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from the future


from the future
The Houthis Have Biden By the Shorthairs



from the future

This is a Nikola Tesla Pierce-Arrow electric car from 1921 that runs on pure etheric electricity.

This is a self-charging car, which does not run on batteries, oil or gas.

Electric vehicles have been around much longer than most people realize. This isn't even a myth, just a cover-up of our lost technology so they can manufacture us every step of the way and have complete control over us.

Free energy = independence, freedom from the matrix, freedom to go wherever you want, to live off the grid, to have heat and electricity, and to live your life happily without government interference.



Well-known member
View attachment 18937455

This is a Nikola Tesla Pierce-Arrow electric car from 1921 that runs on pure etheric electricity.

This is a self-charging car, which does not run on batteries, oil or gas.

Electric vehicles have been around much longer than most people realize. This isn't even a myth, just a cover-up of our lost technology so they can manufacture us every step of the way and have complete control over us.

Free energy = independence, freedom from the matrix, freedom to go wherever you want, to live off the grid, to have heat and electricity, and to live your life happily without government interference.

electric - yes, self charging - no, the emf is broadcast and has to be generated by oil, gas, hydroelectric, nuke, etc.


from the future
The United States, the real cancer of this planet!

  • An estimated 3.6-3.8 million people have died indirectly in post-9/11 war zones, bringing the total death toll to at least 4.5-4.7 million and counting.



from the future

A poor prognosis for Anglo-Saxon colonialism​


By Dimitry Orlov

Anglo-Saxon colonialism has experienced several iterations, each involving a different type of piracy. In its initial form, it was pure and simple rapine and looting of ships at sea (the Spanish galleons in particular) and looting of coastal communities, including, often through privateers – an understatement to designate officially sanctioned pirates.In its intermediate form, this involved the occupation, mainly of coastal communities, the appointment of a governor and the stationing of troops, the overall pirate purpose of the enterprise remaining intact: the extraction of wealth, the, but with the added benefit of maintaining market monopolies for domestic industries at the imperial level. Various movements of national liberation during the twentieth century put an end to this type of piracy and the national industries, to remain profitable, were forced to relocate their production, renouncing most types of physical exports (with the exception of weapons, raw materials and chemicals and waste) in favour of services, and,mainly financial – an understatement to designate various types of’wear and’extortion.

What has emerged instead of’a pure and simple colonial control is a rather refined system of political, financial, military and logistical control :

Political control was exercised through the use of various political technologies deployed under the guise of free enterprise and democracy. For example, when it recently became clear that Argentina was no longer solvent as a sovereign entity, the, a certain Xavier Milei entered the scene with the express purpose of closing the Argentine social services and dismantling and expropriating its public wealth. Political technologies are so effective that Argentines have elected Milei as so many cows willing to be eaten !

Instead of sending a governor to lead a colony, local and indigenous talents, trained in places such as the Kennedy School of Government, can now be deployed. This local talent is chosen for its high level of sociopathy, lack of empathy and ease of manipulation. They are usually asked to retain their wealth at the imperial center and send their children to imperial schools, thus strengthening imperial control over their behavior. They are first seduced by stories about the sanctity of private property, only to learn that their property can be confiscated instantly if’s misbehaves.

As an example,’, parents of Vladimir Zelensky – l’ancient figurehead of’Ukraine – are in Israel (an imperial possession) and his wife and children spend time in London (an imperial center). This makes Zelensky docile, docile and willing to send Ukrainian men to be slaughtered until the last elderly invalid. But there lies a danger: at some point, the local population realizes that his leader is a traitor and kills him before he has a chance to escape.

There has been a constant parade of sociopathic non-entities as candidates for the highest positions. Some of’s among them have never reached high positions: the Belarusian Svetlana Tikhanovskaya and the Venezuelan Juan Guaido languish today in’oubli. In other cases, the bet has succeeded: the Romanian Maia Sandu is destroying Moldova and Nikol Pashinyan, trainee of Soros, does the same with’Armenia. And a truly brilliant success was achieved in Germany, where the Bundeskanzler is a humble bourgeois, and, the foreign minister is a gymnast and the minister of’economy is an author of children's books: a trio of dunces.

Such political technologies may still work, but there is one problem: the’image of’America, and the’West with it, as a bright city on a hill, and, a beacon of freedom and democracy, the’unique purveyor of the American dream and a powerful rampart. The fight against dictatorship and despotism – all this western political brand – is seriously tarnishing and is no longer able to project a positive image of oneself. Everyone now sees the’ Occident for what’il is: a corrupt corporatocracy and an oligarchy with very unpopular, often unelected, heads of state who are indebted to foreign and transnational interests, who have no capacity to define, let alone enforce, the national interests of nations in their countries.

