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Well-known member
Well - I've never seen Mr Webb go on about not liking out-crossing (race mixing) - and if he's not partial to it - then I'm sure that's a personal choice/opinion - and we are all welcome to have differing opinions - personally I find out crossing beneficial - having two mixed race kids in my own house hold - they both show hybrid vigor - and are very healthy -
a personal choice/opinion that is usually overwhelmingly espoused by racists.

indeed we are all welcome to have differing opinons, and it's my opinion that you're a bunch of thinly veiled racists doing the "just asking questions" bit.

wasn't it a few years ago where you were posting about "race realism" and doing the same just asking questions bit? i swear there were a few posts about skull phrenology too lol.


Well-known member
You are the very thing yourself and I have exactly zero reasons to be mad over watching a racist fascist namecaller like yourself run around calling other people by the very names that he himself is.
weird how the great replacement theory keeps inspiring racist fascist white nationalist mass shooters.

"On May 14, 2022, a mass shooting occurred [14][15] in Buffalo, New York, United States, at a Tops Friendly Markets supermarket in the East Side neighborhood. Ten people, all of whom were black, were murdered and three were injured.[16][17][18] The shooter, identified as 18-year-old Payton S. Gendron.

Gendron is reported to have written a manifesto describing himself as an ethno-nationalist and a supporter of white supremacy who is motivated to commit acts of political violence. He voiced support for the far-right "Great Replacement" conspiracy theory in the context of a "white genocide".

On his rifle, he had reportedly written the word nigger and referenced reparations,[73] along with the names of white supremacist mass murderers Dylann Roof, Robert Bowers, Brenton Tarrant, and John Earnest, the acronym SYGAOWN (Stop Your Genocide Against Our White Nations),[74] far-right slang "Buck status: broken",[75] the year 2083, a reference to the manifesto of Anders Behring Breivik[76] and the Archangel Michael's Cross of the fascist Romanian Iron Guard.[76][77][78] A law enforcement source told The Daily Beast he had also written on his rifle names of one or more victims of the Waukesha Christmas parade attack.[79] On the weapons in his car which had not been used during the shooting, he reportedly had written "White Lives Matter" and "what appears to be the name of a victim of a crime committed by a black suspect" according to CNN.

Gendron is reported to have written a 180-page manifesto which he released prior to the shooting, primarily concerning the topic of mass immigration. The manifesto was originally posted on Google Docs on the evening of May 12, two days before the attack, and according to file data, it had not been modified since.

The author describes himself as someone who initially identified himself as being on the "authoritarian left",[83][84] before he developed American neo-Nazi, antisemitic, eco-fascist, ethno-nationalist, populist, and white supremacist views.[12][85] He claims to have adopted these ideological stances after he visited the discussion board /pol/ on 4chan, an imageboard, as well as the website The Daily Stormer beginning in May 2020,[5] on which he saw "infographics, shitposts, and memes" at around the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.[81][86][87] The manifesto primarily promotes the white nationalist and far-right "Great Replacement" conspiracy theory of Renaud Camus, which claims that elites are promoting immigration and decreasing white birth rates in an attempt to subject whites to a genocide.[5][88] The manifesto also says that Jews and the elites are responsible for transgender inclusivity and non-white immigration, that Black people disproportionately kill white people, and that non-whites will overwhelm and wipe out the white race."

probably just another false flag fed to make you look bad....

moose eater

Well-known member
They feel there are no innocent people in Gaza damn well knowing they (Israel) feel this way because of the conditions enacted in which a whole populace (Gaza) would hate them (Israel).
And yet there are lots of non-combatants in Palestine, despite how they've been treated, just as there are Israelis who are not nationalist Zionists. I would assert the majority of Palestine's population whether Christian or Muslim, are non-combatants, by far. Making Israel's 75-years-old incursion and theft that much more heinous.

moose eater

Well-known member
@EastCoastGambit If you haven't already, watch the 2 videos of the Palestinian Doctor(?) refusing to hate (Israel put 2 tank rounds through his home in the middle of the night, years ago, killing his 2 daughters, which he describes in some detail, and more recently, the bombing of the refugee camp weeks ago, which many have seen a well-circulated photo of, killed 22 of his family members), and of the older Palestinian gentlemen recalling the events of the 1948 Nakba, with most of their recounting being first-hand memories, titled, "I Am Older Than Israel".

