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moose eater

Well-known member
Just as with the Rodney King beating, the offenses referenced are simply those that made it onto tape or were witnessed. There are hundreds if not thousands of similar incidents that will never make it to the UN's Human Rights Committee.



Well-known member
Key modifyer. Zionism and marxism are two faces of jewish supremacism.
except for the fact that marxists are critical of zionism, authoritarianism, and nationalism. furthermore, i suggest reading into norman finkelstein's origins of zionism and you'll find out that this far right ideology basically beat out all competing ideologies, including marxist groups.

Marxist jews project their racism on others while they pretend to be largely anti-racist. Everywhere marxist jews established their dictatorship a genocide was committed against the non-jewish populations same as in Palestine today.
source: i made it up

this is two separate quotes combined together lol.

the first one is from a paper marx wrote critiquing capitalist economists like david ricardo in reference to all the people that were to be displaced from the birth of modernization and industrialization. aka he's critiquing capitalist exploitation. not saying people have to die for some marxist revolution lmfao.

second part about the revolutionary holocaust seems to be fake and/or attributed to Engels.

So Hai

Well-known member
sweden used to be the safest place in europe , and now is the rape capital of the world.
Ethnicity of rapists: migrants and children of migrants in red with undocumented migrants in yellow, and swedes in minority blue.

They stopped registering ethnicity of rapists after that and changed also the definition of rape in order to conceal a massive increase.


Well-known member
i'm against all war , i'm against historical retribution , and i'm in favour of legal migration of people in need . i'm liberal. to be compared with a nazi is absurd


Well-known member
Lars Lewenhagen, an investigator for Brottsförebyggande rådet (Brå) - the Swedish government’s national council for crime prevention – noted via email that it is wrong to say one in four women in Sweden would have been victims of rape in 2013.

“According to the (2014) crime victim survey (NTU) (top of p.48: here), 2.4% of women reported that they had been victims of sexual assault, which covers a wide range of both serious and less serious events,” he said. “The same year the number of reported rapes against a woman was 3,224 (which is equal to 34 per 100,000 residents, or 0.03%).”

Data published by the EU’s European Institute for Gender Equality found that, by 2012, 11.4% of women age 15 or older in Sweden - around one in 10 - had experienced rape (tinyurl.com/yc42t78n).

Lewenhagen noted that although the graph of rape incidence being shared online appears to be accurate - the number of rapes reported to police rose by 463% between 1990 and 2011 - this should not be used to calculate the risk of getting raped.

“For example, during this period, the legal definition of rape was widened drastically,” Lewenhagen said. Sweden’s sex crime legislation was broadened in 2005 (here).

A 2019 Brå report discussing trends in sexual offences found that an increase in rapes between 2005 and 2017 was likely due to the expanded legal definition at the start of this period (p.14: here).

This, combined with how the country collates relevant data, contributes towards Sweden’s high incidence of rape in comparison to other European nations, according to Brå’s assessment (here) of its own 2020 report (here).


Well-known member
i'm against all war , i'm against historical retribution , and i'm in favour of legal migration of people in need . i'm liberal. to be compared with a nazi is absurd
you're a liberal yet your post i quoted on the other page reads like any random right winger rhetoric... military aged migrants..... stolen election.... fake insurrection.... lol.


Well-known member
you're a liberal yet your post i quoted on the other page reads like any random right winger rhetoric... military aged migrants..... stolen election.... fake insurrection.... lol.
not at all. you are programmed to say that as default. i understand.


Well-known member
i support the goals of BLM in dismantling systemic racism

Dismantling racism :LOL: The only thing those con artists dismantled was the public trust of a bunch of suckers who thought they were actually out to prop up the black community. Instead of helping the poor most of the funds went to lavish houses and fancy cars for the top "organizers" of the scam. Thats not to mention all the money that simply disappeared into thin air. I bet the firefighters burn fund has done more for black people than those rotten grifters ✌️


Well-known member
Dismantling racism :LOL: The only thing those con artists dismantled was the public trust of a bunch of suckers who thought they were actually out to prop up the black community. Instead of helping the poor most of the funds went to lavish houses and fancy cars for the top "organizers" of the scam. Thats not to mention all the money that simply disappeared into thin air. I bet the firefighters burn fund has done more for black people than those rotten grifters ✌️
basically a gullible populist that follows orders from the state


Well-known member
Dismantling racism :LOL: The only thing those con artists dismantled was the public trust of a bunch of suckers who thought they were actually out to prop up the black community. Instead of helping the poor most of the funds went to lavish houses and fancy cars for the top "organizers" of the scam. Thats not to mention all the money that simply disappeared into thin air. I bet the firefighters burn fund has done more for black people than those rotten grifters ✌️
notice how i specifically said goals of BLM and used the word "systemic"?

goals such as;
