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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
So all you guys supporting the de-Nazification of Ukraine, what are your thoughts on gay and transgender rights, black lives mattering, immigration, intellectualism, genetic superiority, or the Jewish race?

Ehh - there is no Jewish Race - like there is no Christian Race - nor Muslim or Buddhist Race - for they are classified as religions - and by now we should all know that someones life mattering due to how much melanin they posses - was a Very successful grift in recent years - netting certain individuals millions of dollars -


Active member
Ehh - there is no Jewish Race - like there is no Christian Race - nor Muslim or Buddhist Race - for they are classified as religions - and by now we should all know that someones life mattering due to how much melanin they posses - was a Very successful grift in recent years - netting certain individuals millions of dollars -

No. We don’t “know”. That’s your opinion.


...como el Son...
Ehh - there is no Jewish Race - like there is no Christian Race - nor Muslim or Buddhist Race - for they are classified as religions - and by now we should all know that someones life mattering due to how much melanin they posses - was a Very successful grift in recent years - netting certain individuals millions of dollars -

Wow... Well, that "study' you publicized some time ago in another thread (and which provoked my first bitter confrontation with you) did not seem to follow your correction, when it classified by their level of intelligence East Asians and whites, as the most intelligent humans; Hispanics and finally blacks, in the lower end...

And as for your certain anthropological corrections: you could also have fallen into them, when I also insinuated how unscientific the headline of that "study" was, when it treated Hispanics as a race (there is no Hispanic race either: we can be and we are from whites of Scandinavian, Germanic or Celtic origin, to blacks of Bubi, Fang, Mandingo, Yoruba origin...As well as Jews, Christians, Muslims and Buddhists).

That said, It fuks me the same to being discriminated against because of my race...or cos my culture.


Active member
So all you guys supporting the de-Nazification of Ukraine, what are your thoughts on gay and transgender rights, black lives mattering, immigration, intellectualism, genetic superiority, or the Jewish race?

The normalization of paraphilia and mass migration in Europe are tools of national destruction and genocide. Here is one of the latest examples from Italy:

Rome: A 17-year-old Italian was raped in broad daylight by two Tunisian migrants who then threatened to kill him if he did not take them to his home. When they arrived there, the Tunisians raped his mother



...como el Son...


The map of the war in Ukraine: Russia prioritizes long-range bombing with the "static" northern front


18 minutes

⏳ This news is regularly updated with the latest information available. To learn more about how it is made, consult the methodology .

Today, day 28 of war: Moscow stops in the north and bets on long-range attacks :

Russia is increasingly prioritizing long-range bombing in the face of "failure" ground offensives, while operations on the northern front remain at a standstill 28 days after the invasion, according to the latest war reports from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and British Intelligence.
In the vicinity of Kiev, the Russian army has not carried out any major offensive operations and continues to improve its defensive and logistical support positions by entrenching itself in the vicinity of Bucha and reinforcing the artillery in northwestern Irpin. Ukrainian forces claim to have regained control of some towns northwest and west of the capital, according to the ISW.


The northern front remains largely "static" , according to British intelligence, which sees it likely that Russian forces are undergoing a period of reorganization before resuming large-scale offensives . In recent hours they have not carried out any offensive operations towards the cities of Chernigov, Sumy or Kharkov and have stopped the attacks to take Izyum , southeast of the latter town.
London believes that Putin's army is trying to envelop Ukrainian forces in the east of the country as they advance from Kharkov in the north and Mariupol in the south. In this port city, a "street-to-street" battle continues between Russian forces - backed by Chechen fighters - and Ukrainian forces. Moscow continues to subject the city to intense bombardment and continues to reinforce artillery positions to the northeast of the city, according to satellite images.

<iframe title="2022-02-23 Bombardeos sobre Mariúpol" aria-label="Mapas de ubicación" id="datawrapper-chart-y5hla" src="https://datawrapper.dwcdn.net/y5hla/2/" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="width: 0; min-width: 100% !important; border: none;" height="736"></iframe><script type="text/javascript">!function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(e){if(void 0!==e.data["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.querySelectorAll("iframe");for(var a in e.data["datawrapper-height"])for(var r=0;r<t.length;r++){if(t[r].contentWindow===e.source)t[r].style.height=e.data["datawrapper-height"][a]+"px"}}}))}();</script>

Also on the southern front, Ukrainian forces reportedly carried out counter-attacks in Mykolaiv forcing Russian troops back, according to kyiv, ISW reports. British intelligence believes that Moscow is still trying to bypass Mykolaiv and continue west to reach Odessa.

