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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The only proof of that happening is the testimony of an admitted liar and thief.

Not that any of this really matters much. Biden and trump both worship Israel.
They don't really worship Israel, Israel has been an important strategic location for American Foreign Policy and National Security from the days we first helped Israel to reclaim their ancestral homeland. Now clearlly you made that comment because you don't like what has ben happening to the Palestinian people. Welcome to the club, there are few if any nations that like what's going on. We've done what we can to get Israel to stand down on the aggression but at the end of the day Israel is deffending itself after a brutal and cowardly attack against innocnt people where horrible atrocities were committed against many such as the brutal killing of children and rape against some women, one of which was done so brutally that it broke the woman's pelvic bone. The pelvic bone is one of if not the strongest thickest bones in the human body. Do you have any comprehension of how brutal her rape had to be to break that bone? It's hard for a foreign country to tell a sovereign country thattt the can't retalliate with similar brutallity in the face of that kind of aggression. Imagine if let's say China sprung a surprise attack on our nation and in the process your wife, mother, sister, girlfriend or grandmother was raped so brutally that it broke her pelvic bone. If you are human you would be filled with so much rage that you would likely take your anger out on any and all Chinese people you encountered, even ones that have been living here peacefully as citizens and had nothing to do with the surprise attack. Hell back when the Pandwmic first started and Trump blamed it on China and started calling it the Kung Flu, lots of Trump supporters started assaulting Chinese Americans or anyone that looked remotely Chinese. Mind you I'm not saying the brutallity of the attack by Hammas on Oct. 7th makes what is happening to the Palestinians right, I'm just saying that the Israeli reaction is human.

It doesn't help any that the Palestinians in one form or another have been attacking Israelis since they first started reclaiming their homeland. The Palestinians were basically squatters on land that was unoccupied because over the past couple of millenia the Israeli people were attacked, captured into slavery and scattered around the world. The history of this is well documented and is known by virtually everyone that hasn't been living under a rock. Had the Palestinians accepted that the Israelis were just trying to reclaim what was rightfully theirs and worked with them peacefully from the start. They likely would have been able to work something out that would have established a two state solution to that land, decades ago. It also doesn't help that the Palestinians who say this attack wasn't them but Hammas who basically governs the Palestinians, has done nothing to help Israel to target just Hammas but rather just allows Hammas to use them as human shields. It's virtually impossible to fight Hammas and not have innocent Palestinians killed when Hammas is using them as shields.

As far as what was revealed about Trump you're 100% wrong. Davd Pecker testified how he, Cohen and Trump all sat down and cooked up the plan to buy up the rights to any negative/embarrassing stories about Trump at least until after the election as well as publish false stories about Trump's oppponants like the one about Ted Cruz;'s father being involved in the Kennedy assasination because he once supposedly had breakfast with Lee Harvey Oswald. We also have the testimony of Hope Hicks who told us about how the Trump campaign was very worried about the damage the Stormy Daniels story might have on the Trump campaign and that's why they tried to hide it. The idea he did it just to keep his wife from finding out is completely laughable. Here's a novel idea, if Trump loved his wife and was so concerned about keeping her from finding out, he could have just not had and affair with her or the Playboy Bunny Karen McDougal. As I said before, if they wanted to they could have not put Cohen on the stand and they still would have had enough evidence to convict Trump. Given however how central Cohen was to getting Stormy paid off though, it would kind of be silly to not have him testify since his testimony wrapped up all the other evidence and testimony into a nice neat package. Also keep in mind that the lies that he admitted to and got convicted for and is now being used to brand him as a liar were all done in service to Trump.


Well-known member


Well-known member
Also keep in mind that the lies that he admitted to and got convicted for and is now being used to brand him as a liar were all done in service to Trump.
but what has he done for him LATELY ? used, abused, discarded, denied and attacked. that's The Chump level "loyalty" for you...


Well-known member
but what has he done for him LATELY ? used, abused, discarded, denied and attacked. that's The Chump level "loyalty" for you...
In my personal experience as a conflict moderator decades ago, when you have two shitbag liars arguing over something, it’s a wash.

