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moose eater

Well-known member
You are correct. I was using Chi's post about the rapes committed by Hamas at the music festival as what you had responded to. I did think this was possibly propaganda until hearing testimony from survivors,
If it weren't for the frequency with which Israeli talking heads bullshit the world, unfortunately successfully in way too many cases, I might give their people more than a micro-second of my ear.

If my neighbor has lied to me more than once and comes to me and tells me his house is on fire, if he's lucky I might refer him to the best local spot for connectivity on his cell phone.

Integrity is a valuable thing to forfeit for advantages in manipulation. It's a long time before it ever returns.

There's a conversation I had once with a veterinarian when I was broke and had a seriously injured dog, and his comments are still forefront in my mind 42 years later. I'll skip those details too, but it revolved around loss of one's reputation and the consequences down the road for that.

moose eater

Well-known member
I give you a 3/4 like for that post. Everyone keeps saying return to 1967. I say return to 1947.
I worked with a fellow in the later 1970s in Homer, Alaska, initially processing drag shrimp.

Johnny; a dual UK/Israeli citizen originally from the UK. Compassionate, likeable, funny as fuck guy. Saved my butt when I had flu that was turning toward pneumonia and living in a small tent on airport property in the later Fall.

Took me to his and his side-kick's (Fast Eddy) place and put me up in a heated camper in their driveway, made (and taught me to make) leg of lamb roasted in mustard and garlic sauce.

Johnny had fought in the 6-day war. He had his politics, and the middle east wasn't even on my radar at that time.

But even the old-timers, who had committed their own war crimes against Syrian troops in the 6-day war often find what is going on lately and currently in Gaza (perpetrated by the Israelis) as sickening and inhuman.

Any time someone enters into systemic abuse of others and says God is on their side and claims God commanded him to do it. Look out.

I posted a link days or weeks ago of an interview with a rabbi who was very critical of Israel's policies re. taking Gaza for themselves. He stated that in their book, the gift of Jerusalem, etc, is to be given by God, not seized by force. Netanyahu's just another moment in time of less-than-ethical people claiming to hold higher ground that he never held at all.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
If it weren't for the frequency with which Israeli talking heads bullshit the world, unfortunately successfully in way too many cases, I might give their people more than a micro-second of my ear.

If my neighbor has lied to me more than once and comes to me and tells me his house is on fire, if he's lucky I might refer him to the best local spot for connectivity on his cell phone.

Integrity is a valuable thing to forfeit for advantages in manipulation. It's a long time before it ever returns.

There's a conversation I had once with a veterinarian when I was broke and had a seriously injured dog, and his comments are still forefront in my mind 42 years later. I'll skip those details too, but it revolved around loss of one's reputation and the consequences down the road for that.
I also went to a vet with my severely injured dog, who quoted me more money than I saw in two months. I told him 'this is what we are going to do; I'm going to hold him from biting you and you are going to stitch him up. You will not enjoy the consequences for not doing so' He did it.

moose eater

Well-known member
I also went to a vet with my severely injured dog, who quoted me more money than I saw in two months. I told him 'this is what we are going to do; I'm going to hold him from biting you and you are going to stitch him up. You will not enjoy the consequences for not doing so' He did it.
Doc Winterer died a long time ago.

At the time my Jeremy had been hit by a vehicle, I was so broke I didn't even have a full cylinder of cartridges for my .357 Ruger snub-nose, and was, after having been turned away at close to 3 or 4 vets in town who would only take money, guns, or gold, going to take him home and shoot him. He was the pup of the elkhound I'd hitched N America with. I loved that dog.

His femur was so fucked up that cradling him in my arms and walking, you could hear the bone ends knocking together, yet he showed no pain.

I'd never been to Doc Winterer before and didn't even know he was where he was.

After the initial surgery and before the later removal of the long steel rod he'd put in my pup, all with no money down, I'd referred another broke hippie I knew to him, who merely needed vaccinations.

At the time he pulled the pin, I had some cash to give him on the less than $500 for all visits and surgeries inclusive (less than half price for the entire set of appointments than what the vets in town had wanted for just the initial visit/surgery), and with him having offered my friend service with no money down on a similar 'give you my word' agreement, I was wired out of my gourd on cocaine and talkative as usual.

I asked him, "Doc Winterer, you didn't know me, or my friend (Xxxxxx), yet you gave he and I necessary services with no money down without reason to trust either of us. Why?"

His reply was that he could find $20 lying about on any street corner, but my friend couldn't buy his reputation back for $20.

