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Well-known member
This will end when ukraine agrees not to join nato and russia agrees to a withdrawal.
pretty obvious that neither of those is very likely. Ukraine not belonging to NATO is just encouraging Putin/Russia trying again once their economy has recovered somewhat & strategic weapons stocks replenished. you don't understand at all WHY countries join NATO, do you? pitiful...:pointlaug

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
I'll agree that we have to involve ourselves in everyone elses business
I'm one who usually likes to point out that the US LOVES to stick its nose in other countries' business. But this is different. While Ukraine isn't in NATO it's bordered by and close to several that are, a number of which used to be former Soviet Bloc countries who want nothing to do with Russia anymore.
European NATO countries know that if Bedpan can't be stopped in Ukraine, he'll be coming after several of them next; Poland, The Baltics, Finland, Romania, Hungary, Germany, Chechia, the Slovak Republic, etc etc.
And since the US is a big part of NATO, they have a commitment to help protect and defend other NATO members (just as every other NATO member is expected to do).
Pragmatically, the strategy to is to defend them in Ukraine instead of on NATO territory itself. That way no NATO country is bearing the brunt while the US and its NATO allies aren't obligated to send soldiers to fight, unlike if Bedpan had invaded a NATO country.
It's also a great way for the US to real world test more of their combat systems outside of wars with less technologically advanced opponents like ISIL and the taliban.
In fact the Ukrainians surprised the Americans with their innovative use of the recently received cluster munition so they're already getting new data on their effectiveness and new ideas on how to use them.


Well-known member
pretty obvious that neither of those is very likely. Ukraine not belonging to NATO is just encouraging Putin/Russia trying again once their economy has recovered somewhat & strategic weapons stocks replenished. you don't understand at all WHY countries join NATO, do you? pitiful...:pointlaug

ArmedOldCheney. Hates Trump. Loves war hawking :biggrin:


Well-known member
I'm one who usually likes to point out that the US LOVES to stick its nose in other countries' business. But this is different. While Ukraine isn't in NATO it's bordered by and close to several that are, a number of which used to be former Soviet Bloc countries who want nothing to do with Russia anymore.
European NATO countries know that if Bedpan can't be stopped in Ukraine, he'll be coming after several of them next; Poland, The Baltics, Finland, Romania, Hungary, Germany, Chechia, the Slovak Republic, etc etc.
And since the US is a big part of NATO, they have a commitment to help protect and defend other NATO members (just as every other NATO member is expected to do).
Pragmatically, the strategy to is to defend them in Ukraine instead of on NATO territory itself. That way no NATO country is bearing the brunt while the US and its NATO allies aren't obligated to send soldiers to fight, unlike if Bedpan had invaded a NATO country.
It's also a great way for the US to real world test more of their combat systems outside of wars with less technologically advanced opponents like ISIL and the taliban.
In fact the Ukrainians surprised the Americans with their innovative use of the recently received cluster munition so they're already getting new data on their effectiveness and new ideas on how to use them.

Bedpan? Who the hell is that suppose to be? Theres always going to be a conflict somewhere involving bad dudes. Doesnt mean we have to test our combat systems at the expense of peoples lives. The photos of those russian stiffs in bahkmut. I dont think one of them looked over 20. Its pathetic. Its vial

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Putin invaded with the intent to "annex" a country in the interest of a strategic land grab.

The war is obviously his move, therefore he holds the guilt for his war.

Anybody can see these facts.

If someone were to oppose Putin's war, it shouldn't lead to accusations of warmongering.

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Bedpan? Who the hell is that suppose to be?
Bedpan = Putin (Poo tin, get it? ) lol
Theres always going to be a conflict somewhere involving bad dudes. Doesnt mean we have to test our combat systems at the expense of peoples lives. The photos of those russian stiffs in bahkmut. I dont think one of them looked over 20. Its pathetic. Its vial
Blame Bedpan. He's the one sending those 20 year olds to die (or kill others) for his own vanity. And this isn't just about Ukraine, it's about the security of rest of Europe as well. Poland is getting worked up because of the activity near its border with Belarus near the Suwalki Gap. That of course will make the Baltic states nervous as well.
The problem is Bedpan thinks all of the former Soviet Bloc countries still belong to Russia, despite the fact those countries existed LONG before and for far longer than the Soviet Union. Bedpan has a firm, delusional belief that any country that has ever had Russian boots stomping around in it still belongs to Russia, period.


Well-known member
ArmedOldCheney. Hates Trump. Loves war hawking :biggrin:
here you go Rob, a neat little description of Trump's personality disorders. he displays elements of all three.

he's a narcissist for sure, totally in love with himself. and, instead of openly pursuing his goals, he automatically resorts to scheming and conniving to get what he wants. this is known as Machiavellianism. and if he is not an outright psychopath he is at least a sociopath, which is a sub-category of psychopathy.

you see a narcissist every time he says, "Only I can fix it" and that crazy shit he does with his hair is beyond belief. he's balding badly and is so vain he tries to hide it with that bizarre hairdo. i'm balding too but i said fuck it and just shave my head like most real men do. i mean, really, who gives a fuck if someone is balding. it's just a sign of testosterone burn. and that weird orange color from the tanning booth. what kind of man does that?

his entire life is interlaced with Machiavellianism. one recent example is the fake elector scheme. how twisted do you have to be to come up with something so incredibly lame. jan. 6, where he and others plotted to stop an official act of Congress. The list is endless.

sociopathy, a subset of psychopathy, is a study with a list of character traits that are easily recognizable.

