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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
NO ONE is supporting Nazi's in Ukraine. However there are some Nazi's in the Ukraine. It does not mean that Ukraine is a Nazi state. Their president is Jewish FFS. Nazi's are an extreme expression of Fascism.

Your posts are frankly idiotic. You cannot just change the meaning of words to fit into your twisted world view. :bashhead:

Jewish people can't be Nazis? Can they be neonazis? Can black people be nazis?


...como el Son...
What voter fraud? If you mean extreme gerrymandering in states like NC and MD, that's one thing and that's something we can all agree on.

Or does "voter fraud" mean "letting the darkies have a say" to you? You know, at the subconscious level? If you peel back all the layers of demagoguery and obfuscation, the real reason behind Charlottesville and the Capitol attack is pure, unadulterated fear and hatred of the collective "others" and their growing political power in a representative democracy (or at least what passes for it in the modern world).

Please put this tired shit to rest.

For a moment I thought he was talking about George W Bush's (alleged ?) electoral fraud..
But I believe the topic vade Trump.

"...Y volví a salir elegido Presidente,
pero me robaron las elecciones claramente;
se inventaron una nueva norma de repente :
contar todos los votos emitidos por la gente!

De los Colegios Electorales nunca me he fiado :
lo sabré bien yo,
que gané a Hillary siendo el menos votado..."


"...And I was elected President again,
but the elections were clearly stolen from me; they invented a new rule all of a sudden: counting all the votes cast by all the people!

I have never trusted the Electoral Colleges:
I know it well; I won against Hillary when I was the least voted..."


...and don't forget the Spanish and Venezuelan Intelligence Services, on the one hand, and the Italian ones on the other...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Wow... Well, that "study' you publicized some time ago in another thread (and which provoked my first bitter confrontation with you) did not seem to follow your correction, when it classified by their level of intelligence East Asians and whites, as the most intelligent humans; Hispanics and finally blacks, in the lower end...

And as for your certain anthropological corrections: you could also have fallen into them, when I also insinuated how unscientific the headline of that "study" was, when it treated Hispanics as a race (there is no Hispanic race either: we can be and we are from whites of Scandinavian, Germanic or Celtic origin, to blacks of Bubi, Fang, Mandingo, Yoruba origin...As well as Jews, Christians, Muslims and Buddhists).

That said, It fuks me the same to being discriminated against because of my race...or cos my culture.

'Race' is an erroneous concept that should be done away with.


Well-known member
In other words, ButterflyEffect :

There was total freedom of the market and private economy... What there was not was political freedom or freedom to vote, freedom of expression, religious freedom, sexual freedom, female freedom (my mother would need a signed authorization from my father to work, manage business, leave the country...).

Pd: of course! :

You could buy a Soviet car, but not a Soviet political book. You could watch any US movie, except for things like "The Great Dictator" or "For Whom the Bell Tolls?"....

Wow. That's eye-opening for sure. What country and time was this?


Active member
What voter fraud? If you mean extreme gerrymandering in states like NC and MD, that's one thing and that's something we can all agree on.

Or does "voter fraud" mean "letting the darkies have a say" to you? You know, at the subconscious level? If you peel back all the layers of demagoguery and obfuscation, the real reason behind Charlottesville and the Capitol attack is pure, unadulterated fear and hatred of the collective "others" and their growing political power in a representative democracy (or at least what passes for it in the modern world).

Please put this tired shit to rest.

And if you want to continue with the "neo-Nazi batallions", please provide some proof of how the individual volunteers who may or may not have right-wing Ukrainian nationalist leanings are controlling the entire nation of Ukraine and its Jewish president.

Does it matter if they are controlling the entire nation? They are definitely controlling portions And you are supporting them.


Well-known member
The Chump is whatever will keep his name in the news, his bald ass out of prison, and other peoples money going into his wallet. and his acolytes will throw their money at him & follow him right off of the cliff....and i won't miss any of them when they splatter on the rocks at the base of the cliff. i figure the average IQ in this country would go up by about 15 points or so the day it happens...

