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Active member
I'm seeing "Austrian painter" instead of "passionately racist megalomaniac"...

That is telling.

I can see that the review I posted is fairly accurate and the damage has been done.
The austrian painter was less of a passionate racist than your Roosevelt, and the british hero Churchill. They hated all of who they considered lesser races, especially passionate in their hatered of germans and japanese whom they subjected to Holocaust.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Something like "Hitler wasn't a bad guy. The Jews are the bad guys. The Holocaust didn't happen. I love Nazis."

Something like that?

Hitler wasn't a very good artist. He was pretty talented at being a hateful murderous scumbag.

How about Shabby Artist Who Massacred Millions?


Active member
You repeatedly have stated that exact phrase three times instead of addressing the actual Holocaust.

It's pretty much proof that you do deny the Holocaust. That, along with your claims of there not being any traces of gas in the gas chambers.

Changing the subject doesn't change the facts.
I am not changing the subject, we are still on the subject of the Holocaust and you just came out as a Holocaust denier.

holocaust (n.)

mid-13c., "sacrifice by fire, burnt offering," from Old French holocauste (12c.), or directly from Late Latin holocaustum, from Greek holokauston "a thing wholly burnt," neuter of holokaustos "burned whole," from holos "whole" (from PIE root *sol-"whole, well-kept") + kaustos, verbal adjective of kaiein "to burn" (see caustic).

Originally a Bible word for "burnt offerings," given wider figurative sense of "massacre, destruction of a large number of persons" from 1670s.

Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki = actual Holocaust.


Active member
You are the lover out defending Nazis that the government you voted for have armed and trained to kill russians in a war that you admittedly want to see through to the last ukranian. Not me.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Perhaps these many conflicts all go back to the start of Christianity - when allegedly Jesus was crucified by the Jews - when there was a separation of belief systems - and Christianity then became the dominant belief ? - juxtaposed against Judaism - which was allowed to profit from loaning gold/money to gentiles and anyone else - whereas Christians and Muslims are forbidden to profit in this way - money is power - especially when used to fund umpteen wars over more than 2000 years - so the moneylenders have the power to make or break a war with their loaned wealth and profit from it - and if it is a war where Christians are exterminated on both sides en mass - then perhaps Judaism would be more than happy to do that - for it looks like underneath the surface this is where the real war is taking place -

Ukraine v Russia is a Christian v Christian war - so was WW1 and WW2 - Lehman brothers funded the Japanese against the Russians in the Russo-Japanese war too - when Russia was mostly Christian - as it is today - maybe the attitude towards Christianity by Judaism was 'the only good Christian - is a dead Christian?' - a similar viewpoint the Nazi's had against the Jews -


Active member
Well that certainly proves it! Look at the huge crowds in those photos. Listen to that music. Why oh why did I not see this before?
It does actually, but of course you can point an indoctrinated idiot to a blue sky and he will reply insisting that the sky is indeed green.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

Here is an interesting segment on 'Holocaust Denial' - from Simon on the 'History Debunked' channel on YouTube- since Mr Mustard brought it up - I thought it apt to put it here - apparently its now against the law in some European countries to have a different opinion concerning this awful event in history - again I find this very odd that the authorities would actually prosecute those that wish to have a different opinion regarding this issue - will they do the same for the 3 Holodamors that happened in what was Ukraine - way back in the last century? - true or false - we all should have the right of free speech to question the 'official narrative' throughout history - without ending up in jail -


Well-known member
all of this bullshit about nazis and jews and who did what to whom in history is really not relevant in the context of this modern war.

the only thing that is relevant is that one country invaded another country violating their sovereignty for the purpose of gaining territory and empire.

i don't give a fuck about history. it's time for the human race to grow up and act responsibly.

no one alive today can possibly unravel the complex mess of history accurately.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well - don't get me wrong - I am not anti-Jewish at all - in fact I am in awe of what this religion has attained throughout history - against all odds - and I put it down to the eugenics of intelligence over thousands of years - arranged marriages between the smartest and brightest amongst the Jewish communities - since intelligence is hereditary - and the sons and daughters of the most intelligent within their religion are matched in arranged marriages to produce intelligent offspring - who then are educated at top colleges and universities - producing Jewish people that become the makers and shakers of this world - and even to this day they are overepresented in all areas that have power and wealth and control - most of the media and the money appear to be under their control - now that's smart eh?


Well-known member
But they could certainly point to a difference of opinion when it comes to fascism.
sure, that's true, but, taking the definition of fascism at face value, there is not a lot of room for discussion.

only observation of behavior.



fas·cism ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm
also ˈfa-ˌsi-

Synonyms of fascism
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
early instances of army fascism and brutality—J. W. Aldridge
But they could certainly point to a difference of opinion when it comes to fascism.


Well-known member

Here is an interesting segment on 'Holocaust Denial' - from Simon on the 'History Debunked' channel on YouTube- since Mr Mustard brought it up - I thought it apt to put it here - apparently its now against the law in some European countries to have a different opinion concerning this awful event in history - again I find this very odd that the authorities would actually prosecute those that wish to have a different opinion regarding this issue - will they do the same for the 3 Holodamors that happened in what was Ukraine - way back in the last century? - true or false - we all should have the right of free speech to question the 'official narrative' throughout history - without ending up in jail -

H.G. Wells warned us of the thought police in his books. Who would have thought it was non-fiction

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It does actually, but of course you can point an indoctrinated idiot to a blue sky and he will reply insisting that the sky is indeed green.

It's kind of like talking to you.

The sky is blue...

The sea is green, look... you're blue.... the sky isn't greener than the sea, see?

Just come clean and say that you don't think that the Holocaust happened because you like the idea of rebellious ideas and sucker onto them easily.

There's something fishy about dodging truth that makes me think you are allergic to it.


Well-known member
I believe in free speech.

I also figured common sense would make fascism unfavorable.
you would think so! The definition doesn't sound like it's an attractive proposition.

yet we have people who prefer it to democracy. it must give them some kind of warm and fuzzy feeling to know they don't have to think, that everything is all worked out for them.