And then there are the downright toxic elements of contemporary Western political culture: cultural Marxism and LGBT madness. Cultural Marxism attempts to divide society between the oppressors (mostly white men) and the oppressed (almost everyone). The aim of social justice is to end (and to reverse) the’ oppression. But most people in the world consider elements of the cultural Marxist dogma to be « the oppressed can not also be the oppressors », for example « blacks can not be racist »as pure absurdities and reject them categorically. The same goes for LGBT people: most of the planet is socially conservative and categorically rejects the notion of gender, preferring to stick to old-fashioned sex. They know a priori that animals are of three sexes – male, female and castrated – and will not tolerate any argument to the contrary.

[A brief note for the most confused : castrated animals have specific names : tumulus (blood), ox (bull), capon (cock), gelding (standard), castra (man). Sex is a genetic characteristic of an animal determined at conception, depending on whether the zygote carried by the fertilizing sperm contained an X or Y chromosome. This chromosome is replicated in the nucleus of every cell in an organism. Gender is a grammatical term (masculine, feminine, neutral) that applies to nouns and articles (der, die, das). In most Indo-European languages, the generic default gender of a thing or being of indefinite sex is masculine. Do not attempt to challenge these facts when venturing into the great non-English world, and do not attempt to'impress the people who live there with your « universal human values ». ]

As a result of these political failures, the’West has lost its position as a civilizational beacon for Russia and China,’India, the Muslim world,’Africa and most of the’ Latin America. At this point, the term « judeo-christian civilization » seems to be a vicious joke for most people and should be completely avoided. As all its attractive aspects disappear, what shines through is its decadence and parasitism and, with the recent’aide of Israel, its genocidal tendencies. Even though decadence can easily be resolved by erecting cultural and political barriers, parasitism and genocidal tendencies must, in the opinion of most people around the world, to be stopped.

Financial control was exercised through the control of reserve currencies: the pound sterling, then the dollar. Since all foreign trade could be blocked at the imperial center, the’ businessmen of the former colonies knew exactly how to behave to avoid being punished’s. When the imperial center suddenly felt the need, it could tip the rules of the game by restricting’access to credit, freezing the reserves of dollars and’euros and other similar measures. Colonial economies would be disrupted and a flood of wealth would flow from the colonies to the imperial coffers, presented as a refuge. Another kind of flight of colonial wealth, even more insipid,was organized by creating structural trade deficits (i.e., permanent trade deficits) and providing only’a single way to accumulate surplus’ : by the’purchase of the debt of the imperial government which is then gradually inflated.

This control method is now in check. Russia and China have managed to disdollarize almost all of their trade, paving the way for other countries, many of which are now eager to join the BRICS, which constitute the center of know-how in matters of disdollarization. In trying to coerce their opponents through the use of economic sanctions, the United States and the EU have essentially gone out of the game. They can now do what they want with their money: use it as a small wood or as toilet paper ( fairly coarse ), line the cages of the canaries... But what they won't be able to do for a long time is lend it to existence and then use it to import what they want.

It is now China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and, to some extent, even Iran that lead the way. The Argentines elect a president who intends to put an end to Argentina's accession process to the BRICS; in response, China quickly cancels its currency exchange with Argentina, thus slowing down its trade with Argentina. Demonstrated US Congressmen are addressing the issue of ending imports of enriched uranium from Russia, which are essential for maintaining lighting in the United States. In response, Russian parliamentarians ask the question : "Why does Russia provide such strategic materials to the enemy ?"

I said it a few years ago : « A day will come when offering a million dollars to someone will make you hit in the face. » Well, this day is not so far away: at the BRICS meeting next summer, organized by the Russian Federation in the beautiful and very modern city of Kazan, capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, the dollar should be replaced by a notional unit — not quite a – currency to use as a benchmark in trade. After that, the’expression « in terms of dollars » n’aura more much’utility.

Behind the phrase « reserve currency » are hidden many things that are not directly related to reserves : there are of course central banks, there are, commercial banks and investment companies; but there are also rating agencies, brokerages, stock exchanges, consulting agencies, insurance agencies, etc, credit card companies and many other things that have allowed London and New York to produce nothing but float somehow on the cloud of « economy of services ». This entire cloud is now about to dissolve, and what becomes visible far below it are the sharp rocks of the’ physical economy – mining, mining, refining and Manufacturing – including Russia, China and other BRICS,present and future, all have a very great mastery. a lot of things in hand while the West does not’a.

