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VaporTek Optimum 4000


Active member
these things still going for under $200 from vaportek? i was looking into a $200 6" vortex + $100 carbon filter setup.. i always thougth these vaportek things were up near $4xx, $5xx, $6xx.. $200 seems like an amazing price for something that covers 20,000 sq ft. i have like 1100 to cover.


O ordered mine from Colker janitorial for 99 dollars,the number is in this thread


Jeeze I hate when you write a long PM thanking somebody and singing praises about their erb only to find out after typing for 20 minutes that their TOO FUCKIN GOOD or something to take PMs.Pffff


Active member
damn sekletor, just ordered and they charged me 140 bucks a piece, you got a good deal, so far you light it huh? what did you figure out as far as balancing 1 unit between the flower room and the cure/drying room. Whats working out for you ?


I got the 4000 for the flower room and the vaportronic for the cure room,no problems any more.Its been a little more than a month and I noticed a smell it seems worse in the middle of the night when lights are off,I think I have to turn it up or change carts.I doubt a 120 day cart actually lasts 120 days


Active member
A '120-day cart' lasts about about 100 days on level '2'.
A '120-day cart' lasts about about 80 days on level '4'.
A '120-day cart' lasts about about 30 days on level '8'.
Vaportek does not effect taste or smell when used inside the flower room.

Also, also take the 'used' carts and place a 3" fan,facing DOWN,into the cartridge.
This will give you 2-3 more weeks of cost-free,heavy (unadjustable) anti-stink coverage,at an approximate 'VTek 4000 level' of '6'....stretching your value-per-buck even further.


. . . .


Has anybody actually figured out how these things work? Is it actually removing the smell molecules from the air ? If so, how? Otherwise, is this a masking agent or does it somehow num your smell receptacles somehow?


It is a masking agent,but I've noticed if dialed in correctly,you shouldnt have a "perfumy" smell much at all,just a sort of clean odor thats hard to describe.I'm definately so sold with it,Ive got huge cindy's and ice,blockhead and blueberry all sorts of stinky flowering goodies and man you cant smell a thing.I was most concerned with the odor in the front yard,but hell you cant even smell it in the living room!Definately the way to go when carbon scrubbers arent viable to the plan


Traktor driver
Well for me they were deffinate overkill, now to get rid of the 2 units I have. :chin:

Not the kind of thing I wanna put up on eBay. :biglaugh:


Huh?If anyone can connect one of these units to illicit MJ growing they would have to be totally psychic or something,I wouldnt give a second thought to selling them anywhere if I didnt want them.What size room do you have thats its overkill?Mine is only 8 by 8 and I usually have the unit on 2.


Traktor driver
No room but a cab in my cellar, having the unit on 1 makes the whole hallway stink, which is the hallway all neighbours use aswell, not good at all. :D


Stink?Are you using classic neutral carts?I dont get it man mine sure wouldnt stink one 1,2 is the lowest setting I would ever use.Well sorry its not working out for you man


Active member
just got mine today.... seems to be working great, placed 1 in the garage where it's venting to and 1 in the room.. they are both set on like 1/2 .

I'll have a better understanding tomorrow if it's working or not since after spending time there today there's no way of knowing if i just got used to the smell or if it actually went away.


You'll be singing the praises of vaportek today fuzy,or I'll be one surprised son of a bilch,I dont have odor issues any longer period


a left ma vaportek off yeterday so a could see the difference or smell a should say. when a came home this morning there was a definate grass smell, now its under control, but a think the best solution for me could be inside the grow space, any smell that comes out if any will be vaportek. big thumbs up from me


Active member
Skeletor, how did you get the $99 price?

Also, how does the vaportronic compare to this thing? I have a large grow with 6000 watts so I am guessing I should go for the 4000. I do have a sealed room and I was sorta thinking with my scrubber inside the room and the vaportronic outside the room that this would work well.