There's also a video I didn't post of a former Israeli PM pointing out that Netanyahu was convicted in an Israeli court for terrorism against Palestinians in the past, and that his frothing-at-the-mouth, rabid Zionist nationalists are largely responsible for much of the current conflicts.
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moose eater

Well-known member
I saw that. There are more than a few holes in Maher's presentation. I lost a lot of respect for him when he broadcast that tripe.

They feel there are no innocent people in Gaza damn well knowing they (Israel) feel this way because of the conditions enacted in which a whole populace (Gaza) would hate them (Israel).
A guilty conscience sometimes has we humans doing all sorts of aggressive or other things to displace our sense of guilt. I've often figured that was why some cops liked to brutalize pot smokers and growers, was because they knew there was a likelihood that at times, they were messing up the lives of people who'd done little or nothing truly wrong, that the cops themselves might have done, and thus felt badly about busting them, and blamed that 'conscientious suffering' on those they were busting.

"How dare you cause me to feel badly about myself?!"

Then again, some of them are just plain old sociopathic assholes.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
View attachment 18936089

View attachment 18936091
More proof in a photo

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
a personal choice/opinion that is usually overwhelmingly espoused by racists.

indeed we are all welcome to have differing opinons, and it's my opinion that you're a bunch of thinly veiled racists doing the "just asking questions" bit.

wasn't it a few years ago where you were posting about "race realism" and doing the same just asking questions bit? i swear there were a few posts about skull phrenology too lol.
I suppose that you would call this old Irish lady ' a thinly vield racists' - too - when what she is more concerned about is the safety of her grandaughters -


Well-known member
I suppose that you would call this old Irish lady ' a thinly vield racists' - too - when what she is more concerned about is the safety of her grandaughters -


"she's more concerned about the safety of her grandaughters"

do you mean she doesn't want her granddaughters getting with a black dude lmfaooo


Well-known member
more like just another lousy straw man attempt to make me look bad, when you are in fact the one who looks bad namecaller.
you've been brainwashed by far right propaganda. sorry you have a weak mind and are succeptible to easily proven bullshit.


Well-known member
your countries's imperialist foreign policies are why you have an influx of migrants heading into your country lol. hundred of years of british imperialism into africa and india and the middle east and you wonder why you have an influx of migrants coming into your country lmaoooo. karma's a mother fucker.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

"she's more concerned about the safety of her grandaughters"

do you mean she doesn't want her granddaughters getting with a black dude lmfaooo
I think that if you did a study of Ireland - Sweden - UK - and other western countries that have opened their doors to millions of immigrants from many other nations in recent years - the rape statistics tell a story of the local gal's being preyed upon by an inordinate number of these newcomers - these mostly young men leave behind their own Mothers - sisters - wives - children and grandparents - to travel thru many 'safe' nations to get to Ireland or the UK or Sweden etc - as supposed 'refugees' - many coming from societies where they consider women to be inferior chattel - and any infidel woman is fair game to be groomed - raped - enslaved and abused - as it is written in their holy books 📚

- This does not instill confidence in one's family security - and changes the way people have to go about their lives -

You might call it a 'Clash of Cultures' - - but these local people living where they have done for many generations - were never asked if they wanted mass - unfettered immigration - they just have to put up with the downside of it all - and if they complain - then are labelled with some 'ist' or 'ism' - which doesn't seem right to me at all -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Thankyou all for your contributions above gentlemen/ladies - now let us move on a bit - and see if we can find more of a relationship between Zionism and Fascism - as Albert Einstein had so eloquently pointed out to us in his letter to The New York Times - in 1948 - displayed and linked earlier in this thread - so by googling - 'is Zionism Fascist?' - I come up with this from wiki :

- Revisionist Maximalism -

Revisionist Maximalism was a short-lived movement and Jewish fascist ideology which was part of the Brit HaBirionim faction of the Zionist Revisionist Movement (ZRM) created by Abba Ahimeir.

- Abba Ahimeir, the founder of Revisionist Maximalism. -

The ideology and political faction of Revisionist Maximalism was officially created in 1930 by Abba Ahimeir, a Jewish historian, journalist, and politician. He called for the Zionist Revisionist Movement (ZRM) to adopt the fascist principles of the regime of Benito Mussolini in Italy to create an integralist "pure nationalism" amongst Jews.

