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VaporTek Optimum 4000

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya GreenMoe! Man, thanks much for the links!!! When I checked out the Vaportec - forget where online I originally looked - I didn't notice anything smaller than the 4000. That's great man, and opens up this as an option for folks with smaller grows like yours.

I guess size is all in the eyes of the beholder :wink: The tallest I can grow the plants without burning them on the light is around 28", not a micro cab but not very tall either.

Thanks again for the correction on the Vaportec products!


What is the safest US store to order one of these babies from

What is the safest US store to order one of these babies from

So ultimatly, where is the safest place (in the US) to order a Vaportek 4000, using ones personnal credit card and having the device delivered to your house?

So far my options seem to be The Grow Store and Vaportek themselves...

Any help would be appreciated.

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
I found out these are used for odor control by a lot of folks, musty homes and buildings, hospitals, etc so I don't think it's a big red flag showing a grow, but that's JMHO... :pointlaug


Active member
Any of you guys heard about this one?
2 speed settings, 3month refills, and less than 1/2 the price of the 4000. It is described as a Vaportek but i cannot see this model on the vaportek website, maybe its the newer version of the "EZ twist"? Anywayz, gonna test it out, hopefully it will take care of the smell of my 3 bitches, ill let u know when i have it.
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Active member
ok, so ive had mine for over a year now, i dont use it anymore, its sorta junk if you have alot of air moving, its better for sealed rooms it seems like to me. i meen dont get me wrong, it works, just not well enough, i scrapped the thing for a carbon scrubber, works wonders, i might still use the vapotek for the house itself cause we forgot to clean out the fridge again :)


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
I remember this old thread...The new grow shop I use has one on the shelf..even smaller than I expected..
Seems if you're exhausting directly outdoors..a carbon canister filter on the intake of that exhaust would be a better solution..or combo solution with the V4000..
V4000 seems perfect for clearing up the room..or nearby rooms..
I walked into a friends house and told him, "I can smell your grow"..you might not notice the smell after awhile as your nose becomes immune..
It was over-powering..he said "really"..
I had another friend..was at his house and I said.."I smell weed growing" ..this was a secret to everybody..he said "well I cooked brussell sprouts last night.."
I said "bet they were good, but there is weed growing in here..I would say within 15 feet of me"..he fessed up and showed me the grow..
He said, "I can't believe you can smell that..." ..I knew the instant I walked in..
When I can afford one I'll get a V4000..especially for the winter when smells linger and foilage is dormant outside..
Right now outside is covered with plants and flowers..fruit trees..so the smell is well masked..in the winter you can smell someones dryer from 50 yards..
Just food for thought.. :wave:


So true Pack. I planted a lilac bush outside my window this year for masking purposes. In the meantime I have the V4000 and it is very nice if you use it in an airlock configuration. I need to get a new cartridge though. The one I have is jacked up to 8 right now.

Has anyone else noticed odor is much stronger right after lights go on and off? That is the worst time at my house, in the morning especially when the HID goes off. The plants must do some secreting or something... that and maybe it has to do with morning dew and higher humidity? thoughts?


Active member
I just read this entire thread from beginning to end. A year later, some people have decided they're less than satisfied with the product. A question for those who've been using the VTek for awhile: do you think it would work in a grow room that's about 9' x 13'? I'm going to be doing a 72-plant SOG, and my first strain will be White Widow--a real stinker. I'm attracted to the Vaportek but don't want to spring for one if it's not consistently effective over the long haul.


NPK - IMO, it works great IF you are committed to having a fresh cartridge around AND you are committed to having an airlock setup. I personally have never used one in a room as big as yours, but I do grow the stinkiest strains around and it covers just fine. Hopefully, a large scale grower can chime in on your dimensions.

The cartridges are $40 each minimum, so it is an ongoing cost. With a room your size I would think you might want to have a couple things running, maybe an adjacent ozone generator. I dont have a problem with ozone.


Active member
steelers, thanks for the feedback. I would consider an airlock setup if it's more effective, and I do happen to have an ozone generator...I'm going to be venting into the garage, so maybe I'll run it in there.

Would love to hear from anyone who's used one of these in a mid-sized or larger grow, too.


Although I dont have the experience ... I would assume packin's word to make the most sense.

Seal the room - but with an intake and exhaust - hook a scrubber up to the exhaust and use the vtek outside of the sealed area in order to mask anything that creeps out.

But again I dont have the experience so i'll shut my trap now.

~ Dream


Active member
In small grows of say 15 or less flowering plants in a small area, say no more than 5 x 7, they work great, no need for anything else. Beyond that, I'm not sure, never used one in a bigger area or grow than what I mentioned.....


Active member
Seems like it might be worth a shot if run in conjunction with an ozone generator. It would be nice not to have to run yet another noisy fan (with a carbon scrubber), plus it would cost less than purchasing those two items. I'll probably end up getting one of the Vaporteks...glad this thread got bumped up!

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