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No Jive Productions

Ukraine continue targeting civilians according to their tradition.

they probably are killing civilians but so are the Russians.

dead civilians are a byproduct of war.

any war. all wars. civilians get in the way of the combatants and die.

the funny thing about your post is that somehow you believe the Ukrainians have a different moral code than the Russians.

they are the same people with the same backgrounds. most Ukrainians speak Russian.


Well-known member
i still remember Nikita Khrushchev banging his shoe on the podium at the united nations yelling "we will bury you!"

in the Cuban missile crisis, the Russians installed nuclear missiles in Cuba and people in the states went bananas. Cuba is only 90 miles from the closest point in the US, key west, Florida.

there was a blockade of Cuba using navy ships and aircraft.

my father was captain of one of those ships.

most of the people in the states were not even aware of the fact that the US had just installed nuclear missiles in turkey, right on Russia's doorstep.

there were three Russian nuclear submarines in the area during this conflict and one of them almost fired a nuclear missile. i don't remember the exact details of it but there is a book about it.

it would have begun ww3.

the Cuban missile crisis was resolved by both the US and Russia removing their missiles from Cuba and Turkey.

everyone knows that in ww2 we were allies.

the dust from the war had not even settled before both countries began expanding their ideologies.

Germany was divided between the victors and the rest of Europe was immediately occupied by two opposing ideologies.

all of the new lands Russia had taken from the nazis as they fought their way west became part of the soviet union. they were not given an option.

Western Europe was in fear that the soviet army would just keep moving west and they knew no one country could oppose the advance alone.

nato was formed with the first 12 countries and the warsaw pact was formed to oppose them.

the cold war began and we had the bomb but the Russians did not.

from the animated chart i put up earlier, you can see that in the early stages of the cold war the US was building a nuclear arsenal as fast as it could.

the Russians, i'm sure, felt compelled to keep up because without a matching nuclear arsenal they would be powerless against the allied western countries.

one must remember that throughout the cold war both countries aggressively pushed their ideologies on all of the small countries of the world.

as neither of the two great powers wanted a direct conflict because of the "Mutually Assured Destruction" doctrine, aptly named MAD, a never-ending series of proxy wars have been carried out on other countries' soil.

personally, i feel the actions of both countries during this period were extremely irresponsible.

they basically gambled with the future of the world.

all of this time during the cold war both countries kept developing newer, more sophisticated, more technologically capable conventional weapon systems.

both nations developed large "defense" industries and began selling arms to just about anybody who could afford to buy them.

this practice only fueled more conflicts and war. and provided testing opportunities in real situations for the manufacturers. how convenient!

Dwight David Eisenhower, the 34th president of the united states, was a 5-star general in ww2 and the supreme commander of all allied forces during the war.

he served 2 terms in office. at the end of his second term, in 1959, he gave a speech in which he warned the people "to be aware of the dangers presented by the military-industrial complex".

all entities, whether they are governmental, corporate, or military want to perpetuate their own existence.

they don't need to hold a meeting and literally construct a conspiracy to accomplish their goals because they all quietly understand that they are scratching each other's backs.

and it's good for business.

the weapons industry is lucrative and there is high demand. virtually recession-proof because the monkeys can't stop killing each other.

how many billions in weapons have been expended in this conflict in ukraine?

they have to be replaced and the weapons industry gets richer.

therefore, war is good! (for business)
I agree with you and with Eisenhower. The glazier hires small punks to break the glass in the windows.


Well-known member
therefore, war is good! (for business)
"conflict is inevitable." be nice if we could learn to settle our differences in non-lethal forms of combat. like golf or shuffle-board. maybe Rook... get the geezers into these battles! why should the young have to shoulder the load? :smoke: think of all the neat shit (social security, anyone?) we could afford if we didn't have a defense budget like now exists...


Well-known member
Yes,,,those fellas ,,,
live streamed it apparently,,,s2
you can be shot in the US military for "desertion during time of war", i believe it is called...after being detained, charged, tried, and found guilty by a jury. then they MIGHT shoot you. we haven't done it since the sixties...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
so they are ironically called because of Wagner, there was such a great German composer, many people know ))

I don’t know if The Wagner Group were named after Hitlers favourite composer ,
But I do know that in the English Language,,,,
just a couple of misplaced letters and “ The Wagner Group” becomes the “ The Wanker Group”,,,,,
Just saying ,,,🤣,,,,s2


Well-known member
they probably are killing civilians but so are the Russians.

dead civilians are a byproduct of war.

any war. all wars. civilians get in the way of the combatants and die.

the funny thing about your post is that somehow you believe the Ukrainians have a different moral code than the Russians.

they are the same people with the same backgrounds. most Ukrainians speak Russian.
Same moral code? In 71-73, I served in the 636th Air Defense Fighter Aviation Regiment in Ukraine in Kramatorsk, defending my homeland from Turkish NATO bombers. The ethnic spectrum of the personnel was very diverse - Ukrainians, Russians, Georgians, Abkhazians, Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs, Jews, Latvians, etc. I was friends with many, including a guy from Lviv, an artist, he stayed in Kramatorsk after demobilization.
Lviv is Western Ukraine, the birthplace of the SS division "Galicia". His father fought against this Nazis in WWII. In 2013, already retired, we resumed relations through FB. He wrote to me how the city was flooded with detachments of “roguli” - deeply rural nationalists, young, poorly educated and extremely aggressive – members of “the right sector”, who began to carry out Ukrainization, teach the locals how to properly love their homeland. The locals, as well as in Kharkov and Kiev, spoke Russian, the newcomers radically disliked this. They did not touch my friend, he was fluent in the urban version of their dialect. Ukrainization happened exactly like this - if you don’t want to love Bandera out loud and honor the SS division “Galicia” - stay without teeth, or even without an eye. It works. The moral code of Ukrainians has changed, or rather it was forcibly changed.

