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VaporTek Optimum 4000


check Colker Janitorial Supply in Pgh, PA. They will ship and are the lowest price I have found for the unit. I think it was 140... The refills were 40 last time i got one.

I tell them we have a dog breeding business, although it is not necessary to have an excuse.

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New member
Colker Janitorial Supply definately has the best prices I've come accross. Been looking for a good solution to my cabinet grow and decided to go this route for stealth. Just called them at 412-391-1955 and the unit is $135 and the 60 day refills are $41 and their shipping is pretty cheap, said about 7-10 to ship to me.


thanks for the info. I have been looking at oine to add with my ozone 3. along with a scrubber i should have no worries
packn2puff said:
I walked into a friends house and told him, "I can smell your grow"..you might not notice the smell after awhile as your nose becomes immune..
It was over-powering..he said "really"..
I had another friend..was at his house and I said.."I smell weed growing" ..this was a secret to everybody..he said "well I cooked brussell sprouts last night.."
I said "bet they were good, but there is weed growing in here..I would say within 15 feet of me"..he fessed up and showed me the grow..
He said, "I can't believe you can smell that..." ..I knew the instant I walked in..

I hate brussell sprouts

no really, I had more to say.

It's funny how the Nose becomes accustomed to what your around the most. I only had three very small plants growing in a back bedroom and those plants smelled up the whole house. As soon as I hit the front door I smelled it :yoinks: but after I came in, it seemed to disappear. I bought an ozone generator that would only increase the Ozone to 4ppm but you could smell that as soon as you hit the front door. I believe the Ozone messed up my nose and kept me sick with a cough. Gone now though and I feel much better.

Vaportec referred me to a local Janitorial company. The woman that answered the phone didn't know about them but someone told her they had them for $250 bucks :yoinks: . Whatever suggested retail is. Seemed like they didn't carry it in stock. Way too much $$$ :moon: . I didn't even ask if it came with a cartridge...

Colker Janitorial Supply sounds like the place to call.
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I been using the 4000 since last spring, and it is awsome, except when I open my barn door the whole valley smells like it... not ganj..... but the neutralizer! ANY odd smell brings attenttion!!! so i found it is best to use a smell similar to the area, and to carbon scrub the air ventting out, AND to only visit the room around 3 am... smell = zero!! I just wish I had found those web sites to buy from rather than having to be grilled by the company over the phone.... but now they know me, and keep my card on file and I just have to call in the order and hang up.... ssweeet!!!!


Active member
Be sure that you buy FRESH cartriges when you're off to the shop.
MANY stores sell OLD carts,and they simply DO NTO WORK.
Fresh VTek catrs will cover the smell of decaying human flesh,these units are no joke.
You dial them in only until you can't smell ANYTHING.
You shouldn't smell the cartrige,at all,except an occaisional whiff.
I have a single VTek4000 in 1100sf house with more plants than anybody sane should have,and it covers the stink,101%.
Skeptics can be skeptics,but I can tell you,with about twenty years experience,that if you run sealed rooms,the VTek's the only way to go.
'Classic Neutral',imho,works best,and always get 120-day carts.



Hey Rez if I use the vaprtek in my 8 by 8 flower room,will it also cover the smell of my 8 by 8 "cure" room where I hang my plants right next to it or will I need two units?


There's a wall between the two rooms lol,that would be a trick!I'm getting one though for sure,the hydrofarm ionizer's seem to work..somewhat..for awhile kindaPS Rez your ECSD V3 was about the best indoor pot I've grown to date and I've grown a lot of high dollar strains,just a tad better than my blockhead pheno but thats ready in 50 days,that 75-80 days was just too long for me being the money grubbing bastard that I've become.
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Has anyone ordered from Colker Janitorial Supply? What was the service like? Fast and curtious? Did they give you any hassles? Asking questions about what your using it for?
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Mr. Nevermind

Ordinary Joe said:
Has anyone ordered from Colker Janitorial Supply? What was the service like? Fast and curtious? Did they give you any hassles? Asking questions about what your using it for?

Tell them its for your garage. You can say you do car repair. Or have a painting business and want the reduce fumes.Or tell them you are a dog breeder and need it for basememt . Something along those lines



Well I just got off the phone with Greg the pres. of Colker Jan supply,what a deal 99.00 for the optimum 4000.The classic neutral 120 carts are 46.15 ea.,thanks Rez.By the way your sour diesel is the best erb I've grown from any seedbank bar none and I've grown out probably over a dozen 150 dollar strains,good job!


Colker is a great place to get these. I got mine there a couple years ago. They have the best prices as far as I can tell and will ship if you cant go to the shop or whatever. There are many excuses... They are sometimes shocked to think that a normal person knows about vtek, that is the impression I get. I tell them I was referred to it by someone else in my "line of business" but you could always say your wife has 4 cats and the litter box area is terrible. They also sell them to nursing homes, industrial cleanups, kennels. The place is an industrial janitorial supply shoppe.

a good excuse could be that you took a lot of water damage and your basement smells of terrible mildew.

they do stock the extended life cartridge and the regular life. there is not much difference in price so i suggest asking for the extended if they have it in.
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Does this Colker group have a website??? ive tried googleing it.... with no results

***EDIT*** or is there another website that i can order easily from??

All i see on these other sites is "Email for Pricing"
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Active member
order it direct from the manufacturer.
tell them you have mold in your basement. noone gives a fuck less you tell them the truth, you dont even really need a excuse, just tell em you want it and if they want your money then it dosnt matter if you use it to piss in or bake brownies they'll fuckin send it.


btw, a carbon scrubber is prolly better, i have both, i prefer the scrubber much more.


Hey JB - I dont think they have a website. It is a small storefront with a warehouse attached to it. I have been in there before. I am not in that area anymore and have moved to ordering via the phone. It's a stand up place, just not internet friendly I guess which is odd. Who knows they may have a site but I cant find it either. There are probably other sites but the cost seems to be a lot higher... I havent looked recently. It can all be done over the phone in 5 minutes. Make up a fake company name and call them. Like JB Enterprises or something.

Alex - VTEK says they only sell via distributor. Did you order yours directly from them? I had called there in the past and they always want to put you in touch with a vendor, but it did seem there was a slight chance to order direct if none of the vendors were convenient or would ship. At least that is the impression I got.

I like the vtk better than scrubber because it is silent. you do have to replace the carts... but scrubbers wear out too. Ozone is also an effective option.


Active member
I just called em up and they sent me one, im 99% sure it was direct from them, i have the box still somewhere with junk in it, ill look tonight.
i think for my situation it just wasnt going to work out, im not denying it works tho, just not with the current setup ;)



Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
I ordered my Optima 4000 right from VaporTek... I told them I have eight cats, a wife that smokes and likes to cook with curry and I want a general purpose odor control unit.

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