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Vintage Colombian

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor

Sure looks good

Some people like smoking nonpsychoactive CBD, I don't.

Other than the color this flower is like alcohol free beer, odd yet pointless.

red rider


Well-known member
Those CBD golden flowers are looking really great, this type of strains have gone a long way from the hemp it once was. I know someone who works in a CBD shop so i can test some of their offerings and I've been amazed a few times by the terpenes level some buds have. I prefer THC buds but I understand why some want to consume the CBD ones, it offers a nice smoking experience with its great taste but don't affect your their ability to function.
Can you elaborate on the creation process of the CBD plant?

red rider

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ICMag Donor
Haven't tested it but I smelled it and smells pretty good. Not really a "lumbo" smell but nice.
This flower is a harlequin outcross I worked with a few years ago for CCC in zipacon. It's a registered variety hlpc quantified at 28% CBD and.01% THC making it legal for commercial sale and export. It's pretty hemp and not something I would normally take time to grow.
As far as this crazy Gold color, I'd love to tell you some elaborate unique process but actually I didn't do anything special and I'm as surprised. I grew this plant last year at Cielo Azul, harvested and air dried before storing it in a sealed glass jar. The jar was stored in a box under a bed for about ten months,cool and dark. I haven't seen the jar since last October when I put it under a spare bed at my wifes house. I have some CBD flowers around in case someone wants/need nonpsychoactive weed. Normally I don't care for CBD.
So last week I had a lady asking for CBD flower and I went and got the CBD flowers out and found one jar bright Gold. All the other jars of CBD flower looks normal greenish brown. No idea but the color is not something I did intentionally .

Interesting none the less, I would say it's just aged and turned that color but I've got other varieties that old stored under the same conditions that are not Gold.

red rider

red rider

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ICMag Donor
Having doubts about any further work at the Cielo Azul finca. Dude never came by last week and still hasn't given me his new phone number. Not sure what's going on with this guy but I have reason to believe he's hiding out from some people he owes money to. Pure speculation but I'm not interested in any type of contact with this situation. I hate being interrupted in the middle of a grow but so be it, I'll take a break from growing for a short time. Also lossing interest doing any side grows for other people. I'm just chilling for a while till I find the right spot. Unfortunately I still have to go back to Cielo Azul cause I left my tent and microwave there a long with a few other nonessential stuff.
Anyway I tested (smoked) some of the gold colored flower. I'm usually very careful with labels and dates but this Gold is not CBD. The jar itself had no label (odd) but it was with all the CBD stuff, so I don't know what happened. I believe the flower is hash fruit that I grew early 2023 . It's certainly not sativa in either form or fit as it has a delightful hash fruit hit and a hashy taste, like blonde hash. Whatever it is it's not CBD and is really pretty good although heavy.

red rider

red rider

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ICMag Donor
So the other day I run into my Italian buddy downtown. Next thing you know we're sitting at my place and he's rolling a tobacco fortified spiff. He's telling my wife and I about his upcoming trip to Rome for a wedding. We were smoking the seeded RS in the tobacco spiff and it really creeps up on you. He's got a lot to say and keeps the joint a little longer than I like and I got keep reminding him to pass. It's cool and we continue smoking and it kicks in, remembering his last visit my wife offers him an herbal tea. We continue talking now at a much slower pace, my wife returns with a cup of boiling water and an assortment of different flavored tea bags. Just about smoked half the joint by then and he started talking to my wife while sipping on the unflavored hot water. Seeing he drank all the hot water without putting a teabag into it stuck us as hilarious and the three of us burst out in laughter. Like old school sativa high we laughed and laughed, my sober wife totally immersed in it too. After awhile we got over it and he asked if I could give him a bud of the RS for later and I got him a good one. Really nice effect and good stress reliving laughter is a rare experience now days.

Top notch cured Djamba
No grows going on at the moment so plenty of time for smoking sativa.

red rider

red rider

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ICMag Donor

A little Djamba sift, it's really crude (dirty) yet delightfully good just sprinkled on a bowl. I'm not a big fan of scary sativa but the sift seems different and I enjoy it.