I loved that man and his wife/assistant. And he had to have known at that final appt that I was wired to the moon. He nor his wife ever said a word about it and treated me with respect. They're both dead now. That was 'old Alaska.'
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Well-known member
Assuming this link is correct part of article 7 reads:
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem
yep you're right on article 7 i skimmed through it while sleepy and skipped right over it.
I avoid this thread but honestly anyone supporting Hamas is supporting a genocidal organisation who suppress women and use rape as a weapon.
i dont believe anything israel says


Well-known member


Well-known member

can't wait to hear the mental gymnastics behind this false equivalency.
my mistake was imagining you might be operating in good faith, guided by some actual moral principle.

i wrongly assumed that when you challenged gypsy before on the antisemitism inherent in the conspiracy theories in that thread, that that challenge was based on your sincere belief. now i think you like the rush of arguing on the internet and merely view antisemitism in terms of its utility. when it is convenient for you, you're happy to use allegations of antisemitism as a cudgel. when it isn't convenient for you, you simply ignore it.
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Well-known member
I avoid this thread but honestly anyone supporting Hamas is supporting a genocidal organisation who suppress women and use rape as a weapon. Support for the Palestinian people of course is separate, but Hamas is an organisation that does not deserve support in any way.

I can honestly see both sides in this awful conflict. The treatment of Palestinians over decades is deplorable, but so was the attack on Israel.

As someone on the political Left, I find I can't support either side. I just hope there's a political solution somewhere down the track.

thanks for saying so, chi. that Hamas defines itself as a genocidal project is the extent of the argument i have tried to make here. fuck israel. fuck ethnonationalism. i've always held that view towards Israel and i've never expressed differently, in this forum or anywhere.

it disturbs me deeply to witness so many on the left who simply will not see the explicit genocidal message that hamas chose (and continues to choose) to define itself by.

one last remark about the story Hamas tells about itself.

time and again this thread featured arguments that either explained or justified the astonishing brutality of Hamas' Oct 7 surprise attack on Israeli civilians (Hamas calls it the Al-Aqsa flood) in this way: "Israel has brutalized, murdered and raped all of Palestine for 75 years, so this surprise attack is simply a natural response to the ongoing suffering of the Palestinian people."

Also from section 7:
The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the links in the chain of the struggle against the Zionist invaders. It goes back to 1939, to the emergence of the martyr Izz al-Din al Kissam and his brethren the fighters, members of Moslem Brotherhood. It goes on to reach out and become one with another chain that includes the struggle of the Palestinians and Moslem Brotherhood in the 1948 war and the Jihad operations of the Moslem Brotherhood in 1968 and after.

Hamas chooses to define itself as a genocidal project that continues a tradition that is more than 75 years old. The genocidal intent that Hamas embodies is not, according to Hamas, a consequence of the Israeli occupation and brutalization of Palestinians for 75 years. It precedes those events. The genocidal intent was already there, before 1948, before Israel existed.

Now, I'm no expert. But. I think the statement, "We will repeat the October 7 attacks time and again until Israel is annihilated" is an explicit call for genocide. (This man is an official spokesperson for Hamas.)

Do you agree?



Active member
Hamas has only existed since 87, so not sure it's them that wanted rid of Israel before it's or there existence? Muslim brotherhood started in 1928 the Balfour declaration was 1917 and the Rothschilds plan was set in motion... so who wanted rid of who first? A plan for the state of Israel yet never a plan for a state of Palestine! "National home" was the term wasn't it? Pretty sure even then that it was stated Palestinians could have some civil and religious rights but that was it...

moose eater

Well-known member
There's what people say, and there's what they actually do.

Whether individuals or organizations, I've found for years, my entire life, really, that if you want to know what someone's level of integrity or intentions -really- are, pay a bunch more attention to what they actually do, rather than merely what they say.

I've found there's far more self-glorifying windbags, and ego-buffing individuals represented in the human species than there are those who match their words with actions, and that certainly includes members at these forums as members of humanity as a whole.
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from the future

The Russian complex has removed the most powerful American reconnaissance satellite

Former US military intelligence officer Scott Ritter, russian e-warfare (EW) systems were able to remove one of the most powerful surveillance systems in the United States, according to Dialogue Works, designed to survey Crimea.

Ritter says the Pentagon has specialized radars capable of scanning in detail any area observed on Earth. These technologies, he said, are so valuable that the United States does not even share them with its closest allies. However, while’s were trying to use them to scan Crimea, all the devices suddenly went out and the Americans could not get any information. The expert explains this by saying that Russia knew the frequency of the radar used and blocked the area that the Americans were trying to photograph.

Ritter also noted that the Russian’arm could create a « protective umbrella » in various areas. He pointed out that electronic warfare scrambles the signals of drones and other electronic devices of the enemy. According to him, Russian electronic warfare systems can be compared to the Israeli missile defense system, calling them « Iron Dome » digital.

Ritter's statement underscores Russia's important electronic warfare capabilities and their potential impact on the intelligence activities of other states.

Подробнее на: https://avia-pro.fr/news/rossiyskiy-kompleks-podavil-samyy-moshchnyy-razvedyvatelnyy-sputnik-ssha



from the future