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moose eater

Well-known member
Had a similar incident with 'home-grown' doctors vs. the 'imports' that people seem to complain about a lot. Had a somewhat bad motorcycle accident and it took a few days getting back to civilization before I could see a doctor, I decided to go private and pay through the nose for 'the best help money could buy'. The kiwi doctor who owned the practice and had been a osteopath for 20+ years told me there was very little to worry about with both my swollen foot and smashed tibia. I was concerned as I had previous injuries on both areas, but took the guy at his word. A week and a half went by and I was in so much pain I couldn't walk, had what looked like bruising all around the smashed area of my leg. Decided to get a second opinion from the local free clinic. Thought I needed an x-ray to see what had happened to the bone and previous titanium rod in that leg. The radiologist on that day had recently arrived from Taiwan and spoke very little English, but enough to sit me down and say, "Mate, I'm the professional here, you don't have bruising you have a major infection." Turns out I did and when I went to their specialist he said it was good I went for a second opinion because the infection was so bad that if I left it another week they would have had to take my leg.
I had my right foot and ankle between my crank case of my motorcycle and a woman's bumper in 1975, when I went into a slide trying to avoid a more serious impact, and it hammered my foot and ankle between the 2 more solid objects.

The local PD showed up after a biker and a trucker had carried me out of the highway, and when they removed my shoe, my foot immediately turned into a huge orb. The cop was grinning, as I was a bit of a known 'commodity' in that place, even at that age.

No broken bones, but I'd burst a vessel in the instep of my right foot, and it acted like inflating a basketball.

But the ambulance driver, racing down the street with lights and siren blaring, wouldn't blow any red lights. So, every time he'd be flashing along, and a light would turn yellow, he'd hit the brakes, and my foot was to the rear of the ambulance, the fluids (blood, etc.) in my foot would try to push their way up my leg from the inertia of his braking and THAT hurt like a bastard.

Finally, I asked the guy that if he wasn't going to blow the lights, would he please slow down, as the abrupt stops were killing me.

I contracted gangrene in the open tissue where I'd lost the skin on the inside of the right ankle, but got it straightened out.

That was back when a good family Doc took care of damned near everything. There were specialists for cancer, heart issues, etc., but the system hadn't become so convoluted as to require a different Doc for everything under the Sun.

I looked at spine surgery through private clinics in India about 7 or 8 years ago and have acquaintances up here who had gone to similar clinics in India, one for a double knee replacement. They had very good experiences.

The concept of foreign Docs doesn't typically concern me that much. Docs who are beyond culpability in court, like priests and cops are/were due to social conditioning of the average juror, and poorly written protectionist regs or laws, those scare the hell out of me.
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Brother Nature

Well-known member
zionists are nothing to do with judaism. it is fascist propaganda to describe anyone who does not want open borders as far right, or fascist or one who would imagine it is a 'marxist jew'

kalergi plan is a matter of fact
I don't know dude, I think Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi and his Jewish wife had some pretty marxist ideas for how the world should work. It's hard to believe that a man born half Japanese who married a divorced jewish actress over a decade older than him would represent the basic ass ideas you present above. Much like Nietzsche, I would say his works have been very abused and misinterpreted by those who want to present a certain perspective of the world and those presenting his work in that manner don't atually understand it.


Well-known member
my point was. telling a man how to think , and attaching a gaslit label , is fascism . marx is part of the banking system . not to be worshipped imo

moose eater

Well-known member
By the way, I figure much of the influx of refugees into the US and Western Europe is a matter of karma for fucking up the places many of the people are leaving with our geopolitics and wars.

Every time someone complains in my presence about El Salvadorans, Guatemalans, or others from that region coming to the US of A, I remind them of the politically motivated regime changes and skirmishes the State Dept and CIA sponsored and engaged in in those places, and that it's in many ways a matter of the chickens coming home to roost.

Edit: My favorite medical assistant of all time is from Nicaragua. She's a sweetheart who honestly understands my philosophy concerning self-determination re. end-of-life decisions and life in general. One day in the midst of our intake questions, I apologized for what my Country did to hers. We've been 'right' ever since.
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Brother Nature

Well-known member
my point was. telling a man how to think , and attaching a gaslit label , is fascism . marx is part of the banking system . not to be worshipped imo
Your definition of fascism is blatantly wrong. Telling a man how to think is just good politics as proven by the US system over the past 80 years, more blatantly in the last 7 years though. "But he's part of the banks!" is a retarded and tired argument, do you not take money from the bank? It's nearly 2024, you're not keeping money in your mattress unless you're an idiot. Or do you think the Jews own all the banks too?


