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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It is very difficult to discerne what is true or what us not in history - simply due to the fact that most all of us were not there to know - we can only go on the perspective and opinions of historians and accounts of the people they might include in their view of history - which often opposes other views and opinions - in the end its down to what you or I want to believe - who is most convincing etc - I'd rather be neutral and listen to both sides of the argument/debate - without having to put all my chips on red or black - and it has been said that in wars - the official history is usually written by the victor's and not the vanquished - but then is it really the 'truth?' - we shall forever wonder -
Historians with academic training actually go to great lengths to take bias out of what ultimately ends up as history. It's not a simple case of one version of history vs another. There are things that happen that can be independently verified (especially in modern history). A clip made by some group with an axe to grind should not be given equal validity as proper historical research. They aren't remotely the same thing.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hmm - but do they ? - once these historians make their version of history - is it vetted by some authority (with an 'axe to grind' ) - or other to follow the 'correct' agenda before its allowed to be included within a set educational curriculum - and before it is allowed to be spread via the legacy media worldwide - who may well approve of one side of the recorded/reported history - and not the other - it does make one wonder - and think that one could only be absolutely sure of the facts of the matter - if you had witnessed them yourself - which is of course not ever possible - due to it all being in the long distant past - somewhere where you could only visit or live in via time-travel - which is not currently possible - for me - unless someone out there has a 'Tardis' (Dr Who's time travel machine) - and allows me to use it -

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Hmm - but do they ? - once these historians make their version of history - is it vetted by some authority (with an 'axe to grind' ) - or other to follow the 'correct' agenda before its allowed to be included within a set educational curriculum - and before it is allowed to be spread via the legacy media worldwide - who may well approve of one side of the recorded/reported history - and not the other - it does make one wonder - and think that one could only be absolutely sure of the facts of the matter - if you had witnessed them yourself - which is of course not ever possible - due to it all being in the long distant past - somewhere where you could only visit or live in via time-travel - which is not currently possible - for me - unless someone out there has a 'Tardis' (Dr Who's time travel machine) - and allows me to use it -
By that thinking, you can never know if anything is true right now unless you are actually witnessing it all first hand. And just because various outlets repeat it don't mean it's true either, regardless of what they try to tell you.
Anyone who remembers what Y2K was REALLY about back in the very early 90's will know exactly what I'm talking about.

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Let's start with whether or not you are a Holocaust denier...

Eisenhower made damn sure people saw what was happening there.
Yep. For myself there are two (well, three really but one of them was a married couple) personal stories that pretty much nailed it home for me.
The first was my Grandfather, who was in on the liberating of one of the first camps the Western Allies came across. He used to tell me some war stories here and there but he saved that one until I was old enough to truly appreciate the magnitude. He didn't tell me a whole lot, but what he told me stayed with me. I still remember that 100 yd stare as he told me about what he saw, and smelled. A couple of years later I tried to see if he would/could tell me anymore details and I still remember his words, "I've told you everything about it that I'm going to tell you." He never minded talking about his combat experiences but that experience bothered him, a LOT.

The second was the minister and his wife of the church I was forced to attend until I was 16. They got to be "guests" at a couple of the camps. Their tattooed serial numbers were all the credibility they needed. They were Dutch and got nailed aiding the Jewish people. She got sent to a hellish concentration camp for women called Ravensbruck. I can't remember what the name of the camp the minister was sent to but it was a work-you-to-death camp for Jewish men and other men who aided the Jewish people.

And that's on top of the piles of evidence of the Holocaust. And that was just in Europe. Then you had the Grand Mufti involved in his own islamic version of the "final solution" in the Middle East. Fucker even went and visited Hitler to get ideas on how to make the genocide happen more efficiently.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
if nothing else, the German military were very efficient about their record keeping.
To go to war is incredibly expensive - and much can be discovered after the event by forensically examining who paid for all the men and machines of war - who loaned the money and why for these wars to actually take place - because nothing could take place without the finance - in reference to the 2 past world wars - and the Russian/Japanese war (amongst many others ) at the turn of the 1900's - who were the main financiers? (on all sides) and what ethnic/religious group did the majority of them eminate from? -

- There is much to be discovered - by 'following the money' -

* where did Germany get the money from to be able start WW2 - were they efficient in keeping records of this?