Of course the Djamba flower never fails to impress and now with a proper cure. I also find the Djamba pairs well with the local mushrooms. Trippy tropical stuff.

red rider

red rider

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ICMag Donor
NoRed Snake BX 2024

Mid 2014 the master cannabis breeders at Cannabiogen (Spain) made a pure American sativa cross. An exceptional Colombian Punto Rojo from the mountain highlands near Manizales pollinated by a rare heirloom Mexican from the Oaxacan territory. A beautiful pure American sativa cross of the highest quality was created and at first this cross was exclusive. However with time the cross was offered commercially in very limited quantities. Around 2017 the original Red Snake cross was back crossed to the Punto Rojo resulting in Red Snake BX. In 2024 I germinated the last ten RS BX seeds in my possession. The seeds weren't stored property and only two survived which turned out to be a male and female. So I made f2 seeds with this incredible sativa cross.

These plants were started and vegged in containers under mixed light for eight weeks. Flowering outdoor in ground under a crude greenhouse. No nutrients, no insecticides,no chemicals, organic soil and em1 (effective micro organism). 16+ weeks.

The hit:
Looks like old school Punto Rojo, dark green fully seeded sativa flower. Seeds are small and dark, fully mature sativa seed. Very little dry smell, when crushed the smell is unmistakably “classic Colombian” . The taste when smoked is delightful and reminiscent of high quality Colombian export from the 1970s. The smoke is “expando” meaning when first inhaled it's smooth and then explodes causing coughing (and highness). This weed is creeper and very little effect is felt at first and is deceptively potent. After a few minutes the effect starts coming on and is surprising strong. Very “up” stimulating euphoria starts building along with creativity and talkativeness. This uplifting effect builds to a peak, followed with clean afterglow. Red Snake BX is a classic example of high quality Colombian export in my opinion and experience.



red rider


Active member
NoRed Snake BX 2024

Mid 2014 the master cannabis breeders at Cannabiogen (Spain) made a pure American sativa cross. An exceptional Colombian Punto Rojo from the mountain highlands near Manizales pollinated by a rare heirloom Mexican from the Oaxacan territory. A beautiful pure American sativa cross of the highest quality was created and at first this cross was exclusive. However with time the cross was offered commercially in very limited quantities. Around 2017 the original Red Snake cross was back crossed to the Punto Rojo resulting in Red Snake BX. In 2024 I germinated the last ten RS BX seeds in my possession. The seeds weren't stored property and only two survived which turned out to be a male and female. So I made f2 seeds with this incredible sativa cross.

These plants were started and vegged in containers under mixed light for eight weeks. Flowering outdoor in ground under a crude greenhouse. No nutrients, no insecticides,no chemicals, organic soil and em1 (effective micro organism). 16+ weeks.

The hit:
Looks like old school Punto Rojo, dark green fully seeded sativa flower. Seeds are small and dark, fully mature sativa seed. Very little dry smell, when crushed the smell is unmistakably “classic Colombian” . The taste when smoked is delightful and reminiscent of high quality Colombian export from the 1970s. The smoke is “expando” meaning when first inhaled it's smooth and then explodes causing coughing (and highness). This weed is creeper and very little effect is felt at first and is deceptively potent. After a few minutes the effect starts coming on and is surprising strong. Very “up” stimulating euphoria starts building along with creativity and talkativeness. This uplifting effect builds to a peak, followed with clean afterglow. Red Snake BX is a classic example of high quality Colombian export in my opinion and experience.
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red rider
looks amazing!

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yesterday evening I had a surprise visit from my mushroom cultivating friend Camilo and his lovely wife Ledi. Camilo "said" he would be stopping by my house Friday and I was surprised that he actually did.

Very pleasant surprise except I don't usually have visitors in in the evening. But they came into the kitchen cause my wife was teaching a class in the other room. I broke out the now cured RS and sat down at the kitchen table with them. I was happy to see them since it had been awhile and only had one visit with his wife. Camilo started talking on his phone and I gave Ledi a nice flower of the RS to examine while I started breaking a bud down for rolling.

