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Active member
Russia had a decent chance at democracy when the wall came down. Most all of the countries succeeded. A couple did not and at least one is borderline. The Russian people want democracy but can't have it because of a few greedy, power hungry individuals. It does show how fragile democracy is and how someone with low intelligence like Chump is capable of getting the ball rolling.
The idea that western democracy is something that people of any nations need is nothing but a narcissist myth created by a few, greedy and power hungry individuals in the west.

It is self evident that where this so called democracy rule the people are not taken into considerstion at all. The only thing that matters is the existence of a few hundred capitalists + their profit.


Active member
Well the old drunk did pretty good, garnering defense for his island and then offence. I was more referencing the power-networking position rather than the man. I do see your point but if properly carried forth, the putin removed, I highly doubt those cajoling for the new positions opening up would have stomach or desire for retaliation. Similar to the clipping of a mob boss rather than the underlings.
Winnie did nothing good. He killed millions through his war and destroyed the British Empire in the process.

As for Russia not only do they have a nuclear doctrine, they have hypersonic delivery vehicles for nuclear warheads which will arrive long before such a demented attack would have finished off Putin.

And even if you would succeed, you forget that he is a moderate.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Winnie did nothing good. He killed millions through his war and destroyed the British Empire in the process.

As for Russia not only do they have a nuclear doctrine, they have hypersonic delivery vehicles for nuclear warheads which will arrive long before such a demented attack would have finished off Putin.

And even if you would succeed, you forget that he is a moderate.

You don't have any idea of what you are talking about.

Churchill didn't start the war.

Zelensky didn't start the war.

Britain still stands.

Putin is less than moderate.


Well-known member


Well-known member
As for Russia not only do they have a nuclear doctrine, they have hypersonic delivery vehicles for nuclear warheads which will arrive long before such a demented attack would have finished off Putin.

United States Offers LGM-30G Minuteman III Missiles to Ukraine with a No-Strike Agreement on Russia​

The LGM-30G Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles have been a cornerstone of the U.S. nuclear deterrent for decades. Equipped with multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs) and a range of over 13,000 kilometers (8,000 miles), these missiles possess formidable strike capabilities. By acquiring the Minuteman III missiles, Ukraine will significantly enhance its deterrence posture against potential aggressors and reinforce its national security.

Corpselover Fat

Active member
Russia had a decent chance at democracy when the wall came down.

Yeah that. In the nineties and early 2000's it seemed like Russia was going to become democratic. The west embraced it. We traded and had good relationship. I was ten when Ussr collapsed and growing up it seemed like Russia would become a normal state. Yes, there was the chechen war, which was fucked up, but it was far away. Also the rise of fascist rhetoric and organizations like the fucking Putin Youth should have rang bells. The west didn't even really care when they invaded Georgia. Trade continued. We sold them weapons and France was even going to sell them Mistral aircraft carriers. Thinking Europe was going to wage war on Russia is incredibly dumb. No way around it.

Corpselover Fat

Active member

"So, Artyomovsk (Bakhmut) is taken. The jubilation is such that the President of the Russian Federation himself congratulated the Wagner assault detachments, as well as all the military personnel of the Armed Forces units, who provided them with the necessary support and cover for the flanks, on the completion of the operation. All those who distinguished themselves will be presented for state awards, the Kremlin press service reports.

Victory? Undoubtedly! Together with the entire Russian world, we pay tribute to the courage, endurance and courage of our soldiers, who were thrown into frontal assaults on the well-fortified positions of the Nazis, and who were able to "grind" the enemy and win. The Russian warrior was and remains the best soldier in the world.

And now let's without emotions and strictly on the facts.

1) The battle for the unfortunate Artyomovsk lasted 224 days, more than the entire Battle of Stalingrad. But if Stalingrad led to a turning point in the course of the entire Second World War, then the battle for Artyomovsk became another mini-Verdun in the style of the First World War without any strategic result for the Russian side. Artyomovsk has absolutely no strategic value, which was openly stated not only by Igor Strelkov, but by the head of Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin himself.

2) The enemy's defense is not broken. The provincial town destroyed to zero did not become any keys to Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and Dnepropetrovsk, since the Nazis have already erected new defensive positions, which will again have to be stormed with inevitable heavy losses. The method of warfare itself also raises questions: "meat assaults" in the forehead, instead of the classic coverage and encirclement.

