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Vintage Colombian

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Here we are middle of August and still no word on the return of the finca owner. Not really worried about it because I'm still doing my thing here.

New cows in town, the farmers put the electric fence a little close to my greenhouse door. However there's plenty of room to open the door. It's good to keep the vegetation down close to the greenhouse but now I'm starting to see slug damage again.

I took a little lower branch from the odd Rd that's still growing. It's very sticky and pungent, with the aroma of gasoline. Strange (undesirable) flower morphology yet covered in tricombs.

I'll dry it and try it, there's a 50% chance it's killer smoke or not.

This group of Kahunas (Muisca x Hawaiian) is slated for the greenhouse in September and hopefully finishing around Christmas. High expectations for these babies.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The rotation brought me back to the now well cured Djamba. I guess it's been about three weeks since our last encounter.

This one has a very old school smell and taste, like fine leather. This creeps and is deceptively potent and long lasting. However it's not the hit I'm looking for, it's kinda edgy. At first it's fun and motivational but then gets more intense and uncomfortable. Other people seem to enjoy this effect and sometimes I do too but not very often. When I smoked out the growers at the CBD finca last week they loved it. Different tones for different phones.

red rider


ICMag Donor
The rotation brought me back to the now well cured Djamba. I guess it's been about three weeks since our last encounter.
View attachment 19049077
This one has a very old school smell and taste, like fine leather. This creeps and is deceptively potent and long lasting. However it's not the hit I'm looking for, it's kinda edgy. At first it's fun and motivational but then gets more intense and uncomfortable. Other people seem to enjoy this effect and sometimes I do too but not very often. When I smoked out the growers at the CBD finca last week they loved it. Different tones for different phones.

red rider
That looks incredible. Absolutely delicious.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor

Cielo Azul
I never get tired of the view, goes well with coffee and weed.

We seem to have a cow coalition or some type of gathering. They're just calves destin to be gentle dairy cows. I really appreciate their grass eating skills, they do a good job.

This is the strange phenotype of the Rd. I've got to give credit where credit is due and this Red Death is top quality sativa. The breeder (my neighbor) really hit the mark with this one. I've grown several phenotypes and had some he grew (indoor/outdoor) and all good to excellent. I prefer Rd from my greenhouse but all are very good sativa.
Even the odd one has a hit that is remarkablely good.

Overall this is my favorite second only to the Kamora F3 and it's close.

Fresh clipping from another Rd phenotype, it gets better everyday.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The last few days we've had a high pressure dome with bright blue skies. Extremely dry (perfect for dry sifting) and low temps at night. Nice and sunny but windy, really high winds.

Ever since it was dry enough, I've been smoking this Rd exclusively. Morning, noon and night I like this one.

Cheers from the land of blue skies!

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Well I was just joking, as you know I have a plant count that I maintain. So in this current situation I can't legally back up every seed plant. And I like the variety of seed plants cause I get bored with it by the time I run it once or twice.

But I do like this one

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor

Really enjoying the high altitude view and the weather. Been kinda windy in the afternoon but still nice.

The JBM is coming along nicely and appears to be a female.

The other two JBM are still pretty small but growing quickly.

Mutant phenotype
My little hybrids seem to be a perfect balance of Indica/sativa.

So it's business as usual here at rio arba.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
As things go, one door closes and ten doors open. The project at finca cielo Azul is over and I'm not planning to even finish the plants I was growing there. I feel a little disappointed but I knew my stay was very temporary there. The situation with the fincas owners isn't of interest to me and I'm just going to close out there. The owners want me to continue to grow there but I'm not interested. So I'm not planning any new personal grows until I get set up in my new place. In the meantime I've got a couple grows for other people but only legal count (20). But I'm only doing a service on these private grows for a fee, no partnerships. So let's see next week when I start the next grow in yet another location in the Colombian mountains.

The best is yet to come 🫴

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Nope, at this point I've had to abandon the Jamaicans and the hybrids. I don't know, the plan was to keep growing there but I don't think the fincas owners want to. So I got to start over else where but I have some other issues with the owners and I hope I can get all my equipment out of the house there. Long story but yeah lost the last crop at Cielo Azul or at least it seems that way at the moment. I don't want to go into detail but the guys a dick and I just want to move on (with all my equipment,he can have the plants). It's a stressful situation that's still evolving.

Here's a story from 42 years ago:
Home sweet home 1982

As I recall Colombian import marijuana was around for me (USA) about eight years. Not all the Colombian I saw was great, only three or four examples were incredible and over the years some were even bad.But in general overall my Colombian experience in the seventies and eighties was good.