As she was checking out the bud I was telling her about the lineage of this fine herb. The smell from the flower I was crushing up startled filling the air in the little kitchen, like perfume. As usual I'm doing all the the talking but she mentions the delicious dry smell of the flower as I finish up the unfiltered joint. I don't know her as well as I do Camilo but she knows and loves real mountain grown sativa, so I give her the unlit joint for the first hit. All this time I'm telling them the details and qualities of the variety we are about to consume. She took a dry hit for taste and then put fire to it. As I mentioned earlier this stuff expanse in the lungs big time and despite my warning she took too much and started coughing. She passes the joint to Camilo and he does the same thing coughing along with her. My wife comes into the kitchen to remind me she still teaching the class in the other room. So we chill taking shallow hits and speaking quietly, trying to be cool at least until the class is over and students out of the house. I'm really enjoying talking to Ledi because she seems really interested and now engaging in the conversation as the weed slowly starts taking effect. The students finally leave and I break out the bong. Camilo is speaking with my wife and I'm not really paying attention to them as I pack a bowl for Ledi. I spark a flame and she hits the bong. I don't know if it's just cause she not familiar with my bong or bongs in general but she takes the entire bowl and doesn't clear the chamber.

So I tell her to clean the bong and she does and of course strats coughing again with a vengeance. And for some reason I look at Camilo and we start laughing, not so much at her but how friggin high we suddenly were. Soon we were all laughing , my sober wife even joined in when asking what we were laughing at. It was a good time and once we were able to stop my wife mentioned our session with David the Italian guy. I gave them a little bud for later and they went for a pizza ( David's pizzeria is right up the street from my house). Before leaving they told me that they love the Sativa I grow and thanked me for the session. I gave them a farewell hug and thanked them for stopping by and that they are always welcome. Although short it was a great visit and I'm looking forward to future sessions with these guys.

red rider

red rider

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ICMag Donor
I like things I can understand, simple things that make sense. From genetics, regenitive organic soil, no chemicals period and of course high altitude tropical outdoor cultivation. I'm not too concerned with flower time or yield, focused only on the my perspective of quality. The result of my consistent tactics is what I consider the highest quality cannabis flower.
I have nothing to prove or "market" what do is by me,for me. So other than a very few select "friends" no one other than myself samples my work. Like many of us here on icmag I have a passion for long flowering tropical plants. Not saying I don't like my hybrids and fat leafed plants grown outdoors high in the Colombian mountains.

I smoke the cured flowers, all day everyday and might seem excessive to most folks but it's my lifestyle like it or not. Keeping a variety of cured flowers in rotation keeps tolerance at bay. Like most of us I love flower, however I like something different as well. Hashish water extract and or dry sift. To me fine tropical sativa gently separated and pressed correctly is a delicacy like no other. Here's some sativa bubble from past washings.
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Beautiful pre planed Malawi Haze X SMG sativa bubble.
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Santa Marta Gold (cultivated in Bogota) full melt prepressed bubble. Simply incredible stuff.
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I can't make enough of this stuff it's so good as can be imagined.
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Worked to perfection quality only improves with age (so I'm told).
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Rare Colombian sativa hashish a humble offering that never leaves the farm

red rider

red rider

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ICMag Donor
I've must reintegrate that the bubble pictures in my above post are sadly memories now. At the moment I'm currently without hashish. In fact other than the crop I left at Celio Azul I don't have anything growing now, nor do I even have a planned location yet. I've only got a little head stash from earlier harvests this year in very limited quantities. So I'm on strict nations until I can get going again hopefully before the end of 2024. Being optimistic as possible I hope be able to wash some fresh sativa flower next spring/summer, hopefully. Until then it's djamba and Red Snake and if I get anything from the finca I'll have my new hybrid (rhino diesel X Michoacán x Oaxaca) and the Jamaican Blue mountain.

Sierra Leone (Djamba) is still a treat although not my favorite (why I still have a lot of it) . Living back in town with the family doesn't allow me as much time day smoking like I had at the finca.

Calm and cool
red rider

red rider

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ICMag Donor
The other day I was speaking with a couple local guys that grow (outdoors) and we started talking about a "cannabis tasting". Earlier this year I went to one and even though I would do it differently, I thought it was a great idea. These guys have a couple locations that would be perfect to hold a mulitable day event. As well as providing a safe secure environment with legal permission from the local government. I explained that such an event (international) would be alot of work and time to organize. Not sure if I'd want to get involved but it was fun fantasy planning.
I wrote a bare proposal just kinda thinking about it.

Colombian cannabis international tasting

Location: Paipa Boyacá Colombia

Date: pending

A four day all inclusive legal cannabis event. This event is not a cannabis cup or competition, everyone who participates is a winner.
Colombia's top private cultivators with their best current offerings including Colombian sun grown tropical sativa genetics from Colombia, Mexico, Jamaica, Malawi, Sierra Leone and central America. Taste and experience pure tropical sativa genetics grown 100% organically in the Colombian mountains.

Original Colombian genetics remastered
Colombian sun grown organics
Global tropical sativa remastered (pure)
New Colombian hybrid genetics

Traditional hashish
Fresh frozen live rosin

Reservations include:
Transportation* to and from the event
Accommodations* (at or near the event)
Food & beverage*
All category tasting
Gifts and prizes

Tasting protocol:
Clean well lit and ventilated tasting area (tables with comfortable upright sitting).
Start early as possible
Start the day with moderate potency and work in potency through the day.
Six varieties per day
One variety per hour
Grower or grower's representative should introduce the variety (translated).
Before tasting, the cannabis sample is given a genetic description and cultivation tactic as well as the growers opinion of the variety. After tasting the sample (pure joint only) participants should fill out a general questionnaire during intermission. (Optional)
Intermission between varieties
Total hours tasting time per day 8
Serve fresh local fruit, high quality local coffee, local cacao,tea water before and during the tasting. Avoid alcohol until after the official tasting hours to take full value of samples. Coffee enhances the cannabis experience and keeps the tasting focused.
The event should not be in any way a competition but still an evaluation and reignition should be acknowledged to a variety that stands out (if there should be one).

Once tasting has started abstinence is recommended to ensure that only the sample is evaluated.

Day one:
Airport connection and bus to accomodations. Welcome to Colombia cocktail and orientation meeting.
Then relax and acclimate to the altitude with a preview sample pack of Colombian Gold flower and Jamaican black gum hashish (nightcap). Supper and snacks

Day two:
5:40AM sunrise pre breakfast coffee wake and bake (Muisca sativa joint) optional

9:00 AM Breakfast, traditional Colombian fare with fresh local fruit coffee/chocolate

10:00 AM Transport to event. Abstaining from smoking cannabis before first tasting. (Optional)

11:00 First taste: Mexican sativa (Michoacán y Oaxaca) served fresh mango slices and agua panela. One ½ gram fresh ground flower joint pee taster.

12:00 PM Jamaican Blue Mountain sativa

1:00 PM Hawaiian Big Island sativa

2:00 PM Lunch

3:00 PM Djamba (Sierra Leone) sativa

4:00PM Hand pressed Dry sift (Malawi x PR)

5:00 PM Malawi x Haze bubble rosin

6:30 PM Supper/open bar

8:00 PM Local bars and nightclubs (couples dancing)

11:00 PM Late night spa/jacuzzi shroom experience

Day Three:
5:45 AM Sunrise pre breakfast wake and bake with coffee.

9:00 AM Breakfast

Tasting offerings in order: Day Two

Red Snake bx sativa (Punto Rojo x Oaxaca)
Samora F1 sativa hybrid
Oaxaca sativa
Malawi sativa (cob)
Santa Marta Gold pressed bubble
Mangobiche fresh frozen low temp rosin

6:30 PM Supper and open bar

9:00 PM cannabis oil massage and late snack (cannabis infused pizza and garlic bread)

Day Four:
5:45 AM Sunrise pre breakfast wake and bake (SMG with PR dry sift joint)

8:30 AM Bus
transport to BOG (Colombian fresh frozen live rosin vape)