Ahimeir was originally a member of the Jewish Labour Movement who supported the October Revolution in Russia in 1917, and called for Jews to have their "own 1917" and spoke of the need for an October Revolution in Zionism. However Ahimeir grew disillusioned with Russian Bolshevism which he began to see as a Russian nationalist movement rather than a movement to promote international class struggle.

Having become disillusioned with communism, Ahimeir grew nationalistic after the Arab-Jewish violence occurred in the British Mandate of Palestine from 1928 to 1929.

- Revisionist Maximalism rejects communism, humanism, internationalism, liberalism, pacifism and socialism; condemned liberal Zionists for only working for middle-class Jews rather than the Jewish nation as a whole. - After the rise of anti-Jewish violence in the British Mandate of Palestine one year prior, support for the Brit HaBirionim faction of the ZRM soared, Brit HaBirionim quickly became the largest faction within the ZRM in 1930.

- In 1930, Brit HaBirionim under Ahimeir's leadership publicly declared their desire to form a fascist state at the conference of the ZRM, saying:

- "It is not the masses whom we need ... but the minorities ... We want to educate people for the 'Great Day of God' (war or world revolution), so that they will be ready to follow the leader blindly into the greatest danger ... Not a party but an Orden, a group of private [people], devoting themselves and sacrificing themselves for the great goal. They are united in all, but their private lives and their livelihood are the matter of the Orden. Iron discipline; cult of the leader (on the model of the fascists); dictatorship." Abba Achimeir, 1930 -

Ahimeir claimed that the Jewish people would outlast Arab rule in the region of Palestine, saying:

"We fought the Egyptian Pharaoh, the Roman emperors, the Spanish Inquisition, the Russian tsars. They 'defeated' us. But where are they today? Can we not cope with a few despicable muftis or sheiks? ... For us, the forefathers, the prophets, the zealots were not mythological concepts..." Abba Achimeir, 1930. -

- Revisionist Maximalism and the Brit HaBirionim movement were fierce opponents of pacifism, while promoting militarism and demonstrated in 1932 against Norman Bentwich's inaugural lecture on peace to which Ahimeir saying that "It is not a cathedral to international peace in the name of Bentwich that we need, but a military academy in the name of Ze'ev Jabotinsky" and said "we can defend the honour of Israel ... not by filling our bellies with lectures on peace ... but rather by learning the doctrine of Jabotinsky".

- Brit HaBirionim demonstrators outside handed out leaflets declaring that peace studies were "the work of Satan" and were "an anti-Zionist measure, a stab in the back of Zionism.".

Ahimeir believed that his ideology would constitute a "neo-Revisionism" within the Zionist movement that he criticized, and advocated it at a meeting of the Hatzohar movement in Vienna in 1932, saying:

Zionism is imbued with the ghetto and pronouncements. The path to Jewish sovereignty has to cross a bridge of steel, not a bridge of paper. ... I bring to you a new form of social organization, one that is free of principles and parties ... I bring you Neo-Revisionism.

In 1932, Brit HaBirionim pressed the ZRM to adopt their policies which were titled the "Ten Commandments of Maximalism" which were made "in the spirit of complete fascism". Moderate ZRM members refused to accept this and moderate ZRM member Yaacov Kahan pressured Brit HaBirionim to accept the democratic nature of the ZRM and not push for the party to adopt fascist dictatorial policies.


Revisionist Maximalists strongly supported the Italian fascist regime of Benito Mussolini and wanted the creation of a Jewish state based on fascist principles.

The Revisionist Maximalists became the largest faction in the ZRM in 1930 but collapsed in support in 1933 after Ahimeir's controversial decision to support Nazi Germany due to its fascist and anti-communist stances, while opposing their antisemitic policies. After facing outrage, Ahimeir reversed his position shortly afterwards, with Revisionist Maximalists attacking German consulates, but support for Ahimeir did not recover and the Revisionist Maximalists collapsed until they were recreated in 1938 under new leadership.

The label of "fascist" has nevertheless to be regarded with reserves because in that period as later it was used often abusively in the disputes between opposed political non-fascist factions, as in the 1930s even the Social Democrat parties were accused by Stalin and the communists of being "fascists" or "social-fascists". In the same way in Palestine Revisionist

- Zionists themselves were often qualified in the 1930s as "fascists" by the Labor Zionist leaders and the Revisionists attacked the social democratic dominated General Confederation of Labor (Histadrut) and Ben Gurion by use of terms like "Red Swastika" and comparisons with fascism and Hitler.