3) Fans of the strategy of "grinding" the Ukrainian fascists (which, indeed, was observed in Artyomovsk), should not forget that our best assault infantry, which, without a doubt, is the Wagner PMC, was also "grinded" in frontal attacks. That is, the defensive battle in Artyomovsk was primarily beneficial to the Ukrainian fascists, as it fettered the most combat-ready forces of Russia on the Ukrainian front, "sucked" our huge stocks of shells, and led to heavy losses. As a result, following the results of the battle, we have: "shell hunger" continues, the troops are exhausted by losses and many months of battles, and PMC "Wagner" is withdrawn from the front for reorganization, thereby weakening the grouping of the RF Armed Forces right on the eve of a full-scale enemy offensive.

4) Undoubtedly, the "Battle for Bakhmut" transferred the head of the PMC "Wagner" from the category of front-line commanders to a politician with serious presidential ambitions. But why should our Russian soldiers pay for this with their lives and blood? Prigozhin perfectly demonstrated his true attitude towards his subordinates with the famous shooting against the background of the corpses of the killed PMC fighters, which became the necessary background for the next attacks on the Ministry of Defense and promotion of his own image.

5) Artyomovsk once again revealed the systemic problems of our state, army and military-industrial complex: interruptions in supply, lack of unity of command, public "showdowns" between the Ministry of Defense and a legally illegal PMC. All this leads to a logical question: do we even have a state and why did it lose its monopoly on the leadership of war and violence?

But it's all going according to the plan... Right?


ICMag Donor
The idea that western democracy is something that people of any nations need is nothing but a narcissist myth created by a few, greedy and power hungry individuals in the west.

It is self evident that where this so called democracy rule the people are not taken into considerstion at all. The only thing that matters is the existence of a few hundred capitalists + their profit.
You only know what the programmers want you to know.
In other words You don't know Jack Shit.


Active member
You don't have any idea of what you are talking about.

Churchill didn't start the war.

Zelensky didn't start the war.

Britain still stands.

Putin is less than moderate.
Winston Churchill was premier only from 1940 and with that said: the french and british jointly propped up Poland to attack ethnic germans living in Poland, much like they have against ethnic russians in eastern Ukraine. I don’t care what Hollywood teach.

Your ”Britain still stands” comment is more than laughable considering that it is militarily reduced to a midget and dog of americans. They are now in a cost of living crisis and will be reduced to a minority in their country within a few years.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Winston Churchill was premier only from 1940 and with that said: the french and british jointly propped up Poland to attack ethnic germans living in Poland, much like they have against ethnic russians in eastern Ukraine. I don’t care what Hollywood teach.

Your ”Britain still stands” comment is more than laughable considering that it is militarily reduced to a midget and dog of americans. They are now in a cost of living crisis and will be reduced to a minority in their country within a few years.

The French, the British, nor Poland are attacking ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine.

Enjoy your laugh... but the UK isn't going anywhere.

It's interesting that you knock the UK but think the sun shines out of Russia's ass.


Active member

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I'm aware of the delusional conspiracy you have bought into.

I also am aware of the fact that Putin initiated this current conflict.

You are going to be hard-pressed to get people to believe that anybody besides Russia is the aggressor.... I'm not even sure why you think so.


Well-known member
Why don’t you just give your Nazi puppets the nukes that they want already lol.

They do fit nicely on those exact ballistic missiles.

what... you only like it when ruzzia rattles their nuclear saber?

I was just trying to point out that your timetable of
they have hypersonic delivery vehicles for nuclear warheads which will arrive long before such a demented attack would have finished off Putin.
is getting MUCH smaller

As for Russia not only do they have a nuclear doctrine, they have hypersonic delivery vehicles for nuclear warheads

Is mach 23 (17,500 mph) Minuteman III hypersonic enough for you?
Last edited:


Active member
I'm aware of the delusional conspiracy you have bought into.

I also am aware of the fact that Putin initiated this current conflict.

You are going to be hard-pressed to get people to believe that anybody besides Russia is the aggressor.... I'm not even sure why you think so.
A delusional conspiracy lol, more projections from a nazi sympathizer who endoses genocide of europeans from Russia to the country formerly known as Great Britain. Tell me friend, what makes you think my purpose is to get anyone to believe anything?