To take the word of one over another is elevating one to a position they don’t hold in reality.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
but what has he done for him LATELY ? used, abused, discarded, denied and attacked. that's The Chump level "loyalty" for you...
Oh I know, the moment Cohen decided to put himself and his family first, he was permanently banned from the Trump Loyalty Club. Maybe If Trump had promised him a multi million dollar retirement package he might have persuaded Cohen to show Allen Weisselberg level of loyalty. Although since Trump was working with Cohen trying to not actually pay Stormy until after the election when he wouldn't pay her even then because he would no longer need to hide his "little" affair with her, Cohen knows Trump can't be trusted to keep his promises? Weisselberg better hope he gets out of jail before Trump gets all this legal stuff behind him, because I wouldn't put it past Trump, to hire someone on the inside with a pack of smokes or some honey buns to "fix" his Weisselberg problem for him.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
In my personal experience as a conflict moderator decades ago, when you have two shitbag liars arguing over something, it’s a wash.

To take the word of one over another is elevating one to a position they don’t hold in reality.
Unless like in Cohen's case you have the testimony of Trump friends, documents, video and audio to corroborate what he says, then it very much holds in reality, at least enough for 12 jurers to convict. Oh and spare me they were all democrats, did you know there was one jurer who made it in that told the court in the questioning phase of picking a jury, that he got all his news from Twitter and Truth Social? I don't know how he got past the challenge of the prosecution side, I guess it must have been after the prosecution used up their 20 challenges? So see, there was a Trump supporter in the jury who could have made it a hung jury but I guess he found the evidence too overwhelming? See I told you, there are people that can make it onto a jury and resist the urge to just vote based on their politics.


Well-known member
Unless like in Cohen's case you have the testimony of Trump friends, documents, video and audio to corroborate what he says, then it very much holds in reality, at least enough for 12 jurers to convict. Oh and spare me they were all democrats, did you know there was one jurer who made it in that told the court in the questioning phase of picking a jury, that he got all his news from Twitter and Truth Social? I don't know how he got past the challenge of the prosecution side, I guess it must have been after the prosecution used up their 20 challenges? So see, there was a Trump supporter in the jury who could have made it a hung jury but I guess he found the evidence too overwhelming? See I told you, there are people that can make it onto a jury and resist the urge to just vote based on their politics.
it is as if you believe anything hempkat , or you are unhinged


Well-known member
this part made me laugh .. ' did you know there was one jurer who made it in that told the court in the questioning phase of picking a jury, that he got all his news from Twitter and Truth Social?'


Well-known member
Unless like in Cohen's case you have the testimony of Trump friends, documents, video and audio to corroborate what he says, then it very much holds in reality, at least enough for 12 jurers to convict. Oh and spare me they were all democrats, did you know there was one jurer who made it in that told the court in the questioning phase of picking a jury, that he got all his news from Twitter and Truth Social? I don't know how he got past the challenge of the prosecution side, I guess it must have been after the prosecution used up their 20 challenges? So see, there was a Trump supporter in the jury who could have made it a hung jury but I guess he found the evidence too overwhelming? See I told you, there are people that can make it onto a jury and resist the urge to just vote based on their politics.
There are no audio recordings of trump agreeing to pay off stormy daniels. If there are, post them.

Not a side note, but front stage… anyone notice that trump supporters didn’t light every city in America on fire and proceed to rob minority store owners to promote “justice”?


Well-known member
ChargeAllegedly falsified documentVerdict
Count 1: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 10: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 11: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 12: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 13: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 14: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 15: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 16: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 17: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 18: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 19: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 2: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 20: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 21: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 22: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 23: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 24: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 25: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 26: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 27: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 28: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 29: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 3: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 30: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 31: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 32: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 33: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 34: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 4: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 5: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 6: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 7: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 8: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 9: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty

New York Consolidated Laws, Penal Law - PEN § 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree​

Current as of January 01, 2021 | Updated by FindLaw Staff
A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.
Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony.

What underlying crime has trump been charged with to get over the time bar for prosecution, and enhance the charge to a felony?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
it is as if you believe anything hempkat , or you are unhinged
Nope and believing hard physical evidence isn't difficult... i mean just the one document with the mathmatical break down of how Cohen was to be paid back and how much his monthly "retainer" fee would be, hand written in Alan Weisselbergs hand writing and signed with his intials is some of the most damning evidence especially when paired with the testimony of Trump's long time friend David Pecker talking about how him, Trump and Cohen sat down and planned the whole capture/killl story routine to keep personally embarrassing stories for Trump out of the public eye. As if that wasn't enough their is audio evidence with Trumps voice of how Trump and Cohen revived the plan to have Cohen be the one to pay Stormy off after the National Enquirer decided not to do any more capture/kill stories after the first two they did involving Karen MccDougal and Trumps driver, because they were concerned about the legal liability doing so many stories might cause. See, that's what theey call in the legal business as irrefutable business that can't be undone by any amount of spin unless you're some gullible Trump fanatic that believes anything Trump say.