* note ABBA AHIMEIR - is displayed as a Fascist -


During my recent web wanderings on the topic - I came across this very interesting book by Lenni Brenner - called -

- Zionism in the Age of the Dictators -
A Reappraisal

“Our official good will go with them”

''By 1934 the SS had become the most pro-Zionist element in the Nazi Party. Other Nazis were even calling them “soft” on the Jews. Baron von Mildenstein had returned from his six-month visit to Palestine as an ardent Zionist sympathiser. Now as the head of the Jewish Department of the SS’s Security Service, he started studying Hebrew and collecting Hebrew records; when his former companion and guide, Kurt Tuchler, visited his office in 1934, he was greeted by the strains of familiar Jewish folk tunes. [16] There were maps on the walls showing the rapidly increasing strength of Zionism inside Germany. [17] Von Mildenstein was as good as his word: he not only wrote favourably about what he saw in the Zionist colonies in Palestine; he also persuaded Goebbels to run the report as a massive twelve-part series in his own Der Angriff (The Assault), the leading Nazi propaganda organ (26 September to 9 October 1934). His stay among the Zionists had shown the SS man “the way to curing a centuries-long wound on the body of the world: the Jewish question”. It was really amazing how some good Jewish boden under his feet could enliven the Jew: “The soil has reformed him and his kind in a decade. This new Jew will be a new people.” [18] To commemorate the Baron’s expedition, Goebbels had a medal struck: on one side the swastika, on the other the Zionist star. [19]

In May 1935 Reinhardt Heydrich, who was then the chief of the SS Security Service, later the infamous “Protector” of the Czech lands incorporated into the Reich, wrote an article, The Visible Enemy, for Das Schwarze Korps, the official organ of the SS. In it Heydrich assessed the various tendencies among the Jews, comparing the assimilationists quite invidiously with the Zionists. His partiality towards Zionism could not have been expressed in more unmistakable terms:

After the Nazi seizure of power our racial laws did in fact curtail considerably the immediate influence of Jews. But ... the question as he sees it is still: How can we win back our old position ... We must separate Jewry into two categories... the Zionists and those who favor being assimilated. The Zionists adhere to a strict racial position and by emigrating to Palestine they are helping to build their own Jewish state.

Heydrich wished them a fond farewell: “The time cannot be far distant when Palestine will again be able to accept its sons who have been lost to it for over a thousand years. Our good wishes together with our official good will go with them.”



''Gustav Krojanker, an editor at the Jüdischer Verlag, the oldest Zionist publishing house in Europe, also saw the two movements’ common roots in volkist irrationalism, and drew the conclusion that Zionists should look positively at the nationalist aspects of Nazism. A benign approach toward their fellow volkists, he naively reasoned, would perhaps bring forth an equivalent benevolence toward Zionism on the part of the Nazis. [18] As far as Krojanker and many other Zionists were concerned, democracy’s day was over. Harry Sacher, a Briton, one of the leaders of the WZO in the period, explained Krojanker’s theories in a review of Krojanker’s book, Zum Problem des Neuen Deutschen Nationalismus:''

For Zionists, Liberalism is the enemy; it is also the enemy for Nazism; ergo, Zionism should have much sympathy and understanding for Nazism, of which anti-Semitism is probably a fleeting accident.


*all above from this thread


from the future
CNN just published an article claiming that l’israel a « dropped hundreds of massive bombs from more than 900 Kilos on Gaza » ! Satellite images from the early days of the war reveal more than 500’impact craters more than 12 meters in diameter. According to weapons experts, such bombs are rarely used by Western armies, because of their impact on civilian populations ! The’article adds that’it is necessary to go back to the war of Vietnam to find [a density of bombardment] comparable, dixit Marc Garlasco, former intelligence analyst and former investigator of the’ONU on war crimes. « Even during the two wars of’Iraq, the density n’has never been so high » and yet the war has been very violent !

Of course, these monstrous bombs do not come from nowhere, they were offered by Washington. They were manufactured by the sick brain of’a manufacturer of Yankee’arms and then they were graciously transported to Tel Aviv so that’elles fall on Palestinian civilian populations.