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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I read the title. It’s about criminally indicting Trump. Well? Is that ever going to happen? Thread started going on 13FEB21….and nothing but you nuts ranting. Far as I can tell….i just provide you a target to shoot at. I’m doing you idiots a solid. YOU ARE POLITICAL FANATICS

Wishing bad things to happen to me is not very nice. You are worse than a child.

* freedom of choice = you need not read or respond to my posts. Exercise it….or fucking don’t…you very stupid humanoid
I could if I wanted to go back thru the posts you've made in this thread where you wished bad things numerous times on numerous people but why should I you know you did it but you'll never admit to it.

I tried to exercise my freedom of choice by ignoring you when you first came back. Never once said one word to you or gave you any reason to speak to me. Worked okay for a couple of days. But I guess you were so desperate to get back to your trolling ways and cast your disapproving opinion that you couldn't help yourself from responding to me based on a post I made to someone else.

Why don't you practice what you preach, you've made it completely clear that you don't approve of the discussion in this thread or of the majority involved in that discussion, so why not ignore it all and move the f along, trust me nobody will miss you or your mediocre growing and photography skills. You don't like people reacting negatively to you, well here's a novel idea instead of expecting them to ignore you while you continuously insult their opinions why don't you just stop being such a prick? People might even learn to not mind your presence.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor

Jericho Mile

I could if I wanted to go back thru the posts you've made in this thread where you wished bad things numerous times on numerous people but why should I you know you did it but you'll never admit to it.

I tried to exercise my freedom of choice by ignoring you when you first came back. Never once said one word to you or gave you any reason to speak to me. Worked okay for a couple of days. But I guess you were so desperate to get back to your trolling ways and cast your disapproving opinion that you couldn't help yourself from responding to me based on a post I made to someone else.

Why don't you practice what you preach, you've made it completely clear that you don't approve of the discussion in this thread or of the majority involved in that discussion, so why not ignore it all and move the f along, trust me nobody will miss you or your mediocre growing and photography skills. You don't like people reacting negatively to you, well here's a novel idea instead of expecting them to ignore you while you continuously insult their opinions why don't you just stop being such a prick? People might even learn to not mind your presence.
I read your last sentence only. That’s how much I respect you and your opinions. I’m not here to be your friend. If I wanted to do that I’d simply tell you all the dumb shit you want to hear….rah rah and regurgitate

You’re not intelligent….but I don’t tell you to die by setting yourself on fire or jumping off a bridge. You’d…probably…actually do it.

* bears and lions? How about some Barney with a deer rifle?
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St. Phatty

Active member
this thread is still alive which must mean libtards still think trump is going to jail lololololol pathetic

It's almost like they're keeping the litigation alive, like a burner light on a stove, so that if he misbehaves in some particular way, the hammer is brought down.

Jericho Mile

this thread is still alive which must mean libtards still think trump is going to jail lololololol pathetic
This thread was started as a Blue victory dance. Its intent was to passively aggressively rub Red voters noses in their election loss. Has nothing to do with Trump being indicted. It’s about political junkie morons gloating like they did something themselves.
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Jericho Mile

….ever compare fashion to fascism? Ever find yourself concerned on how somebody else wears their hair?…or send it big crushing a handstand in bad form?…..then applaud yourself like a circus monkey?


Active member
….ever compare fashion to fascism? Ever find yourself concerned on how somebody else wears their hair?…or send it big crushing a handstand in bad form?…..then applaud yourself like a circus monkey?

Wasn't a handstand. If you look at the pic you can see my right hand off the ground as I was walking on my hands. Sorry you can't grasp that. Go put your "bite" hat on thinking you are a non conformist. But in reality I bet you and all your friends look and dress the same. For somebody who claims to be unaffected by social norms you seem as salty as they come. Still trying to please your 18 year old self?

Jericho Mile

Wasn't a handstand. If you look at the pic you can see my right hand off the ground as I was walking on my hands. Sorry you can't grasp that. Go put your "bite" hat on thinking you are a non conformist. But in reality I bet you and all your friends look and dress same. For somebody who claims to be unaffected by social norms you seem as salty as they come. Still trying to please your 18 year old self?
Your legs are bent over your head because of momentum. It’s not core strength. Momentum is aiding you. Strength would be straight up and down. It’s a circus trick. Most anybody who is not grossly overweight can walk on their hands with an hour of practice. Not just anybody can walk on their hands in core form though. That’s way harder…especially from a dead start….ground up.

You judge me like an old time conservative….and talk like an ashtray. Go away. Next you’ll want milk titty.

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Active member
Your legs are bent over your head because of momentum. It’s not core strength. Momentum is aiding you. Strength would be straight up and down. It’s a circus trick. Most anybody who is not grossly overweight can walk on their hands with an hour of practice. Not just anybody can walk on their hands in core form though. That’s way harder.

You judge me like an old time conservative….and talk like an ashtray. Go away.

View attachment 18780834
It's hilarious listening to you try and frame this as something I should be ashamed of.


Active member
You’re welcome to come do some mountain runs with me. We’ll send it. Crush it. C’mon on out. Hit me up in PM.
I'd be happy too. Went up to Mackinaw island this summer and haven't ran in several months and busted out the 8.2 miles around the island with my sister who runs all the time. Right after that I got on a tandem bike with my daughter and family and did the 8.2 again. The views are phenomenal. You're nothing special. But keep thinking you are.

Jericho Mile

I'd be happy too. Went up to Mackinaw island this summer and haven't ran in several months and busted out the 8.2 miles around the island with my sister who runs all the time. The views are phenomenal.
See? We have common ground. I’m 15 yrs deep in endurance mountain running. Lifestyle.

Jericho Mile

Whatever. Bet your nickname is "Billy" too.

Pretty easy to see documentation on here or IG

I’m not interested in mountain ultra racing at the moment or the current scene. I don’t know who “Billy” is. Haven’t raced since 2019. I need no approval from your likes. I do what I do for me only. I’m not a braggart….just factual.

Proof is in the pudding. Eat some. Understand?

Walk on your hands…wear your hair and clothes anyway you like…believe whatever you must……impress yourself however you have to…no skin off my ass. I’m just not as easily impressed with you…as you are…with yourself. Very simple.

Cheers big ears.
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