Tuesday, March 22, day 27 of war:

Russia intensific bombing in the face of "lack of progress" on land :

Russia continues without making "important progress" in the last few hours and intensifies the bombing of cities , 27 days after the invasion of Ukraine , according to the latest report from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). British intelligence also highlights the "lack of progress in the ground campaign" and believes that the announcement of the use of hypersonic missiles by Moscow may be an attempt to "detract" from the lack of progress.


The main battle is currently taking place in Mariupol , where Russian troops continue to tighten the siege on the port city of the Sea of ​​Azov after the Ukrainian army refused to surrender to the ultimatum issued by Vladimir Putin. Ukraine continues to "fight back" attempts to control southern Mariupol , according to the UK Ministry of Defense. Still, Moscow continues to make "steady" if "slow" progress in bringing the city under control, the ISW reports.


General view of Mariúpol, with the Drama Theater in the center AFP / MAXAR


Satellite view of the bombing of residential buildings in Mariúpol AFP / MAXAR

Image of bombing on an industrial zone of Mariúpol REUTERS

In the rest of Ukraine, Russia has most of its forces "stalled" and their progress is "limited" , according to London. In kyiv, Russian troops continue to bombard the city and strengthen their defensive positions by deploying engineering teams and without major offensive operations. In recent days, Moscow seems to be preparing to carry out a bombardment of the city with artillery and long-range missiles .


Firefighters and soldiers work among the rubble of the destroyed Kiev shopping center AFP

Satellite image of the bombing of the city of Irpin, northwest of Kiev EFE / MAXAR

In the north, Russia continues to bombard Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city , and continues to launch attacks on Izyum, southeast of the town, but without securing any additional land for the time being. It also continues to drop bombs on the cities of Chernigov and Sumy.
In the south, they have not launched any offensive operations around Kherson and the assaults in the last few hours in the pro-Russian regions of Luhansk and Donetsk were "unsuccessful", according to the ISW. Meanwhile, the governor of the Dnipro region has warned that a missile has destroyed a train station in Pavlohrad, killing at least one person.



...como el Son...
The mission of the dean of the Russian Orthodox in Madrid: "We must overcome the fear of our elections. Perhaps I will not be able to return to Russia"
UpdatedThursday, March 10, 2022 - 00:34

A native of Saint Petersburg, he has directed the Hortaleza Orthodox Cathedral for 18 years, a neutral space for coexistence between Russians and Ukrainians. " Being Russian cannot become a new yellow star"


[FONT=PT_serif]Andrey Kordochkin is silent. "I have never been asked . " He thinks about the consequences that his opinion about Putin's decision to invade Ukraine could have . He is the dean of Santa María Magdalena, the cathedral of the Russian Orthodox church in Madrid. It is the temple of the golden domes. They draw an eastern skyline that breaks the landscape of blocks of flats in Hortaleza. Andréy was assigned, 18 years ago, by the Russian patriarchate to Spain.
[FONT=PT_serif]"I can say that I have left the safety zone in both directions" , he resolves after meditating the answer for a few seconds. "In a sense I am not good for the Ukrainian nationalists just because I am Russian and I am a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church. On the other hand, my anti-war position is public. I am not a friend of the official Russian discourse. Right now I have made a moral choice. It is time to overcome fear even knowing that we must pay a price. Perhaps in time, due to Russian legislation, I will not be able to return to the country . I do not want to overestimate the importance of my person but there is no to underestimate the wickedness of those who came to power with the communist revolution and are still there".[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=PT_serif]He was born in St. Petersburg 44 years ago. His wife is Russian, of Ukrainian descent, and has two children, an 18-year-old and a four-year-old boy. "We are the typical Russian family. I am happy in Spain. I studied in England. At first I wondered why God wanted me to end up here, together with the Ukrainian community, in a culture that I did not know. [/FONT]I already have the answer. My destiny was to help, to be supportive, to be by his side at a time like this"[FONT=PT_serif] .[/FONT]


