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Well-known member
LOL! nope. i'd vote to toss The Chump out with a faulty parachute though. 99.9% LOL! THAT high of a % don't even like bacon...🤣 stupid shit.

When you see the bee...
The Babylon Bee is a conservative Christian news satire website that publishes satirical articles on topics including religion, politics, current events, and public figures. It has been referred to in the media as a Christian, evangelical, or conservative version of The Onion.



...como el Son...

What does the Spanish North-African Autonomous Communities think of the sudden pro-Moroccan change of opinion of the Spanish Prime Minister
? :

The sudden turn of Pedro Sanchez and his PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers Party), has divided the government coalition with United We Can (Unid@s Podemos), that is, with We Can (Podemos) and United Left (Izquierda Unida: Comunists Party of Spain (PCE) and others). Other political parties on which the coalition usually relies to pass its measures, such as Más País, PNV (Basque Nationalist Party) and ERC (Republican Left of Catalonia), have also criticized the unilateral decision of the Social Democrats.

There are also divisions among the autonomous governments of the 17 Autonomous Communities that make up the nation. Of these, 14 are in the southwest of Europe (13 in the Iberian Peninsula and the other in the Balearic archipelago) and 3 in the North African area: Ceuta, Melilla and the Canary Islands.
It is undoubtedly among these 3 North African Autonomous Communities (because of their geography, the most affected by the conflict between Morocco and the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic), where the most opposing positions are found.

Both Ceuta and Melilla are the smallest of the Spanish Autonomous Communities, considered as Autonomous Cities (something similar to Washington D.C. or Mexico D.F but smaller), and are located on the northwest Mediterranean coast of Africa, totally surrounded by Morocco, except for the little coast and same very little islands.
The Canary Islands, however, are formed by the Canary archipelago, in the Atlantic Ocean, a little north of the Tropic of Cancer, and just off the coast of what used to be the border between Western Sahara and Morocco.

While the regional governments (and their populations) of Ceuta and Melilla are mostly in favor of the pro-Moroccan turn of Pedro Sanchez and the PSOE, just the opposite happens in the Canary Islands, whose population is the most pro-Saharawi in Spain.
This division is the same if we observe only the population of Muslim religion and/or Islamic culture of the three Autonomous Communities.

Undoubtedly, historical, geopolitical (derived from their specific geographic location), or social (ethnic/cultural composition) reasons are a key part of the explanation for such a great difference of opinion.


Well-known member
Another graph with a higher mortality rate among 25-44.

Our peak is earlier. We started vaccinating earlier.

It's been explained away by a team of medical professionals. Only, the only facts in the explanation regarded how the jab would indeed lead to heart problems. It was as if they want us to know, but can't say it. When given the hard questions, they just didn't reply. Sticking to the 'better with than without' opinion, formed from statistics handed to them. Scientifically speaking, all their individual input, said yes, it's the jabs. 10,000 lost in the UK. However 150,000 might of died from covid. When you start chipping away at the figures (looking at the better survival rate jabs bring) it all washes into nothing worth doing the math for.

I'm now trans-vaccinated. This means I identify as somebody that's vaccinated, but really I'm not.

I'm off topic. A very serious topic that shouldn't be derailed. Truth is, I have gone from hourly updates to daily. My attention span isn't geared up towards this lengthy affair. I do hope my sentiments are not mirrored by many.


...como el Son...

bring in the big boys
you got my spetznatz shovel? Gud dawm ya

That animal weapon is real and exists, apart from the meme.
It is the Spanish Legion's combat mascot.
In these videos you can see it parading in peacetime before the King and Queen of Spain, as well as in a combat mission in Afghanistan where it "neutralizes" a Taliban leader:

1)Parading in peacetime:


2) Legion's Operation "Definitive Strike" in Kandahar (Afghanistan):


The identity of this last goat is kept strictly secret, as the Taliban have put a price on its head (and the rest of its body).


Active member

That’s stupid. That’s your reasoning for supporting mass destruction and killing. That’s worst than stupid.


Active member
That animal weapon is real and exists, apart from the meme.
It is the Spanish Legion's combat mascot.
In these videos you can see it parading in peacetime before the King and Queen of Spain, as well as in a combat mission in Afghanistan where it "neutralizes" a Taliban leader:

1)Parading in peacetime:


2) Legion's Operation "Definitive Strike" in Kandahar (Afghanistan):


The identity of this last goat is kept strictly secret, as the Taliban have put a price on its head (and the rest of its body).

They love formations!


Active member
That’s stupid. That’s your reasoning for supporting mass destruction and killing. That’s worst than stupid.

Uhh yeah. How many time are they gonna tell you something is Russian disinformation and then it turns out not to be, before you start get skeptical about what they say?


Active member
I'm now trans-vaccinated. This means I identify as somebody that's vaccinated, but really I'm not.

I'm off topic. A very serious topic that shouldn't be derailed. Truth is, I have gone from hourly updates to daily. My attention span isn't geared up towards this lengthy affair. I do hope my sentiments are not mirrored by many.

I’m sure those concerned would pretend you are vaxxed like they would claim Lia Thomas is a girl, and Russia the bad guy despite a coup d’etat followed by eight years of genocide in east Ukraine and the Minsk agreement pissed on. Not to mention the biological weapons ”research” and nuclear ambitions.

Russia today has for the first time deployed its hypersonic missile system and Mariupol is now about to fall. It is basically turning into a mop up of Hollywood Nazis operation. Most are located in a fortified industrial area for a last stand. But since Russia opened up the humanitarian corridors, many have deserted and disguised themselves as refugees. They are being hunted down.

Alexander Mercouris goes through the developments, ~30 minutes:
