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Well-known member
There is nothing secular about that state it is founded on a religious concept, the false notion of jews being israelites and entitled to the land. How do you consider it to be a secular state? They openly cite religion as reason for genocide - amalek, human animals.
the founding family are the rothchilds. it is a zionist state. it is secular. yes they have extremist fake jews there from khazaria that quote the talmud and steal and kill. they are not jews . even the puppet , the talking head bibi, is secular. he only quotes the torah as a shield. the biggest threat to judaism is zionism . the media that is controlled by the same people are happy to show you these cretins quoting the torah and talmud, to trigger folk into hating a faith and a group of people.... it is all theatre pal.

i'm with you . it is genocide.


Well-known member
the whole idea of a national state of israel is forbidden in the torah, especially through deception , murder and theft

the banking cartel is who dictates


Well-known member
Israel ‘accepts six-week ceasefire deal’ as Hamas response awaited, US officials say
White House officials claim provisional agreement is on the table as scale of starvation crisis revealed

Emma Graham-Harrison in Jerusalem and Julian Borger in Washington DC
Sun 3 Mar 2024 01.00 EST

Israel has provisionally accepted a six-week phased hostage and ceasefire deal which would begin with the release of wounded, elderly and female hostages, but it was still unclear on Saturday whether Hamas would accept it, US officials have claimed.


Brother Nature

Well-known member
if you were born into a concentration camp that you're not allowed to leave because your ancestors were nakba refugees because israelis committed atrocities and ethnic cleansing against your family and continue to do so to the current day i don't see how hate isn't justified
Again, understandable, but to me that's still not justifiable. Justifying hatred has lead to the most horrific acts in human history and it's simply down to a matter of which perspective you use. To use an extreme example, Mein Kampf was Hitlers justification for his hatred, which I can imagine most of us do not agree with, but perhaps can understand. However, if you are a Nazi, you can use this to justify your world views, but does that make them right in the greater context of 'good'? It's pretty obvious to me the answer is no.

If we want to be better as people, we need to rise above that visceral emotion of hatred. It's so much easier to give into that primal emotion of hate and revenge and it's much harder to find a way out of that. We have had a small few examples of that in recent lifetimes, but those examples have been powerful, Tutu, Mandela, Gandhi, and King jr. The last two examples were murdered by that same hatred, justified by their murderers and we we're back at square one.

What does hatred accomplish? Nothing but more hatred and I don't believe anyone who wants peace in this world can justify that.


Well-known member
Again, understandable, but to me that's still not justifiable.
of course it is. that's why terrorist groups still exist and don't fall apart due to lack of membership. bombing them and killing their families is a recruitment ad which in the minds of the victims, is totally justified. i thought we all learned this with Iraq and Afghanistan but i guess not....

Justifying hatred has lead to the most horrific acts in human history and it's simply down to a matter of which perspective you use. To use an extreme example, Mein Kampf was Hitlers justification for his hatred, which I can imagine most of us do not agree with, but perhaps can understand. However, if you are a Nazi, you can use this to justify your world views, but does that make them right in the greater context of 'good'? It's pretty obvious to me the answer is no.
was jewish hatred of the nazi's justified while they were being thrown into camps? i'd once again think so.

your use of Hitler here is exactly what the zionists believe today lol. they're brainwashed into thinking the only way jews can exist going forward is basically nothing short of nuking gaza. you can't be the oppressor and play the victim at the same time. that's where the fascist indoctrination and probably another parallel with nazi germany comes in to play.

If we want to be better as people, we need to rise above that visceral emotion of hatred.
It's so much easier to give into that primal emotion of hate and revenge and it's much harder to find a way out of that. We have had a small few examples of that in recent lifetimes, but those examples have been powerful, Tutu, Mandela, Gandhi, and King jr. The last two examples were murdered by that same hatred, justified by their murderers and we we're back at square one.
they tried that in 2018 with "The Great March of Return" a nonviolent demonstration within Gaza and they were sniped to death in the heads and maimed by gunfire. when you block all attempts at peaceful solutions while ramping up the indiscriminate death and mayhem, violence and "terrorism" is all but inevitable.
none of the dudes you mentioned were born into concentration camps either, they had that benefit. the closest thing i can think of to compare the plight of the gazans to are the people who were born into slavery... and guess what they revolted violently too, and history does not necessarily look back at them at abject monsters. the conditions they were in made them that way.

this is really all just victim blaming. truly. israel started this, they are the aggressor and oppressor, and yall mf's are worried about them hating each other lol. in a sane world we would have stopped israel months ago.

if i held my boot on your neck for 70+ years, hating me and killing me is justfied.