[FONT=PT_serif]The Ukrainian community exceeds the Russian in Madrid. According to INE data, there are 4,715 Russian citizens and 23,352 Ukrainians. The church, attached to Moscow, welcomes everyone. "There is a context," she indicates. "The Russian Orthodox Church Is Not The Russian State Church, Officially" . It is not only separated from the State. "The geographical scope of our faithful covers more territory. The majority of Ukrainian faithful are part of our church ".[/FONT]
[FONT=PT_serif]When he arrived in the city, Andréy encountered the precariousness of Ukrainian immigrants. "Almost all of them came illegally. Many left their parents and children behind. A generation of young Ukrainians has grown up without contact with their parents. None of them had their own home then."[/FONT]
[FONT=PT_serif]At first, as a reflection of that poverty, the church was located on Alverja street, in the Lucero neighborhood. "It was a place of 35 square meters, which had been a parlor and greengrocer." At that time it was inconceivable, among the Slavic community established in the city, not to welcome any stowaways at home. "I remember when we lived on the other floor, where there were two bedrooms and a sofa in the living room, someone who came was very surprised that no one was living on the sofa. Although things have changed a lot, there is still room for improvement. Many ladies who come to our church clean houses and offices and have neither bank accounts nor cards and live in rooms in shared flats ."[/FONT]

​​​​​​[FONT=PT_serif]That is the area of ​​coexistence about to fracture. "The risk zone can be in the families or in the houses they share. Many feel rejected by going to our church. Our foundation is not to practice any discrimination or privilege any person because of their origin . If you are in Madrid and want to come to our church, you are welcome.[/FONT]


[FONT=PT_serif]Andréy manages a neutral space attended by officials from the Russian embassy and relatives of citizens trapped in Ukraine. "I have dealings with embassy staff on a personal level. On the other hand, one of our faithful tries to help her mother escape from the bombing. But there is something else to consider. For me, the most important thing is that we must be clear that no Russian can be despised for being Russian. Being Russian cannot become a new yellow star. Russian refugees fleeing the country must be helped. Russia is about to become a new North Korea They are going to make up for the misery with the effort to glorify their leaders."[/FONT]
[FONT=PT_serif]The economic sanctions, in his opinion, could determine the end of "the special mission of the Russian army" , ironically making the gesture of quotation marks. "I heard from a Russian political scientist the other day that war is exciting only for the first 30 days. What is going to happen to all the poverty? People are losing their jobs. Russia is an elevator that is falling. It cannot fall. for six months. Some form of exit is going to be reached. People will protest."[/FONT]

[FONT=PT_serif]Who will gain from all this? "Nobody. Neither Russia nor Ukraine, which is suffering a lot. Putin is supposed to invade Ukraine to liberate the Ukrainian population but nobody is welcoming the soldiers with flowers. On the contrary. Imagine that they destroyed the Zelensky government and defeated the Ukrainian army How will they govern the country? Who will govern it? How will it work? People in Kharkov, a Russian-speaking city, are very upset. They are bombing their city. I never imagined that my country and Europe would undergo such changes. deep within a week. I still have the feeling that I am living a nightmare ."[/FONT]
[FONT=PT_serif]Do you receive any doctrine from Russia? "The doctrines of the gospel are enough. I don't need any more doctrine."[/FONT]



Active member

That cinches it. They had a mascot. Whatever. Putin lies. You excuse them with this silliness.


Active member
”Pure cannon fodder”, says swedish volounteer for Nazi Ukraine:

A Swede who survived the Russian attack on a NATO training camp speaks out

DM: So there was no air siren warning during the attack?

“Nothing. I woke up to the first bomb that fell. And they had no bunkers, no trenches, nothing. They had not told us where we would take shelter if an attack came. It was all just weird. Afterwards, I spoke to an American soldier from the special forces who pointed out how insane it was that we were ordered to stand on open ground by the helicopter pads. He refused to obey orders and remained in the woods instead. Among our group that withdrew from there, there were several elite soldiers who said that ‘this was the sickest thing I have been through in my whole life’. They had served in Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Falkland Islands, all kinds of wars, and say they have never been in such a vulnerable situation. ‘Suicide mission’, several of them said bluntly.”



Active member
”Pure cannon fodder”, says swedish volounteer for Nazi Ukraine:

A Swede who survived the Russian attack on a NATO training camp speaks out

DM: So there was no air siren warning during the attack?

“Nothing. I woke up to the first bomb that fell. And they had no bunkers, no trenches, nothing. They had not told us where we would take shelter if an attack came. It was all just weird. Afterwards, I spoke to an American soldier from the special forces who pointed out how insane it was that we were ordered to stand on open ground by the helicopter pads. He refused to obey orders and remained in the woods instead. Among our group that withdrew from there, there were several elite soldiers who said that ‘this was the sickest thing I have been through in my whole life’. They had served in Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Falkland Islands, all kinds of wars, and say they have never been in such a vulnerable situation. ‘Suicide mission’, several of them said bluntly.”


