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St. Phatty

Active member
Do you watch Ukro-TV?

No I watch Alan Sabrosky.

Here he is interviewed about the subjects that Kaney perhaps clumsily broached.

He's a retired professor - from the Army War College, at the Pentagon - who is quite candid about a number of things - including Israeli authorship of 9-11

WEBCAST with Professor Alan Sabrosky -

Professor Sabrosky is Jewish, he just doesn't belong to the Crime Family Sect of Judaism.


No Jive Productions
on the days when i post a lot it's raining and i can't work outside building my home.

really, this is just kind of an indoor sport for me, and i don't take much of anything anyone says too seriously.

i'm not mad at anyone but i'm wondering about shiva82's taste in porn. pretty kinky stuff. hmmm... sounds like he's been there before.

i'm 72 years old and i grew up in the cold war.

doing drills at elementary school where we would crawl under our desks, cover our heads and eyes, and kiss our asses goodbye!

we were terrified of "the bomb"!

but, i'm sure the Russian schoolchildren were terrified of the bomb too.

both nations have instilled fear and distrust in their children. you can't trust the russian bear, you can't trust the yankee dogs, etc.

somewhere above i posted the quote from thomas paine "the world is my country, all men are my brothers, and my religion is to do good deeds".

i admire that sentiment and truly believe in it.

i truly feel for the poor and the oppressed everywhere. and they are everywhere. in every country on the planet.

i am for the people but against governments.

i am a big fan of henry david thoreau, “that government is best which governs least”.

nothing is simple anymore. every nation on the planet seems to only care about its own selfish needs.

including my own country, the US.

i'm not proud of my country's history dealing with other nations.

we have started wars, and assassinated duly elected officials in other countries. supported dictators,

spied on everybody on the planet. the list is endless, and i won't deny these things or argue that moral superiority made us do it.

I didn't agree with our war in Vietnam, we had no right to be there. as i young man i protested the war. i don't mean talking about it either. i mean out in the streets fighting the authorities.

they had nightsticks, helmets, and shields so we got baseball bats, football and motorcycle helmets, and trashcan lids.

i don't believe Jewish people should be discriminated against but i don't support the state of israel.

they used the argument of past historical occupation thousands of years ago as a rationale for retaking the "holy" land and an excuse to disenfranchise the palestinians.

i didn't support the invasion of iraq because there were no "weapons of mass destruction". i feel like the whole thing was cooked up just to knock saddam hussein out of the box and create a regime friendlier to our interests.

most people in the states are not even aware of the actions we have taken in central america in support of the "american fruit company".

bribery and assassination were the usual tools used to get local authorities to cooperate.

i have been arrested and imprisoned for cannabis in my country and have been fighting unjust laws since.

i turned 21 in prison. for weed.

i was directly involved with the civil rights movement in Mississippi in 1964 and got my ass kicked several times trying to protect the first black children to attend an all-white high school.

i was 14 years old.

i truly feel for both the Russian people and the Ukrainian people. the suffering there needs to stop.

but we have extreme pride and stubbornness on both sides.

certainly, there can be some kind of negotiated settlement if they just try hard enough.

no government is innocent of war crimes.

all the things i said above about my country are true, but in all fairness, i could have been describing Russia as well. they are just as guilty of these same types of actions. just change the places and dates around a little.

an alien looking at our planet would no doubt think both governments were run by madmen.


Well-known member
Russia would plan to have military alliances with kanada or mexiko
i doubt seriously either country would want Russian bases in their yards. it didn't work out so well for Cuba... i'm sure that all of the folks unshackled when the Soviet Unions "Iron Curtain" collapsed "really miss" being "protected" by Russia from the "colonial powers" you so richly despise......:bigeye:
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Two Large Shopping centres in Moscow have been burnt to the ground in recent days,,,,
A hotel housing members of the Wagner Merc group was hit last night,,,
Reports stating that many Wagner fighters are now dead,,,,,s2


Well-known member

we really should stop USA of breaking the fence.

Awesome movie. Surprisingly, nothing surprised me, all the new details settled into my idea of the structure of the world without conflict.