Consistent behavior patterns in sociopaths include but are not limited to;

  • Lack of empathy for others
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Attempting to control others with threats or aggression
  • Using intelligence, charm, or charisma to manipulate others
  • Not learning from mistakes or punishment
  • Lying for personal gain
  • Showing a tendency to physical violence and fights
  • Generally superficial relationships
  • Sometimes, stealing or committing other crimes
fits him like cinderellas slipper.

“It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain

Trump's supporters have been fooled by a master con man.

and, you have shown a propensity for assuming that those on this thread who are anti-trump are screaming lib-tards and support the Democrats.

i, for one, am not too happy with the democratic party either. in fact, i would be tempted to vote Republican in the next election if they can come up with a candidate that is moderate and sane. a responsible adult.


Well-known member
here you go Rob, a neat little description of Trump's personality disorders. he displays elements of all three.

he's a narcissist for sure, totally in love with himself. and, instead of openly pursuing his goals, he automatically resorts to scheming and conniving to get what he wants. this is known as Machiavellianism. and if he is not an outright psychopath he is at least a sociopath, which is a sub-category of psychopathy.

you see a narcissist every time he says, "Only I can fix it" and that crazy shit he does with his hair is beyond belief. he's balding badly and is so vain he tries to hide it with that bizarre hairdo. i'm balding too but i said fuck it and just shave my head like most real men do. i mean, really, who gives a fuck if someone is balding. it's just a sign of testosterone burn. and that weird orange color from the tanning booth. what kind of man does that?

his entire life is interlaced with Machiavellianism. one recent example is the fake elector scheme. how twisted do you have to be to come up with something so incredibly lame. jan. 6, where he and others plotted to stop an official act of Congress. The list is endless.

sociopathy, a subset of psychopathy, is a study with a list of character traits that are easily recognizable.

Consistent behavior patterns in sociopaths include but are not limited to;

  • Lack of empathy for others
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Attempting to control others with threats or aggression
  • Using intelligence, charm, or charisma to manipulate others
  • Not learning from mistakes or punishment
  • Lying for personal gain
  • Showing a tendency to physical violence and fights
  • Generally superficial relationships
  • Sometimes, stealing or committing other crimes
fits him like cinderellas slipper.

“It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain

Trump's supporters have been fooled by a master con man.

and, you have shown a propensity for assuming that those on this thread who are anti-trump are screaming lib-tards and support the Democrats.

i, for one, am not too happy with the democratic party either. in fact, i would be tempted to vote Republican in the next election if they can come up with a candidate that is moderate and sane. a responsible adult.

I think I can dislike trump and war at the same time


Well-known member
Just fine.Its btw still backed by gold.
you are hallucinating! the ruble is collapsing. 99 to one against the dollar.
I think I can dislike trump and war at the same time
good for you! now would you please respond to my question about what you would suggest happens at this point in time in the war. i mean, right now, today. if you were in power, would you just suddenly cut off the ukrainians and let russia have it's way with them?

putler is responsible for all the death that's occurring in ukraine right now. hundreds of thousands of human beings on both sides dying because of his ego.

what do you suggest?


See the world through a puff of smoke
That's still your propaganda vision from a cold war era.You still believe that he has plans to invade Western Europe.
Ukraine is a crook country and has always been.
Putin invaded with the intent to "annex" a country in the interest of a strategic land grab.

The war is obviously his move, therefore he holds the guilt for his war.

Anybody can see these facts.

If someone were to oppose Putin's war, it shouldn't lead to accusations of warmongering.


Well-known member
That's still your propaganda vision from a cold war era.You still believe that he has plans to invade Western Europe.
Ukraine is a crook country and has always been.
there are crooks in every country. and, if the Ukrainians are crooks right now, who did they learn from? Russia is so totally corrupt.

about the ruble again, just this last week, Putler increased the interest rate from 10% to 17% in a single day.

this is a panic response to control inflation!


Well-known member
Q: What was Gorbachev promised in return for the dissolution of the Soviet Union?
A: No further NATO expansion toward Russia's border.

Q: What was to be the function of those newly independent countries?
A: A buffer between NATO and Russia.

What does this arrangement look like today? Why?

Is NATO trying to take over Europe? Is Putin?


Well-known member
Q: What was Gorbachev promised in return for the dissolution of the Soviet Union?
A: No further NATO expansion toward Russia's border.

Q: What was to be the function of those newly independent countries?
A: A buffer between NATO and Russia.

What does this arrangement look like today? Why?

Is NATO trying to take over Europe? Is Putin?
i'm glad you brought this up!

"No further NATO expansion toward Russia's border."

this was predicated upon Russia behaving themselves and not threatening the ex-soviet states, which they have done repeatedly since the agreement was made.

Q: What was to be the function of those newly independent countries?
A: A buffer between NATO and Russia.

they joined NATO because they were threatened. and perhaps they didn't like the idea of being used as a "buffer". meaning any future conflict would be conducted on their territories.

i'm sure you'll agree that, in retrospect, it all played out quite well for these ex-soviet states. for now, surely, having seen what putler's intent is, NATO is the only thing protecting them from a dictator.

NATO is a mutual protection society, not an aggressive foe. no NATO member state has ever threatened to invade Russia. it is not an "existential threat to Russia", instead it is a barrier to Russian aggression.

putler wants to "manage" the financial affairs of the former Soviet states to benefit Russia. to make them dependent on Russia for survival and therefore more likely to cooperate with Russian goals.

look no further than Belarus for an example. they are virtual economic slaves to Russia. most of the ex-soviet states are now turning their backs on Russia, with good reasons. even the non-NATO republics like Kazakhstan are aligning with the West.