Putin lies to you. You spread his lies.


...como el Son...


Western Sahara, an area between the territories controlled by the Polisario Front and the Kingdom of Morocco, near Tifariti. Wikimedia Commons / AlbertoDV , CC BY-SA

Keys to understand Spain's decision on the Sahara: what and who is behind it?

Published: 21 March 2022 20:28 CET
Maria Lopez Belloso , University of Deusto

Since the letter from President Pedro Sánchez to the King of Morocco was made public last Friday, March 17, the reactions it has unleashed have been numerous and disparate, although most of them coincide in the criticism in substance and in form .
The debate is served and there are already those who read this news in a global key, looking for the connections of this announcement with the international geopolitical alliances around the crisis in Ukraine.

The solution to the conflict: politics or law?

The first question we must ask ourselves to understand the scope of this movement, whose political impact cannot be doubted, is whether the solution to the conflict in Western Sahara can come from politics with its back to International Law.
Since Pedro Sánchez's decision to take sides was made public, there have been many who have pointed out the inconsistency of defending International Law and national sovereignty in Ukraine . However, just as we did when Trump announced the recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over the territory , it is necessary to remember that despite the interrelation between politics and International Law, this pronouncement does not change the legal nature of the conflict or its solution. .

Thus, it is necessary to refer to the fundamental aspects that determine the applicable legal framework for the resolution of the conflict: the nature of the territory, the legitimate representation of its population, the applicable legal framework for its resolution and the role of Spain.
The territory of Western Sahara is a Non-Self-Governing Territory, and therefore, according to United Nations resolutions ( Resolution 2625 (XXV) of the United Nations General Assembly, approved on October 24, 1970 ), its nature will only change when “ the people of the colony or the Non-Self-Governing Territory have exercised their right to self-determination in accordance with the Charter and, in particular, with its purposes and principles” (p. 174).
This nature has been reiterated by the United Nations legal adviser, Hans Corell (S/2002/161) , for example, or in the different judgments of the European courts regarding the legality of the exploitation of the natural resources of the territory. .
This nature of the territory also defines the status of the parties, and specifically the nature of the Moroccan presence in the territory as an occupation (see Resolutions Res UNSC 377/1975 and Res UNGA 34/37 of 1979 and our previous analysis ).
These same rulings also make it clear that the legitimate representative of the Saharawi people is the Polisario Front ( Sentence of the TG of September 29, 2021 ) and that, therefore, any decision that affects the well-being of the Saharawi people, the management of its natural resources or to determine your future, you must go through the consultation of your legitimate representative.
Given the nature of the territory and the status of the parties, there is no other framework for the resolution of the conflict than that established by International Law and United Nations resolutions, and this involves the realization of the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people.
However, the laxity in the use of language by the UN itself does not help to clarify this framework, which has been modifying its formulation for the solution to the conflict from the blunt defense of self-determination (see, for example, Resolution 621 of 1988 ), to the search for a "political solution that is mutually acceptable" (for example, Resolution 1541 of April 29, 2004 ) or the appeal to a "political process under its guidelines" of the UN spokesman, Stéphane Dujarric, in his reaction to the movement of the Spanish Government.
Finally, the legal status of the territory also marks the nature of Spain as the administering power of the territory, although the various Spanish governments have tried to disassociate themselves from their responsibility.

A new betrayal or a new betrayal?

Taking into account the applicable legal bases, what is the real impact of President Sánchez's announcement? The Polisario Front recalls that this position does not change the status of the territory or the responsibility of Spain, , while there are thus who say that this announcement does not imply a change, since the betrayal of the PSOE dates back to the time of Felipe González.
Although it is true that the Socialist Party has long since aligned itself with the Moroccan proposal, never until now had an official position been taken that contravened the traditional “active neutrality” of the Spanish position. For this reason, many of the criticisms are directed at the way in which this change has been made, without informing the partners of the coalition government, the opposition, or the public.
The most lukewarm criticism only reproaches Pedro Sánchez for the way in which this decision has been communicated, alleging that, given its depth, it should have been communicated in a consensual and transparent manner, and not as a reaction to the publication of the letter by Morocco.
However, these positions ignore that this change of course, in addition to contravening the historical position of Spanish foreign policy and the aforementioned bases of international law, contradicts the socialist party's own electoral program of 2019, which on page 286 promised to respect the principle of self-determination of the Saharawi people ), so their bases and their voters should also demand explanations, not only in form, but in substance.

