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Israeli tanks have deliberately run over dozens of Palestinian civilians alive​




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saxe-coburg family - rothschilds are the founding family line of israel . some are christian, some are european convert jews , some atheist , all zionist

these folk control the banking system , the media , the military industries and so on . they want the general public blaming each other . they want you blaming groups and they want to divide us all

moose eater

Well-known member
Maybe something will change. Too late for many. I'm not sure I know what systemic rape is - maybe he means systematic. I like Christiane Amanpour dating back to her days as war reporter. Good for her and good on Fareed - I managed to catch his spiel.
The White House, State Dept./CIA and much of the media have been rubber-stamping IDF's/Israel's press releases, no matter how glaringly absurd or dishonest.

If that changes, and Israel somehow finds itself losing actual financial and military support as a result of their lengthy periods of State-sponsored terrorism and other illegal behaviors toward Palestine, the voters in Israel un-elect Bibi (and anyone even remotely like him), then maybe a 2-state solution might be possible.

But for the decades upon decades of abuse by Israel that Palestine has contended with, even then it would remain a tinder box of resentment.

75 years is a long time to suffer an iron fist, and the most dangerous aspect of dealing with an upset/angry critter is often that moment of release; that's when there's often blood drawn.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
of course it is. that's why terrorist groups still exist and don't fall apart due to lack of membership. bombing them and killing their families is a recruitment ad which in the minds of the victims, is totally justified. i thought we all learned this with Iraq and Afghanistan but i guess not....

was jewish hatred of the nazi's justified while they were being thrown into camps? i'd once again think so.

your use of Hitler here is exactly what the zionists believe today lol. they're brainwashed into thinking the only way jews can exist going forward is basically nothing short of nuking gaza. you can't be the oppressor and play the victim at the same time. that's where the fascist indoctrination and probably another parallel with nazi germany comes in to play.

they tried that in 2018 with "The Great March of Return" a nonviolent demonstration within Gaza and they were sniped to death in the heads and maimed by gunfire. when you block all attempts at peaceful solutions while ramping up the indiscriminate death and mayhem, violence and "terrorism" is all but inevitable.
none of the dudes you mentioned were born into concentration camps either, they had that benefit. the closest thing i can think of to compare the plight of the gazans to are the people who were born into slavery... and guess what they revolted violently too, and history does not necessarily look back at them at abject monsters. the conditions they were in made them that way.

this is really all just victim blaming. truly. israel started this, they are the aggressor and oppressor, and yall mf's are worried about them hating each other lol. in a sane world we would have stopped israel months ago.

if i held my boot on your neck for 70+ years, hating me and killing me is justfied.

seems like the zionist hatred of arabs is currently working in their favor lol they're getting free money, guns, and land while they brutally kill their enemies.

peace under global capitalism will never happen. the system depends on conflict and exploitation to survive. there will always be "the other" for us to come together around and fight.
I definitely understand what you're saying, but I don't appreciate being lumped into the ''y'all'' group that you think I am part of because I slightly disagree with you, the world is not that black and white. If I were a Palestinian, I would very much be part of the resistance, but not because I hate Israel, it would be because I share the feeling of righteous indignation towards those who oppressed myself and my people for as long as I can remember. That's a productive outlet, hatred is not productive.

My great grandfather was a part of the resistance in Holland and was placed in Dachau concentration camp because of this. He wasn't jewish, he was a socialist, like you claim to be. He survived and lived with that hatred in his heart up until he drank himself to death. That hatred was understandable in his situation, but it was also the weak and easy way out. My grandfather left Holland because he could not deal with that hatred his father instilled in him, he came here to New Zealand and joined the SAS as an outlet for his righteous indignation and he accomplished that, yet still died in service. But he died without hate in his heart and I think that's a better way to go.

But, at the end of the day, bro, you and I are not living in Gaza, we both live in a place where we can discuss this obvious genocide with decency and understanding, a hate-less place of privilege. My view does not differ that much from yours, but I still cannot justify the visceral feeling that lead to this genocide in the first place as a viable resolution to this historical catastrophe. An eye for an eye is not the way out of this, even if it feels like it is.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Whilst it is appalling what is going on in Palestine, it is not genocide. If Israel was committing genocide they'd hardly go about it the way they are.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
I don't see how you could call the colony supported murder and subsequent starvation of nearly 30,000 Palestinians on their own land anything but a genocide Chi. That's just the numbers since October 7th, this has been happening since well before this. Your own super conservative government even calls it a genocide...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Well it has more meaning than that and I'd disagree that that is what is happening.

Certainly when compared to the holocaust where they rounded up and gassed every Jew they could find, that is not what is occurring in Palestine.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
So there are 30,000 Hamas members? The women and babies that have been killed were future hamas? All the support and humanitarian aid that has been blocked has been exclusively for hamas? C'mon man, you're supposed to be a taoist, how could you justify this in any sense.... The maths don't add up here man...

Israel has one of the strongest intelligence services and military in the world, propped up by the most effective intelligence service in the world, you don't think they could take out some fanatical tunnell digging arabs without the systematic destruction of those same arabs? There is no context, aside from the western one, that doesn't see this as a genocide.