Military control was exercised by maintaining military bases throughout the territories that fell under imperial control. Military means could be used whenever political and financial controls were ineffective, but most of the time they were not, kept in reserve as an implicit threat that made political and financial controls more effective. Periodically, a small, relatively defenseless country was destroyed for artificial reasons and its population massacred just to keep everyone under control. It worked most of the time, but less and less often: it worked in Yugoslavia and Libya but did not work in Syria, Afghanistan or Yemen.

The problem with all this plan is that’a first world army cannot maintain its supremacy over its peer adversaries, such as Russia and China, by unsuccessfully fighting mediocre, poorly equipped and poorly trained armies in faraway countries. The plan is excellent for filling the pockets of the shareholders of the military-industrial complex and for financing the election campaigns of the associated politicians, but these are not military objectives. To find a way out of this conceptual impasse, the American defense’establishment developed a doctrinal position that stipulated its own undisputed supremacy and all the facts that contradicted it (such as successful’action, he said, although very limited, Russia's fight against’EI in Syria or the defeat of’Israel). in southern Lebanon could be considered impossible.

Simply put, the United States, and with it’OTAN, lacked the necessary inputs to improve’. Military science and practice are advancing through a series of tactical defeats and strategic victories, by making minor mistakes and learning from them during the’ process of achieving major successes. Yet what the United States has managed to achieve, conflict after conflict, is a series of tactical victories followed by strategic defeats. As Andrei Martyanov pointed out, in the absence of the necessary inputs, the American army absorbed the doctrines it had extracted from the remains of the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany; in particular, it, his fixation on the’id of the Blitzkrieg, totally ignoring the fact that the Blitzkrieg died in Stalingrad.

Condemned to repeat the’ story, the United States has organized a resumption of the flash war in what was once the’est of Ukraine, turning a tragedy into a farce. There, the pattern was finally broken: a series of tactical defeats leads to a truly massive strategic defeat. But this can wait, as Russia does not seem in a hurry to finish the job and is perfectly content to continue accumulating its tactical victories, as this will make its strategic victory massive, he said, when the time comes, even more massive.

The United States is not quite ready to put away their toys and go home, and this is a good thing for their opponents : the longer it takes for money to become scarce in Washington, the more money and resources will be wasted in inefficient postures, and the weaker the American economy will be. The United States and its allies will be once the truth of the situation becomes impossible to ignore. If all goes well, military’ failure abroad will naturally turn into civil war in the country, and there will then be one less global hegemonic superpower that will have to worry about’.

Logistic control. As if by chance, the lack of military supremacy automatically weakens the Anglo-Saxon’empire economically. The Anglo-Saxon pirate empire has exercised control over world trade via its control of sea lanes : it was imperative that all kinds of imperial loot could be returned to the Anglo-Saxon imperial centers. America rules the seas, or not ? In particular, the control of various points of’strangulation – the Suez Canal, the’Hormuz Strait, the Panama Canal, Gibraltar, Malacca and (surprise !) Bab-el-Mandeb – is absolutely essential.


Recent American naval actions near Bab-el-Mandeb have done nothing to prevent the near closure of the Suez Canal, leading to long delays and huge increases in freight rates for most shipping to the West as ships head for the Cape of Good Hope. This is the result of some rather limited threats and hostile acts against international shipping by the Yemeni Houthis, who have promised to continue their actions against the shipping associated with Israel unless humanitarian and medical aid begins to reach Gaza: their mission is, you see, to, a mission of mercy, so do not dare to call them terrorists !

Bombing Yemen from American naval ships, which now sail aimlessly around the gulf of’Aden or the Red Sea, will do no good : the Houthis have been bombed by the Saudis for years and are now completely insensitive to this treatment. And if the United States were to organize a ground invasion of Yemen, it is hard to IMAGINE a place on Earth better suited to humiliate American invaders – much better even than the mountains of’Afghanistan.

Note that Russian expeditions via Suez are not subject to any restrictions. Perhaps the Russians are now sailing with special transponders provided by Iran, which are part of a friendly or enemy identification system that Iran has also given to the Houthis. In contrast, traffic in the Israeli port of Ashdod, which is its lifeline, is down 80% and Israel's trade relations with its main trading partner, China, are very seriously disturbed. Only Hezbollah in Lebanon remains to launch a few rocket attacks at Ben-Gurion International Airport, destroying its fuel tanks and control tower, and Israel would find itself physically isolated – a quasi blockade.

