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moose eater

Well-known member
Once again, not all Jews are Nationalist Zionist Fascists. But those who shed that fascist cloth are sometimes/often being treated not much better than other non-Jews (i.e., Jewish Voices for Peace'), and sometimes not much better than Palestinians.

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moose eater

Well-known member
As are yours friend and who would not be biased against this?

Being irish do you think they view you different from a palestinian?

The Zionist Nationalist Jews (not all of whom rely on military might to 'retake' their greater fabled Israel) may regard me as equally dispensable as they do Christians, as was shown in the tank firing on the church and the IDF sniper taking out the church janitor as well as the nun. But I'm not occupying Gaza at the moment.

Many Hasidic and other strict, practicing Jews see Bibi's militarized taking of Gaza as counter to their beliefs, that their beliefs state that -God- will provide them with their homeland, not Bibi and Colt. Such is the role of ego in the minds of mass-murdering criminals who confuse themselves with having an identity of a God.

There are non-practicing Jews who look on in horror at Bibi's and Mossad's/IDF's actions. I have known some for decades here and elsewhere.

There are practicing Jews who see nothing but bad news coming from Bibi's zealotry, where, for the non-thinkers and knee-jerkers, there'll be what is already a measurable rise in Antisemitism in greater presence... courtesy of both Bibi's agenda and the ignorant sector of society that gets their news from suspect news sites.

At the moment, and since 1946, that I know of, there has been no overtly stated desire for whole-world dominance on the Nationalist Zionist Fascists' part, but rather the current biases originally coming from the European-sourced Jews in the mid-1940s and others, aiming for domination in Palestine as well as Israel, including opportunistic foreign powers, such as the US of A.

If you haven't already, give a listen to the Iraqi-born Jewish professor whose interview I posted above, and whose father moved his family to the newly established Israel in the mid-40s.

Many of these folks are more allied to this cause of peace and a 2-state solution for Gaza and Israel than they are foes toward Peace in Palestine. By far.

As far as my attitudes toward the Nationalist Zionist Fascist segment in reference, stealing homes, murdering and raping with impunity, etc., I've made my views of them clear. An ice pick into their ears would be fitting, if it didn't result in such quick departure and peace. From Bibi, on down through their ranks.

In short, I believe that your brush is way too broad, and lacks the finesse of reality.
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moose eater

Well-known member

Geographic strategic opportunism at work, just as it is for the USA. That, and large doses of Islamophobia.

See the search results for 'Secret Site 512.' for further evidence of this objective.

The fact that it's still believed or referenced to/as being 'secret' is merely yet another laughable moment in 'military intelligence.'

The West's support is not pro-Jewish, per se', it's pro-opportunism where a foothold in the Middle East is concerned. Coincidentally, right smack dab in the middle of (what I last read was estimated at) 3-trillion cubic ft. of natural gas under Gaza's Coast... and access to the surrounding Arab Countries from a nearby 'secret' base.

This (older) article cites 1-Trillion cubic ft. of gas, which Israel apparently sees fit to declare a right to develop.

Thieves in silk suits with briefcases.

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moose eater

Well-known member
More on Gaza's gas. The cockroaches are running for the target.

There's LOTS of reading available about this issue.
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So Hai

Well-known member
Thanks @moose eater , such great replies that are not so easy to answer. As for the finesse of reality regarding jewish identity there is an aspect that should be added to the discussion, namely the existence of former jews whether they be secular or religious.

I can see how you think I do not perceive the various nuances and squabbles within judaism. It really just doesn’t concern me much knowing the origin of the jews and their religion lies in the forced conversion of idumeans and pharisees of the herodian dynasty.

I do understand how former, secular and non-zionist religious jews alike would look upon jewish state bolshevism aka zionism with horror just as any non-jew in their right mind should since zionist rabbis speak openly about genociding and enslaving us all.

As for the claim that there has been no overtly stated desire for whole-world dominance since 1946, the bolshevik state founder spoke about this in a 1962 article in which he explained it. I would further remind that every war the United States has fought in the region has been in the interest of the jewish state, not its own.

There is no sovereignty in a west subservient to jewish usury.


Well-known member
babylonian and egyptian bloodlines have dominated for a long time. all the way up to todays monarchs . not all of those are jewish . even the swiss have pharoah dna . the templar are not jews. the jesuits are not jews . in hebrew and the bible those in occupied palestine, and ignore the torah and the commandments and are not israelites , are the goy. the old talmudic ways are historical teachings , and the torah and the teachings of the bible , taught them not to sacrifice animals, and people in the name of Moloch . stealing , killing and living in a national state is forbidden in the tanakh

moose eater

Well-known member
Link from Doctors Without Borders below.

(*Not unlike the US military having knowledge down to GPS coordinates of the MSF/DWB hospital in Kabul and hitting it with missiles the day after receiving those coordinates, IDF struck a Doctors Without Borders medical shelter 2-1/2 days ago. IDF knew what the shelter was and where it was.

The IDF/Mossad/Zionist Nationalist Fascist motherfuckers simply need to die. Yesterday).



Well-known member
also. we all share a general distrust of the state and media. whatever they are allowing to be published and shown on youtube and such , they plant. they have used this trick for centuries . they want people to blame a group of people and divide , dox and send to the gulag .

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
also. we all share a general distrust of the state and media. whatever they are allowing to be published and shown on youtube and such , they plant. they have used this trick for centuries . they want people to blame a group of people and divide , dox and send to the gulag .


Get those Jews!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I think it is rather apparent that I wouldn't be alone in detecting a certain undertone in the thread.

Convince yourself that you are on the side without racism or bias.

I have to see that.