Late February 1982 the army and I mutually agreed to separate and I was provided air transport from Germany (West) to Ft Jackson for final out processing. On the sixteen hour flight I met or remet a dude named Allen who was in my battalion but in a different company. He was a grunt getting out on a medical discharge. I had smoked with this guy on maneuvers a few months before. We sat together on the plane back to the world and he told me he was going to Phoenix. We checked out of the army together at Ft Jackson SC and got a bus ticket to DFW where I was going. Dressed our in civilian clothes, we desperately wanted some weed. At the bus station in Columbus SC we immediately got ripped off trying to score. Dude was slick giving is a couple hits off a good joint then selling us an unseen bag of lawn clippings. So we bought a bottle of Southern comfort and began the 3 day bus trip to Texas. All the way I'm telling (bragging) to Allen about my cousin that sells the best bud and knows the sexiest women. All the great party's and cool places. So Allen was ready for a party when we finally got to the bus station in Dallas. Almost immediately after arriving at my mom's house we borrowed her car and went straight to my cousin's apartment. I was glad to see him as it had been a few years since I'd been gone. Things had changed and it seemed my cousin Bill was in a bit of a ruff patch. His apartment was run down to say the least and he was stealing electricity from the apartment next door. But he had weed and could get some for us. So mom gave me $50 and I gave it to Bill for a good bag of lumbo he said was “mersh” short for commercial. Bill said it was $45 an ounce and it was Colombian but he had something else (Mexican red hair sinsemilla) that was not available. The red hair Bill had was good tasty Mexican grown seedless, I remember its sweet taste. When bill returned with the ounce I felt like a fool, $45 bucks and the bag was light, nowhere near an ounce. Allen looked at the bag with pity and pretended to like it. But I could tell he knew it was shit. It smelled like lumbo but it looked gray (mold) and full of seeds. Thinking looks don't matter. We rolled a joint, my first experience with a bad Colombian. It smelled worse burnt (like wet burnt carpet)and provided an instant headache and a depressing feeling that got worse with more smoking. It was terrible and embarrassing after all my bragging to Allen about how great the weed was in my hometown. The next day we took Allen to the bus station for his trip back to Phoenix. As I said goodbye he gave me his half of the shitty lumbo saying he could wait until he got home for some decent weed. Never saw or heard from Allen again but I bet he told everybody in Phoenix how shitty the weed was in Dallas. For me Colombian was available for the next three years but the quality went down hill quickly. Sinsemilla (domestic and Mexican import) along with indica took over as the Colombian slowly faded away.

red rider


Well-known member
Sorry to hear it, but you have good energy for your work thats better enjoyed in a place more controlled by you i think. Like the dog situation before... Glad a new door is waiting im excited for your new grounds to plant!. :) and closer to the fam. Glad you got as much as you did in and out of the ground there at the finca. Cool chapter.

And always love the old stories!
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red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Good news, I went and saw the plants at Cielo Azul yesterday. Without going into boring details, the situation with the fincas owners is painfully complicated. Anyway my ten kahuna plants that have been vegging since June looked good after a week. And the greenhouse plants a side from some moderate slug damage, look good. So I'm still going to finish these plants at this finca,just not living there. We'll see how it goes.
Last week I was downtown Paipa when I'm suddenly being hugged by our friend David. This guy is from Rome Italy and owns some high end restaurants in Paipa and the next town. I guess David is in his 40s and does a lot of sports and overall busy guy. He mentioned that he was trying to connect with some weed. I hadn't smoked with him in over a year when I only had some crippi. So my wife and I invite him to our little house in Paipa (where I live now) for a coffee and a joint. This guy is funny and intense to say the least but we enjoy his exuberant h. We sit down and he's talking about the killer hash he got in Europe and I quietly pack a bowl of RS in my Hawaiian glass. I'm enjoying his story and slide the pipe and lighter to him. Of course he's too busy talking to notice the pipe at first (coffee was a bad idea). Then he pauses for oxygen and sees the pipe. He snatches it up and takes a huge hit, much more than I do. He blows out a billow of pungent cannabis smoke. After coughing for an undetermined amount of time he was totally different. Very quiet,much calmer and only one hit, he never touched the pipe again in this session. I don't think he was expecting the weed to be this potent. We hang out for a while and then he gets ready to take off. I turn him on to a few grams of flower. Of course he's overly happy and I'm looking forward to seeing him at his restaurant. This guy is a crazy character that's a must meet if you ever come this way.

My last picture from the observation deck. I'm sure I'll be back up there but it's time to move on. I'm still looking for what consider the optimal growing location. Really I want to be just a smidge lower in altitude, like 2000m. Anyway it was yet another learning experience growing outdoors in Colombia.

I'm planning on a short break from personal plants for a few months. Unless something catastrophic happens I'll harvest a few plants at Cielo Azul in the meantime lots RS flowers.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That Gold color is rare here now days, that flower is a CBD hybrid that I was working on in Zipacon. Rare none the less and pretty high CBD (no THC). Nonpsychoactive weed is easier to licence and register so a lot of folks grow it legally.

These are from registered clones that are certified NONPSYCHOACTIVE.

Nice looking stuff though and all regenitive organic cultivation no chemicals. Legal for export.
I have been in the Muisca jar thats been sealed since April. I carefully selected the best flowers just for this time of year.

I knew by September I'd be living in town and this fantastic sativa would come in handy.

The flavor has settled into a delightful sweet lumbo taste that is incredibly familiar. Sweet musky incense fills the room nicely.

The smoke is deceptively smooth and hides the potency. It comes on rather quickly, brightening the mood and elevating euphoria. Nice crisp high that's clear and slightly motivational. I like this one morning or mid day because it doesn't linger, clean finish.

red rider

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