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Brothers Batch

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Have decided to run a journal for one of my recent pollen chucking experiences. The grow will be mostly c99 x Afghaan 90, both purchased from Kwik Seeds a few years back. I've run a few of these seeds before and have found pretty decent plants, but nothing that ticked all the boxes. Had examples that were great in yield, but average potency, the reverse of that, and one that had a great high and an incredibly pungent pine and burnt rubber smell, but was a real pain to grow right and very low in yield. Hoping to find something with a good smell and potency that also has a decent yield and ease of growth. Have only just popped the seeds today so will start the thread with previous runs of this plant.

A99 pheno 1 indoor -


A99 indoor Pheno 2 -


3x A99 phenos (far right is the stanky pine girl..) -


Another group shot -


a99 pheno 3 -


a99 outdoor late season grow -


a99 outdoor closer shot -



Well-known member
very nice! i've grown c-99 and several c-99 crosses. a great plant if you find a terpy one. all i've grown had at least good potency but some didn't have the flavor.

i had one that reeked of lemon/pineapple so heavy a small nug in a sandwich bag stunk up my car for weeks.

it scrogs well too!

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Pretty flowers friend damn. Give us some details on how you're growing them. If I wanted flowers like that what would I need to do to get them? Indoors and outdoor soil?
Thanks Creeper. The above photos were a mix of grows, the grouped plants were grow in coco under led only, the plant in the first photo was in an organic soil mix under mixed cmh/led, the outdoor plants were just placed in the soil near where I was living at the time. This run will be a coco based soil mix; coco peat, a local organic potting mix, blood and bone, worm castings, perlite/vermiculite, a locally produced controlled release fertilizer (said to be organic), and some bio-phosphorus (derived from ocean 'stuff'). Haven't run this particular mix yet so should be fun seeing where it takes me, the plants in veg seem to be liking it a lot though. This will also be under a single 315 cmh in a 1m x 1m tent. It's winter here and power costs are astronomical for me at the moment so have cut back on the space and lights a bit.

Roughly 24 hours since popping the seeds into the coco, temps around 23c according to the laser thermometer. I don't generally do any pre-germing before placing them into the 'ground' unless they're expensive seeds so these just went straight in.


Brother Nature

Well-known member
very nice! i've grown c-99 and several c-99 crosses. a great plant if you find a terpy one. all i've grown had at least good potency but some didn't have the flavor.

i had one that reeked of lemon/pineapple so heavy a small nug in a sandwich bag stunk up my car for weeks.

it scrogs well too!
Yeah, the c99 is one of my favorites, haven't found that holy grail that I see referenced on the forums yet, though still found some very nice examples. I still have quite a few seeds I made from the original Kiwk seed pack I got and some locally produced f7's of the Peak seed repro Lost Tribe did, so I will be exploring her a bit more when I get the time and space back.

As life's beginnings with cannabis are a bit boring, here's some photos of what I've got going at the moment.

Here's my sparse veg cabinet, 1x unknown indica plant that produced some very nice bubblegum stanky bud, 2x 'green poison's (a cross made by a friend Durban x Green crack), and a revegging (hopefully) Black Domina x Zkittles tester from Karma.

An unknown seed plant made by a friend, most likely a gelato cross, has the smell and look, about a week and a bit of harvest


Brother Nature

Well-known member
So far 14 of 18 have popped, left the humidity dome on a bit too long and 2 damped off...


Have had a small Green Poison clone sitting in the window sill over winter and shes managed to grow into a bonsai bud plant.. Looks like she'll be ready very shortly, will probably be enough for a good sized joint once dry...



Brother Nature

Well-known member
Not much exciting growth going on with the a99's, but the oldest plants in the flower tent are at day 26.

First is a (Phantom Cookies x Black Domina) x to and unknown strain, has a dank root beer type aroma. Was left in veg for too long as I didn't have room for her but doesn't seem to be too phased by being so close to the cmh.


The rest are all Green Poison, a cross of Durban Poison and a reversed green crack. No the most stable plant and exhibits some auto flower tendencies, but it very tasty and potent. This one is also at day 26.



Brother Nature

Well-known member
The a99's are starting to grow a bit now. One more died, think the soil mi was a bit too hot for it. Only 9 in total now. Have more seeds through so may pop some more if I feel like it. The reveg plants are doing ok as well, should be ready to take clones from the black domina cross soon.



The flower room plants are looking good, only one showing some deficiencies (the one using recycled soil...)

The unknown root beer smelling one, day 39

The green poisons, oldest is at day 39, the others are a week and a bit behind this....



Brother Nature

Well-known member
The Afghaan 99's are doing pretty well, 5 of 7 have been up potted. Seems to be a good variety of phenos with most looking like a good hybrid. 2 have a more sativa and c99 look, 3 have a more solid hybid look, 1 is a more indica looker, and the runt I'm not so sure on yet. I tend to have good luck with runts so will be keeping my eye on it.

c99 looker

Hybrid type 1

hybrid/c99 looker

indica looker

hybrid/sativa looker

The runt and the more sativa looking one, some clones.


Brother Nature

Well-known member
All the a99's have been chugging along nicely, starting to harvest from the flower tent and moved the large indica and revegged black domina x zizi into flower.

First thins first, one of the a99's has exhibited red phloem upon topping (think that's the right term???)

Comparison to the rest, they all have clear 'sap'.

All but the to slower veggers have been topped. Most are looking solidly hybrid, a couple lean towards the Afghaan side a little more, and one has more of the c99 characteristics. Shots are plants 1-7...


The more indica leaning runt, slow vegger and very sensitive to nutrients...

The stretchy one, I call it stretch armstrong, doesn't really have the characteristics of either parent so will be interesting to see what this ends up like...


The second runt plant, also much more indica leaning in structure and growth

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Bit of progress. Have moved 2 of the Afghaan 99's into the flower tent, one's at about 2 weeks the other has been there almost a week.

CMH Flower tent shot - Bck let is the stank bubblegum plant, front left is Afghaan 99 #1, back right is the reveging black domina x zizi, a revegged gelato cross in the middle, Aghaan99 #2 in the front right.

Aghann 99# 1 - Very large leaf size, decent stretch in the first two weeks, large internodal spacing, has the most vigor of the a99's so far.


Afghaan 99 #2 - this was the one with the red pholem, not much stretch in the first week, smaller c99 looking leaf structure, shorter internodal spacing.


Revegged Black Domina x Zkittles - 3 weeks I think...


Bubblegum plant - This girl is so smelly, I wish we had smell 'o' vision so I could share her stench... the bud structure of the last one I ran was a bit fluffy and leay, but the flower is very strong and made incredibly tasty hash

Have moved one girl from the SOG tent, she wasn't growing with the same vigour as the other 15 so needed to go but that also helped me move the fan down lower for better air circulation. 7x Bubblegum plants (back row) and 8x Black Domina x Zizi. Will flip this tent to 11/13 in about 4 days, the bubblegum plants shouldn't stretch too much and the Black Domina zizi plants should stretch a little but not too much, should be well filled out by the time I flip.
