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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I have you that the Holocaust happened in Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki where your heros burned whole populations alive. I even provided you a definition of the word Holocaust, meaning whole burnt offering. You then chose to come out as a Holocaust denier and now you have resorted to begging. How pathetic.

You keep dodging the Holocaust and whining about how you changed the goalposts.

I know that the Holocaust happened. You are delusional and spouting bullshit.


I'm afraid everyone sees the hand you're trying to play so continue squirming and posturing.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
No. Because i grew up when people still thought with their brains instead of their emotions
Well I went to school before you and much of what they taught was strictly to be indoctrinated to fit a slot into the social fabric and working world. I thank my lucky stars that my real education began prior to my entry into school at grade 8 and continued after my exit.


Well-known member
Let me guess, it was compiled by the ukranian ministry of truth and education. Meanwhile NATO is training 70-year old Bradley drivers.

Russia extends eligibility for military call-up by at least five years​

https://www.reuters.com/world/europ...July 18 (Reuters) - Russia's,to the age of 70.

Russia's parliament on Tuesday extended the maximum age at which men can be mobilised to serve in the army by at least five years - up to the age of 70.


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
H.G. Wells warned us of the thought police in his books. Who would have thought it was non-fiction

That's George Orwell and you should read Animal Farm if you have yet to.

It's pretty applicable to the current day as well...

Huxley's Brave New World would be another quick one to tackle.... the Controller and the Savage have a conversation that is relatively profound.


Well-known member
Silly Ruzzian propagandists are now saying that since the Kerch bridge was attacked by a Storm Shadow it is reasonable retaliation for them to blow up London Bridge. Christ where do these nut jobs come from?
got a couple on here. no idea where they're from. :dunno: using that sort of "logic" it would be okay if Ukraine attacked Iran, North Korea, etc. since they are selling Russia weapons...

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
got a couple on here. no idea where they're from. :dunno: using that sort of "logic" it would be okay if Ukraine attacked Iran, North Korea, etc. since they are selling Russia weapons...
Their hypocrisy is entertaining if nothing else. Bedpan is screeching about revenge for the 2 people killed in the Kerch bridge attack despite the indiscriminate flooding, shelling and bombing of Ukrainian civilians by the Ruzzians

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
For every war that breaks out - all humanity should be totally embarrassed and ashamed to have to resort to such barbaric means - to settle scores - by hurting billions of innocent people worldwide thru their actions - it's a disgrace - nothing more or nothing less -

- All the wealth and resources squandered on destroying people and places could be much more productively used in improving the lives of us all -
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Active member
The old lady's husband was Werner Georg Haverbeck, a big time nazi in the national leadership.
She's lying to cover up her husbands legacy and her roll with the nazis.

Do your homework man...
I know perfectly well who she is and I don’t care you claim her statement as lying for her late husband in order to try justify her imprisonment for merely questioning a supposed historical event.

If this event had in fact happened there would be no need for laws to prohibit those who want to question it from doing so. Truth fears no investigation, but those who hate freedom of speech will always try to find ways to justify imprisoning those who dare to speak out.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I know perfectly well who she is and I don’t care you claim her statement as lying for her late husband in order to try justify her imprisonment for merely questioning a supposed historical event.

If this event had in fact happened there would be no need for laws to prohibit those who want to question it from doing so. Truth fears no investigation, but those who hate freedom of speech will always try to find ways to justify imprisoning those who dare to speak out.


Why didn't you admit that you are denying the Holocaust occurred previously?

"Truth fears no investigation"?!?!

Maybe you are embarrassed or maybe you feel guilty?

Are you a Holocaust denier in denial?


Active member

Why didn't you admit that you are denying the Holocaust occurred previously?

"Truth fears no investigation"?!?!

Maybe you are embarrassed or maybe you feel guilty?

Are you a Holocaust denier in denial?
While you proceed to repeat your so called argument ad nauseam, I will gladly reference to you my earlier statement:

the Holocaust happened in Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki where your heros burned whole populations alive. I even provided you a definition of the word Holocaust, meaning whole burnt offering. You then chose to come out as a Holocaust denier

Your attempts at projecting Holocaust denial on me are bout as succeful as the ukranian counter offensive.


Active member
Why would the USA begin a war with Russia?

Russia started a war with Ukraine.

Are you feeling well?
No they did not. Your country started this war through yet another regime change operation. Like it or not you voted for it. You voted to provide arms and training to Nazis in Ukraine. Now you sit here and pretend to be all innocent while blaming the russians for the shit show that you started.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Nobody told Putin to bring back the days of old.

He is advancing on territory that he wishes to control.

Ukraine is sovereign and the US doesn't run the Ukrainian state.