Half a year ago, when I listened to his interview and read an article about propaganda, I thought that if he continues like this, he will follow Assange or even Sherlock Holmes will have to shoot him in the temple.


Well-known member
on the days when i post a lot it's raining and i can't work outside building my home.

really, this is just kind of an indoor sport for me, and i don't take much of anything anyone says too seriously.

i'm not mad at anyone but i'm wondering about shiva82's taste in porn. pretty kinky stuff. hmmm... sounds like he's been there before.

i'm 72 years old and i grew up in the cold war.

doing drills at elementary school where we would crawl under our desks, cover our heads and eyes, and kiss our asses goodbye!

we were terrified of "the bomb"!

but, i'm sure the Russian schoolchildren were terrified of the bomb too.

both nations have instilled fear and distrust in their children. you can't trust the russian bear, you can't trust the yankee dogs, etc.

somewhere above i posted the quote from thomas paine "the world is my country, all men are my brothers, and my religion is to do good deeds".

i admire that sentiment and truly believe in it.

i truly feel for the poor and the oppressed everywhere. and they are everywhere. in every country on the planet.

i am for the people but against governments.

i am a big fan of henry david thoreau, “that government is best which governs least”.

nothing is simple anymore. every nation on the planet seems to only care about its own selfish needs.

including my own country, the US.

i'm not proud of my country's history dealing with other nations.

we have started wars, and assassinated duly elected officials in other countries. supported dictators,

spied on everybody on the planet. the list is endless, and i won't deny these things or argue that moral superiority made us do it.

I didn't agree with our war in Vietnam, we had no right to be there. as i young man i protested the war. i don't mean talking about it either. i mean out in the streets fighting the authorities.

they had nightsticks, helmets, and shields so we got baseball bats, football and motorcycle helmets, and trashcan lids.

i don't believe Jewish people should be discriminated against but i don't support the state of israel.

they used the argument of past historical occupation thousands of years ago as a rationale for retaking the "holy" land and an excuse to disenfranchise the palestinians.

i didn't support the invasion of iraq because there were no "weapons of mass destruction". i feel like the whole thing was cooked up just to knock saddam hussein out of the box and create a regime friendlier to our interests.

most people in the states are not even aware of the actions we have taken in central america in support of the "american fruit company".

bribery and assassination were the usual tools used to get local authorities to cooperate.

i have been arrested and imprisoned for cannabis in my country and have been fighting unjust laws since.

i turned 21 in prison. for weed.

i was directly involved with the civil rights movement in Mississippi in 1964 and got my ass kicked several times trying to protect the first black children to attend an all-white high school.

i was 14 years old.

i truly feel for both the Russian people and the Ukrainian people. the suffering there needs to stop.

but we have extreme pride and stubbornness on both sides.

certainly, there can be some kind of negotiated settlement if they just try hard enough.

no government is innocent of war crimes.

all the things i said above about my country are true, but in all fairness, i could have been describing Russia as well. they are just as guilty of these same types of actions. just change the places and dates around a little.

an alien looking at our planet would no doubt think both governments were run by madmen.
Thank you for the memories. I am a couple of years younger, but I remember the signals of the first satellite in 1957, my grandparents specifically focused my attention on the beep-beep from the radio with a green eye and they succeeded - I remembered.

The Caribbean crisis and Khrushchev's threats to bury America passed by, we didn't hide under our desks and don't put on gas masks, but I remember the black-and-white chronicle before the movie in the cinema, where they showed how you did it. I remember the danger of a nuclear conflict of those years as cartoons in newspapers, where a fat man in a top hat sits on a bag with written zeros and holds a bomb in his hands. Below, under his feet, the unfortunate ordinary Americans crowded together.
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No Jive Productions
Thank you for the memories. I am a couple of years younger, but I remember the signals of the first satellite in 1957, my grandparents specifically focused my attention on the beep-beep from the radio with a green eye and they succeeded - I remembered.