How long will it take for the Jews of’ Israel to abandon the Israeli project and head for greener pastures, as they have done under similar circumstances for thousands of’s years ago ? By observing the disappearance of their Israeli Mini-Me, the American authorities would of course remain inconsolable for a good 15 minutes, but as the evidence shows, there is no’y in the world that the United States would not be willing to betray when conditions warrant it – neither Ukraine nor Israel. It is never something personal, strictly professional.

Note that the Suez Canal is not the only navigation bottleneck currently in trouble or in danger: traffic via the Panama Canal is also restricted, due to the lack of rainfall, causing a lack of water in Lake Gatun to fill the locks, in turn forcing ships to bypass Cape Horn. There is also the’Hormuz Strait, dominated by Iranian forces, making military action against Iran unlikely. Are there alternatives to these shipping routes ? Yes, there is the sea route of northern Russia, much shorter and perfectly well defended. But its passage requires an escort of icebreakers, which Russia is able to provide.

Political, financial, military and logistical control..Each of these imperial control mechanisms is not just a matter of rigor – a matter of imperial fashion. Everyone is strictly necessary for the functioning of the Anglo-imperial mechanism: without political control, without financial control, without military bases and without sea lanes, the imperial body quickly finds itself in great distress, like someone who has a split skull, a broken spine, a severed artery, or a perforated intestinal tract. But if all these traumas occur at the same time, then it is probably useless to transport such a patient to intensive care and, despite his complaints, he said, its proper destination will be the morgue.

As suggested by the’analysis above, today’, at the end of December 2024, all these mechanisms of anglo-imperial control are effectively in check. What will’ happen to Anglo-Saxon imperial societies once’elles fail ? If’history can serve as a guide, it could be, in a certain way, a repetition of what’is produced in Britain after the fall of the’ Roman Empire of’ Occident : a real collapse up’ to a most primitive level of subsistence and a possible replacement of the population.
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Well-known member
Daily KOS just published a story about Israel burying weapons in tunnels in residential areas 70 years ago.

serial numbers would tell when they were manufactured. AKs been around since late '40s though. i see pictures/stories of Sasquatch published every week or so...:rolleyes:

moose eater

Well-known member
serial numbers would tell when they were manufactured. AKs been around since late '40s though. i see pictures/stories of Sasquatch published every week or so...:rolleyes:

moose eater

Well-known member
At least Bibi Netanyahu, the convicted terrorist (from his conviction in an Israeli court for terrorism against Palestinians; how Trump-like of him) is consistent, as is his IDF leadership; once established as a prolific liar spewing propaganda, why change your schtick? Just crank that propaganda mill harder, eh? Again, how Trump-like of him? The only immediate difference is that our courts might actually eventually hold the Orange Man accountable in some sort of meaningful way... maybe.


What ought to happen to a motherfucker that kills 12,000-14,000 women and children and sites bullshit and propaganda? And what ought to happen to the Country, my Country, that supplies such a sociopathic sonofabitch?
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moose eater

Well-known member

Israel's International Spokesperson translates to 'Propaganda Chief in Charge of Transparent lies about IDF and Mossad atrocities.'
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Well-known member
I think that if you did a study of Ireland - Sweden - UK - and other western countries that have opened their doors to millions of immigrants from many other nations in recent years - the rape statistics tell a story of the local gal's being preyed upon by an inordinate number of these newcomers -
i remember a few years ago the far right tried to do this with germany. they lied about how the migrants were raping every one lol.

countries also calculate rape differently than one another. sweden for example, counts every instance of rape. meaning if someone raped their spouse 1000 times, it would count as 1000 rapes. whereas other countries do not count it that way.

these mostly young men leave behind their own Mothers - sisters - wives - children and grandparents - to travel thru many 'safe' nations to get to Ireland or the UK or Sweden etc
lol. this is what immigrants do. they come for work and send money back to their families.

- as supposed 'refugees' -
the natural result of your countries' imperialist past. destabilize and overthrow mid east and african governments and find out. one would say.... KARMA.

many coming from societies where they consider women to be inferior chattel - and any infidel woman is fair game to be groomed - raped - enslaved and abused - as it is written in their holy books 📚

- This does not instill confidence in one's family security - and changes the way people have to go about their lives -
only if you're a scared ass racist

"i have to change the way i live because i now see black and brown people walking down my street"

You might call it a 'Clash of Cultures' - - but these local people living where they have done for many generations - were never asked if they wanted mass - unfettered immigration
again, the result of imperialism.

also, immigration is fought at every level at every time period in history. the irish, italian, and other "white" groups coming to the USA were also demonized and i'm sure the WASPS said exactly what you're saying now. fast forward to now, if you called italians or irish not white, you'd be looked at like you're crazy. what you're complaining about now will be normalized in no time.