National policy strategy or international alliances?

Thus, many wonder why this change and why now, when it is most necessary to strengthen ties with Algeria, a historical ally of the Saharawi people. While the official argument that emerges from the leaked fragments of the letter and the statements of some party members points to the need to close the diplomatic crisis with Morocco, it is necessary to analyze the global repercussion of this decision to know if it responds to a national policy strategy or international strategic alliances.
In the first place, it is necessary to remember that Morocco recognized that the origin of this diplomatic crisis was not due to the Spanish hospitable attention of the Polisario Front leader Brahim Ghali ,
Click image for larger version  Name:	images (26).jpeg Views:	0 Size:	29.1 KB ID:	18106450
Click image for larger version  Name:	images (26).jpeg Views:	0 Size:	29.1 KB ID:	18106450

​​​​​​but due to the Spanish position after Trump's announcement of the recognition of sovereignty over the territory.
In this key, the decision adopted by the Government of Pedro Sánchez would mean a transfer to Moroccan blackmail to start another crisis with Algeria, who claims not to have been informed of this turn .
In addition, from the opposition they criticize the Government for not having reported this change in parliament and even its government partners have requested the appearance of the president to explain this change.

The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, and the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, during their appearance before the media after meeting at the Elysee Palace (Paris) on Monday, March 21. Photo: Pool Moncloa/Fernando Calvo

The hands that pull the strings

However, there are already those who see in this turn an interest that goes beyond an attempt to solve a bilateral crisis, a change that responds to broader geopolitical interests.
First of all, it is difficult to separate any current decision from the Ukrainian crisis. Not surprisingly, it is good to remember that Morocco abstained in the vote against Russia in the General Assembly, aware of Algeria's relationship with Russia and the role of Russia & China in the region.
Other voices suggest that Spain is thus following in the footsteps of the US and Germany to unfreeze relations with Morocco and thus strengthen the alliance with whom they understand to be a key partner in the region.
It is worth noting that also in the case of Germany, it was Morocco that leaked a letter from the newly elected chancellor to give an account of what he understood as support for his autonomy plan, despite the fact that Germany claims not to have changed its official position . regarding the conflict . What is difficult to understand, in any case, is the moment chosen for this change of position, when the alliance with Algeria is strategic in the European energy crisis.
Faced with these questions, it is logical to ask who is the main promoter of this measure, and everything points in two directions: the US and France. Both countries have clear interests in the region, and it is not the first time that the conflict in Western Sahara has slipped into the geopolitical keys of the area and especially in the repercussion of the relations between the US, Russia and China.
On the other hand, France is the main supporter of the Moroccan position, and the harmony between the Spanish government of Pedro Sánchez and President Macron was evident at the meeting on March 15, just before the announcement of this change in position.

Demonstration for the freedom of the Saharawi people in Madrid in 2017. Shutterstock / Valentin Sama-Rojo

Messages to the Saharawi people

There is no doubt that this situation sends a clear message to the Saharawi people and to the Polisario Front. In the first place, it is clear that not all wars are the same and that the political and social impact of conflicts is conditioned by issues such as race and cultural proximity, and above all, by economic interests.
The Saharawi people's commitment to a peaceful solution to a conflict that has lasted more than 46 years has only led to ostracism and media blockade, broken only when violence has escalated in the territory. Thus, it is difficult for the commitment to peace to be maintained, especially among the younger Saharawi generations.
On the other hand, the inconsistency in the application of International Law leads the Saharawi people to distrust the international community, which sees how Morocco repeatedly violates the law and even the signed agreements themselves without any legal or political repercussions.
And finally, the third message that this situation sends to the Saharawi people is that they cannot trust the Spanish political class. Unlike other countries such as Portugal, which made the decolonization of East Timor a national commitment until it was resolved in conflict with Indonesia, all Spanish political parties have been characterized by defending a position on Western Sahara from the opposition and the contrary from the government.
Despite criticism from his government partners and the parties that facilitated the investiture, it is unlikely that his reaction will go beyond media statements and a few questions in parliament.

And as the recently deceased Desmond Tutu said: "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." It seems clear that more and more people are choosing the "side of the oppressor" and it only remains to be seen how the oppressed people react.

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