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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites

Several Ukrainian soldiers join the Russian army as volunteers​

View attachment 18912283

by News Cameroon

As fighting continues in Ukraine, a new Russian military special unit has emerged. According to a news agency report Sputnik, this unit is made up of former Ukrainian soldiers who obtained Russian nationality and who freely enlisted in the Russian army.

According to reports, the new military unit, made up of former Ukrainian prisoners of war, will fight against kyiv's armed forces. These men registered as volunteers in the Moscow troops, reports Sputnik.

The media also reports that “the volunteer battalion named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky, military and political leader of the XNUMXth century Ukrainian Cossacks, formed of former Ukrainian soldiers, joined the Cascade unit of the Donetsk People's Republic».

After taking the oath, the soldiers will leave for the front, told Sputnik battalion commander Andrei Tishchenko. The oath will be taken at the end of the training period, according to him.

source: The Sam La Touch Blog

The propaganda is working!

Wonderful news comrade...

You are that much closer to becoming one with Mother Russia!!

Are you sure that you don't want to go sign up too?


from the future
Who are you, common mosquito troll of IC, your insignificance cannot touch the white dove so shut up, dirty mouth and go help your neighbor miserable parasite.


from the future


Government documents pointing to construction at a classified U.S. base offer rare hints about a little noted U.S. military presence near Gaza.

TWO MONTHS BEFORE Hamas attacked Israel, the Pentagon awarded a multimillion-dollar contract to build U.S. troop facilities for a secret base it maintains deep within Israel’s Negev desert, just 20 miles from Gaza. Code-named “Site 512,” the longstanding U.S. base is a radar facility that monitors the skies for missile attacks on Israel.

On October 7, however, when thousands of Hamas rockets were launched, Site 512 saw nothing — because it is focused on Iran, more than 700 miles away.



mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Who are you, common mosquito troll of IC, your insignificance cannot touch the white dove so shut up, dirty mouth and go help your neighbor miserable parasite.

I'm finished helping my neighbor... it's Miller time.

I find it a better tactic than hating my neighbor... but don't let that stop you.

You seem to be awfully proud of Russian aggression and I thought maybe you would want to experience the joys of killing their enemies or brothers or whatever they are calling Ukrainians this week.


Well-known member

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You really do see dollars instead of lives, don't you?

I didn't want to believe that.

It's incredible how quickly and how contagious desensitization is these days.

Families are being destroyed daily over there. I'm sure they apologize for your taxes that you don't want to pay anyway.


Well-known member
You really do see dollars instead of lives, don't you?

I didn't want to believe that.

It's incredible how quickly and how contagious desensitization is these days.

Families are being destroyed daily over there. I'm sure they apologize for your taxes that you don't want to pay anyway.

moose eater

Well-known member
Boy this became an anti jewish thread almost overnight. O Phatty where art thou :p
How is anti-imperialist colonialism and anti-genocide converted to anti-Jewish?

The victimization of Palestinians in their own homes has been ongoing for 75 years. How is opposition to that being anti-Jewish?

My posts attempt to stick to facts derived from sources that believe in truth and justice.

A people can't be victimized and stolen from, while being herded toward genocide without serious fall-out.

where was the opposition to this war when the death tolls were so heavily stacked on the side of Gaza?

Jewish faith doesn't inherently involve Zionist, imperialist, racist land thefts that are shielded from prosecution by the United States' veto power on the UN's Security Council. And the Holocaust was a long time ago. Too long for folks to disingenuously be riding the victim carpet into pretentiously legitimized criminal actions, as a State or otherwise.

Shit still smells like shit, no matter who's flag it flies under. We all atone for our sins one day or another.... I hope.

Edit: I have hopes that Netanyahu and those like him in their political racist vim and vigor, hell-bent on bringing an end to Palestine and Palestinians, choke to death on their sins while standing in front of their God on judgement day, when they learn that what they perpetrated under some twisted claim of religious righteousness was neither religious nor righteous in any way.
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Well-known member
How is anti-imperialist colonialism and anti-genocide converted to anti-Jewish?

The victimization of Palestinians in their own homes has been ongoing for 75 years. How is opposition to that being anti-Jewish?

My posts attempt to stick to facts derived from sources that believe in truth and justice.

A people can't be victimized and stolen from, while being herded toward genocide without serious fall-out.

where was the opposition to this war when the death tolls were so heavily stacked on the side of Gaza?

Jewish faith doesn't inherently involve Zionist, imperialist, racist land thefts that are shielded from prosecution by the United States' veto power on the UN's Security Council. And the Holocaust was a long time ago. Too long for folks to disingenuously be riding the victim carpet into legitimized criminal actions, as a State or otherwise.

Shit still smells like shit, no matter who's flag it flies under. We all atone for our sins one day or another.... I hope.

Oh i dont have a dog in this fight. They're two bullies with no respect for eachother and i dont think they deserve any help at all. But ofcourse we'll get involved :rolleyes:

moose eater

Well-known member
Oh i dont have a dog in this fight. They're two bullies with no respect for eachother and i dont think they deserve any help at all. But ofcourse we'll get involved :rolleyes:
We, as a Nation that supposedly believes in equity and justice, have been funding Israel's abuse of power (as much for their strategic location as anything) for a LONG time now.

Too long.

Even the Jews in Israel who have dared to stand up against the sickness that permeates Netanyahu and his ilk's bullshit face persecution and beatings in their own country, Israel. And that's been going on for decades. It didn't start after the attacks the other day. A de facto mandate to hate and belittle Palestinians, the unfair treatment they receive, and more.... or else.

I've watched videos of Israeli peace and justice activists for years, and the mistreatment they receive in their own Country for not towing the line over such inhumane and failed policies.

The IDF and Mossad raid on the Peace Flotilla and the people who got fucked up in that effort.

