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Corpselover Fat

Active member
Ha. Looks like the future of Russia is dawning on Girkin.

Yesterday, while undergoing a medical examination to extend the permit for the storage and carrying of firearms, I noticed several immigrants from Central Asia who explained in not very good Russian that they needed "medicine for a certificate for weapons ." Of all those undergoing this procedure, there were a third of them. Naturally, this aspect interested me greatly.

I turned to the competent employees of the Russian Guard for clarification with the following question: “When can “ new” citizens of the Russian Federation receive permission to purchase weapons and are there any restrictions?”

Answer: Immediately upon obtaining Russian citizenship, you can obtain a permit for weapons without any restrictions.

A very interesting picture is emerging: most of the new citizens, immigrants from Central Asia and the Caucasus, are in no hurry / are not going to register with the Russian military, but for some reason they immediately run "to arms." They had just arrived in the country, and for some reason they already needed firearms. I highly doubt it's for hunting.

As soon as possible, I will prepare an appeal to the leadership of the Russian Guard in order to understand what the true scale of the disaster is.

And perhaps it is worth trying to introduce at least some restrictions . I think that this category of citizens should be banned from issuing/re-registering weapons permits without military registration or introducing a temporary restrictive qualification. In the case of confirmation of military registration of citizens with a migration history, there are no constitutional problems here, but you need to think about the temporary qualification.

In general, it is extremely important to understand: who and why are we arming ourselves ? You can't just leave this story alone"


Active member
That's your take.

Most people are going to realize that you are intentionally misinterpreting the word to be intentionally misinterpreting my meaning.

If you are unable to understand things by willfully misconstruing the conversation you really shouldn't even pipe up.
I am not misinterpreting the word, you are - I am merely pointing to fact and exposing your falsehoods.


Well-known member

from the mouth of putler himself, therefore not third-party propaganda.

can i get you to comment on these direct quotes from putler?

in this speech he mentions "ultra right nationalist in ukraine but does not use the term "nazi's"

"I would like to emphasise again that Ukraine is not just a neighbouring country for us. It is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space. These are our comrades, those dearest to us – not only colleagues, friends and people who once served together, but also relatives, people bound by blood, by family ties.

Since time immemorial, the people living in the south-west of what has historically been Russian land have called themselves Russians and Orthodox Christians. This was the case before the 17th century, when a portion of this territory rejoined the Russian state, and after."


"Even two years before the collapse of the USSR, its fate was actually predetermined. It is now that radicals and nationalists, including and primarily those in Ukraine, are taking credit for having gained independence. As we can see, this is absolutely wrong. The disintegration of our united country was brought about by the historic, strategic mistakes on the part of the Bolshevik leaders and the CPSU leadership, mistakes committed at different times in state-building and in economic and ethnic policies. The collapse of the historical Russia known as the USSR is on their conscience."

end of quotes.

i submit to you that this war is just another step in russian plans to reacquire the territory and population of the former soviet union.

and not intrinsically and solely about denazifying ukraine.

please answer directly about these statements.


Active member
just found out the bulgarians are sending 375,000 soviet 152mm shells to ukraine.

an undisclosed number of patriot batteries have arrived as well. they are not being used to defend cities or power grids though, like the first ones.

they are being sent to points backing up the front lines in the east and south. 150 km range or about 95 miles. they will be used to keep the russians from flying over the lines during the big counter-attack that we will see soon.

somebody hit an airfield in crimea last night but no damage reports yet.

the russians have taken another few blocks in the center of bakhmut. at great cost in personell.

almost 8 months of intense fighting to take about 5 sq miles. at this rate it will take them 200 years to conquer ukraine.
Since you like speculation with numbers estimates are that Ukraine has lost from 10-20k to 45-50k and above only in Bakhmut. Russian confirmed deaths I guess would be about 18k total, but since we don’t know how many of them died in Bakhmut lets estimate from a fraction of ukranian losses to 500k in Bakhmut.

As for artillery Russia is outproducing the combined west x3.
no.it's well proven you're a jackass:D
Thanks for making me feel at home, an equal among peers etc.


Well-known member
Since you like speculation with numbers estimates are that Ukraine has lost from 10-20k to 45-50k and above only in Bakhmut. Russian confirmed deaths I guess would be about 18k total, but since we don’t know how many of them died in Bakhmut lets estimate from a fraction of ukranian losses to 500k in Bakhmut.

As for artillery Russia is outproducing the combined west x3.

Thanks for making me feel at home, an equal among peers etc.
you are in fantasy land on the numbers of russian dead. but let's not argue about casualties.

do you have any real figures on russian artillery shell production or is this an estimate on your part?


Active member
end of quotes.

i submit to you that this war is just another step in russian plans to reacquire the territory and population of the former soviet union.

and not intrinsically and solely about denazifying ukraine.

please answer directly about these statements.
I am not reading any plans into Putins quotes like you are. To me his words essentially reflect those of volounteers in Donbass.

you are in fantasy land on the numbers of russian dead. but let's not argue about casualties.

do you have any real figures on russian artillery shell production or is this an estimate on your part?
Yeah, those are ukranian estimates lol. As for the ammunition, no it is not an estimate on my part it was stated by Putin last saturday.