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
To go to war is incredibly expensive - and much can be discovered after the event by forensically examining who paid for all the men and machines of war - who loaned the money and why for these wars to actually take place - because nothing could take place without the finance - in reference to the 2 past world wars - and the Russian/Japanese war (amongst many others ) at the turn of the 1900's - who were the main financiers? (on all sides) and what ethnic/religious group did the majority of them eminate from? -

- There is much to be discovered - by 'following the money' -

* where did Germany get the money from to be able start WW2 - were they efficient in keeping records of this?
The got it from a combination of economic policies like privatization of state owned businesses, import tariffs and an attempt at achieving economic self-sufficiency as well as deficit financing. They also had some lucrative (for them) bilateral trade agreements with European countries, mostly in the south and south-east of Europe that were reached in the 1930s.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The got it from a combination of economic policies like privatization of state owned businesses, import tariffs and an attempt at achieving economic self-sufficiency as well as deficit financing. They also had some lucrative (for them) bilateral trade agreements with European countries, mostly in the south and south-east of Europe that were reached in the 1930s.
OK - so the Austrian painter didn't receive any loans during the 1930's - from certain banks along Wall St in New York USA?

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
OK - so the Austrian painter didn't receive any loans during the 1930's - from certain banks along Wall St in New York USA?
So what if he did? I'm not saying he did, I'm just saying so what. It's not like most people at the time knew what he was up to at that point. Hell, some US industries were doing business with Germany pretty much right up until December 1941.
Germany even hosted the Olympics in 1936.

Or are you just awkwardly trying to drive the point that a specific ethnic group allegedly controls the world's banking and finances?


Active member
Watched all 12 hours plus of this well made documentary a few years back - it might have some answers as to what's going on in Ukraine today - if indeed any of it is true - and that's up to the viewer to decide I suppose - 'Europa the last battle '

It is a great documentary by Tobias Bratt that builds on another documentary called the Greatest Story Never Told. I would describe them as complimentary and worthwhile for anyone looking to gain perspective contrary to the official narrative.

There are several documentaries on the ukranian conflict, such as Oliver Stones Ukraine on Fire. Most focus on the coup d’etat in Kiev 2014 and the pogroms implemented throughout the spring of that year, culminating in the burning people alive in Odessa.

Here is one about what followed in Donbass the summer of 2014, it’s essentially a documentation of war crimes against civilians.



Active member
Here's a less than sparkling review:

"Europa The Last Battle is an antisemitic, World War II revisionist film released in 2017 that claims Jews deliberately caused both World Wars--and that Hitler was only trying to save Germany from the Jews--as part of a plot to found the nation of Israel. The film is popular with white supremacists and antisemites, who often use it to recruit new individuals into their hateful ideology."
Your review is about as biased and full of tropes as one would expect. It is interesting to note how former israeli cabinett member Shulamit Aloni describes this type of critique, that is as a trick.



Well-known member
It is very difficult to discerne what is true or what us not in history


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Your review is about as biased and full of tropes as one would expect. It is interesting to note how former israeli cabinett member Shulamit Aloni describes this type of critique, that is as a trick.

As biased and full of tropes as your propaganda?

It's not surprising that you have more at the ready.

You're soaked in it.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Hmm - but do they ? - once these historians make their version of history - is it vetted by some authority (with an 'axe to grind' ) - or other to follow the 'correct' agenda before its allowed to be included within a set educational curriculum - and before it is allowed to be spread via the legacy media worldwide - who may well approve of one side of the recorded/reported history - and not the other - it does make one wonder - and think that one could only be absolutely sure of the facts of the matter - if you had witnessed them yourself - which is of course not ever possible - due to it all being in the long distant past - somewhere where you could only visit or live in via time-travel - which is not currently possible - for me - unless someone out there has a 'Tardis' (Dr Who's time travel machine) - and allows me to use it -
Perhaps there is more revealed about ancient history than more current. Archaeological research carefully thought out by logical scientists tells us somewhat unbiased truths of past civilizations, life and wars. Two instances which come to my mind of constructed biased history taught in institutions are the false story of the North American indigenous peoples and the bible and creation; religious power involved in both.

Archaeological findings are beginning to support the versions told by those peoples and science has dispelled the fairy tale of creation but the church is rapidly adjusting its tune to intelligent design.


Active member
Like "the Earth is round" or "gravity is real"?

We know you are a Holocaust denier.
It’s not about what you know or think you know name caller. I have never denied the Holocaust against Dresden, Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Have you? I know you deny Nazism in Ukraine for the protection of Nazism in Ukraine, so I wouldn’t be surprised.

Here is a bonus track for throwing rocks in a glass house.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I have never denied the Holocaust against Dresden, Hiroshima or Nagasaki.

You repeatedly have stated that exact phrase three times instead of addressing the actual Holocaust.

It's pretty much proof that you do deny the Holocaust. That, along with your claims of there not being any traces of gas in the gas chambers.

Changing the subject doesn't change the facts.

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