1:00 PM Departure flight

red rider


Well-known member
You got me confused with the pool shroom experience at 11 pm and then a 545 am wake up. Maybe the cannabis oil massage could go in with the pool shroom experience;) sounds interesting.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Well made my last trip to Cielo Azul finca last Sunday. It was a very disappointing experience as the situation has really deteriorated since the owners returned. I had an agreement with the guy and he's not done one thing he said he was going to do. Long story but I'm not dealing with it anymore and went up and got the rest of my personal things. He wasn't there but I asked his wife if I could see the plants in the greenhouse, she said yes. All the plants were except the three JBM which were close were finished. The hybrids and the over ripe Rd were just the way I left them. I was really pressed for time but I cut as many flowers as I could (the best ones) and stuffed them into my jacket. I couldn't get much but at least a good sample from each plant. The rest is the finca owners even if it rots in the ground, I'm done there. The weed was super sticky and pungent,the taxi driver was not happy so I gave him a little extra. It's time to start the house scouting process and start again hopefully in a better location.

red rider

red rider

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ICMag Donor

This is a Red Death that's been in flower since April. It was still putting out new growth but starting to rot in other parts. Really strange plant but at the same time incredible hit. It's pure sativa but hits really hard, heavy narcotic yet delightful. Good head stash till I can get going again.

I like the smell and taste although it creeps up if I burn a lot of it and a siesta is in order. Interesting and different, a diversion from the RS and Djamba.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hammond Louisiana 1995

August of 1995 I found myself in a good financial situation and I decided to take a road trip for a week. I was living and working in NE Georgia and a girlfriend (6 years) , we decided to drive to South Texas to visit my mother and step Dad. I got everything set up in late July for a seven day holiday road trip in August. Put new tires and tune up on the car, everything was set except one critical element,weed. It was dry in my area at that time and all I could get was a quarter of pretty shitty brick. And I was paranoid about driving through the deep South with any weed but I had to have something for the holiday. So I rolled a couple joints for the two day drive to Texas and the rest I hide in the car. The day finally came and my girlfriend and I headed out for Texas super early in the morning. I was driving and by afternoon we had made it to Louisiana and I wanted to stop for the night and get some food and sleep for another early morning. We stopped at a holiday inn in Hammond and checked into a room. My girl was super hungry and called room service while i smoked a little of the shit weed I'd brought. Better than nothing and we waited on the food, after an hour of waiting my now very pissed off girlfriend took the car to find some fast food. I sat there on the hotel bed and I kept getting wisp's of “skunk” smell. I knew it wasn't the weed I was smoking. The room was kinda dark even with the lights on but the more I sniffed the more I could smell unmistakably skunk. Got on my hands and knees with a flashlight and on the floor under the head of the bed was a black 35mm plastic film canister. I never felt so lucky in my life when I opened the canister and my nose was assaulted with the most pungent road kill skunk aroma. The weed was neon green with red hairs running through it and the canister was stuffed full of sticky freshly compressed bud. My girlfriend returned with the food and told me she could smell it outside in the parking lot and I hadn't even burnt any yet. I was so happy to find it and although I didn't weigh it there was more than enough for the trip. I tried just a couple hits and was surprised at how potent it was (my tolerance was really low). I had no idea what kind of weed it was or where it was grown but I always wanted to believe it was some Louisiana swamp weed on it's way to New Orleans.
Super happy to find the fire I was also more paranoid driving with it through the South. But pushed through and soon we were on the beach in South Padre island. I was sitting by my car on the beach when I smelled somebody smoking up. I followed my nose and found a couple guys sharing a joint right up the beach. They were from Mexico and just came up for a day on the beach. I hit their weed and although not disappointing it was nowhere near the quality I had found in Hammond. We drank a couple beers and I packed a bowl. I gave the unlit pipe and a lighter to the dude standing next to me and he passed me a bottle of mescal. I didn't say anything as dude sparked up the pipe and then the secret was out. The unmistakable skunk aroma filled the air and I told them the story about the skunk I found. As we smoked and drank it was an exceptional experience being so high on the beach. They gave me some of their bud in gratitude for my sharing of such fine bud. High point of the trip for sure.


red rider

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