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Active member
Perhaps these many conflicts all go back to the start of Christianity - when allegedly Jesus was crucified by the Jews - when there was a separation of belief systems - and Christianity then became the dominant belief ? - juxtaposed against Judaism - which was allowed to profit from loaning gold/money to gentiles and anyone else - whereas Christians and Muslims are forbidden to profit in this way - money is power - especially when used to fund umpteen wars over more than 2000 years - so the moneylenders have the power to make or break a war with their loaned wealth and profit from it - and if it is a war where Christians are exterminated on both sides en mass - then perhaps Judaism would be more than happy to do that - for it looks like underneath the surface this is where the real war is taking place -
The fight against interest slavery or usury was foundational for the NSDAP and the economic system that they developed, or rather was developed primarily by Gottfried Feder. An economic miracle.



Active member
Here is an interesting segment on 'Holocaust Denial' - from Simon on the 'History Debunked' channel on YouTube- since Mr Mustard brought it up - I thought it apt to put it here - apparently its now against the law in some European countries to have a different opinion concerning this awful event in history - again I find this very odd that the authorities would actually prosecute those that wish to have a different opinion regarding this issue - will they do the same for the 3 Holodamors that happened in what was Ukraine - way back in the last century? - true or false - we all should have the right of free speech to question the 'official narrative' throughout history - without ending up in jail -
They jailed the old lady Ursula Haverbeck for this interview,

87 years old, imprisoned for coming to the obvious conclusion.


ICMag Donor
you would think so! The definition doesn't sound like it's an attractive proposition.

yet we have people who prefer it to democracy. it must give them some kind of warm and fuzzy feeling to know they don't have to think, that everything is all worked out for them.

The only people who "prefer" fascism are those who think they can shortcut the existing system and benefit by it. Little do they know that system will bait them in and when used enough, discard them like yesterdays garbage. Even the oligarchs are disposable.


Well-known member
sure, that's true, but, taking the definition of fascism at face value, there is not a lot of room for discussion.

only observation of behavior.



fas·cism ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm
also ˈfa-ˌsi-

Synonyms of fascism
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
early instances of army fascism and brutality—J. W. Aldridge
It continues to be bothersome that the new definition of fascism has excised the merging of state and corporate power as a central tenet. This in a time when we are seeing it happen at an accelerated rate, with no protest from the political class.

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
It’s not about what you know or think you know name caller. I have never denied the Holocaust against Dresden, Hiroshima or Nagasaki.
Well it's pretty clear you know three fifths of fuck all. I notice you conveniently left out the Japanese rape of Nanking in your "Holocaust" fantasies. Oh that's right. You're only interested in pointing out the actions of the Western Powers even though they didn't start the fucking war.
So let's see. You cry about what the big bad Western Powers did to poor little nazi Germany and fascist Japan and then whine like a little bitch about "Ukronazis". Fuck off dude.
Meanwhile Wagner PMS is named after Hitler's favourtie composer and used the same 'Z' symbol as Rommel's Afrika Corps. But yeah, Bedpan wants everyone to think his illegal invasion of Ukraine is all about nazis.
Again, fuck off dude.

Bedpan is living in some bizarre fantasy world where he thinks it's the 1940's and he's "saving" the Soviet Union from the "nazis". Meanwhile the little douche weasel's propagandists sound a LOT like Hitler. They like to talk about [White] Russian racial superiority and how Russians will rule the world and blah blah blah.

Keep supporting that Russian White supremacy. It really shows your hypocrisy, or stupidity. I haven't decided yet.


Active member
Just come clean and say that you don't think that the Holocaust happened because you like the idea of rebellious ideas and sucker onto them easily.

There's something fishy about dodging truth that makes me think you are allergic to it.
I have you that the Holocaust happened in Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki where your heros burned whole populations alive. I even provided you a definition of the word Holocaust, meaning whole burnt offering. You then chose to come out as a Holocaust denier and now you have resorted to begging. How pathetic.

Back on topic your beloved AFU got caught on tape murdering a whole family in cold blood.



Active member
It continues to be bothersome that the new definition of fascism has excised the merging of state and corporate power as a central tenet. This in a time when we are seeing it happen at an accelerated rate, with no protest from the political class.
Yeah but why would they protest? After all it is they who are the beneficiaries of the merger, it is merely common people who stand to lose. It is often claimed that Mussolini originated that definition, but it appears to be one of the false or fabricated quotations.



