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~Star~Crash~ All & Everything


Well-known member
Afternoon all. Look at that destruction. Hard to bitch about cold weather when people are facing that -



ICMag Donor

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
true, but...that makes them damned hard to train to NOT do shit too... squirt guns come in handy at times. :whistling:
Well yeah, that pink handled thing…


My wife stays strapped. But it’s not Charlie that gets the water it’s Sammie. She doesn’t like him on the kitchen counters. Me, I could care less.
It’s actually become quite comical to me. He jumps up and then turns around and looks right at my wife like “aren’t you going squirt me?”.
He doesn’t really do it if it’s just me in the room. If he does he realizes I’m not going to give him attention and he just jumps back down defeated.


Well-known member
Hypnotrol I think I’ve heard it called before. You are conscious but you’re supposed to remember nothing afterwards as you mentioned lol

Dentists must have good parties
My dentist back a while was also my friend and fishing buddy, I was surprised with the access to drugs they have but they are closely watched.

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