If anything is unhinged it's believing in all of Trump's lies in the face of such rock solid evidence.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
There are no audio recordings of trump agreeing to pay off stormy daniels. If there are, post them.

Not a side note, but front stage… anyone notice that trump supporters didn’t light every city in America on fire and proceed to rob minority store owners to promote “justice”?
Oh, nice attempt at a strawman arguement by trying to switch the topic to the BLM protests. But wait, hold on a second, Trump is now saying how all the black people in the country love him. You can't have it both ways dude. Besides not that you would be one to let facts get in the way of a good lie but nowhere near every city in the US was set on fire and looted. That's the kind of lie someone might come up with is their only source of information was Fox News.

As for the audio recordings I don't have access to it but it's out there and we've all heard it. You know, the one where you hear Michael Cohen talk abouut how he's already spoken to Trump's CFO Allen Weisselberg about how to set up a shell company to pay Stormy off but then Trump says he could cut a check and then Cohen said " because he knew that would leave a paper trail directly back to Trump "no no no". I mean the audio is out there if you want to hear it again but it's not my responsibility to find it for you just because you refuse to believe anything that someone doesn't refute in your face.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
ChargeAllegedly falsified documentVerdict
Count 1: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 10: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 11: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 12: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 13: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 14: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 15: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 16: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 17: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 18: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 19: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 2: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 20: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 21: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 22: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 23: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 24: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 25: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 26: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 27: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 28: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 29: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 3: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 30: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 31: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 32: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 33: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 34: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 4: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 5: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 6: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty
Count 7: Falsifying business records in the first degreeCheck and stubGuilty
Count 8: Falsifying business records in the first degreeInvoice from Michael CohenGuilty
Count 9: Falsifying business records in the first degreeVoucher entry in ledgerGuilty

New York Consolidated Laws, Penal Law - PEN § 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree​

Current as of January 01, 2021 | Updated by FindLaw Staff
A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.
Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony.

What underlying crime has trump been charged with to get over the time bar for prosecution, and enhance the charge to a felony?
The underlying crime is election interference and misleading the voters by trying to hide the real reason for the repayment of the hush money to Michael Cohen as a "Legal Expense". Also if you dug a bit further you should discover that you don't have to charge for the underlying crime in order for it to be used to "enhance" the misdemeanor crime up to a class E felony.


Well-known member
The underlying crime is election interference and misleading the voters by trying to hide the real reason for the repayment of the hush money to Michael Cohen as a "Legal Expense". Also if you dug a bit further you should discover that you don't have to charge for the underlying crime in order for it to be used to "enhance" the misdemeanor crime up to a class E felony.
You have to prove the underlying crime happened…..


Well-known member
Oh, nice attempt at a strawman arguement by trying to switch the topic to the BLM protests. But wait, hold on a second, Trump is now saying how all the black people in the country love him. You can't have it both ways dude. Besides not that you would be one to let facts get in the way of a good lie but nowhere near every city in the US was set on fire and looted. That's the kind of lie someone might come up with is their only source of information was Fox News.

As for the audio recordings I don't have access to it but it's out there and we've all heard it. You know, the one where you hear Michael Cohen talk abouut how he's already spoken to Trump's CFO Allen Weisselberg about how to set up a shell company to pay Stormy off but then Trump says he could cut a check and then Cohen said " because he knew that would leave a paper trail directly back to Trump "no no no". I mean the audio is out there if you want to hear it again but it's not my responsibility to find it for you just because you refuse to believe anything that someone doesn't refute in your face.
Like I said, there are no audio tapes of trump talking about any of this nonsense..


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You have to prove the underlying crime happened…..
Which they did thru the testimony of David Pecker and Hope Hicks.Since you clearly don't understand the laws at play and on top of that you seem confused as to what is what. Business Fraud were the 34 charges in question that were misdemeanors and is what he was charged with. lection Interference by trying to hide information from the voting public is the underlying crime that turned the charges into felonies but was not what he was technically charged with.