Well-known member
It continues to be bothersome that the new definition of fascism has excised the merging of state and corporate power as a central tenet. This in a time when we are seeing it happen at an accelerated rate, with no protest from the political class.
well, first, the definition of fascism is from websters dictionary and is not "new" at all, and is quite succinct, needing no further definition.

also, the merging of state and corporate power has never been a "central tenet" of the definition.

please show me one definition of fascism that includes "merging state and corporate power as a central tenet".

why are you trying to redefine definitions to suit your personal taste?

is it because the real definition is so profoundly simple and indicates which power involved in this conflict fits the definition like Cinderella's slipper?


Well-known member
Yeah but why would they protest? After all it is they who are the beneficiaries of the merger, it is merely common people who stand to lose. It is often claimed that Mussolini originated that definition, but it appears to be one of the false or fabricated quotations.

and you are still using the Nazis and Jews to obfuscate Putlers real reasons for invading Ukraine.

Since the thread began, you have used these themes as a smokescreen.

"hey, look here at all this smoke and not at the real event happening right in front of the world."

it's not working!


ICMag Donor
They jailed the old lady Ursula Haverbeck for this interview,

87 years old, imprisoned for coming to the obvious conclusion.
The old lady's husband was Werner Georg Haverbeck, a big time nazi in the national leadership.
She's lying to cover up her husbands legacy and her roll with the nazis.

Do your homework man and stop being such an ignoramus.
I've been there and seen it, and I understand why the shame is so great that they put people in jail for mouthing off like this. This old bag has more blood on her hands than you can imagine.

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Well-known member
well, first, the definition of fascism is from websters dictionary and is not "new" at all, and is quite succinct, needing no further definition.

also, the merging of state and corporate power has never been a "central tenet" of the definition.

please show me one definition of fascism that includes "merging state and corporate power as a central tenet".

why are you trying to redefine definitions to suit your personal taste?
is it because the real definition is so profoundly simple and indicates which power involved in this conflict fits the definition like Cinderella's slipper?
The Fascist State lays claim to rule in the economic field no less than in others; it makes its action felt throughout the length and breadth of the country by means of its corporate, social, and educational institutions, and all the political, economic, and spiritual forces of the nation, organised in their respective associations, circulate within the State.

The corporate State considers that private enterprise in the sphere of production is the most effective and useful instrument in the interest of the nation. In view of the fact that private organisation of production is a function of national concern, the organiser of the enterprise is responsible to the State for the direction given to production.


Well-known member
The Fascist State lays claim to rule in the economic field no less than in others; it makes its action felt throughout the length and breadth of the country by means of its corporate, social, and educational institutions, and all the political, economic, and spiritual forces of the nation, organised in their respective associations, circulate within the State.

The corporate State considers that private enterprise in the sphere of production is the most effective and useful instrument in the interest of the nation. In view of the fact that private organisation of production is a function of national concern, the organiser of the enterprise is responsible to the State for the direction given to production.
this is not a definition. it is Mussolini expressing his belief that the fascist state controls everything.

and he is right.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor

Here is an interesting segment on 'Holocaust Denial' - from Simon on the 'History Debunked' channel on YouTube- since Mr Mustard brought it up - I thought it apt to put it here - apparently its now against the law in some European countries to have a different opinion concerning this awful event in history - again I find this very odd that the authorities would actually prosecute those that wish to have a different opinion regarding this issue - will they do the same for the 3 Holodamors that happened in what was Ukraine - way back in the last century? - true or false - we all should have the right of free speech to question the 'official narrative' throughout history - without ending up in jail -

I wonder about free speech with criminal or selfish intent; on an isolated scale one could tell a family to evacuate their home as there is a tidal wave, flood or wildfire coming so then the home could could be pillaged. Would the premise of free speech stand as partial defense?

On a broad scale one might use free speech on a platform such as twitter to initiate false but attractive accounts of 'facts' so as to gain power and recruit followers that will accordingly convey falsehoods to other 'followers' for the purpose of committing acts of violence and/or voting-placing 'the one' into a position of power, wealth and fame.

It's a tough one.

We see those members on here, who cannot tolerate free speech without hurling insults - calling people Nazis or a dangerous cunt or indoctrinated etc. etc. What will this bickering become on a grand scale? Quotes from twitter are used to represent facts without caveat that it is opinion.

My opinion is that we are witnessing the downgrading evolutionarily of the human thought process [functional intelligence]of those exposed , with the pinnacle of free speech at the fore [with help from AI]. Perhaps the Jews will be in charge.


Well-known member
"Why do you suppose the corporate aspect isn't included in the dictionary definition?"

let me guess! it has to be a Western conspiracy, right?


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