The Caribbean crisis and Khrushchev's threats to bury America passed by, we didn't hide under our desks and don't put on gas masks, but I remember the black-and-white chronicle before the movie in the cinema, where they showed how you did it. I remember the danger of a nuclear conflict of those years as cartoons in newspapers, where a fat man in a top hat sits on a bag with written zeros and holds a bomb in his hands. Below, under his feet, the unfortunate ordinary Americans crowded together.
i still remember Nikita Khrushchev banging his shoe on the podium at the united nations yelling "we will bury you!"

in the Cuban missile crisis, the Russians installed nuclear missiles in Cuba and people in the states went bananas. Cuba is only 90 miles from the closest point in the US, key west, Florida.

there was a blockade of Cuba using navy ships and aircraft.

my father was captain of one of those ships.

most of the people in the states were not even aware of the fact that the US had just installed nuclear missiles in turkey, right on Russia's doorstep.

there were three Russian nuclear submarines in the area during this conflict and one of them almost fired a nuclear missile. i don't remember the exact details of it but there is a book about it.

it would have begun ww3.

the Cuban missile crisis was resolved by both the US and Russia removing their missiles from Cuba and Turkey.

everyone knows that in ww2 we were allies.

the dust from the war had not even settled before both countries began expanding their ideologies.

Germany was divided between the victors and the rest of Europe was immediately occupied by two opposing ideologies.

all of the new lands Russia had taken from the nazis as they fought their way west became part of the soviet union. they were not given an option.

Western Europe was in fear that the soviet army would just keep moving west and they knew no one country could oppose the advance alone.

nato was formed with the first 12 countries and the warsaw pact was formed to oppose them.

the cold war began and we had the bomb but the Russians did not.

from the animated chart i put up earlier, you can see that in the early stages of the cold war the US was building a nuclear arsenal as fast as it could.

the Russians, i'm sure, felt compelled to keep up because without a matching nuclear arsenal they would be powerless against the allied western countries.

one must remember that throughout the cold war both countries aggressively pushed their ideologies on all of the small countries of the world.

as neither of the two great powers wanted a direct conflict because of the "Mutually Assured Destruction" doctrine, aptly named MAD, a never-ending series of proxy wars have been carried out on other countries' soil.

personally, i feel the actions of both countries during this period were extremely irresponsible.

they basically gambled with the future of the world.

all of this time during the cold war both countries kept developing newer, more sophisticated, more technologically capable conventional weapon systems.

both nations developed large "defense" industries and began selling arms to just about anybody who could afford to buy them.

this practice only fueled more conflicts and war. and provided testing opportunities in real situations for the manufacturers. how convenient!

Dwight David Eisenhower, the 34th president of the united states, was a 5-star general in ww2 and the supreme commander of all allied forces during the war.

he served 2 terms in office. at the end of his second term, in 1959, he gave a speech in which he warned the people "to be aware of the dangers presented by the military-industrial complex".

all entities, whether they are governmental, corporate, or military want to perpetuate their own existence.

they don't need to hold a meeting and literally construct a conspiracy to accomplish their goals because they all quietly understand that they are scratching each other's backs.

and it's good for business.

the weapons industry is lucrative and there is high demand. virtually recession-proof because the monkeys can't stop killing each other.

how many billions in weapons have been expended in this conflict in ukraine?

they have to be replaced and the weapons industry gets richer.

therefore, war is good! (for business)


Active member
Two Large Shopping centres in Moscow have been burnt to the ground in recent days,,,,
A hotel housing members of the Wagner Merc group was hit last night,,,
Reports stating that many Wagner fighters are now dead,,,,,s2

Ukraine continue targeting civilians according to their tradition.



Well-known member
Two Large Shopping centres in Moscow have been burnt to the ground in recent days,,,,
A hotel housing members of the Wagner Merc group was hit last night,,,
Reports stating that many Wagner fighters are now dead,,,,,s2
True about fires. Shit happens. A little earlier, the flower warehouse burned down. And about the "musicians" I did not find any confirmation. BBC did not report anything, and they are very fond of everything that glorifies ukr. Send a link, please.
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