as more or less ongoing/perpetual, while your tax rates remained in 'flux'.. Upward flux, to be exact.

And you played it in your mind exactly as they had hoped you would.

Thanks for playing.

But then, your group has been chortling and laughing outright at facts that bother you for some time now, apparently thinking that if a fact is foreign to you, it must be incorrect. As opposed to the -fact- that you were unaware of it, and ran with your incorrect conclusions out of ignorance. Whether it be the current status of your tax schedule and whose administration wrote it, or your entertaining, yet insulting and rude efforts to group homosexuals with pedophiles, and drag shows.

The Beavis & Butthead-type laughter doesn't cover for the imbecilic ignorance that you so proudly parade here at times.

It's OK. There's still time. Maybe when you quit working for your parents' business.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What do the Trump supporters in the group think of Trump's very recent joke ...

"Well, I think if they win, I should get all the credit. If they lose, I should not be blamed at all."

Just his Night Club impresario/ Beauty Contest Manager personality showing itself ?

i.e. a little Trump joke, not to be taken seriously ?

OR - a clear exhibit of his Total Lack of Character - which is how most Dem's perceive him (without addressing the lack of character exhibited by Biden.)

What if in general Republicans win but most of the ones Trump endorsed lose?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So what about the tax cut plan should I be concerned about?
If I were you I'd be more concerned on what is going to happen if Republicans win control of the house as it looks like they might. Should that happen and should McCarthy realize his wet dream of becoming speaker of the house he's already stated that he plans to hold the debt limit hostage in an effort to get Biden to make painful cuts to Medicare and Social Security. Should the debt limit not get raised and as a result the US government defaults on it's interest payments, you can expect so much more losses to your 401K that it will make what you've seen so far look trivial in comparison. If somehow he gets Biden to agree to the cuts to Social Security and Medicare you can probably kiss the benefits you've been paying for all your working life to not be there when you're finally able to collect. Which will really hurt if your 401K has gotten so diminished by all the ways the elites have been gaming the economy. But hey that's what happens when you let politicians turn your right to vote into nothing more then us verses them
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