Later, when hostilities 2014 began, he wrote that the city was being shelled from the Ukrainian side and immediately after that an official delegation with a crowd of foreign press came to register an act of shelling civilian infrastructure. Everyone saw and understood what was happening, but silently. In summer 2022 in the last letter, he said “well, the “warriors of light” have arrived, they are mounting artillery on the roof of the school and in the schoolyard, it looks like we are finished.”


No Jive Productions
Same moral code? In 71-73, I served in the 636th Air Defense Fighter Aviation Regiment in Ukraine in Kramatorsk, defending my homeland from Turkish NATO bombers. The ethnic spectrum of the personnel was very diverse - Ukrainians, Russians, Georgians, Abkhazians, Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs, Jews, Latvians, etc. I was friends with many, including a guy from Lviv, an artist, he stayed in Kramatorsk after demobilization.
Lviv is Western Ukraine, the birthplace of the SS division "Galicia". His father fought against this Nazis in WWII. In 2013, already retired, we resumed relations through FB. He wrote to me how the city was flooded with detachments of “roguli” - deeply rural nationalists, young, poorly educated and extremely aggressive – members of “the right sector”, who began to carry out Ukrainization, teach the locals how to properly love their homeland. The locals, as well as in Kharkov and Kiev, spoke Russian, the newcomers radically disliked this. They did not touch my friend, he was fluent in the urban version of their dialect. Ukrainization happened exactly like this - if you don’t want to love Bandera out loud and honor the SS division “Galicia” - stay without teeth, or even without an eye. It works. The moral code of Ukrainians has changed, or rather it was forcibly changed.

Later, when hostilities 2014 began, he wrote that the city was being shelled from the Ukrainian side and immediately after that an official delegation with a crowd of foreign press came to register an act of shelling civilian infrastructure. Everyone saw and understood what was happening, but silently. In summer 2022 in the last letter, he said “well, the “warriors of light” have arrived, they are mounting artillery on the roof of the school and in the schoolyard, it looks like we are finished.”
i am unaware of these events, but thank you for sharing them.

are you saying the entire Ukrainian population has, in general, a lower set of moral standards than the entire Russian population, in general?

that they do not have a shared history as part of the soviet union. somehow they were fine then but now they are all nazis?

i did not say that either the Russians or the Ukrainians, as a people, even have a bad moral code.

i think they have been led down this path by their governments.

i don't see an entire population as being either good or bad intrinsically.

it always come down to the individual. there are evil people but not evil populations.


Well-known member
i am unaware of these events, but thank you for sharing them.

are you saying the entire Ukrainian population has, in general, a lower set of moral standards than the entire Russian population, in general?

that they do not have a shared history as part of the soviet union. somehow they were fine then but now they are all nazis?

i did not say that either the Russians or the Ukrainians, as a people, even have a bad moral code.

i think they have been led down this path by their governments.

i don't see an entire population as being either good or bad intrinsically.

it always come down to the individual. there are evil people but not evil populations.
People are herd animals, such sad things happen to them, don't you know? Remember the "cultural revolution" in China, or Pol Pot in Cambodia, the super-idea easily captures half-empty heads. There are often many of these. The rest have no choice.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
The United States is being “changed” with Marxist tactics. Destroyed from within, mostly by the media and a soft life. The producing countries are banding together to forge a new economic alliance. They are tired of being exploited.

The liberal west is in decline, the criminals who have stolen control are just hastening the process. Debt is death, and the United States is flat broke and deeply in debt. The wars she waged sealed her fate. Very much like Rome IMO.


No Jive Productions
People are herd animals, such sad things happen to them, don't you know? Remember the "cultural revolution" in China, or Pol Pot in Cambodia, the super-idea easily captures half-empty heads. There are often many of these. The rest have no choice.
yes, that's a subject we haven't discussed yet.

intelligence, or lack thereof, and its effect on the masses.

a lot of it is individual genetics. some folks just don't have much to work with.

it's in the interest of governments to keep the masses uneducated.

they are much more pliable and believe anything you tell them.

especially when they are enamored with a cult leader. like trump.

i do believe that religion is the opiate of the masses. to further quote marx on the subject;

"disconnecting disadvantaged people from the here and now, and dulling their engagement in progressive politics"

over the centuries many rulers have consciously used religion as a tool to get others to do their bidding.

there has always been a bias against the intellectual class.

governments don't want their populations exposed to new ideas that could threaten the establishment.

everybody is supposed to line up in a row and do what they are told.

i have resented authority all of my life.


Well-known member
The US changed when Trump took office.

The country is divided and easily swayed by the most obvious propaganda.

The division is great enough to take the focus off of the guilty and place it upon the little guys.
i'm not sure if it changed, or The Chump just shined a light on the monsters under our beds. there have always been cretins like him (the Klan never died), they just became more visible/vocal when he crawled out of his hole in the ground.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Brit marines have been and are in Ukraine,,,
confirmed in the The Times newspaper earlier today ,
so it’s official that our Commando’s are causing chaos, but alas no threats of nuking us ,invading us,,
nowt from Vlads puppets,,,
kind of rubbing your nose in the shit Ivan😂
nothing from a impotent and sterile Bear ,,,s2
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Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
This is the formal beginning of the end of the petrodollar. Makers are done fooling with the takers. They don’t want any more Biden bucks. Remember, joe wouldn’t shake the hand of MBS. They rolled out the gold carpet for the Chicoms.

Good reason for the takers to start a war. Oh wait, they shot their wad in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and now Ukraine. And all to keep the American economy running. It was all on debt, now gone up in smoke.

I would say we are entering interesting times.

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