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from the future


Well-known member
my mistake was imagining you might be operating in good faith, guided by some actual moral principle.

i wrongly assumed that when you challenged gypsy before on the antisemitism inherent in the conspiracy theories in that thread, that that challenge was based on your sincere belief. now i think you like the rush of arguing on the internet and merely view antisemitism in terms of its utility. when it is convenient for you, you're happy to use allegations of antisemitism as a cudgel. when it isn't convenient for you, you simply ignore it.
ah yes neo nazi conspiracies about jews taking over the world, and hating a fascist apartheid government who is actively committing a genocide is the same thing.


Well-known member
ah yes neo nazi conspiracies about jews taking over the world, and hating a fascist apartheid government who is actively committing a genocide is the same thing.

I see now that I must be the asshole, for expecting that you might bother to read any of what you hastily copy-pasted from wikipedia.

Hamas defines itself exactly according to the very same antisemitic conspiracy theory you (for some reason) were so eager to call out before.


moose eater

Well-known member
Scott Ritter - speaking of "self-glorifying windbags, and ego-buffing individuals"
Ritter tends to think highly of himself, and is frequently asked to be a talking head, but he was an assigned Marine Corps Intel Officer as his MOS, and though he simplifies some things that are not always simple, leading to a misread in many ways, he's also been in a job and exposure to information and people that most of us have not.

Listening to the interview with a Kibbutz occupant who noted 16 hours for IDF back-up to arrive in one of the links I posted, I think some of Ritter's observations gained their own credibility. And that was the first large group of people hit at 6:30 AM on Oct. 7.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
yep you're right on article 7 i skimmed through it while sleepy and skipped right over it.

i dont believe anything israel says
I don't believe everything Israel says either, but I do believe that which has been independently verified. I detest the Netanyahu government but to say that nothing they say is true is just wrong. This thinking is precisely why I did not want to be involved in this thread (and I will probably regret it). It is just polarised thinking.

Can I ask, do you believe anything Hamas says?

I find it incredible that a lot of people on the Left (who I count myself as one) seem to be supporting Hamas and elevating them as some kind of freedom fighters. Hamas are despicable and have views that belong in the stone age (as do some Jews). If I had the choice of living somewhere run by Hamas or the Right wing Israel government, as much as I detest the current government in Israel, I would pick that every time. Hamas repress women for starters which I find abhorrent.

Before the current conflict support for Hamas in Gaza was relatively low. I suspect it has risen since Israel started bombing. Israel's disregard for civilians is appalling and must be recruitment bonanza for Hamas.

There have been no elections in Gaza since Hamas came to power. They eliminated any opposition and disarmed the population. I don't see how this can be resolved without their removal?

No doubt what I have written will be taken as me siding with Israel which is far from my intention.


Well-known member
I see now that I must be the asshole, for expecting that you might bother to read any of what you hastily copy-pasted from wikipedia.

Hamas defines itself exactly according to the very same antisemitic conspiracy theory you (for some reason) were so eager to call out before.
do you think i support hamas or something lmao.

they have a right to resist illegal occupation just like all palestinians do. including with violence if necessary.

terrorism is bad. but guess what, all of this is happening because israel started it. fuck around, try and steal a country, and find out.


Well-known member
I don't believe everything Israel says either, but I do believe that which has been independently verified.
last that i read, the rapes have not been. not saying it didn't happen, but because israel is such a prolific lying state, i don't believe anything they say at face value. i don't believe we know everything about Oct 7th either. the pace in which they swept up all those damaged vehicles, from what looked like apache helicopter fire, is suspect. the numerous false testimonies given by so called attendents of the rave/party that turn out they weren't even in attendance, eyewitnesses saying the IDF sprayed into the crowds indiscriminantly, the silencing of the israeli hostages and the parents of hostages by the government, etc.

I detest the Netanyahu government but to say that nothing they say is true is just wrong. This thinking is precisely why I did not want to be involved in this thread (and I will probably regret it). It is just polarised thinking.
it's not because i hate da joooz its because i don't believe in anything any government says.
Can I ask, do you believe anything Hamas says?
as in what, specifically? because i'm not in here posting hamas propaganda lol. bulk of my posts like i said are from journalists and non-zionist jewish academics like the two posts i just put on the page above - Dr's Zachary Foster a princeton historian of palestine, and Dr Raz Segal an israeli scholar of the holocaust.

i've posted videos of hamas resisting the IDF. that's about it. because it looks badass and again, i support resistance to occupation.

I find it incredible that a lot of people on the Left (who I count myself as one) seem to be supporting Hamas
im not supporting hamas. i'm supporting the liberation of palestinians from living in a concentration camp by a far right apartheid government. something any leftist should oppose.