- they just have to put up with the downside of it all - and if they complain - then are labelled with some 'ist' or 'ism' - which doesn't seem right to me at all -
what's the downside? show me the numbers. in the US, immigrants commit less crime than the native born population and i'd be willing to bet it's no different in the UK.


Well-known member
i remember a few years ago the far right tried to do this with germany. they lied about how the migrants were raping every one lol.

countries also calculate rape differently than one another. sweden for example, counts every instance of rape. meaning if someone raped their spouse 1000 times, it would count as 1000 rapes. whereas other countries do not count it that way.

lol. this is what immigrants do. they come for work and send money back to their families.

the natural result of your countries' imperialist past. destabilize and overthrow mid east and african governments and find out. one would say.... KARMA.


only if you're a scared ass racist

"i have to change the way i live because i now see black and brown people walking down my street"

again, the result of imperialism.

also, immigration is fought at every level at every time period in history. the irish, italian, and other "white" groups coming to the USA were also demonized and i'm sure the WASPS said exactly what you're saying now. fast forward to now, if you called italians or irish not white, you'd be looked at like you're crazy. what you're complaining about now will be normalized in no time.

what's the downside? show me the numbers. in the US, immigrants commit less crime than the native born population and i'd be willing to bet it's no different in the UK.
sweden used to be the safest place in europe , and now is the rape capital of the world.

most illegal , note the term illegal , immigrants are male, fighting age that have come for economic reasons, and left their wives and family behind. if they were fleeing war they would stay and fight , and the females, elders and children would be making the journey

when you have 100s of thousands of sexually active men grouped together with no women, sooner or later they are going to look for sex

what bubble do you live in?

where was your energy about the ukraine war , the blm fraud , the fake insurrection , the stolen election etc ?? you are biased man


Well-known member
sweden used to be the safest place in europe , and now is the rape capital of the world.
"Sweden's seemingly oversized rape rate is perhaps the best-known example of this scenario. During the years 2013-2017, Sweden averaged 64 reported rapes per 100,000 inhabitants—a rate that tied for the highest in Europe. However, when the data was examined, it became clear that Sweden's high numbers were fueled in large part by Sweden's broader definition of rape and more inclusive reporting rules compared to other European countries. When the data was recalculated using Germany's narrower guidelines, for example, Sweden's average reported rapes per 100,000 people fell from 64 to 15, a decrease of 76.56%."

most illegal , note the term illegal , immigrants are male, fighting age that have come for economic reasons, and left their wives and family behind. if they were fleeing war they would stay and fight , and the females, elders and children would be making the journey
muh fighting aged males. only xenophobes and fashies talk like this.

one of the largest demographics of immigrants in sweden are fins. something tells me you're not talking about them lmao.

"Sweden has a population of about 10.1 million people. Approximately 80% of this population is made up of ethnic Sweden with no immigrant background. About 20 percent have at least one parent that is an immigrant or has some non-Swedish ancestry. Here is a breakdown of all people resident in Sweden who were born in another country:

Finland 163,867

Iraq 127,860

Poland 75,323

Former Yugoslavia 69,269

Iran 65,649

Bosnia and Herzegovina 56,595

Germany 48,731

Turkey 45,085

Denmark 44,209

Somalia 43,966

The vast majority of people on this list can be classified as white. The major exception is Somalia. The overall percentage of the Swedish population that is black is less than 1%, although it should be noted that a well-known Swedish politician, Nyamko Sabuni, is black. There are negligible numbers of people from other racial groups, including East Asia, South Asia, Native American, and Pacific Islander."

when you have 100s of thousands of sexually active men grouped together with no women, sooner or later they are going to look for sex
and because they're third world beasts, the only way for some darkies and muslims to have sex is to rape, right?
what bubble do you live in?
dunno, the one where i don't get my information from reactionary fash propaganda.
where was your energy about the ukraine war , the blm fraud , the fake insurrection , the stolen election etc ?? you are biased man
i support the war in ukraine to a degree
i support the goals of BLM in dismantling systemic racism
i support jailing and prosecuting insurrectionist fascists
the election wasn't stolen

correct, i am very biased against fascists and their propaganda.

So Hai

Well-known member
Marxist Jews are largely anti Zionist
Key modifyer. Zionism and marxism are two faces of jewish supremacism. Marxist jews project their racism on others while they pretend to be largely anti-racist. Everywhere marxist jews established their dictatorship a genocide was committed against the non-jewish populations same as in Palestine today.
and yet i'm not the one that believes the same thing literal nazis believe.