I'll stop shy of reviewing the reports of what really prompted the strafing of the USS Liberty, which was plainly and clearly flying US colors..

We, as a Nation, were involved from the day we cut Israel extra slack in their perpetration of actions aimed at genocide, and continued sending them "lawyers, guns and money"....

moose eater

Well-known member
Great song and well done, but I think Warren Zevon still did it the best.

Do you have any thoughts on resolution of the quagmire?

I admit that it's likely already past the point of no return, but you usually seem to be thinking...
Make our $$$$$fOrEIgN aId$$$$$ strictly dependent upon humane civil rights practices for any country we fund or arm, for starters.

Of course, that casts us as hypocrites and leaves a number of desirable and strategic locations on the planet up for bidding by those who might fill our self-serving shoes.

We should've learned decades ago that subscribing to the ages-old foreign policy mantra of "My enemy's enemy is my friend." is a time bomb in the making. How many towers need to fall before we fully realize that selling guns and sending money to people who do reprehensible things with those things will blow back on us eventually... Sometimes sooner than not.

Honor and participate in making the 2-state solution a reality and make that evolution an International priority.

Cause/convince/coerce Israel to return all lands taken illegitimately, that were taken in violation of International Law.

Stop shielding Israel from accountability for their violations of international law at the UN.

Leave ALL of us vulnerable to the World Criminal Court at The Hague, rather than bolstering the idea that our sins are permissible, and (others') are not. People inevitably fail to respect blatant hypocrites. Yet we are all hypocrites to one degree or another. Still, no need to make it a well-practiced art form.

Make integrity more important than money and control.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Make our $$$$$fOrEIgN aId$$$$$ strictly dependent upon humane civil rights practices for any country we fund or arm, for starters.

Of course, that casts us as hypocrites and leaves a number of desirable and strategic locations on the planet up for bidding by those who might fill our self-serving shoes.

We should've learned decades ago that subscribing to the ages-old foreign policy mantra of "My enemy's enemy is my friend." is a time bomb in the making. How many towers need to fall before we fully realize that selling guns and sending money to people who do reprehensible things with those things will blow back on us eventually... Sometimes sooner than not.

Honor and participate in making the 2-state solution a reality and make that evolution an International priority.

Stop shielding Israel from accountability for their violations of international law at the UN.

Leave ALL of us vulnerable to the World Criminal Court at The Hague, rather than bolstering the idea that our sins are permissible, and (others') are not. People inevitably fail to respect blatant hypocrites. Yet we are all hypocrites to one degree or another. Still, no need to make it a well-practiced art form.

Make integrity more important than money and control.

Yes that seems like a great plan... how do we navigate a voter base that can't control their representation though?

I'm not sure if people even care that much anymore.

Congress needs to begin functioning again... but can't quite see a reason to pull their head out of their ass.

All this is coming to a head as soon as I decided to cut back on drinking... it's seriously challenging my choices.

It's good to see you around more! :tiphat:


Well-known member
You really do see dollars instead of lives, don't you?

I didn't want to believe that.

It's incredible how quickly and how contagious desensitization is these days.

Families are being destroyed daily over there. I'm sure they apologize for your taxes that you don't want to pay anyway.
Unfortunately dollars and lives get mixed up in these bloody affairs. On one level humanity wants to feel for the lives lost, yet human greed on another level is quick to trade lives for corrupt profits.

Thinking about it on another level, I can mourn the suffering of all the innocent caught up in these senseless wars, on both sides as there are no winners. And still loath the military industrial complex that fans the flames of these conflicts.


Well-known member
Well I'm caught up more after reading the last 15 or so pages of this thread. I'm worried for my children's' future even more now. I have no answers to any of this madness. I sort of hate the Patriarchy and fundamentalist religions because it feels like the ego driven nationalism and extremism, built from such masculine ideals, has driven humanity into this current shit show of suffering.

Its very dangerous to feel righteous in hatred, even in revenge and mourning. The Israeli youth in the Youtube clip from the Kibbutz spoke the most truth to me.
The suffering of more innocents doesn't ease her pain, it amplifies the trauma.

I feel the need to call out both Hamas and the far right Israelis. They are consumed with hate for one another and care little about their own people, who get hurt in the crossfire, and both squash any opposition to their ideologies. Both seem guilty of manipulation to control the narrative. Both have powerful backers. Sure Gaza is a bug to Israel and can be squashed, but the world is watching. I do feel powerless to stop any of this destruction.

I'm sure many Palestinians support Hamas and their ideology and many also disagree. Same can be said of Israelis, many back the government but many oppose it. We need to hear all voices, not suppress the narrative, and real wisdom and leadership and love needs to prevail here, otherwise I am truly scared humanity is doomed. Where is the beacon of hope that can unite the globe against the impending global chaos that feels so imminent. I can't personally relate to this kind of war torn suffering but I know it is horrible, and while the world destabilizes our days in the sun of liberty and freedom are sadly numbered.

Do we feel comfortable in the US, like the dwellers of the Kibbutz may have felt before the sneak attack? Or should we feel uneasy knowing the world harbors resentment towards us for our foreign policy and interest peddling across the globe (funded by our debt and tax dollars none the less)

Not to mention the destabilization within our own society, the division among our own people and ideologies.

Its time for common sense to speak up. Its time for those who want Peace in the world to get loud. Its time to worry about our children and less about being right, less about picking sides, these issues are complex. I hope for a movement of decency, humanity, and logic that we can rally around, that we can bring unity. I know there is more we have in common that what divides us. Let us realize what makes humanity and human life great, instead of throwing it away with hatred and division. We are flawed as humans but also capable of tremendous good, I want to fight a war of love, and I will need to start with me in my small thoughts and actions, which is all I can control.
