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moose eater

Well-known member
So Trump then?
Not my choice or my problem.

When offered a shit sandwich or diarrhea on noodles, I find another restaurant.

Maybe others can decide the same rather than being (once again, ad nauseum) held hostage by the 2 corrupted manipulative "Our guy might not be great, but FEAR THAT GUY!!" national political organizations, both of which have already established records of corruption where honest elections are concerned.

Maybe America will wake up and realize there's more than 2 dead-in-the-water, morally bankrupt parties.

Their choice, and yours too.

"This flu shot might hurt a bit."

And there's millions of others who apparently feel much as I do at this point.

Not going to vote for Genocide Joe or Psychopath Donny.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Not my choice or my problem.

When offered a shit sandwich or diarrhea on noodles, I find another restaurant.

Maybe others can decide the same rather than being (once again, ad nauseum) held hostage by the 2 corrupted manipulative "Our guy might not be great, but FEAR THAT GUY!!" national political organizations, both of which have already established records of corruption where honest elections are concerned.

Maybe America will wake up and realize there's more than 2 dead-in-the-water, morally bankrupt parties.

Their choice, and yours too.

"This flu shot might hurt a bit."

And there's millions of others who apparently feel much as I do at this point.

Not going to vote for Genocide Joe or Psychopath Donny.

It's certainly a problem but your choice.

I noticed that you were absent reply in my thread regarding parties... https://www.icmag.com/threads/how-many-parties-do-we-need.18128856/

moose eater

Well-known member
Just say yes.

It doesn't seem like it will hurt any more.
Why would I say 'yes'? I clearly stated I and millions of recently alienated voters (would-have-been-Biden voters) simply refuse to support either of them. They're both unprosecuted criminals at this point. and I'm not talking about drug offenses.

I don't do extorted voting... Ever.

My household (and MANY others) will be voting for Cornell West. A man with far greater sense of justice and equality than anyone sucking Wall St's and Bibi's dicks of late.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Why would I say 'yes'? I clearly stated I and millions of recently alienated voters (would-have-been-Biden voters) simply refuse to support either of them. They're both unprosecuted criminals at this point. and I'm not talking about drug offenses.

I don't do extorted voting... Ever.

My household (and MANY others) will be voting for Cornell West. A man with far greater sense of justice and equality than anyone sucking Wall St's and Bibi's dicks of late.

I guess I just have to say that I see propaganda at work.

Too bad that you aren't putting energy in his campaign or rallying voters to his cause, and finding him less important than your hate and division.

Trump wins with simpleton logic.


moose eater

Well-known member
What propaganda might that be? The propaganda that says that Israel has been committing war crimes for 75 years with the blessing of the US wiping their asses for them, with the US being among those who 'didn't want them here either'.

I don't subscribe to propaganda. Any more than I subscribe to the frightened American campaign rouse of "I really don't want THAT guy, but if -THIS- guy gets in, we're ALL going to die.!!"

Every despot in history came to the end of the trail, most sooner than not. Whatever happens in the coming lunatic election season, this too shall pass.

Unlike others, I don't feel compelled to do much hand wringing over the amplified and manipulated fears others seem to subscribe to every couple years as though they can't remember succumbing to the same bs for the last 30 or 40 years.

I try to be a bit more aware of history and my actions than that.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Tell the truth. You bow to nothing other than your superior ego.

The truth is far from your canned response.

I have repeatedly admitted when I was wrong.

I have been forthwith about what I respect and trust.

It's time for you to realize that you refuse truth as it evades your morals.

The propaganda you feed upon is issued by yourself.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Tell the truth. You bow to nothing other than your superior ego.

As if anyone possesses a superior ego than thine own.

To be sure, I will never be in an ego contest with yourself.

My personal legacy would proudly pale in comparison.


I bow to the Constitution. I bow to liberty. I bow to democracy. I bow to my fellow citizens (those who also respect the Constitution).

I have also been known to bow to maple bacon donuts.

If I were to be subject to the ego to which you refer wouldn't I not bow even unto such?

I can admit when I fucked up.

Those donuts didn't pan out.

Best of luck.

moose eater

Well-known member
As if anyone possesses a superior ego than thine own.

To be sure, I will never be in an ego contest with yourself.

My personal legacy would proudly pale in comparison.


I bow to the Constitution. I bow to liberty. I bow to democracy. I bow to my fellow citizens (those who also respect the Constitution).

I have also been known to bow to maple bacon donuts.

If I were to be subject to the ego to which you refer wouldn't I not bow even unto such?

I can admit when I fucked up.

Those donuts didn't pan out.

Best of luck.
The inability to accept the truth of half-hearted efforts and making excuses while projecting heavily even when politely and passively told of the breech seems to be tantamount in action to an admission that you're not honest with yourself about your ego.

You can leave $20 with the receptionist.

Some vices are more notorious than others for assisting in masking one's own shortcomings from themselves. Really.

But that's your path, but for those moments our paths intersect.

Honesty is cool. Deep heart-felt assessments of honesty about the self are even cooler. Some wait longer than others to grasp that bull by the horns.

Again, not my problem.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I have repeatedly admitted when I was wrong.

Herein lies the truth.

I have been wrong.

More than once.

That's why I'm not nearly as good as you.

You have yet to be wrong.


I'm sorry for thinking that might have happened because it happens to humans all the time.

I'm sorry for considering you human. I see the error of my ways and eagerly seek your forgiveness.

It's been a long run for the proof but obviously in the end it is all a case of my ego for you possess none.

You are welcome to deride and defuse such audacity because you are the only one worthy.

I don't think that I can ever repair the damage done but please accept my apologies.

I think it's really cool that your shit shines like gold.


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