Well-known member
Your definition of fascism is blatantly wrong. Telling a man how to think is just good politics as proven by the US system over the past 80 years, more blatantly in the last 7 years though. "But he's part of the banks!" is a retarded and tired argument, do you not take money from the bank? It's nearly 2024, you're not keeping money in your mattress unless you're an idiot. Or do you think the Jews own all the banks too?
brother. i disagree with everything you wrote. and that is fine by me. have a good day

Brother Nature

Well-known member
That's cool, then present a real argument in defense of your viewpoint. I don't disrespect you for your beliefs or thought process, but I do want to understand it and I find many that think along the lines you do can't defend in their own words what they say and that is very telling to me.


Well-known member
That's cool, then present a real argument in defense of your viewpoint. I don't disrespect you for your beliefs or thought process, but I do want to understand it and I find many that think along the lines you do can't defend in their own words what they say and that is very telling to me.
i never asked for your opinion. but here is mine in response . you are a useful idiot. you shill and spam state talking points. you lie about being a ganja felon. i don't agree with anything you wrote or wrote . you are mistaken , and misguided. there was no argument . dictating what others believe, and what they can say or think,, is fascism . you are a bacon enabler at best


Well-known member
Who really knows? - all I can tell ya is that the infrastructure that has supported this nation - is being stretched to breaking point - millions more people require hundreds more hospitals to cater to their maladies - millions more people need millions of houses to live in - more schools too - and every type of social service - and more people = more wear and tear and more cost - whos going to pay for all that? - maybe its all good for the economy - the more people you can cram into a small island the more money/goods and services they will need - and the more you can tax that - whatever political name you wish to label it all - go ahead - means nothing to me - having never voted - supported or become involved in any political party - I tell it as I see it - while I wait for open heart surgery - in a long - long queue -
All I'm saying is the belief that your country is being purposely flooded with immigration as some longstanding plot is straight up fascist propaganda. I'm not interested in debating the merits of immigration lol.

Sorry for your health troubles. Consider yourself lucky you have the option to even be put into a queue. In the US you either die because you have no health care or go bankrupt and homeless trying to pay your bill.


Well-known member
zionists are nothing to do with judaism. it is fascist propaganda to describe anyone who does not want open borders as far right, or fascist or one who would imagine it is a 'marxist jew'

kalergi plan is a matter of fact
Fascist conspiracy theories make no such distinction.

Cultural Marxism, which is basically the same stupid conspiracy theory as the kalergi plan explicitly states the problem comes from Jewish Marxists from the Frankfurt school. Marxist Jews are largely anti Zionist if you actually take the time to look at what they're saying, and not take fascist propaganda at face value.
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Well-known member

Well the locals don't seem to quite see it that way - and we're never asked - if they would enjoy mass unfettered immigration in their villages or towns or cities - services for them gets degraded or even canceled and takes much much longer - due to huge demands on the public purse - other services are cancelled too - there are many other effects on the locals - such as the quality or frequency of medical care they are getting - this vid might be helpful to explain it -

This was helpful, but not in the way you think lol. This dudes a straight up racist and revisionist.



from the future

Taken in Gaza by IDF soldiers with dual Ukrainian and Israeli nationality. Many Israeli soldiers fought against Russia in Ukraine just a few months ago. Returning to Israel, they fight in Gaza. The photo above attests to this.

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from the future
«Unfortunately, it is clear that a genocide [in Gaza] is already underway, and so our question is whether it is our responsibility to stop it.», concluded the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP)1,2, on December 12, 2023 during a round table entitled “2023 War on Gaza – The responsibility to prevent genocide» at UN headquarters in New York.3

This quote is found in the video of this round table on the UN website, from minute 1:54:50 to 1:55:08.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
This was helpful, but not in the way you think lol. This dudes a straight up racist and revisionist.

View attachment 18936087
Here you go with all the buzz-words again - calling people you don't know - and have never met - silly names - does get rather tiresome - but then - that's probably what's intended - to me Mr Webb is just some opinionated older gentleman - that manages to stir up a few questions and answers to relevant topics -

So Hai

Well-known member
What many considered a conspiracy theory for years has come true before my eyes here in London - The Kalergi Plan is absolutely obvious 😉 to me -
Kinda hard not to notice the fact when the population replacement is taking place before your own eyes. It is also spelled out in the Hooton Plan and they want to call you racist for pointing it out.

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