I am only in this thread to make sure that your imperialist mindset does not go unanswered, and that Herman does not get bored out of his mind.


Active member
They do fit nicely on those exact ballistic missiles.

what... you only like it when ruzzia rattles their nuclear saber?
And their delivery to Ukraine fits nicely into your wet dreams for nuclear armageddon. I have not seen any official statement from your Washington psychopaths on that one though. Found your news segment posted only on some meaningless blogg.

So how is that Bakhmut counter offensive going for your Nazi boys? Are there any signs of the military genius Zaluzhny yet?


Corpselover Fat

Active member

So, Artyomovsk (Bakhmut) is taken. The jubilation is such that the President of the Russian Federation himself congratulated the Wagner assault detachments, as well as all the military personnel of the Armed Forces units, who provided them with the necessary support and cover for the flanks, on the completion of the operation. All those who distinguished themselves will be presented for state awards, the Kremlin press service reports.

Victory? Undoubtedly! Together with the entire Russian world, we pay tribute to the courage, endurance and courage of our soldiers, who were thrown into frontal assaults on the well-fortified positions of the Nazis, and who were able to "grind" the enemy and win. The Russian warrior was and remains the best soldier in the world.

And now let's without emotions and strictly on the facts.

1) The battle for the unfortunate Artyomovsk lasted 224 days, more than the entire Battle of Stalingrad. But if Stalingrad led to a turning point in the course of the entire Second World War, then the battle for Artyomovsk became another mini-Verdun in the style of the First World War without any strategic result for the Russian side. Artyomovsk has absolutely no strategic value, which was openly stated not only by Igor Strelkov, but by the head of Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin himself.

2) The enemy's defense is not broken. The provincial town destroyed to zero did not become any keys to Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and Dnepropetrovsk, since the Nazis have already erected new defensive positions, which will again have to be stormed with inevitable heavy losses. The method of warfare itself also raises questions: "meat assaults" in the forehead, instead of the classic coverage and encirclement.

3) Fans of the strategy of "grinding" the Ukrainian fascists (which, indeed, was observed in Artyomovsk), should not forget that our best assault infantry, which, without a doubt, is the Wagner PMC, was also "grinded" in frontal attacks. That is, the defensive battle in Artyomovsk was primarily beneficial to the Ukrainian fascists, as it fettered the most combat-ready forces of Russia on the Ukrainian front, "sucked" our huge stocks of shells, and led to heavy losses. As a result, following the results of the battle, we have: "shell hunger" continues, the troops are exhausted by losses and many months of battles, and PMC "Wagner" is withdrawn from the front for reorganization, thereby weakening the grouping of the RF Armed Forces right on the eve of a full-scale enemy offensive.

4) Undoubtedly, the "Battle for Bakhmut" transferred the head of the PMC "Wagner" from the category of front-line commanders to a politician with serious presidential ambitions. But why should our Russian soldiers pay for this with their lives and blood? Prigozhin perfectly demonstrated his true attitude towards his subordinates with the famous shooting against the background of the corpses of the killed PMC fighters, which became the necessary background for the next attacks on the Ministry of Defense and promotion of his own image.

5) Artyomovsk once again revealed the systemic problems of our state, army and military-industrial complex: interruptions in supply, lack of unity of command, public "showdowns" between the Ministry of Defense and a legally illegal PMC. All this leads to a logical question: do we even have a state and why did it lose its monopoly on the leadership of war and violence?"

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
A delusional conspiracy lol, more projections from a nazi sympathizer who endoses genocide of europeans from Russia to the country formerly known as Great Britain. Tell me friend, what makes you think my purpose is to get anyone to believe anything?

I am only in this thread to make sure that your imperialist mindset does not go unanswered, and that Herman does not get bored out of his mind.

I don't sympathize with Nazis.

I don't endorse genocide.

I am not your friend.

Lies are manipulative and you manipulate lies so I assume you are unaware that some of us can think.

Good luck with your mindset and the programming "nobody" (everybody) is constantly watching you do.

There's only fascism coming from Russia. Nobody really believes that Putin is freeing Ukraine. Putin is the dictator invading a sovereign nation... in direct style with Nazis of old.

Do you ever wonder why you can't prove anything, yet everyone against your argument can provide evidence that didn't come from a meme?

You have been duped and you are attempting to dupe others. Question your logic.