I eagerly await the day


Well-known member

And also remember, friend, that in (your?) capitalist USA there has been apartheit (in the time of my grandparents, for black Americans, Western Europe, including my country, was paradise), and even harsher in capitalist South Africa. ...

Sadly, I'm all too aware of that.


Well-known member
That is me. But, I just don't see where I said anything resembling what you say I said.

It's right there in front of you genius! You said that Russia is acting in legitimate self-defense of nazis in Ukraine and then denied saying that.

And you wonder why we shit all over you as opposed to having any semblance of real debate🙄


Well-known member
NO ONE is supporting Nazi's in Ukraine. However there are some Nazi's in the Ukraine. It does not mean that Ukraine is a Nazi state. Their president is Jewish FFS. Nazi's are an extreme expression of Fascism.

Your posts are frankly idiotic. You cannot just change the meaning of words to fit into your twisted world view. :bashhead:

His posts are idiotic, but I suspect he knows damn well what he's doing. I figure it's better to start from that position than to assume that they're just abject morons.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
So all you guys supporting the de-Nazification of Ukraine, what are your thoughts on gay and transgender rights, black lives mattering, immigration, intellectualism, genetic superiority, or the Jewish race?

Hempy's thoughts on these topics are as follows:

Gay and Transgender rights are irrelevant because of equality under the law. They should have no more rights and no fewer rights and no different rights than anyone else.

Black lives matter but, not more than anyone else. All lives matter. I feel that black lives matter is a racist black supremacist organization.

I am for immigration reform so that it can be easier for people to come in legally with a proper screening process for criminals and terrorists. And that there should be annual quota/ limits for how many we can take in from each country per year and how many total each year. Illegal immigration should be stopped and remain illegal. Anyone who is here illegally that has established themselves as good potential citizens should have a clear path to citizenship and anyone who has broken any laws should be deported.

Intellectualism is great but is often confused with academic accreditation (which is not good).

genetic superiority is an idea I do not subscribe to.

The Jewish 'race' is an especially erroneous concept ('race' is an erroneous concept).


Well-known member
Communism and fascism are not opposites. One is a method of governance and the other is an economic model.

If fascism is the opposite of everything leftists stand for then why are they supporting Nazis in Ukraine? Aren't Nazis fascist? Are Nazis right or left?

Nice fallacy you got there. That statement does a lot of hefting there. The least of which is that anyone on the 'Left' supports nazis, or that nazis have any real control in Ukraine. Considering that both are demonstrably false, I'd say your post is, per usual, bullshit.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
It's right there in front of you genius! You said that Russia is acting in legitimate self-defense of nazis in Ukraine and then denied saying that.

And you wonder why we shit all over you as opposed to having any semblance of real debate🙄

That isn't what you claimed that I said, though. You claimed that I said (something to the effect of) "anyone I disagree with is a Nazi."


Well-known member
Ehh - there is no Jewish Race - like there is no Christian Race - nor Muslim or Buddhist Race - for they are classified as religions - and by now we should all know that someones life mattering due to how much melanin they posses - was a Very successful grift in recent years - netting certain individuals millions of dollars -

Are you seriously saying that the BLM movement was a grift?

Well, that's certainly a take, I guess🙄

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Nice fallacy you got there. That statement does a lot of hefting there. The least of which is that anyone on the 'Left' supports nazis, or that nazis have any real control in Ukraine. Considering that both are demonstrably false, I'd say your post is, per usual, bullshit.

How are they "demonstrably false?" What 'fallacy?'


Well-known member
The normalization of paraphilia and mass migration in Europe are tools of national destruction and genocide. Here is one of the latest examples from Italy:

Rome: A 17-year-old Italian was raped in broad daylight by two Tunisian migrants who then threatened to kill him if he did not take them to his home. When they arrived there, the Tunisians raped his mother


Aah, the old some foreigners did something bad so therefore all foreigners and all immigration is bad theory.

Did ya think of that one all by yourself ennazical??