What does hatred accomplish?
seems like the zionist hatred of arabs is currently working in their favor lol they're getting free money, guns, and land while they brutally kill their enemies.

Nothing but more hatred and I don't believe anyone who wants peace in this world can justify that.
peace under global capitalism will never happen. the system depends on conflict and exploitation to survive. there will always be "the other" for us to come together around and fight.

So Hai

Well-known member
the founding family are the rothchilds. it is a zionist state. it is secular. yes they have extremist fake jews there from khazaria that quote the talmud and steal and kill. they are not jews . even the puppet , the talking head bibi, is secular. he only quotes the torah as a shield. the biggest threat to judaism is zionism . the media that is controlled by the same people are happy to show you these cretins quoting the torah and talmud, to trigger folk into hating a faith and a group of people.... it is all theatre pal.

i'm with you . it is genocide.
There is no such thing as ”fake jews”. Khazars are converts to judaism. What you have is a form of no true scotsman fallacy.

As for the zionist state being secular well, its a jewish state. The only democracy in the middle east as it is often pointed out.

moose eater

Well-known member
Those "1,000's of pieces of forensic evidence" Israel claimed to possess proving the weaponization of rape by Hamas on October 7th? Once again, it looks like the things or behaviors that were weaponized were (once again) Israel's media reports.

And one credible witness from the music event who said he saw rape occurring, also swore it was not Hamas engaging in it. Of course, his testimony was not parroted by the media to the degree the propaganda and baseless claims were. Hmmm.

But 2 of those sources who were relied on in the smear re. 'weaponized rape', were also, (coincidentally, I'm sure) two who also supported the now disproven "40 beheaded babies" bullshit claims, as well as the alleged "beheaded pregnant woman and her (beheaded fetus)".

Seems that Bibi, Mossad, and IDF have learned to lie prolifically (like we didn't know that already if we were paying close attention), but they're getting less effective and believable at it... I mean, once someone actually pays enough attention to scrutinize their bullshit.

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moose eater

Well-known member
Looks like Biden and Harris continue their paper-thin, transparent, disingenuous veneer of supporting a cease fire, while continuing to deal weapons and cash out the back door to the theocratic Zionist Nationalist fascist land thieves and murderers in the Netanyahu regime.

They seem to be frightened enough about loss of votes, and relying on the listeners not having functional internet... While failing to curtail their support for the grotesque outcomes in Palestine... Fools.

Looks like ol' Genocide Joe's political career might be coming to a close, and I'm not sure that paid speaking engagements will be all that lucrative for the corporatist Dem Wall St. mainstreamer, considering his diminished capacity.

And the hardcore partisans of this Country (the USA) own this coming election's outcome entirely... for supporting gutless, visionless, hand-puppet cretins. .

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Well-known member
There is no such thing as ”fake jews”. Khazars are converts to judaism. What you have is a form of no true scotsman fallacy.

As for the zionist state being secular well, its a jewish state. The only democracy in the middle east as it is often pointed out.
you are speaking of the synagogue of satan . they do not follow the torah. khazarians are not jews. you are free to think what you like . as i am

'what you have is a form of no true scotsman fallacy'

no . i'm surrounded by multi faiths, in the most un racist part of europe where we discuss these matters

you are falling into the trap of blaming judaism for the corporations and banking cartels deeds

no real jew would steal, kill , or use deception.
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Well-known member
kidnapping and forcing rabbis to convert you , taking in half the process , not fully converting and then claiming to be 'the chosen people' is not judaism , or make you an israelite over night


Well-known member
and funny enough sohai these fakes even adopt scottish names and masquerade on tv etc brainwashing folk

such as 'stewart'


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