Hamas are despicable and have views that belong in the stone age (as do some Jews). If I had the choice of living somewhere run by Hamas or the Right wing Israel government, as much as I detest the current government in Israel, I would pick that every time. Hamas repress women for starters which I find abhorrent.
i hate all religions equally and would love for them to be logically eradicated from society. i'm not here to pick and choose. they all suck.

Before the current conflict support for Hamas in Gaza was relatively low. I suspect it has risen since Israel started bombing. Israel's disregard for civilians is appalling and must be recruitment bonanza for Hamas.
this is true. which is why it makes no sense in any way to support this. as we know from our own history of trying to eradicate al-qaeda, it's probably not going to happen, and will probably lead to them becoming even crazier down the road (isis).

There have been no elections in Gaza since Hamas came to power.
And as my man Norman Finkelstein likes to point out, the second Hamas came into power (democratically by the way via parliamentary elections suspervised by Jimbo Carter), the US and Israel set up brutal illegal sanctions and an illegal blockade.

They eliminated any opposition and disarmed the population. I don't see how this can be resolved without their removal?
we'll probably never know except for all the times people in hamas inlcuding it's founder did reach out and wanted a peace or two state solution. it's israel and the us that block it because hamas is just a convenient scapegoat for the overall aims of zionism - an ethnostate by any means. this aim of zionism, of course, reaches back into the late 1800's with the founders own words.

No doubt what I have written will be taken as me siding with Israel which is far from my intention.
i guess you guessed wrong :)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
last that i read, the rapes have not been. not saying it didn't happen, but because israel is such a prolific lying state, i don't believe anything they say at face value. i don't believe we know everything about Oct 7th either. the pace in which they swept up all those damaged vehicles, from what looked like apache helicopter fire, is suspect. the numerous false testimonies given by so called attendents of the rave/party that turn out they weren't even in attendance, eyewitnesses saying the IDF sprayed into the crowds indiscriminantly, the silencing of the israeli hostages and the parents of hostages by the government, etc.
The rapes have been verified enough for me and the BBC, but I guess some will say the BBC is fake news. Plenty of other outlets too.
it's not because i hate da joooz its because i don't believe in anything any government says.

as in what, specifically? because i'm not in here posting hamas propaganda lol. bulk of my posts like i said are from journalists and non-zionist jewish academics like the two posts i just put on the page above - Dr's Zachary Foster a princeton historian of palestine, and Dr Raz Segal an israeli scholar of the holocaust.

i've posted videos of hamas resisting the IDF. that's about it. because it looks badass and again, i support resistance to occupation.

im not supporting hamas. i'm supporting the liberation of palestinians from living in a concentration camp by a far right apartheid government. something any leftist should oppose.
I support the liberation of Palestinian civilian population too. I just don't support the way Hamas goes about it, nor will I support Hamas. Firing rockets into civilian areas, and the Oct 7 attack is just terrorism.
Of course Israel's treatment of Palestinians and their response has been appalling as well. Crimes in peace as well as war.
i hate all religions equally and would love for them to be logically eradicated from society. i'm not here to pick and choose. they all suck.
this is true. which is why it makes no sense in any way to support this. as we know from our own history of trying to eradicate al-qaeda, it's probably not going to happen, and will probably lead to them becoming even crazier down the road (isis).
What Israel is doing now is counter productive in terms of losing international support, and recruiting for Hamas. I don't have any answers.
And as my man Norman Finkelstein likes to point out, the second Hamas came into power (democratically by the way via parliamentary elections suspervised by Jimbo Carter), the US and Israel set up brutal illegal sanctions and an illegal blockade.

we'll probably never know except for all the times people in hamas inlcuding it's founder did reach out and wanted a peace or two state solution. it's israel and the us that block it because hamas is just a convenient scapegoat for the overall aims of zionism - an ethnostate by any means. this aim of zionism, of course, reaches back into the late 1800's with the founders own words.
I'm not aware of that, but take your word for it.
i guess you guessed wrong :)
Great! I hope others see that too.
The attack on Oct 7 was a deliberate attempt by Hamas to escalate tensions, the use of rape to humiliate and cause exactly the response they got. Just an opinion but I think they hoped other middle eastern states and actors would become involved. So far that hasn't happened to any great extent.


Well-known member
The way Americans are picking sides on social media like Idf and Hamas are going to the super bowl is fucking disgusting

My opinion comes from frequenting a gore site from time to time, children still temporarily alive with their intestines hanging out, some that survived and can't stop crying because they only have half of an arm now, burned raped bodies

Some of the Ukraine Russia stuff, those drones have pretty high definition cameras, there is footage of Russians doing gay stuff and getting obliterated, guys from both sides that get their legs blown off and then kill themselves, another where I believe it was a Russian that got captured and had his eyes dug out with a knife

Really no different than a militarized cartel or isis

Ukraine now has the world record for longest sniper kill shot

Here's the "Russian dudes getting frisky get bombed", not really any gore or anything disturbing in that sense
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