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Corpselover Fat

Active member
I guess I'll continue posting Girkin's assesments again then.

"Well, that's up to the "F-16" it came. I predict that even before autumn, the Ukrainians will also receive long-range (up to 500 km range) missiles. And next year, if our amazing people do not try to surrender unconditionally earlier, NATO troops will enter "Ukraine". The main thing for the Kremlin cretins is to simply do nothing, and then the war will end with a joint parade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and NATO on Red Square... And I'm not joking even once."


Well-known member

U.S. and allies plan to provide Ukrainian pilots with F-16 fighter jets​

i'm all for them getting what they need to repel the Russian invasion, but i'm afraid we'll be seeing film clips of them over Russian airspace sooner rather than later. if they hit any civilian population centers, this war will escalate uncontrollably, i fear. yes, i know Russia has been doing that from the beginning. but if Ukraine replies tit for tat, it could change how Russian civilians look at the war...and right now it is very unpopular inside of Russia. Ukraine does not need to do anything that changes that equation, JMHO.


ICMag Donor
Most of the F-16s donated will be old ones, like 40 - 45 years old, and they have no back facing radar which puts them at a huge disadvantage. I can see them used for pinpoint ground attacks and baiting Russian fighters into ground based SAM attacks.


Well-known member
In todays Chronicles of Ukroreich: Six Kinzhal and a russian bomber was shot down by the goat of Kiev, ukrop meme said.

British uranium dust over Khmelnitsky was not mentioned.

give us the update on Bakhmut while you're at it....

@greyfader pinchers are closing around Bakhmut and RF have fire control over the escape routes. AFU attempted to withdraw:

those boys are going to be awfully surprised when that uranium dust is piercing through their tanks despite the claim that twice as many rounds were destroyed than were sent.


Active member
give us the update on Bakhmut while you're at it....

those boys are going to be awfully surprised when that uranium dust is piercing through their tanks despite the claim that twice as many rounds were destroyed than were sent.
Will they be more surprised than radiated poles and germans who, like yourself, support poisoning the people in Donbass?


Speaks volumes that anyone would support the use of depleted uranium munitions. I am not going to post pictures of the aftermath from the use of them in Iraq and in Balkan. They are easy to find.

What about Bakhmut? Russia just destroyed Edelweiss HQ. Edelweiss lol but ”there are no nazis in Ukraine” :sneaky:


Active member
Don't agree. This is what they need to finish the job.

Putin has already lost a huge chunk of his military, hardware and personnel. This could do him in. NATO is not playing to loose here.
Neither is Russia and nato will disappear in a nuclear holocaust along with its member states before nato will win a war against it.


ICMag Donor
Neither is Russia and nato will disappear in a nuclear holocaust along with its member states before nato will win a war against it.
Even Pootie is smart enough to know that you don't blow up nuclear power plants when your country is down wind of the site and right next door. He also knows that any use of nukes means the instant elimination of Russia. Your info comes from people who are mentally handicapped.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Neither is Russia and nato will disappear in a nuclear holocaust along with its member states before nato will win a war against it.
This is one reason (and many will disagree vehemently) that if I was a contemporary Churchill, I would have launched a 'death from above' (and ground and sea) assault on the Kremlin on day one of the invasion. Buttoned up from the onset.

People are stupid to fight over nothing but when someone goes power hungry in today's world, there are only limited solutions.

If Putin had clearly stated to the US/NATO to back off or else; if he had clearly stated, there are US chemical/biological weapons labs proximal to my country, I might have some respect. He stated neither; pathetically denied invasion plans; rather he prattled on about a special military operation - denatzification; imbecilic crap. He only grasped onto the prior claims AFTER they entered social media. He deserves what he is going to get.

Corpselover Fat

Active member
It's so sad for Russia that the west has to think about if 50 year old fighter planes would humiliate Russian army too much. And Russia has hissy fits about the old - to be decomissioned - weapons the west sends and threatens them with nuke attacks. The big bear wants to fight small enemy and requires the enemy use only one hand and boxing rules while Russia uses what ever they want.

So sad.